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采用直流反应磁控溅射的方法,溅射高纯钛靶在ITO石英衬底上制备了TiO2薄膜.用XRD、Raman光谱、AFM和紫外-可见光分光光度计分别测试了TiO2薄膜的结构、表面形貌和紫外-可见光透射谱,研究了工艺因素中溅射气压、氧氩比和退火温度对薄膜结构的影响.采用C(胶)/TiO2/ITO三层结构研究了锐钛矿TiO2薄膜的紫外光响应.实验结果表明:较低的溅射气压、合适的氧氩比和较高的退火温度有利于锐钛矿TiO2薄膜的结晶.在2 V的偏压下,锐钛矿TiO2薄膜的紫外光响应上升迟豫时间约为3 s,稳定光电流可达到2.1 mA,对紫外光的灵敏性和稳定的光响应表明TiO2薄膜有可能成为一种新的紫外光探测器材料.  相似文献   

用射频磁控溅射法在生物玻璃基片上沉积TiO2薄膜.通过研究基片温度和热处理对薄膜表面抗凝血性能的影响,比较了基片沉积薄膜前后抗凝血性能的变化,结果发现,在基片温度为500℃制得的TiO2薄膜的抗凝血性能较好,而导致薄膜表面抗凝血性能变化的主要原因在于薄膜表面能、表面结构和形貌的变化.  相似文献   

射频磁控溅射制备TiO2-xNx薄膜及其光催化特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用射频磁控溅射在玻璃衬底上制备了透明TiO2 和 TiO2-x Nx 薄膜样品,通过 X 射线衍射(XRD)、原子力显微镜(AFM)及 UV Vis分光光度计等测试手段表征了样品的结构、形貌和光催化性能。结果表明制备的薄膜为锐钛矿相结构。随着 N2/Ar气流比的增大薄膜样品出现新的物相,吸收光谱向可见光方向展宽,在N2/Ar流量比为 3∶100 时,制备的薄膜在可见光区具有很好的光催化性能。  相似文献   

孟凡明  周明飞  宋学萍  孙兆奇 《功能材料》2007,38(11):1773-1776
研究退火温度对薄膜相结构、表面化学组成、形貌及光学性能的影响.采用射频磁控溅射法在单晶硅片和石英玻璃片上负载TiO2薄膜,通过X射线衍射(XRD)、原子力显微镜(AFM)、X光电子能谱(XPS)和紫外可见光谱(UV-vis)对其进行表征.结果表明,常温制备400℃以下退火的TiO2薄膜为无定形结构,400℃以上退火的TiO2薄膜出现锐钛矿相,600℃以上退火的TiO2薄膜开始出现金红石相,退火温度在1000℃以上时样品已经完全转变为金红石相;高温退火薄膜的组成为TiOx;随着退火温度的升高,薄膜透射率下降,折射率和消光系数有所增加.  相似文献   

磁控溅射制备TiO2薄膜的亲水性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用射频磁控溅射法在玻璃基片上制备TiO2薄膜,并分别在300℃、400℃、500℃下进行热处理.用紫外吸收光谱、原子力显微镜(AFM)、接触角测定等分析方法研究了制备工艺、热处理和紫外光照射时间对薄膜表面亲水性的影响.结果表明,经紫外光照射或热处理后的TiO2薄膜表面表现出明显的超亲水性,而制备工艺的变化对亲水性的影响不明显.光谱、AFM分析表明,导致薄膜表面亲水性的原因在于薄膜表面微结构的变化.  相似文献   

常温下纳米TiO2薄膜的制备及其超亲水性研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
在室温下采用溶胶法制备锐钛矿型纳米TiO2薄膜,研究不同温度处理后薄膜的超亲水性,光催化能力,结果表明:在室温下制备,固化的薄膜具有良好的超亲水性,光催化能力和较高的可见光透射率,且薄膜厚度均匀,温度低于200℃的热处理,对薄膜的光致特性基本没有影响,而在450℃下烘烤1h后,其光催化性能有所下降。  相似文献   

吴东奇  王文文  马丁  李东亮  王聪 《功能材料》2012,43(24):3402-3405,3409
利用聚苯乙烯(PS)微球模板技术和直流磁控溅射技术在ITO(In2O3∶Sn)薄膜表面进行Ag的微网格修饰,得到具有良好周期性的表面结构。研究了PS微球直径和直流磁控溅射Ag时间对ITO薄膜表面形貌、可见光区透过率、漫反射率和导电性能的影响。实验及分析证明,对ITO表面进行Ag微网格修饰,当微球直径为2μm,溅射时间为30s时,最大可提高薄膜的导电性能19.5%,其漫反射性能可提高200%,同时在可见光区透过率的降低控制在10%以下,这将有助于提高ITO薄膜作为太阳能电池透明电极的陷光性能。  相似文献   

TiO2薄膜具有许多独特的性能,作为一种令人满意的材料被应用于诸多领域。磁控溅射作为制备这种多功能薄膜的一种主要方法,也越来越引起人们的关注。TiO2薄膜的结构和性能是由沉积条件决定的。通过改变沉积速度、溅射气体、靶温度、退火过程以及采用其它溅射技术,可以得到金红石、锐钛矿或是非晶的TiO2膜,同时具有不同的光催化、光学及电学性能,能够满足不同应用领域的需要。同时,表面改性可以克服TiO2薄膜的应用局限性,使之具有更佳的使用性能。  相似文献   

蒋小松  陈俊英  黄楠 《功能材料》2007,38(8):1282-1286
采用非平衡磁控溅射法制备了3种TiO2薄膜,对医用NiTi合金弹簧圈进行了表面改性处理.运用X射线衍射(XRD)、X射线光电子能谱仪(XPS)、原子力显微镜(AFM)﹑扫描电子显微镜(SEM)等手段系统研究了薄膜的表面结构、成分、微观形貌等,同时对薄膜的接触角进行了测试.通过血小板粘附和人脐静脉内皮细胞种植试验研究和评价了薄膜的血栓形成能力和内皮化性能.结果表明,医用NiTi合金弹簧圈表面镀一定结构和性质的TiO2薄膜后,其血栓形成能力和内皮化性能得到明显提高.  相似文献   

纳米钛基TiO2薄膜生长特点和生物活性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用直流磁控溅射法分别在纳米晶体钛和粗晶粒工业纯钛表面沉积TiO2薄膜,研究了纳米钛基TiO2薄膜的结构形貌、形核、生长、晶体结构和体外生物活性。用扫描电镜和X射线衍射仪分析了薄膜的表面形貌和晶体结构,用体外模拟人体体液浸泡诱导羟基磷灰石生长实验表征薄膜的生物活性。结果表明:纳米钛基薄膜形核率高,薄膜非常致密、光滑,晶粒细小,仅为粗晶粒钛基TiO2薄膜晶粒尺寸的一半,约100nm;钛基材纳米晶体化可促进薄膜由锐钛矿相向金红石相转变;钛基材纳米化可显著提高自身及其表面TiO2薄膜的生物活性。  相似文献   

采用溶胶-凝胶法在K9玻璃上制备了均匀、透明、裂纹较少的纳米TiO2薄膜,以无水乙醇用量、涂层数、煅烧温度为影响因素,设计L9(3)4正交试验,以薄膜的透明度、微观致密程度作为评价标准,讨论了无水乙醇用量、涂层数和煅烧温度对制备TiO2薄膜光学性能的影响。用反射式椭圆偏振光谱仪测试最佳制备工艺下制得的TiO2薄膜的椭偏参数,并用Cauchy模型对椭偏参数进行数据拟合。结果表明,薄膜最优制备工艺参数为无水乙醇用量30 m L、涂层数为2层、煅烧温度为550℃;Cauchy模型能较好的描述溶胶-凝胶薄膜在300~700 nm波段的光学性能;薄膜的折射率和消光系数都有随波长增大而减小的趋势且制备的薄膜具有随着膜层数的增加,折射率增加,而最大峰值透光率、孔隙率减小的规律。  相似文献   

采用中频反应磁控溅射方法和线性阳极层离子源实现了TiO2薄膜在线制备和在线离子束后处理。通过对薄膜光学性质的研究,发现氧离子束后处理对提高薄膜折射率,降低薄膜吸收率具有明显效果。为工业生产中,薄膜的在线制备及后处理提供了切实可行的手段。  相似文献   

《Materials Letters》2007,61(23-24):4474-4477
Fluorine-doped TiO2 thin films were prepared via sol–gel method. Optical constants were obtained by fitting theoretical UV–Vis transmittance spectra to experimental ones within Forouhi–Bloomer dispersion model. The results show that doping with fluorine does not affect the absorption edge of TiO2 films. The linear part of the absorption edge for the films on SiO2/soda lime substrate is red shifted in comparison with that on bare soda lime and a broadened ‘tail’ up to ∼ 2.7 eV is observed. It is attributed to additional localized states within the TiO2 band gap introduced by structural defects in titania lattice originated from TiO2/SiO2 interface.  相似文献   

Titanium dioxide (TiO2) thin films were deposited on glass and silicon (100) substrates by the sol–gel method. The influence of film thickness and annealing temperature on optical transmittance/reflectance of TiO2 films was studied. TiO2 films were used to fabricate metal–oxide–semiconductor capacitors. The capacitance–voltage (C–V), dissipation–voltage (D–V) and current–voltage (I–V) characteristics were studied at different annealing temperatures and the dielectric constant, current density and resistivity were estimated. The loss tangent (dissipation) increased with increase of annealing temperature.  相似文献   

Photoanodes were fabricated from TiO2 films deposited onto titanium substrates by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition. The photocurrent-wavelength and photocurrent-voltage properties of the anodes were determined and compared with those of thermally grown TiO2 photoanodes. The plasma-deposited photoanodes displayed quantum efficiencies higher than those for the thermally grown films and comparable with those reported for single-crystal rutile. The microstructure of the plasma-deposited films appeared to be primarily responsible for the high quantum efficiencies.  相似文献   

In this study, semi-transparent nanostructured titanium oxide (TiO2) thin films have been prepared by sol–gel technique. The titanium isopropoxide was used as a source of TiO2 and methanol as a solvent and heat treated at 60°C. The as prepared powder was sintered at various temperatures in the range of 400–700°C and has been deposited onto a glass substrate using spin coating technique. The effect of annealing temperature on structural, morphological, electrical and optical properties was studied by using X-ray diffraction (XRD), high resolution transmittance electron microscopy (HRTEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), dc resistivity measurement and optical absorption studies. The XRD measurements confirmed that the films grown by this technique have good crystalline nature with tetragonal-mixed anatase and rutile phases and a homogeneous surface. The HRTEM image of TiO2 thin film (annealed at 700°C) showed grains of about 50–60?nm in size with aggregation of 10–15?nm crystallites. Electron diffraction pattern shows that the TiO2 films exhibited a tetragonal structure. SEM images showed that the nanoparticles are fine and varies with annealing temperature. The optical band gap energy decreases with increasing annealing temperature. This means that the optical quality of TiO2 films is improved by annealing. The dc electrical conductivity lies in the range of 10?6 to 10?5?Ω?cm?1 and it decreases by the order of 10 with increase in annealing temperature from 400°C to 700°C. It is observed that the sample Ti700°C has a smooth and flat texture suitable for different optoelectronic applications.  相似文献   

The mono and bi-layer TiO2 thin films have been prepared by sol-gel method on glass. X-Ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy, spectroscopic ellipsometry and m-lines spectroscopy techniques have been used to characterize the TiO2 films. The mono-layer film is found to be amorphous, while the bi-layer film shows the presence of anatase phase. The bi-layer film exhibits more homogeneous surface with less roughness. The thickness effect on the refractive index, extinction ceofficient, packing density and optical band gap is analysed. The waveguiding measurements of the bi-layer film exhibit single-guided TE0 and TM0 polarized modes from which we can measure the refractive index and the film thickness.  相似文献   

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