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In 1984, a study in Goteborg, Sweden, reported the quality of life of 61 out-patients with schizophrenia (DSM-III) to be low, despite their high standard of living. The respondents used an instrument (QLS-100) developed by the author to indicate which of 100 items they considered to be unsatisfactory. Interviews captured objective conditions of the patients' lives and their quality-of-life goals for each unsatisfactory item. The results of the study led during the late 1980s to deliberately individualized services, aimed at helping patients to attain their own quality-of-life goals. In total, 40 of the subjects took part in a 10-year follow-up. The 1994 study showed that the incidence of living alone in one's own home increased. Overall quality of life remained unchanged. Although still low, quality of life increased significantly in three of 14 domains, namely contacts, inner experiences, and knowledge and education. The reasons for these improvements and the maintained overall quality of life could be that patients increased their ability to interact with the environment, that they increased and/or modified their aspirations in the light of available resources and/or deficits, and that housekeeping assistance and service were provided conditional on the patients' own quality-of-life goals and needs.  相似文献   

The genus Enterovirus is a large group of viruses belonging to the family Picornaviridae. They have a worldwide distribution, cause a wide spectrum of disease, and are a common cause of central nervous system disease. Included among the sixty-six enterovirus serotypes known to infect humans are the three poliovirus (PV) serotypes, the cause of paralytic poliomyelitis (PPM). PPM has been controlled in many parts of the world by vaccination. Molecular and functional comparison of PV vaccine strain and wild neurovirulent PV strains has provided an insight into mechanisms of neurovirulence. Enteroviruses are also the most commonly implicated viral agents of aseptic meningitis. Less commonly they cause a more serious encephalitis. Specific antiviral treatment for enterovirus infections is not currently available. Virological diagnosis is nonetheless important to distinguish between enterovirus-induced meningitis or encephalitis and other treatable causes of disease with a similar clinical picture.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To estimate the effects among nulliparae of early augmentation with amniotomy and oxytocin on caesarean delivery, and on other indicators of maternal and neonatal morbidity including transfusion. Apgar score < 7 at 5 minutes, and admission to the special care nursery. DESIGN: Meta-analysis. METHODS: Published studies were identified through manual and computerised searches. Two unpublished studies were identified through direct communication with the investigators. Twelve trials were identified which compared a policy of early labour augmentation including amniotomy followed by oxytocin with a less active form of management. Two methodologically unacceptable studies were excluded. Studies were grouped according to whether they admitted only women with abnormal progress (therapy trials: n = 3) or accepted women with normal labour (prevention trials: n = 7). RESULTS: Unstratified analysis did not provide support for the hypothesis that early augmentation reduces the risk of caesarean section (typical odds ratio [OR] 0.9; 95% CI 0.7-1.1). The typical odds ratio for prevention trials was similar to that obtained in the unstratified analysis (typical OR 0.9, 95% CI 0.7-1.2). Although only a small number of women have been randomised in therapy trials, a trend toward a reduction in the rate of caesarean section with early intervention was seen in this group (typical OR 0.6, 95% CI 0.2-1.4). CONCLUSIONS: Early augmentation does not appear to provide benefit over a more conservative form of management in the context of care of nulliparous women with mild delays in the progress of labour. In the context of established delay in labour, an active policy of augmentation may reduce the risk of caesarean section. However, only three small trials have been performed in this context, and they do not have adequate power to allow firm conclusions to be drawn.  相似文献   

目的 调查慢性咳嗽患者的中医相关病理因素、主要中医证候及生活质量.方法 收集符合纳入标准的72名慢性咳嗽患者的莱彻斯特咳嗽问卷(Leicester Cough Questionnaire,LCQ)评分结果、中医四诊信息,应用聚类分析、秩和检验,研究慢性咳嗽中医相关病理因素及主要中医证候,并比较不同证候慢性咳嗽患者LCQ各区域的得分差异情况.结果 慢性咳嗽对患者生理、心理、社会等方面均造成影响.主要病理因素有风邪、湿热、寒邪、痰湿、阴虚,主要证候类型为风邪伏肺、痰湿蕴肺、寒邪伏肺、湿热内蕴、肺阴亏虚5种,其中风邪伏肺的症状(咽痒、风冷油烟诱咳)发生频率最高.各证型LCQ得分在生理、心理2个方面及总分差异显著(P<0.05).结论 风邪是慢性咳嗽的主要病理因素,此外可见湿热、寒邪、痰湿、阴虚4种病理因素;5种主要证型中湿热内蕴、肺阴亏虚2种证型患者的生活质量相对较差,对具有相应临床表现者施以祛风宣肺、清热燥湿、养阴润肺等治疗,应可有效提高这些患者的生活质量.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Participants in a phase I study were interviewed in order to establish the incidence and variability of subjective symptoms and changes in quality of life during phase I trials. METHODS: The healthy subjects were randomized to receive a single dose of either 0.5 mg digoxin or an equivalent amount of each of four digitaloid mixtures every 14 days. The trial involved five 24-h monitoring periods. The duration of the study was 57 days. Wellbeing, subjective symptoms and quality of life were measured before, during and after the trial using the Freiburg Symptoms List (FSL), Wellbeing Scales (WBS), and Life Satisfaction Questionnaire (LSQ). RESULTS: Eight healthy subjects (25 years) were enrolled in the study. Their subjective symptoms were below the reference values for healthy subjects for each test but above the theoretical minimum and maximum values for total wellbeing, indicating that healthy subjects-not just patients-display subjective symptoms and impairment of wellbeing to a greater or lesser extent prior to a clinical trial. In terms of the total study population, comparison of the questionnaire scores before, during and after the study disclosed no significant changes in wellbeing or quality of life. However, some participants displayed marked intraindividual fluctuation. CONCLUSIONS: A careful exploration of the baseline symptoms is necessary even in healthy subjects to avoid observation bias. The symptom course differs greatly from individual to individual; therefore in a phase I study only group scores of wellbeing should be used to assess the possible effects of trial-related factors. A setting like the one used in our study does not impair the quality of life of healthy subjects and as such can be regarded as a fairly neutral means of measuring wellbeing.  相似文献   

Studies of interferon-alpha (IFN-alpha) therapy for chronic hepatitis C have focused on viral clearance; however, few have evaluated patient's health-related quality of life during therapy. This study evaluates health-related quality of life and the prevalence of anxiety and depression in patients with chronic hepatitis C before, during, and following IFN-alpha therapy. Patients undergoing IFN-alpha therapy for chronic hepatitis C were asked to complete health status measures as well as anxiety and depression inventories before, during, and following IFN-alpha therapy. These measures were compared to the results of healthy adults in the general US population. Thirty-eight of forty-eight eligible patients (79%) with chronic hepatitis C completed the questionnaires. Respondents demonstrated a significant increase in depression during the sixth month of interferon therapy in comparison to pretreatment results. Anxiety scores improved significantly after one month of IFN-alpha in comparison to pretreatment results. Scores on the health status measures did not vary with IFN-alpha therapy. Patient responses were analyzed with respect to biochemical response (normalized transaminases) to IFN-alpha. IFN-alpha responders, who were aware of their transaminase results, exhibited lower scores on anxiety subscales during and after therapy (P = 0.02-0.04). Scores on the health status subscale, role emotional, improved in IFN-alpha responders compared to nonresponders during the sixth month of therapy (P = 0.02). Response to IFN-alpha therapy was not associated with any other differences on subscale analysis. Patients with chronic hepatitis C exhibited health perceptions similar to the general US population, and these were unchanged during IFN-alpha therapy. However, the incidence of depression significantly increased during the sixth month of IFN-alpha therapy. IFN-alpha responders exhibited fewer emotional problems as well as a lower incidence of anxiety during and following therapy.  相似文献   

Health related quality of life and severity of psychopathological symptoms were evaluated in 90 patients with schizophrenia, hospitalized in a psychiatric ward in a day hospital or followed by the therapist in a community care center. No statistical differences were found in the quality of life evaluation between patients from all three settings. The quality of life did not correlate with the severity of schizophrenic symptoms. Older patients and those more frequently hospitalized were more pessimistic in evaluation of their quality of life. Health status transition, as compared to the situation one year before, correlated inversely with patients' age. Male patients as well as patients from schizophrenic families evaluated their quality of life as worse.  相似文献   

The authors evaluated the following variables in the 2-3-year outcomes of 30 schizophrenic patients: the acute/chronic dichotomy, the presence of a postpsychotic regressive state, the quality of the convalescent environment, and the formation of a therapeutic relationship. They found that the presence of a postpsychotic regressive state was not associated with either good or poor short-term outcome; that the diagnosis of acute schizophrenia was almost invariably followed by good outcome, but a diagnosis of chronic schizophrenia had little predictive value; and that a favorable convalescent environment and the presence of a therapeutic relationship were signigicantly associated with good outcome.  相似文献   

Compliance is of extreme importance in assessing quality of life since lost data never can be retrieved. In order to assess this issue in various studies, a cross-sectional study in cured cancer patients, three prospective trials and a normative study were explored. In the cross-sectional study 82 per cent of the patients completed the questionnaires after one reminder. More females than males answered the questionnaires. The compliance rate varied from 99 per cent to 62 per cent in the prospective studies depending upon time after inclusion. It seems that compliance decreases during follow up, primarily because of disease progression. In one of the prospective studies low compliance rate (approximately 30 per cent) was found in the questionnaire assessing religious issues. In the normative study 68 per cent of the population completed the questionnaire. No gender differences were found, but younger males and elderly women were poor compliers. In conclusion, our data support that most patients complete quality of life questionnaires. It seems that patients with inferior education, reduced physical function and with progressive/terminal disease are low compliers. Introduction of the first quality of life questionnaires to the patients is of great importance. Detailed information about the study should be given and the importance of completing the questionnaires should be underlined.  相似文献   

We report the design of optimal linker geometries for the synthesis of stapled DNA-minor-groove-binding molecules. Netropsin, distamycin, and lexitropsins bind side-by-side to mixed-sequence DNA and offer an opportunity for the design of sequence-reading molecules. Stapled molecules, with two molecules covalently linked side-by-side, provide entropic gains and restrain the position of one molecule relative to its neighbor. Using a free-atom simulated annealing technique combined with a discrete mutable atom definition, optimal lengths and atomic composition for covalent linkages are determined, and a novel hydrogen bond 'zipper' is proposed to phase two molecules accurately side-by-side.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to determine the impact of respiratory function and bacterial colonization of the lower airway on the quality of life of patients with chronic, stable bronchitis (CB). MATERIALS AND METHODS: A series of 41 patients with stable CB was studied (age: 63.8; standard deviation (SD) 9.1 years; FVC% 91.0 (18.9); FEV1% 74.6 (23.7); FEV1/FEC 62.8 (11.2) with normal thoracic radiography. Patients with previous diagnosis of bronchiectasia, bronchial asthma and/or positive bronchodilatory tests (> 15%) were not included in the study. Bacterial growth in a sputum sample of grade 4-5 of the Murray-Washington scale was considered diagnostic of bronchial colonization. Measurement of the quality of life was performed with the Nottingham Health Profile (NHP) and the St. George Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ). RESULTS: The patients presented a moderate alteration in their quality of life with scores over 25 in most of the dimensions of the NHP and the SGRQ. In 9 out of 41 cases (22%), the sputum cultures demonstrated bronchial colonization with the most frequently isolated bacterias being Haemophilus influenzae and Moraxella catarrhalis. Multivariate analysis performed with the quality of life as the dependent variable showed an association between FEV1/FEC1 and the SGRQ score (R2 = 0.18), and energy (R2 = 0.09) and physical mobility (R2 = 0.05) of NHP. CONCLUSIONS: Bronchial obstruction is the main determinant in the quality of life in patients with stable CB. Colonization of the lower airway is observed in 22% of the patients and also influences the quality of life of the patients but to a much lesser extent.  相似文献   

M J?nler  OS Nielsen  H Wolf 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,52(6):1055-62; discussion 1063
OBJECTIVES: To evaluate urinary symptoms, potency, and quality of life in a group of patients with prostate cancer followed up with deferred treatment. METHODS: A self-administered questionnaire was mailed to patients with localized prostate cancer who were followed up with deferred treatment. Data regarding clinical stage, pathologic grade, and treatment after diagnosis were obtained from patient files. RESULTS: A total of 71 consecutive patients (age 79 years or less) were included. Of the 52 patients (73%) who responded, 31% had undergone transurethral resection of the prostate, 8% underwent radiation therapy, and 44% underwent hormonal deprivation during the follow-up period. With respect to incontinence, 21% were using pads and 37% leaked urine daily; in 21% of the patients, urine dripping or leaking was a substantial problem. Before the diagnosis of their prostate cancer, 81% stated they were able to have an erection. At the time of the questionnaire, 77% stated that their ability to have erections was reduced and only 29% had had an erection after the prostate cancer was diagnosed. For 12%, impotence was a problem. With respect to quality of life, 52% of the patients rated their health as excellent or good and 61% would be happy to spend the rest of their life feeling the way they did at the time of the questionnaire. Eighty-five percent were satisfied with the treatment policy for their prostate cancer, and 96% would choose deferred treatment again if faced with the decision. CONCLUSIONS: By use of a self-administered questionnaire, a high frequency of incontinence and impotence was found in a group of patients with prostate cancer followed up with deferred treatment. Despite these problems, more than half of the patients rated their health as good and would undergo expectant management again if faced with the decision.  相似文献   

Interest in measuring the quality of life (QL) in relation to health care has increased enormously in recent years. This is also true for end-stage renal failure where it is important not only to provide a better survival but also the quality of that survival. The aim of this study was to assess the relative influence of different kinds of treatment on end-stage renal disease after the patients' evaluation of their overall QL. We studied 167 patients receiving conservative treatment (45), haemodialysis (44), haemodialysis and erythropoieth (36), and continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (42). The patients completed an original questionnaire consisting of 37 questions divided in five groups and generating 15 QL variables: personal data (name, gender, age, basic kidney disease); sociodemographic data influenced by the illness (family history, working ability, employment status); general health characteristics (fatigue, appetite, wound healing, sleep, resistance to cold); aspects of private life that are mostly influenced by the disease (social interaction, traveling, mood, sports, sexual life), and patients subjective assessment of their condition (self care and happiness). Patients on haemodialysis showed lower levels of QL than that on peritoneal dialysis related to fatigue (p < 0.01), working ability (p < 0.05), wound healing (p < 0.05), and appetite (p < 0.01) compared to the conservative treatment. Peritoneal dialysis had also a statistically significant positive influence on fatigue (p < 0.05) compared to conservative treatment. However, erythropoletin treatment showed better results with regard to traveling (p < 0.05), resistance to cold (p < 0.01), self care (p < 0.05) and mood (p < 0.05) compared to peritoneal dialysis, and working ability (p < 0.05), fatigue (p < 0.05) and mood (p < 0.05) compared to conservative treatment and haemodialysis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Despite the increasing importance of quality of life in the mental health field, the theoretical conceptualization of the construct remains poorly developed. A proposed mediational model of quality of life, which links subjective quality of life with self-related constructs, is examined with a group of long-term psychiatric hostel residents. The present study aims to develop a measure of quality of life based on the proposed model, to explore the data and their implications for service development and finally to conduct a preliminary analysis of the model's predictions. METHODS: A cross-sectional research design was employed. Quality of life interviews, using a modified version of Lehman's Quality of Life Interview, were carried out with 54 psychiatric residents in Greece. The model's predictions were examined by using a series of regression analyses. RESULTS: The results indicate that perceived improvements in lifestyle, greater autonomy and positive self-concept are significantly and directly associated with better quality of life. In contrast, a direct relationship between objective indicators and subjective quality of life was not found. CONCLUSIONS: The traditional two-part quality of life model that includes objective indicators of life circumstances and subjective indicators is extended to included the constructs of self-concept and perceived autonomy. The present extended mediational model of quality of life for individuals with long-term mental health problems appears to have important implications for the planning and delivery of mental health programmes.  相似文献   

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