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The Hagberg falling number (HFN) is one of the most important quality characteristics of wheat. Six winter wheat cultivars from three locations in Germany were analysed to assess the factors influencing the HFN. The cultivars and locations affected significantly the HFN of all the samples. The infection with Fusarium culmorum, determined in another cultivar, also led to an increase in HFN, which suggested that the HFN method is not adequate enough for the true determination of the alpha-amylase activity of fungus-infected, wheat flour. Furthermore, there was no clear correlation between HFN and thousand-kernel weight, starch content or pentosan content. The crude protein content was positively related to the HFN, while the total dietary fibre content depended on the cultivar and location.  相似文献   

Two wheat genotypes varying in susceptibility to infection by Fusarium species were assessed by four different treatments in the field: (a) control, (b) treated with fungicide (Prosaro®), (c) inoculated with Fusarium culmorum spores and treated with fungicide and (d) inoculated with F. culmorum spores. Wort quality indicators (saccharification time, speed of filtration, wort colour, pH, extract, air dried extract and dried extract) were determined using standard methods. The results indicate that infection with F. culmorum affected wort quality, particularly wort colour and significantly extended (or stopped) saccharification and rate of filtration. Treatment with fungicide reduced the extent of quality deterioration, even with samples infected with F. culmorum. The wheat type which was less susceptible to Fusarium infection produced less compromised worts, confirming its superiority to the more susceptible wheat genotype. Further study is suggested at a commercial scale to determine the interrelationship between Fusarium infection, fungicide treatment and wheat malt quality. © 2018 The Institute of Brewing & Distilling  相似文献   

The effects of enzyme‐active full‐fat (EAFFSF), heat‐treated full‐fat (HTFFSF) and enzyme‐active defatted (EADSF) soy flours and commercial soy protein isolates (SPIs) on mixing properties and extensibility of dough, gluten formation, gas production and retention properties of dough and bread quality were studied. The soy products utilised in this study presented values of urease activity, nitrogen solubility index (NSI) and enthalpies of protein denaturation according to their previous heat processing. Soy products interfered in gluten formation, weakened dough strength and decreased dough gas retention capacity. Bread quality was negatively affected by soy product addition. The negative effects were exacerbated by an increase in soy/wheat ratio. Soybean protein state was identified as an important factor in determining dough and bread properties. Copyright © 2005 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Rapid and sensitive methods to detect Fusarium culmorum and trichothecene and zearalenone producing strains in food and feed are valuable in predicting potential contamination. In this study the effectiveness of primers, recommended in the literature, for species identification of F. culmorum and basic genes encoding for mycotoxin production was tested. A total of 68 isolates of F. culmorum were collected from cereals and potato between 2005 and 2008 from different Polish provinces. It was shown that from among the four primer pairs enabling the identification of F. culmorum, and therefore also to establish its presence in the material, only primers Fc01F/Fc01R seem to be fully effective in the case of Polish strains. Determination of material contamination by F. culmorum, however, is only a first step in determining food safety. It is also extremely important to identify genes encoding the potential ability to produce mycotoxins. It was shown that three pairs of primers (tox5-1/tox5-2, HATriF/HATriR and Tri5F/Tri5R) enable a fully effective identification of the presence of the Tri5 gene responsible for producing trichothecenes. Determination of the DON-chemotype, and thus identification of the strains of F. culmorum potentially producing deoxynivalenol, is enabled equally by MinusTri7F/MinusTri7F, Tri7F/Tri7DON and Tri13F/Tri13DONR. However, a determination of the NIV-chemotype, and thus identification of the strains potentially producing nivalenol, is enabled by Tri7F/Tri7R, Tri7F/Tri7NIV and Tri13NIVF/Tri13R. The potential ability of isolates to produce ZEA can be determined to the same degree in assay with PKS4-PS.1/PKS4-PS.2 and F1/R1.  相似文献   

Emulsifiers are widely used in bakeries as dough strengtheners and crumb softeners, but there is a great diversity of compounds with emulsifier action. The objective of this study was to analyze the influence of emulsifiers with different functionalities on the rheological characteristics of wheat dough, as well as their effect in the final bread parameters, including behavior during aging. All the emulsifiers tested increased dough stability, although the extent of this effect was concentration-dependent. The presence of emulsifier retarded dough proofing; in consequence, longer proofing times would be required when emulsifiers are used. In fact, the positive effects of emulsifiers on bread volume were only observed with long proofing times, and that also became evident when crumb hardness was analyzed. Sodium stearoyl lactylate, sucrose ester, lecithin and enriched lecithin were the emulsifiers with the greatst crumb softening effects at extended proofing times. However, when the objective is a hardening delay during storage, the emulsifiers of choice are monoglyceride and lecithin enriched in lysophospholipids. This study reveals the importance of the proofing period to the functionality of the emulsifiers when used for breadmaking performance.  相似文献   

Recent surveys have identified increased predominance of Fusarium poae causing FHB (Fusarium Head Blight) of wheat in Europe. Several studies revealed a correlation between levels of F. poae DNA and nivalenol (NIV) and enniatins (ENNs) in highly contaminated cereal grain. In this study, F. poae specific TaqMan assays and mycotoxin analysis were performed on 48 asymptomatically contaminated wheat grain samples obtained from six different locations in northern Poland in 2006 and 2007. TaqMan assays revealed the presence of F. poae DNA in all samples analyzed, however the amounts of target DNA between the samples differed. Mycotoxin analysis revealed the presence of 13 toxins in the grain analyzed, however only ENN B and B1 were detected at quantifiable concentrations. A significant positive correlation was revealed between F. poae DNA (R = 0.75) and monthly mean rainfalls recorded in May (a month before wheat anthesis) in both years. Additionally, a significant positive correlation was found between levels of ENN B+B1 (R = 0.49) and rainfalls in May, however, no correlation was found between the quantity F. poae DNA and the level of ENN B+B1. This paper confirms the increasing importance of F. poae in the FHB complex of wheat in Poland.  相似文献   

酿造酱油米曲霉产中性蛋白酶提取与酶学性质研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对米曲霉菌种F-81所产中性蛋白酶的提取及部分性质进行了研究.结果表明硫酸铵分级沉淀的饱和浓度范围为40%~80%;该中性蛋白酶的最适作用温度为 60 ℃,最适pH 值为 7.0.40 ℃下酶稳定性较好,60℃下处理 20 min,粗酶中几乎检测不到酶活力;中性蛋白酶pH 稳定范围为 6.0~8.0.Km值为2.84 mg/mL;最大反应速度Vmax为0.32 mg/(min·mL).Mg2 对酶活有激活作用,Cu2 、Fe3 、Zn2 、Mn2 不同程度抑制酶活性,其中Cu2 、Fe3 强烈抑制酶活性.  相似文献   

Extracellular proteins from Oenococcus oeni, a wine-making bacterium, were isolated during growth on media differing by their nitrogen content. Analysis by two-dimensional electrophoresis revealed a low number of protein signals. Among the main spots, one signal corresponded to a single protein, which contained a lysine repeat domain characteristic of cell-wall hydrolases. We demonstrated that this major protein, named EprA, was able to hydrolyse several proteins. The heterologous production of this protein in Escherichia coli confirmed the protease activity of EprA. With a MW of 21.3 kDa and a pI of 5.3, EprA presents optimal activity at pH 7.0 and 45 degrees C. This O. oeni protease differs from all lactic acid bacteria proteases so far identified, and thus this bacterium possesses at least three proteases for wine protein hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Seeds from three soybean genotypes were tested to evaluate the effect of fungal damage by Fusarium spp and Diaporthe/Phomopsis complex on protein quantity and quality. Fungus‐infected seeds had higher protein contents than uninfected ones. A selective degradation of soluble proteins was detected in seeds infected with either fungus. Some of the storage proteins degraded were identified as α′, α and β subfractions of the β‐conglycinin, and A3 subfraction of the glycinin. Furthermore, reductions in lipoxygenase and trypsin inhibitor activities were observed in fungus‐infected seeds. Amino acid composition did not vary between infected and uninfected seed lots, so protein degradation should not affect amino acid structures. Copyright © 2004 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

A three-year (2006-2008) survey on commercial wheat grain was conducted aimed at quantifying the intensity of Fusarium head blight epidemics related to kernel quality and levels of deoxynivalenol (DON) and nivalenol (NIV). Grain samples, obtained from 38 municipalities throughout the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, were assessed visually for Fusarium-damaged kernels (FDK) and chemically using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Overall FDK mean levels were 15.5%, not differing among the years. Co-contamination was predominant (59/66) across samples and overall mean levels of DON and NIV were 540 and 337 μg/kg, respectively. When the levels of both mycotoxins were added together (DON + NIV), a higher correlation with FDK was found (R = 0.36, P < 0.01), compared to single toxin data. For the first time, the presence of NIV in levels comparable to DON is reported from a multi-year regional epidemiological survey in the country which should be of concern to the small grains industry.  相似文献   

White flours from 23 einkorn breeding lines (assortment 1) and wholemeal flours from 24 einkorn lines (assortment 2) were investigated for their qualitative and quantitative protein compositions by means of a combined extraction/HPLC procedure. The HPLC patterns of the gliadin fractions enabled the differentiation of most einkorn samples. The absence of a group of γ-gliadins at the beginning of the γ-gliadin elution region was unique for einkorn compared to all other wheat species. Differences in the patterns of γ-gliadins allowed the classification of einkorns into four groups; a further subdivision of these groups was possible by the number of ω5-gliadins and the different patterns of α-gliadins and low-molecular-weight glutenin subunits. The total gluten protein (gliadins + glutenins) contents of einkorn flours were similar to or even higher than those of common wheat and spelt. Typical for einkorn flours was the extreme excess of gliadins over glutenins with ω5-gliadins being most abundant and high-molecular-weight glutenin subunits being extremely rare. Micro-tests on the mixing properties and baking performance of assortment 2 flours revealed remarkable differences. Dough development time was negatively correlated with the ratio of gliadins to glutenins and positively with the content of glutenins; bread volume was mainly dependent on the content of glutenins. In conclusion, the determination of the quantitative gluten protein compositions offers a reliable indication of the expected baking quality during the early stages of breeding.  相似文献   

Grain protein content affects the flour yield and breadmaking characteristics of wheat (Triticum aestivum L). In this study, grain protein yield, grain protein content, flour yield and loaf volume were quantified for four wheat cultivars (Inia, Carina, Kariega and SST 86) grown under six different soil fertility regimes in a long-term fertilisation and irrigation experiment at the University of Pretoria. The experimental design was a randomised complete block replicated four times, with fertility as the main plots and cultivars as the subplot treatments. Grain protein yield, flour yield, loaf volume and mixograph dough peak mixing time varied among cultivars and soil fertility situations. Grain protein content differed among cultivars, but mixograph water absorption and dough characteristics did not differ. The highest grain protein yield was 873 kg ha−1 for Carina and the lowest 527 kg ha−1 for SST 86. Grain protein content averaged 131 g kg−1 for Carina and 122 g kg−1 for Kariega. Breadmaking performance showed that in a well-balanced soil fertility situation, Kariega produced 1025 cm3 of loaf volume while Inia averaged 950 cm3. Grain protein yield increased with increasing soil fertility, but grain protein content, flour yield, loaf volume, water absorption and mixograph peak mixing time varied with soil fertility. The interaction between cultivar and soil fertility was significant for grain protein yield, grain protein content, flour yield, loaf volume and water absorption but not dough peak mixing time. The results indicate cultivar differences in breadmaking quality characteristics and that soil fertility status affects grain protein yield, grain protein content, flour yield, loaf volume potential and water absorption but not mixograph peak mixing time and dough characteristics. © 1999 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Defatted flours of wheat varieties Karl and Jagger, after removing lipids by chloroform, were used to investigate the contribution of lipid to physicochemical properties and Mantou-making quality by comparing microstructure and thermal properties. The results indicated that defatted flours tend to have more single starch granules, higher gelatinization enthalpy, more water absorption, longer pasting peak time, higher peak and hold viscosity, lower setback and breakdown than those of the control. Meanwhile, the defatted flours had improved cooking stability and better ability to withstand mechanical shear stress. The Mantou-making test showed that the volume of Mantou made from defatted flour did not change significantly. C-Cell analyses on the internal crumb grains of Mantou revealed a deterioration in crumb grain characteristics upon removal of lipids from the flours. The grain cells of Mantou became bigger with thicker cell walls upon removal of lipids.  相似文献   

利用纳豆芽孢杆菌发酵所产微生物蛋白酶对大豆分离蛋白进行酶法改性,以提高其凝胶性,并通过测定凝胶体系的流变学性质、水解程度和分析电泳图谱来探究纳豆芽孢杆菌蛋白酶对大豆分离蛋白凝胶性的影响。结果表明,体系凝胶强度受酶浓度和酶解温度的影响,酶浓度为1.072U/mL在40℃条件下形成的凝胶最稳定;同时凝胶强度与水解度有关,50℃时水解度超过12%,则不能形成稳定的凝胶。经微生物蛋白酶作用后,大豆分离蛋白的7s和11s均发生不同程度的水解。   相似文献   

This study aims to explore the potential of evoked non-invasive surface electromyography (SEMG) analysis, in predicting meat quality traits in livestock. Evoked SEMG is a system that records, transdermally, electrical signals generated in muscle fibres upon external stimulation. These signals are reported as compound muscle action potentials (CMAP). CMAP parameters of LD correlated negatively and significantly to ultimate pH (pH 24 h) at day 61, but not at day 153 after birth, and a similar albeit positive correlation was observed for muscle glycogen content. Muscle glycogen content and pH 24 h correlated negatively in LD and BF. Negative significant correlations between CMAP parameters and shear force were found in LD at day 153 after birth, which might, in the range of the recording electrodes, reflect the combined effect of large cross-sectional area fibres and reduced perimysium content per unit volume of muscle. The fact that correlations between CMAP characteristics and quality traits of both metabolic and non metabolic origin could be established, warrants a fuller investigation of this method in terms of its potential as a predictive tool for meat quality traits in live animals.  相似文献   

A previous study [Yoshida, H. et al., J. Biochem., 140, 813-823 (2006)] revealed that a protein of unknown nature was copurified with PDM phosphatase of Fusarium moniliforme. In this study, the identity of this protein was investigated. The results of homology search for the tryptic peptides derived from the purified preparation of PDM phosphatase strongly suggested that it might be serine carboxypeptidase. In fact, carboxypeptidase activity was demonstrated in the preparation and partial separation of carboxypeptidase from PDM phosphatase was achieved by gel filtration high-performance liquid chromatography. Cloning and sequencing of the full-length cDNA encoding the carboxypeptidase was successfully conducted. The cDNA possessed an open reading frame for a protein of 575 amino acid residues with a molecular mass of 64,650 Da, which was highly homologous to certain fungal serine carboxypeptidases. Comparison of the deduced amino acid sequence with the N-terminal sequence of the separated carboxypeptidase revealed that the mature enzyme starts at serine 56 of the precursor and has a molecular mass of 58,487 Da. Cloning and sequencing of the genomic DNA corresponding to the cDNA demonstrated that the gene of carboxypeptidase consists of four exons. A limited number of close homologs of F. moniliforme carboxypeptidase were detected among fungi by homology search and their evolutionary relationship was discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of different fungicide treatments on Fusarium head blight (FHB) development, grain yields and deoxynivalenol (DON) accumulation in wheat was evaluated after artificial inoculation under field conditions with a mixture of Fusarium graminearum and F culmorum. The trials were carried out using commercially available products on five different cultivars of soft and durum wheat (Serio, Genio, Bracco, Duilio and Orobel) in two separate experimental fields located in the North of Italy. Treatments with Tiptor® S (cyproconazole plus prochloraz) and a mixture of Horizon® 250 EW (tebuconazole) plus Amistar® 250 SC (azoxystrobin) significantly reduced the FHB disease severity (by between 25 and 77%) and DON content (by between 32 and 89%) in the grain as compared with the inoculated control. Yields (tonne ha?1) and thousand grain weight (TGW) were higher in plots subjected to fungicide treatments. Tetraconazole (Eminent® 40 EW) showed a markedly reduced effectiveness compared with the other treatments. Regression analysis showed a strong correlation of disease severity with DON levels (positive correlation) and with yields or TGW (negative correlation) for individual cultivars and locations. Fusarium graminearum, F culmorum and F poae were the species most commonly isolated from all trials, including inoculated and non‐inoculated control plots. Copyright © 2004 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The effects of increasing levels of a wide range of purified saturated (C12:0–C22:0) and unsaturated (C18:1 cis, C18:1 trans, C18:2, C18:3) monoglycerides on Canadian short process (CSP) and sponge and dough (SDP) mixing properties, bread quality and crumb firmness during storage have been studied. For both processes, higher levels (0.5–1.0%) of polyunsaturated monoglycerides (C18:2, C18:3) caused the largest significant (p < 0.05) increases in mixing time and mixing energy requirements while shorter chain saturated monoglycerides (C12:0, C14:0) significantly increased mixing time and energy requirements for the CSP. Most monoglycerides had positive effects on CSP loaf volume and bread score while no improvement was evident for the SDP. For both processes, crumb firmness during storage was significantly reduced by addition of C16:0 and C18:0 saturated and cis- and trans- monounsaturated monoglycerides and was significantly increased by addition of C12:0 and the polyunsaturated monoglycerides. Changes in crumb firmness during storage were attributed to the effects of monoglycerides on both initial crumb firmness and the rate of crumb firming. The baking process appeared to have a strong influence on the relative impact of monoglycerides on overall crumb firmness and, in particular, initial firmness.  相似文献   

研究了花生蛋白粉的部分功能特性及添加花生蛋白粉对小麦粉品质的影响。研究表明,花生蛋白粉的吸油性保持在0.8~1.2mL/g,持水性在1.0g/g左右,持水性随pH的上升略有上升。在面粉中添加3%的花生蛋白粉面筋筋力最强,添加量为6%时对缓解面粉的弱化速度效果最好,且温度到90℃时,各种添加量面粉的酶仍然有一点活性。  相似文献   

制粉工序不同节点或逐层研磨的小麦粉表示籽粒从外到内不同部位的组分,因其蛋白组分含量和性质各不相同,具有不同的加工特性。明确不同部位蛋白质理化特性,可为制粉、配粉和专用粉生产提供参考。本文综述了小麦蛋白质的分类、蛋白质及其组分在小麦籽粒中的分布,以及不同组分蛋白质的理化性质。小麦籽粒由内向外,蛋白质含量逐渐增大,面筋含量先逐渐增加后降低。越接近外层胚乳或糊粉层,清蛋白、球蛋白、麦醇溶蛋白、麦谷蛋白、十二烷基硫酸钠可溶蛋白、谷蛋白大聚体含量、面筋指数、沉降指数等呈现逐渐增大的趋势,各蛋白质组分的增加幅度不同;面团吸水率和拉伸面积逐渐增加,延伸性逐渐降低;面团形成时间、稳定时间、拉伸阻力等变化规律不明显,总体表现为波动至较大值后降低。  相似文献   

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