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A fermented cowpea flour was prepared by fermenting dehulled beans in three volumes of water at 38°C for 48 h. After fermentation the beans were washed, dried then ground it into flour.
The flour was acidic, and slightly greenish white in color. The composition was 21% protein, 2.5% oil, 1.6% ash and 66.6% carbohydrate. It also contained 35 LU. beta-carotene, 1.28 mg ascorbic acid, 1.03 mg thiamin and 0.64 mg pyridoxine. Nitrogen solubility index, water absorption, and viscosity became greater after fermentation. Two products; bread and chips, were prepared using unfermented and fermented cowpea flour as an ingredient. The products containing unfermented cowpea flour were scored higher than the ones containing unfermented cowpea flour. African panelists gave higher scores than American panelists.  相似文献   

SUMMARY— Malathion in the feed of laying hens did not produce any indications of adverse effects on the flavor of the cooked meat or on the nutrient composition of the egg whites and egg yolks.  相似文献   

Fenugreek seeds (raw, soaked and germinated) were analyzed for their chemical composition. Raw fenugreek seeds contained higher amount of dietary fiber 46.50% followed by 42.12% in soaked seeds and 32.50% in germinated seeds. Soaking reduced the level of total soluble sugars, reducing sugars, nonreducing sugars, dietary fiber and improved the protein and starch digestibility and availability of minerals. Germinated fenugreek seeds had significantly higher contents of total protein (29%) and total lysine (6.48 g/100 g protein) compared to unprocessed seeds. Germination decreased dietary fiber and starch thereby raising the level of sugars. In vitro starch and protein digestibility and availability of Ca, Fe and Zn were also increased appreciably due to reduction in antinutrient contents (phytic acid and polyphenols) after 48 h germination.  相似文献   

Skin texture was influence by hydration procedure with the methods requiring the longest time at high temperatures producing the tenderest skin. The texture of freshly hydrated prunes continued to change during the first 6–15 weeks of storage. Hydration method had a pronounced effect on the nutrient composition and texture of prunes. No vitamin A loss occurred when prunes were hydrated by a high temperature short time process, compared to an 18% loss in the slower procedures. The skin of the prune contained more vitamin A and iron than the pulp.  相似文献   

Mango (Magnifera indica) seed kernel from Nigeria were analyzed for proximate composition, inorganic ions, amino acid composition, tannin and fatty acid composition. Mango seed kernel had 44.4% moisture content, 6.0% protein, 12.8% fat, 32.8% carbohydrate, 2.0% crude fiber, 2.0% ash and 0.39% tannin. Mango kernel fat contained high amounts of stearic (46.3%) and oleic (40.0%), while palmitic, linoleic, arachidonic and behenic acids were present in small quantities (<6.6%). Of the inorganic ions detected, potassium (365 mg/100 g), phosphorus (140 mg/100 g), magnesium (100 mg/100 g) and calcium (49 mg/100 g) were present in high levels, while iron, sodium, manganese and zinc were present in small levels (< 11.0 mg/100 g). The mango seed kernel is potentially a good source of nutrients for human and animal feed.  相似文献   

A total of nine milk products were analyzed for total and free amino acids and total and nonprotein nitrogen. The products were: (1) whole milk (WM), (2) skim milk (SM), (3) WM fermented by Streptococcus thermophilus, (4) SM fermented by S. thermophilus, (5) WM fermented by Lactobacillus bulgaricus, (6) SM fermented by L. bulgaricus, (7) WM fermented by L. acidophilus, (8) SM fermented by L. acidophilus and (9) commercially prepared buttermilk. Essential amino acid content of the fermented milk was lower than that of the whole or skim milk. Fermentation of milk by lactic cultures decreased the total lysine (except butter milk) and methionine contents of all the samples. Since these two amino acids are limiting amino acids in protein malnourished areas, lactic fermentation of milk may be undesirable based on the chemical scores of the protein. However, the free amino acid content, including that of lysine and methionine, increases significantly upon lactic fermentation of milk. This predigestion of protein might result in an increased availability of the amino acids to offset the reduction in amino acids during fermentation and may even result in a better quality protein. Biological evaluation of the fermented milk proteins is necessary to evaluate their nutritional quality. L. bulgaricus was the most proteolytic of all the organisms used.  相似文献   

以玉米、花生、鲜牛乳为原料,以乳酸菌和双歧杆菌为发酵菌,发酵研制了一种营养丰富、具有玉米风味和花生香味的发酵酸奶。  相似文献   

The acid content of a range of ales and lagers has been measured for some organic acids related to the Krebs cycle, and found to vary widely. Acetate, pyruvate, lactate, succinate, pyroglutamate, malate and citrate were present in all cases and α-ketoglutarate was usually detected. α-Hydroxyglutarate was recognized in a number of beers. The effect of the acids on the pH of beer is assessed. The strain of yeast which is used markedly influences the levels of all acids except pyroglutamate and the conditions of yeast propagation have a substantial influence on the extent of acid accumulation. During the fermentation of wort and synthetic media the extent of organic acid excretion is proportional to the extent of fermentation, but the nature of the acids which are excreted varies during the fermentation period. In synthetic media, nitrogen source is shown to have a substantial effect on the accumulation of organic acid. Pyruvate and acetate levels vary inversely towards the end of fermentation, suggesting that yeast converts pyruvate to acetate.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Fruits of Black (African) velvet tamarind (Dialium guineense Wild), separated into pulp and seed, were analyzed for proximate composition, selected inorganic ions and vitamin C. Significant differences (P > 0.001) were observed in the values of moisture (5.9 and 4.9), organic matter (97.5 and 98.2), dry matter (94.1 and 95.1), crude protein (15.7 and 4.2), crude fat (5.4 and 2.6), ash (2.5 and 1.8), crude fiber (6.6 and 2.2) and total carbohydrate (70.6 and 86.6) for seed and pulp, respectively. Expectedly, the level of ascorbic acid was significantly (P > 0.001) higher in the pulp (35.7 mg/100g) than in the seed (6.4 mg/100g). Varying levels of selected inorganic ions were also detected. The black velvet tamarind is potentially a good source of nutrients for human food and animal feed.  相似文献   

Papayas, rambutans, and Kau oranges were irradiated at 0 (control) and 0.75 (irradiated) kGy and stored for 2 and 9 days to determine the effect of X‐irradiation on objective and sensory quality attributes. Irradiation at 0.25 kGy, as a minimum dose, has been approved as a quarantine treatment for the export of tropical fruits grown in Hawaii. The effects of irradiation and storage on specific sensory attributes were dependent on the specific fruit. Aroma and flavor tended to be more intense in the irradiated fruit. Firmness decreased as a result of irradiation and storage, though significant only in rambutans. The color of the rambutans and oranges were significantly affected by irradiation. Irradiation did not contribute to significant changes in the ascorbic acid and carotenoid contents, pH, titratable acidity, and total soluble solids. Adaptation of X‐ray irradiation as a quarantine treatment should enhance the marketability of tropical fruits.  相似文献   

Legumes provide an important part of the world's protein requirements, as well as other nutrients, but they are underutilized as food. A major factor limiting expanded consumption is storage induced textural defects that prolong cooking time and demand correspondingly higher energy requirements for preparation. These defects, including the hard-to-cook phenomenon and hardshell, are initiated by structural and compositional factors but can be at least partially controlled by storage and processing conditions. Structural components implicated include seed coat, cell walls, middle lamella, starch granules and membranes while, compositionally, proteins, carbohydrates, phytate, polyphenols and lignin may also be important. Methods of texture measurement of legumes, including mechanical, physical and sensory properties are reviewed. The most commonly held hypothesis for the mechanism of the hard-to-cook defect states that beans fail to soften after exposure to high temperature and humidity storage because the increased water activity potentiates phytase which hydrolyzes phytate, rendering it no longer capable of chelating the Ca++ and Mg++ ions of the middle lamella and, hence, undissoluble. More recent evidence, however, provides potential roles for lignification, starch gelatinization and perhaps other mechanisms depending upon conditions. The possibility of a nonenzymatic as well as an enzymatic route is raised and thoughts presented on a course of action for future research.  相似文献   

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