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Traditional social science often fails when deployed to explain complex human action. In each specific social field of human endeavour, including planning, experienced actors draw on a range of conscious and unconscious performative knowledges to act with effect: the experts simply ‘know’ what to do. Flyvbjerg suggests that to understand these complex human dispositions framing practice requires a detailed understanding of the particular, not the universal. Drawing on Aristotle's intellectual virtue of phronesis, Flyvbjerg refers to this as a phronetic social science model. This article suggests that Lacan's theoretical insights and conceptualizations pertaining to the split human subject, divided between symbolic consciousness and unconscious affect, can help to empower this phronetic model. The article argues that a Lacanian inspired phronetic model is particularly useful for understanding spatial planning and related urban policy discourses, for it provides insight as to how desire and resultant ideological fantasies shape our shared social reality and spaces of habitation in our globalized world.  相似文献   

This article introduces and examines aspects of Lacan's critical social theory, it examines why a Lacanian psychoanalytical appoach can be regarded as pertinent to analysis of planning processes. The article introduces the notion of the Lacanian subject and explains some of the key Lacanian concepts including the ‘Real’, the ‘Other’, and the Lacanian signifier. These concepts are then related to the acquisitions of planning education and professional skill development—what ‘shapes’ the planner? The article suggests that planning practices and decision‐making are often constrained by the planner's desire to conform to self‐imposed perceptions of professional and societal expectations. These practices contribute to maintenance of the ideological edifices which constitute social reality in that they do not necessarily materialise a planner's own values and beliefs, but rather the beliefs and values which a planner ‘thinks’ that planners are supposed to have and to express in society. The article concludes with a consideration of the implications this has for planning ethics.  相似文献   

The use of qualitative methodologies in the built environment presents many possibilities for in-depth understandings. This is critical in a world where complex layers of difference must be appreciated and sensitively accommodated in neighbourhoods, towns and cities. Nevertheless, qualitative researchers in the built environment have had to fight for the legitimacy of their approach, arguing that it is of equal significance to more traditionally accepted modes of inquiry. My article is set in this historical context. Focusing on urban planning, it relays a personal journey—that of qualitative researcher, educator and practitioner working to develop understandings of everyday expressions of difference. I discuss specific examples of qualitative research and practice in urban planning, showing how they have enhanced knowledge of contemporary people/place relationships in culturally diverse contexts. In an increasingly multicultural world where change is omnipresent, such awareness must underpin built environment policy and practice. I conclude by suggesting that people-centred environments will only be developed by researchers and practitioners working holistically and in heartful ways.  相似文献   

Planning theory is increasingly concerned with how urban planning is engaged in the management of cultural difference and diversity. But there is a need to consider the conditions by which difference is ‘allowed’ in processes of planning and urban development. This paper explores the conditions under which the Roma is admitted into the image of Jungbusch, Mannheim, as a ‘diverse’ neighbourhood, and thereby into the category of diversity in the local discourse of planning. We argue that cultural differences are allowed in the category of diversity to the degree that they contribute to the economic and normative aims of managed diversity.  相似文献   

“智慧城市”是在全球广泛展开的未来城市发展的新理念和新实践,必然会对城市规划这一控制土地和空间资源的重要公共政策产生影响,并要求城市规划做出相应变化与之接轨.通过阐述“智慧城市”的内涵及其对城市规划的意义,从理念与实践两大视角重点分析了“智慧城市”背景下的城市规划创新,以期突破传统的城市规划实践的局限性,进而实现智慧的城市规划.  相似文献   

Issues of urban equity have long been linked to urban planning. Yet in practice the quest for the ‘just city’, defined in terms of democracy, diversity, difference and sustainability, has proven to be highly problematic. Drawing on examples from the Australian urban context, we argue that the imperative of climate change adds urgency to the longstanding equity agenda of planning in cities. In our normative quest for the climate-just city we offer a conceptual and analytical framework for integrating the principles of climate justice and equity into urban planning thinking and practice.  相似文献   

进入存量规划时代,城市更新为主 的城市规划将面向更加复杂的研究对象,从 物质空间规划转向到主体与物质空间相互 叠加的“社会+物质”空间规划。城市规划 公众参与作为协调多元主体需求和意愿的平 台和手段,变得越来越重要。以北京旧城保 护区更新实践的为研究对象,划分为政府主 导型更新和社区主导型更新两种模式,选 取四个典型案例,参考政治科学和政策科学 理论,将公众参与过程看作一个政治互动过 程,建构多主体博弈系统模型,研究不同价 值取向的多主体及其博弈过程,进而对其公 众参与系统进行对比分析与总结,并提出城 市旧城更新中公众参与的改进建议。  相似文献   

元胞自动机(CA)被广泛应用于城市空间形态演变模拟,但现有CA大多根据历史变化过程挖掘模拟规则,不能较好地考虑空间规划政策调控对后续城市空间形态演变的引导作用.目前,我国正在全面推行“多规融合”的国土空间规划,其必然要对过去粗放无序的城镇化发展模式产生重要的调控作用.为此,本文尝试利用主体功能区划的优化、重点、限制和禁止等空间管制分区思想,构建未来城市空间形态演变的驱动机制,并利用“顶层土地供需平衡、中层政策管制分区、底层元胞状态演化”三个不同决策尺度融合的CA模型框架模拟中长期城市空间形态演变.研究以粤港澳大湾区城市群广州市为案例,模拟了其2005-2035年的城市空间形态演变过程.模型对比分析和综合比较表明,考虑主体功能空间引导后的CA模型表现出比传统模拟方案更高的可信度.城镇化发展是一个典型的综合自然与人文过程,城市CA建模需要同时兼顾前向历史规律传播和后向空间政策调控.  相似文献   

Integrating public safety and use into planning urban greenways   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Greenways provide much-needed natural corridors and environments in urban and suburban areas, along with recreational, transportation and nature education opportunities for urban residents. However, there is a tension between the natural environment and public use in urban areas. Local residents' concerns for safety through clear sightlines and the use of lighting along trails may compromise the ecological integrity and natural character of urban greenways, whereas natural corridors in the city are often considered as being potentially unsafe, and therefore essentially inaccessible to use by many residents, particularly women, children, aging people and those with disabilities. As a result, the planning and development of safe urban trails within natural greenways can be challenging and contentious. Prospect and refuge theory provides a theoretical framework for understanding the human ecological dimensions of environmental design. Within this framework, a growing body of environment-behavior research provides useful principles for planning and designing greenways that are both ‘green’ and safe. These principles include: visibility of others, visibility by others, choice and control, solitude without isolation, and environmental awareness and legibility. This paper outlines the ‘safe communities’ approach developed in the city of Toronto, Canada, and applies it to the planning and design of trails in urban greenway systems through a series of planning guidelines, with particular reference to the Greater Toronto Area experience. The paper concludes that only when public safety is paramount will the necessary community support be built which will allow the successful integration of natural greenways into the fabric of metropolitan areas.  相似文献   

张世杰 《中外建筑》2014,(8):113-114
改革开放之后,我国大部分城市处在集优发展、经济转型阶段,完善基础建设、推进规模化发展、优化市场经济等内容,使城市总体规划的重心难以平衡,规划与实际建设发展的矛盾日益增多,自然资源、生存空间、生态环境的变化,给城市规划带来了诸多影响。基于此,本文将结合转型时期的城市建设特征和发展趋向,深度解析城市总体规划的核心内容。  相似文献   

北欧生态城市规划及其思考   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
饶戎 《规划师》2004,20(12):105-108
北欧的生态城市规划的核心是对自然生态资源的规划管理与利用,规划针对各种自然生态资源进行实体化的设计与管理,并制定生态法律及控制指标。认知理念的差异,是中国与北欧国家生态城市建设水平存在较大差距的核心因素。在中国特有的社会与政策法律法规条件下,生态规划及生态建设的推进从本质上取决于国家和政府。  相似文献   

Car sharing programs demonstrate some success in efforts to challenge private car use by reducing private car ownership and personal vehicle kilometres travelled by private car. The relationship between what local urban planners “do” and car sharing has, to date, been relatively informal and undocumented. Yet urban planning will be integral to the ongoing success of car sharing. This paper first documents the relationship between urban planning and car sharing. It proceeds to review policy and practice to examine the way urban planning and car sharing interact in Australia’s largest city, Sydney. The allocation of land to be used to park shared cars is highlighted as a key area of intersection. Our review reveals the emergence of several different approaches to the provision of car sharing parking, with parking-related policy used to both restrict and encourage the use of shared cars. While it is too soon to undertake a formal evaluation of the effectiveness of these approaches, this review provides a valuable snapshot of planning policy and practice concerning this quietly successful sustainable transport mode. It concludes by predicting a number of issues associated with the strategies employed, and positions these issues within wider debates on planning.  相似文献   

地域轴的概念、形成过程及其政策意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
地域轴的理论与政策作为联结城市空间体系理论研究与国土规划 ,国土政策的结晶 ,已经在日本的新国土综合整治规划中得到成功的应用。本文通过地域轴概念体系的解说 ,从联合城市圈到地域轴划分方法的说明 ,以及地域轴的空间形成过程与政策效应分析等 ,力图把地域轴的理论与政策介绍到中国的城市研究与国土规划及区域政策中。  相似文献   

铁路迁移所形成的废弃铁路沿线空间给城市带来了空间发展机遇,同时也存在诸多问题。在原漯阜铁路周口中心城区核心区段城市更新中,通过对现状分析和功能定位,借用景观介置理论,引入绿道作为新置,重新组织核心区段内的各种要素。针对核心区段的城市功能和环境需求,提出"铁道换绿道,城市慢生活"的规划理念,营造了独特的城市空间环境,获得了较好的社会效益、生态效益和经济效益。  相似文献   

贾倍思 《新建筑》1999,(1):15-17
在社会和经济发展的许多方面,保护环境和实现可持续发展已成为中国城市发展的目标,在城市零星 建筑设计中,与保护环境有关的具体措施,包括增加绿地面积,已开始逐步实施,然而对于城市在可持续发展中的地位和推进城市可持续发展战略的认识依然有限,对于21世纪新的城市概念,新的城市形态和模式的研究还刚刚开始。已有百年历史的“花园城市”理论仍在毒化人的心灵和全球环境,因为这种城市模式在发达国家和部分发展中国家中实  相似文献   

李伦亮 《华中建筑》2008,26(2):110-112
城市多样性的概念是广泛的,它所包含的主题也是多样的。通过对城市多样性概念的广义理解及城市多样性存在的问题分析,指出城市多样性塑造不能仅仅局限在城市物质空间的塑造方面,而应充分考虑城市经济、社会、生态环境及文化等多种要素,并结合我国现有规划体系,在规划编制与实施管理过程中将多样性塑造与区域规划、总体规划及详细规划有机结合起来,发挥城市规划作为公共政策的控制与引导作用,将城市多样性塑造作为控制与引导城市发展的一种规划手段。  相似文献   

In Australia, large-scale residentially driven waterfront redevelopments have taken on a new urgency and their development has increasingly become politically, socially and economically significant as urban populations have burgeoned and governments have sought ways to house, employ and ensure quality urban environments. Through the lens of Henri Lefebvre's spatial schema, high-density transit-oriented urbanism in current planning orthodoxy reveals tensions and inconsistency when applied to the retrofitting of derelict urban docklands. Drawing specifically on the Port Adelaide waterfront experience, significant policy failings are evident in terms of the planning, urban design and residential densification aspirations associated with this type of development. Because waterfront redevelopments are promoted as supporting large urban populations, this paper examines the capacity of these projects to provide planning processes that can deliver equitable distributional outcomes in terms of environmentally and socially sustainable spaces of mixed housing tenure, amenity and quality urban design.  相似文献   

博弈论是一个应用非常广泛的理论 ,本文在介绍博弈论基本内容的基础上 ,尝试运用博弈论的基本原理来分析和认识城市地下空间开发利用中的几个问题 ,并引发更进一步的思考 ,探讨地下空间规划作为一种制度安排 ,在解决城市地下空间投资行为和开发政策上的作用与效力。  相似文献   

“公众参与”城市规划是上世纪60年代率先出现在欧洲的规划实践,经过四十年的发展,在西方已经成为比较完善的不可缺少的规划环节。然而,在我国“公众参与”尚处于起步阶段。为了解公众参与在当地的实施情况,探讨公共参与的可能性,通过各种调研方式,发现虽然只有短短几年的实践,公众参与已经成为某些城市的规划中的重要环节,但是其中仍然存在诸多问题。笔者根据问题提出了一些解决方案,并且展望公众参与的未来。  相似文献   

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