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Proper consideration of the uplift pressure at the base of a concrete gravity dam is of great importance in practical engineering, since it is crucial to the safety of the dam, specifically for a cracked dam under seismic conditions. However, constant uplift pressure, which is suitable for the static case only, was adopted in almost all the seismic analyses of cracked concrete gravity dams. To adequately estimate the seismic behavior of cracked concrete gravity dams, a seismic uplift pressure model is proposed for a penetrated crack. In this model, the amount and the distribution of the uplift pressure along the assumed rigid crack walls are determined by the earthquake acceleration, the water heads, the aperture of the crack, and the opening/closing velocity. Application of the model to a typical concrete gravity dam with a penetrated crack at the base reveals that the seismic behavior of the dam is markedly affected by the seismic uplift pressure. In general, the residual downstream sliding is considerably enlarged compared to that of constant uplift pressure. Computations show that the seismic uplift pressure can be several times higher than the constant one, increasing the dynamic instability of the cracked dam. It is also revealed that the dynamic water flow plays the role of a wedge while the upper mouth of the crack is closing. When the dam rocks back to upstream, the uplift pressure increases until it is so high that the pivot at the toe is raised up and the whole dam loses its contact. Then the resultant uplift pressure remains constant until the dam is inclined to the upstream. During this period of time, the cracked dam is normally drifting towards the downstream due to the hydro pressure.  相似文献   

Suffusion is the process by which finer soil particles are moved through constrictions between larger soil particles by seepage forces. Soils susceptible to suffusion are described as internally unstable. This technical note describes a method for assessing the potential of internal instability of silt-sand-gravel or clay-silt-sand-gravel soils based on their particle size distribution based on laboratory tests carried out by the writers and results published by others. It is shown that some commonly used methods are conservative for these soils.  相似文献   

This paper describes a mechanistic model developed to understand the self-healing mechanism of two types of cracks in impervious cores of earth dams; Type A core cracks which extend from the interior of the core to the downstream filter, and Type B core cracks which extend from the upstream face of the core to the downstream filter. The base soil-crack-filter system is idealized using a four-element one-dimensional continuum to consider various processes in the core and the filter. The model is numerically implemented to predict self-healing in the idealized domain. The model predictions are validated using results from experimental investigations. A parametric study conducted with the model indicates two conditions essential to foster self-healing: a nominal erosion of the base soil, and a seepage velocity in the filter that is less than its critical seepage velocity. This study suggests that the mechanism leading to different rates of self-healing is the interplay of several parameters, viz, characteristics of base soils and filters, geometrical features of cracks, hydraulic conditions, etc. Application of the one-dimensional mechanistic model to a three-dimensional field-scale scenario is demonstrated.  相似文献   

This paper describes the experimental methods developed to understand the self-healing or progressive erosion of core cracks in earth dams. Concentrated leaks through two types of core cracks are simulated experimentally in flow cells of different configurations. Results of experimental investigations indicate that the current empirical filter criterion for base soils with fines content more than 85%, which stipulates that (D15F/d85B) should be less than 9, is conservative. However, analysis of experimental results suggests that the (D15F/d85B) ratios can not indicate the rate of self-healing or progressive erosion. It also leads to a conclusion that mechanistic understanding, rather than another improved empirical criterion, may be needed for quantitative prediction of self-healing or progressive erosion. In this study, we identified two groups of quantitative parameters influencing the mechanism of self-healing: (1) characteristics of base soils and filters, and (2) hydraulic, geometric, and physicochemical conditions. Experimental methods are presented to evaluate these parameters for which no standardized methods are reported in the current literature.  相似文献   

Rockfill buttressing is often considered to strengthen existing gravity dams that have inadequate stability to resist the estimated hydrostatic and seismic loads. Various simplified methods for static stability analyses of composite concrete–rockfill dams, which represent the rockfill as equivalent forces, are discussed. Numerical analyses of composite dams using nonlinear rockfill and interface constitutive models are then considered. Hydrostatic stability analyses of a 35?m composite dam are carried out to compare the results obtained from simplified methods and numerical analyses. Parametric analyses are performed to investigate the effects of various modeling parameters such as the friction angle of the concrete–fill interface, the friction angle of the concrete–foundation interface, and the reservoir elevation during the fill placement. Numerical analyses results show that lowering the reservoir prior to construction of the rockfill does not have a significant effect on the stress response of the strengthened dam in the case analyzed. For design purpose, it is shown that the simplified minimum/maximum earth pressure method is always on the safe side irrespective of the concrete–rockfill friction angle.  相似文献   

An earth dam can be prevented from a seepage failure due to softening of the downstream slope by providing a rock toe or horizontal drainage blanket. Analytical solutions are not available for determining the length of the filtered drainage blanket and downstream slope cover, though graphical solutions are available for them. Explicit equations have been obtained in the present work for calculating the downstream slope cover and the length of the downstream horizontal drain in homogeneous isotropic and anisotropic earth dams. Similar equations have also been obtained for maximum downstream slope cover and minimum and maximum effective length of the filtered drainage. These equations are nonlinear and representative graphs have been plotted for them covering all the practical ranges of the dam geometry. The numerical example demonstrates that the proposed equations are simple to use, hence the designers may find these equations as an additional check to their design by the conventional flownet method.  相似文献   

A procedure is presented for analyzing postconstruction deformation of seepage barriers due to changes in the pore pressure regime after seepage barrier construction. The procedure uses the changes in pore pressures calculated by finite-element seepage analyses to calculate changes in buoyancy and seepage forces that occur as a result of seepage barrier construction. When the buoyancy and seepage forces are applied to a finite-element soil-structure interaction model, the result is an effective-stress analysis that rigorously models seepage effects. This paper discusses application of the procedure to five dams to calculate postconstruction deformation and stresses in seepage barriers. The results of the analyses indicate that deformation due to pore pressure regime changes is a likely mechanism causing cracking in rigid seepage barriers.  相似文献   

Seasonal temperature displacements are an important component of the total displacements recorded by pendulum measurements at gravity dams located in northern regions. A hybrid dam displacement model is presented in this paper to interpret these displacements and extrapolate the response for an extreme thermal event not yet experienced by the dam. The hybrid model uses a simplified deterministic structural dam representation with beam elements in complement to a hydrostatic seasonal time (HST) statistical displacement model. Comparisons are first established between 1D heat transfer analyses of typical gravity dam sections, and 2D finite-element (FE) analyses. Thermomechanical displacements are compared to show the validity of the proposed simplified deterministic beam model for typical dams. A case study of an actual 40?m gravity dam located in Quebec, Canada is then presented. It is shown that the deterministic model can be calibrated using the pendulum displacements and the HST model. The calibrated deterministic model is then used to extrapolate the displacement response for extreme thermal events not yet experienced by the dam. The proposed methodology represents a simple extension of the gravity method, widely used to verify gravity dam stability, as a first step to interpret recorded pendulum displacements and set appropriate warning and alarm levels on a rational basis before developing 2D and 3D thermomechanical FE deterministic dam models that require a lot of resources and expertise to be used effectively.  相似文献   

Time for Development of Internal Erosion and Piping in Embankment Dams   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A method is presented for the approximate estimation of the time for progression of internal erosion and piping, and development of a breach leading to failure in embankment dams and their foundations. The method accounts for the nature of the soils in the dam core, the foundation, and the materials in the downstream zone of the dam.?Guidance is also provided on the detectability of internal erosion and piping, taking account of the mechanism of initiation, continuation, and progression to form a breach, for internal erosion and piping in the embankment, the foundation and from the embankment to foundation.?It is shown that in many dams which have poor internal erosion and seepage control and are constructed mainly of earthfill, the time for potential development of piping is short, and for these dams continuous monitoring of seepage or surveillance would be needed to detect the piping in time to give warning of possible failure, and to give time to attempt intervention to prevent the failure.  相似文献   

This paper discusses investigations of potential block hazards in ten existing American concrete arch and buttress dams. Block theory was used to identify and describe all removable blocks, based on the study of construction photos and logs, and new mapping, often done on steep valley sides. Water forces on the block faces were calculated for stability analysis using a map of the phreatic surface or an estimated flow regime along the subsurface boundary of the block. In some cases, block hazards were shown to be nonexistent because there were no real intersections of significant discontinuities of sufficient extent to cut out a block, or there was no kinematically possible mode of failure with the prevailing force system. Several dams had blocks that were removable but judged sufficiently safe with the applicable friction angles. Three structures demanded attention: A spillway structure was armored to prevent further erosion that diminished the resistance of a key block in its foundation; a dome and buttress structure received a reinforced concrete buttress to add passive support against a block critically located in the abutment; and a drainage adit and deep drains drilled from the surface and from the adit were constructed to raise the safety factor of a large block beneath the abutment of an arch dam.  相似文献   

In the design and construction of embankment dams, our current capability for precise mathematical analysis and modeling of induced stresses and deformations, or of potential seepage patterns, far exceeds our capability to make judgments of comparable accuracy concerning, for example, the site and geology or how the soil properties may be affected by the weather or by the contractor’s methods. In addition, there is often a lack of adequate communication between the design and the supervision of construction. These uncertainties or doubts about the actual performance of the dam when constructed are discussed in the paper and illustrated by case history examples, with particular reference to the uncertain effects of cold weather, to the use of broadly graded soils (tills) as core and to problems in the placement, and segregation of tills and filter materials.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a dam-breach model which predicts, in a simple but physically based manner, not only the peak discharge but the whole outflow hydrograph and breach development. The following aspects are taken into account: the geometry of the embankment, the shape of the reservoir, the hydraulic characteristics of the flow through the breach and its erosive capacity, and the shape of the breach. The model needs only one calibration parameter and can be easily applied to real cases. The application of the model with a single value of the calibration parameter produced excellent results in the simulation of 12 historic earthfill dam failures, with a discharge range covering three orders of magnitude.  相似文献   

System simulation has proved to be an effective tool for planning and improving the performance of a construction process in many successful case studies. However, with the aid of a three dimensional (3D) visualization system, simulation technology will be engaged to its farthest-reaching potential. This paper presents a geographic information system (GIS)-based visual simulation method, in which system simulation techniques are integrated with visualization techniques. The GIS-based visual simulation system (GVSS) was developed by the authors. The GVSS is a simulation tool offering powerful planning, visualizing, and querying capabilities that facilitate the detection of logic errors in simulation models. The software also helps to understand the comprehensively complex modeled construction process, and is capable of organizing vast amounts of spatial and nonspatial data involved in simulation. A hydroelectric project, which will take place on the Yellow River in the northwest of China, is used as an example. An optimum equipment set scheme is determined by simulating a variety of scenarios taking place under different construction conditions. Likewise, other parameters, such as the construction sequence of dam blocks, the monthly intensity of the concrete process, and the construction appearance at the middle and end of each year, are obtained. Meanwhile, the complex processes of dam construction are demonstrated dynamically using 3D animation, which provides a powerful tool for quickly and comprehensively understanding the whole construction process. The GVSS has proven to be a helpful and useful tool for the design and management of concrete dams.  相似文献   

This paper applies viscoelasticity and Winkler foundation assumptions to the analysis of the energy loss in conveyor systems caused by idler-indentation into the rubber cover of the belt. The analysis yields a simple algebraic model that relates the indentation energy loss to various critical parameters of a conveyor system. Such properties include rubber viscoelastic properties characterized by G′ and G′′, transportation rate, speed, idler spacing, and belt width. Analysis shows that this model is more accurate and more informative than other prevailing models. This model will be useful for the design and optimization of energy consumption in conveyor systems.  相似文献   

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