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The tribological behavior of monolithic Si3N4 and a Si3N4/carbon fiber composite has been assessed under high load and low speeds in an aqueous environment. The results showed that the friction coefficient of the Si3N4 was not significantly reduced when compared with dry sliding, and this was attributed to the failure to maintain a lubricating layer between the solid–solid surfaces. In the case of the composite, the initial high friction coefficient was reduced shortly after the beginning of the wear test and maintained a low value (about 0.03) throughout. This was attributed to the solid lubricating effect of the composite resulting in lower stress at the contact asperities, preventing the removal of the lubricating layer.  相似文献   

The tribological behavior of Si3N4 ceramics and Si3N4/carbon fiber composites sliding against stainless steel under water lubrication was investigated using a thrust-bearing-type test method with normal applied loads varying from 0 to 1000 N in 100 N increments. In the case of the monolithic Si3N4, the friction coefficient was found to increase up to 0.4 the first time the applied load was increased from 100 to 200 N, and sudden failure of the ceramic ring specimen occurred. In the case of the Si3N4/carbon fiber composite, a low friction coefficient was maintained up to the maximum normal load of 1000 N. The addition of the carbon fibers to the silicon nitride ceramics effectively restricts material transfer from the stainless steel to the Si3N4 worn surface due to reduction of solid–solid contact through the solid lubricating effect of the carbon fibers.  相似文献   

The densification behavior of Si3N4 containing MgO was studied in detail. It was concluded that MgO forms a liquid phase (most likely a magnesium silicate). This liquid wets and allows atomic transfer of Si3N4. Evidence of a second-phase material between the Si3N4 grains was obtained through etching studies. Transformation of α- to β-Si3N4 during hot-pressing is not necessary for densification.  相似文献   

The effects of initial particle size on the microstructure of silicon nitride ceramics produced by pressureless sintering have been investigated. The microstructures of the silicon nitride ceramics varied considerably with the size of the initial powder. With decreasing powder size, abnormal grain growth was enhanced, which resulted in significant bimodal distribution of grain size. The observed results are discussed in relation to the two-dimensional nucleation and growth theory for faceted crystals.  相似文献   

The effects of sliding speed and dissolved oxygen on the tribological behavior of Si3N4 sliding on itself in water were investigated at room temperature and at 120°C saturated vapor pressure. The friction coefficients and specific wear rates at 120°C were much larger than those at room temperature and had a minimum at about 0.4 m/s, whereats -the specific wear rate of the disk increased with increasing the sliding speed. The wear rate at lower sliding speeds in water at 120°C is considered to be primarily controlled by the increase of the contact stress on the asperities which are formed by the dissolution of grain boundaries of the Si3N4 ceramic and the subsequent dissolution of the silica layer of the reaction product However, the wear rate at higher sliding speeds is governed by the direct oxidation and microfracture of the Si3N4 substrate. The tribochemical reaction to produce NH3 mainly occurred at all sliding conditions in water at room temperature and 120°C, and the reaction to produce H2 gas appeared slightly only at the sliding speeds above 0.4 m/s at 120°C. The tribological behavior was independent of dissolved oxygen concentration for all sliding conditions in water at room temperature and 120°C.  相似文献   

The high-temperature flexural strength of hot-pressed silicon nitride (Si3N4) and Si3N4-whisker-reinforced Si3N4-matrix composites has been measured at a crosshead speed of 1.27 mm/min and temperatures up to 1400°C in a nitrogen atmosphere. Load–displacement curves for whisker-reinforced composites showed nonelastic fracture behavior at 1400°C. In contrast, such behavior was not observed for monolithic Si3N4. Microstructures of both materials have been examined by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The results indicate that grain-boundary sliding could be responsible for strength degradation in both monolithic Si3N4 and its whisker composites. The origin of the nonelastic failure behavior of Si3N4-whisker composite at 1400°C was not positively identified but several possibilities are discussed.  相似文献   

The high-temperature chemical stability of hot-pressed Si3N4 was studied between 600° and 1450°C. Reactions were followed by X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. In air, this material begins to oxidize at 700° to 750°C; a distinct amorphous siO2 surface layer results after 24 h at 750°C-Concomitant formation of cristobalite occurs, depending on exposure time, and is enhanced as temperature is Increased. Magnesium and calcium magnesium silicates form above 1000°C. The data suggest that impurities, e.g. Mg, Ca, and Fe, greatly lower the oxidation resistance of Si3N4 in air.  相似文献   

α-Si3N4 core structures within β-Si3N4 grains have been studied by transmission electron microscopy. The grains were dispersed in an oxynitride glass which was previously melted at 1600°C. The cores were topotactically related to the as-grown β-Si3N4 crystallites and are related to epitactical nucleation during heat treatment as the most probable mechanism.  相似文献   

Morphology, composition, and growth defects of α'-SiAION have been studied in a fine-grained material with an overall composition Y0.33Si10Al2O1N15 prepared from α-Si3N4, AlN, Al2O3, and Y2O3 powders. TEM analysis has shown that fully grown α'-SiAloN grains always contain an α-Si3N4 core, implicating heterogeneous nucleation operating in the present system. The growth mode is epitaxial, despite the composition and lattice parameter difference between α-Si3N4 and α'-SiAlON. The inversion boundary that separates two domains in the seed crystal is seen to continue in the grown α'-SiAION. Lacking a special growth habit, the growth typically proceeds from more than one site on the seed crystal, and the different growth fronts impinge on each other to give an equiaxed appearance of α'-SiAlON. Misfit dislocations on the α/α'interface are identified as [0001] type ( b = 5.62 Å) and 1/3 [1 2 10] type ( b = 7.75 Å). These nucleation and growth characteristics dictate that microstructural control of α'-SiAlON must rest on the size distribution of the starting α-Si3N4 powder.  相似文献   

Hot isostatically pressed silicon nitride was produced by densifying Si3N4 powder compacts and reaction-bonded Si3N4 (RBSN) parts with yttria as a sintering additive. The microstructure was analyzed using scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, and density measurements. The influence of the microstructure on fracture strength, creep, and oxidation behavior was investigated. It is assumed that the higher amount of oxygen in the Si3N4 starting powder compared with the RBSN starting material leads to an increased amount of liquid phase during densification. This results in grain growth and in a larger amount of grain boundary phase in the hot isostatically pressed material. Compared with the hot isostatically pressed RBSN samples therefore, strength decreases whereas the creep rate and the weight gain during oxidation increase.  相似文献   

The subsolidus phase diagram of the quasiternary system Si3N4-AlN-Y2O3 was established. In this system α-Si3N4 forms a solid solution with 0.1Y2O3: 0.9 AIN. The solubility limits are represented by Y0.33Si10.5Al1.5O0.5N15.5 and Y0.67Si9A13ON15. At 1700°C an equilibrium exists between β-Si3N4 and this solid solution.  相似文献   

Combustion synthesis (CS) of α-silicon nitride (Si3N4) powders was accomplished at a nitrogen pressure lower than 3 MPa. The combination of mechanical activation and chemical stimulation was effective in enhancing the reactivity of Si powder reactants, which was responsible for the reduction of the minimum nitrogen pressure normally required for the CS of Si3N4. This breakthrough indicates that nitriding combustion of silicon in pressurized nitrogen could be promoted by activating the solid reactants instead of by increasing the nitrogen pressure. The phase content of α-Si3N4 in the as-synthesized product is over 90 wt%. Scanning electronic microscopy observation showed that the combustion-synthesized Si3N4 powders are submicron-sized particles with spherical morphologies.  相似文献   

Single crystals of α-Si3N4 several millimeters in diameter and several millimeters long have been grown by chemical vapor deposition. Some of the microstructural and mechanical properties have been evaluated using X-ray diffracometry, optical and transmission electron microscopy, and high-temperature microhardness testing. The crystallographic growth direction determines the quality of the crystals, including the density of internal microcracks and the nature and quantity of special boundaries. The measurement of crack lengths associated with microindentations has shown that cleavage in α-Si3N4 is relatively isotropic. Finally, indentation fracture toughness values agree well with theoretical predictions based on recent bond-energy calculations.  相似文献   

The properties of Si3N4 compositions produced by nitriding slip-cast Si bodies containing up to 16% Si3N4 grog were determined. The introduction of grog consistently lowered the densities, the room- and high-temperature strengths, and the resistance to oxidation. The open structure of the grog-containing mixes favored low-temperature gas-phase reactions leading to α-Si3N4 formation. In higher-density compositions containing predominantly Si, gas-liquid-solid reactions at higher temperatures produced a relatively greater content of the β phase.  相似文献   

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