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WorleyParsons创新性二氧化硫还原工艺可有效地从二氧化硫气体中回收硫,能够处理矿石沸腾炉、冶炼和燃煤电厂排放气以减少硫排放量。该新工艺是对几种成熟工艺的创新性组合:CH4与硫蒸气反应生成CS2, CS2随后催化水解生成H2S,H2S与SO2进行Claus反应生成硫。主要优点是较低的燃料消耗、较少的排放量、较好的产品硫质量和较高的操作稳定性。  相似文献   

硫铁矿生产硫磺尾渣用于建筑涂料的生产研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
采用磁选分离方法从生产硫磺的硫铁矿尾渣中回收四氧化三铁精矿粉后,余下的废渣为铁、铝、硅、钙、镁的混合物,经加工配料可制备建筑外墙涂料。分析了尾渣的化学成分、矿物成分、粒度分布;对尾渣生产建筑外墙涂料的可行性进行了研究;叙述了尾渣制备外墙涂料的制备工艺并给出了优化的实验配方;对该方法的经济效益进行了评估与分析。实验结果证明,该方法使低品位硫铁矿生产硫磺工艺产生的尾渣得到全面利用,具有很好的经济与社会效益。  相似文献   

某炼化分公司化肥厂现有污水处理系统不能满足其排放废水的处理要求,经现场调查和试验,本项目拟采用“微生物反应池+BAF生物曝气滤池”为主体工艺、通过投加“倍加清”专性菌对该厂废水进行处理。研究表明,改造后污水处理系统处理废水能达到回用水标准.且运行成本低,有利于今后推广应用。  相似文献   

微生物处理重金属污染废水具有潜在的优势。本试验在厌氧或兼性厌氧的条件下采用液体培养基对菌种S-1和菌种S-2培养,两菌种在48h后对锌的去除率达到80%左右.大大缩短了微生物去除锌的反应周期。试验从培养基筛选、菌种筛选、生长曲线、对锌的耐性、pH值、温度等方面进行了细致的研究.为今后更深入的研究工作奠定了基础。  相似文献   

控制污水排放推行清洁生产   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李才付 《乙烯工业》2004,16(2):61-66
阐述了清洁生产的概念及意义,介绍了乙烯装置污水预处理系统存在的问题,推行清洁生产的情况及所做的工作,指出清洁生产是一项系统工程,需要付出多方面的努力。  相似文献   

介绍了环己烷液相氧化法生产环己酮过程中皂化废碱液的资源化利用及处理方法,该方法的工艺步骤为:向皂化废碱液中通入足量的二氧化碳气体进行碳酸化反应,固液分离后提取碳酸氢钠,经煅烧后获取碳酸钠;蒸发分离残液,脱出其中50%的水分,脱出的水经生化处理达标排放;在蒸发残液中加入硫酸进行亲电取代反应,固液分离后提取硫酸钠和皂化油,同时处理反应过程中产生的废气;将皂化油在蒸馏釜内进行蒸馏,提取一元有机酸和清洁燃料油。  相似文献   

The present research shows how mild oxidation of coal mostly affects the evolution of H2S produced in the reaction of coal with elemental sulphur. Coal samples oxidized at 30, 50, 80 and 150°C were reacted with sulphur in a temperature-programmed reactor. The H2S produced in the reaction is very sensitive to the initial stage of the oxidation of coal. The strongest reduction in the amount of H2S evolved was observed in the samples oxidized at 30°C. This temperature is lower than the one found in most coal storage places. The reaction with elemental sulphur could be used to monitor the initial stages of coal oxidation, which otherwise would be difficult to follow by conventional analytical methods.  相似文献   

Preparation of zeolitic adsorbents from waste coal fly ash   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Power plants burning coal generate a large amount of fly ash as waste matter. The objective of this study is to produce zeolitic adsorbents that possesses high adsorptive capacity for toxic cations. The sample was first pretreated with a High Intensity Magnetic Separator for the removal of iron and magnetic materials (mainly Fe2O3 and TiO2). The zeolitic adsorbents were prepared under the various conditions of NaOH concentration (1–5 N), reaction time from 3 to 96 hours and at the various temperatures of 60, 80 and 100°C. The results of the experiment showed that the coal fly ash should be synthesized with 4 N NaOH for 48 hours at 100°C in order to have good adsorptive capacity. The zeolitic adsorbents showed higher cation exchange capacity values than the natural zeolite in removing NH 4 + , Pb2+, Ca2+and Cd2+ions.  相似文献   

Acidic waste waters from industrial and mining activities constitute a wordwide environmental hazard. ‘Acid mine drainage’ (AMD) waters are often highly acidic (pH < 4), contain elevated concentrations of sulfate and dissolved metals, and are toxic to most life forms. Whilst bioremediation of acidic, metal‐contaminated waters using sulfate‐reducing bacteria (SRB) has been successfully demonstrated in pilot‐scale and full‐scale operations during the past decade, the sensitivity of characterised SRB to acidity limits their use in AMD remediation. In the current study, we have evaluated the potential use of novel acidophilic SRB for remediating acidic waste waters, in comparision with, and in conjuction with, neutrophilic SRB. Three SRB‐populations (a mixed population of acidophilic isolates, a neutrophilic culture and a mixed acidophilic/neutrophilic consortium) were immobilised on porous glass beads, packed into perspex columns and the three bioreactors percolated with synthetic medium for several months. Energy and carbon source utilisation, and tolerance to acid stress of the different consortia were evaluated. Acidophilic SRB were more efficient than the neutrophilic culture in coupling ethanol oxidation to sulfate reduction and all of the substrates tested were oxidised to acetic acid. The bioreactors containing acidophilic SRB reduced sulfate and generated alkalinity when challenged with influent at pH 3 and above, indicating that such bacteria have potential for bioremediating highly acidic waste waters. Average conversion rates of 0.25–0.30 g SO42? reduced dm?3 day?1 were achieved with bioreactors containing acidophilic SRB, percolated with a pH 4 liquid medium. © 2001 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

论述了氯醇法环氧丙烷装置产生的皂化废水的处理方法,探讨了采用数据分析提高皂化废水处理能力的方法,并提出了相应的处理措施.  相似文献   

臭氧氧化法处理焦化废水的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文研究了臭氧对焦化废水的处理,提出了臭氧氧化酚的机理。研究发现,对于COD值小于1000mg/L、酚含量小于500mg/L的焦化废水,臭氧氧化是很有效的。  相似文献   

针对芬顿催化氧化工艺存在的问题进行了原因分析,在药品选择、药品投加方案、投加条件、刮泥机运行时间、pH值调节、混凝沉淀池增加挡板等方面进行改进。将芬顿催化氧化法应用到净化焦化废水中,出水指标达到国家一级排放标准。  相似文献   

A new cleaner production process for cassava ethanol has been developed, in which the thin stillage by-product was treated initially by anaerobic digestion, and the digestate further processed by hydrogen-form cation exchange resin before being recycled as process water to make mash for the next ethanol fermentation batch. Thuswastewaterwas eliminated and freshwater and energy consumptionwas significantly reduced. To evaluate the new process, ten consecutive batches of ethanol fermentation and anaerobic digestion at lab scale were carried out. Average ethanol production in the recycling batches was 11.43% (v/v) which was similar to the first batch,where deionized (DI)waterwas used as process water. The chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal rate reached 98% and the methane yield was 322 ml per gramof COD removed, suggesting an efficient and stable operation of the anaerobic digestion. In conclusion, the application of the new process can contribute to sustainable development of the cassava ethanol industry.  相似文献   

介绍利用钛白副产硫酸亚铁和废酸为原材料制取氯化聚合硫酸铁的工艺流程,产品质量达到部标要求,是钛白废副产品综合利用的又一途径。  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the use of dry sludge as an additive for concrete, for which it must be guaranteed that the resulting concrete has the appropriate mechanical strength and durability.In earlier work on the subject, it was shown that the addition of sludge reduces the mechanical strength of concrete. With the addition of 10% sludge in proportion to the amount of concrete, the mechanical strength decreases significantly, making it unsuitable for medium- to high-strength reinforced concrete.One possible area of application would be in the preparation of low-strength mass concrete that could be used for bases and subbases of roads with light traffic, as filler, etc.We subjected the concrete specimens to different types of accelerated attack in order to evaluate long-term performance and compare them with the reference concrete (not containing sludge).The following tests were made:
Combined wet-dry cycles using fresh water, seawater and water containing 5% sulphates
Accelerated ageing in an autoclave
Accelerated carbonation
The performance of the concrete containing sludge was acceptable and comparable to the results obtained for the reference concrete not containing sludge.  相似文献   

针对己二酸废水处理装置改造前能耗高、污染严重的问题,从蒸气能量利用、减少装置氧化氮废气排放,含硝酸吸收水可利用浓度等方面对节能减排改造的理论依据进行了分析,介绍了节能减排改造的技术措施和效果。  相似文献   

荧光增白剂废水对人体和环境有很大危害。采用回收废酸、H2O2、石灰等廉价试剂,通过酸性净化—微波+Fenton氧化法—碱化—生物法联合方法,处理某化工厂的荧光废水,使其COD从5 480 mg/L降至75 mg/L。该方法以废治废,生产成本低,净化效果显著。  相似文献   

对含氟废水处理装置进行了改造 :增加水封罐 ,选用与水封罐相联的高硅铁卧式离心泵代替原立式液下泵。通过计算 ,确定了水封罐的容积和尺寸。改造后 ,不仅增加了废水调节池的有效容积 ,且泵的耐蚀性和耐磨性得以显著改善 ,装置得以正常运行。  相似文献   

The toluene soluble of coal tar pitch was carbonized with waste polystyrene. The properties of mesophase pitches were characterized using polarized light optical microscope, apparent viscometer, FT-IR, 1H NMR and X-ray diffractometer. After adding the waste polystyrene into the toluene soluble of coal tar pitch, the soluble mesophase were was increased from about 9% to 52% and the mesophase pitches were changed from 74% with coarse mosaic texture to 100% with flow domain texture. The mesophase pitches were transformed from thixotropy to unthixotropy. By waste polystyrene added into the toluene soluble of coal tar pitch, the methylene group was increased a lot. The presence of more alkyl groups modified the characteristics of mesophase pitches and improved the assembly of mesophase pitch molecules.  相似文献   

对邯钢焦化厂的废水处理工艺进行技术升级改造,改造主要针对预处理系统和生化系统,将A—A/O法工艺改造成A/O法工艺后,废水处理达到了国家一级排放标准。同时对改造前后工艺的优缺点及生产过程中的影响因素进行了分析。  相似文献   

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