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3D shape retrieval by Poisson histogram   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The technique of relevance feedback has been introduced to content-based 3D model retrieval, however, two essential issues which affect the retrieval performance have not been addressed. In this paper, a novel relevance feedback mechanism is presented, which effectively makes use of strengths of different feature vectors and perfectly solves the problem of small sample and asymmetry. During the retrieval process, the proposed method takes the user’s feedback details as the relevant information of query model, and then dynamically updates two important parameters of each feature vector, narrowing the gap between high-level semantic knowledge and low-level object representation. The experiments, based on the publicly available 3D model database Princeton Shape Benchmark (PSB), show that the proposed approach not only precisely captures the user’s semantic knowledge, but also significantly improves the retrieval performance of 3D model retrieval. Compared with three state-of-the-art query refinement schemes for 3D model retrieval, it provides superior retrieval effectiveness only with a few rounds of relevance feedback based on several standard measures.
Biao LengEmail:

In this paper, we present a spectral graph wavelet framework for the analysis and design of efficient shape signatures for nonrigid 3D shape retrieval. Although this work focuses primarily on shape retrieval, our approach is, however, fairly general and can be used to address other 3D shape analysis problems. In a bid to capture the global and local geometry of 3D shapes, we propose a multiresolution signature via a cubic spline wavelet generating kernel. The parameters of the proposed signature can be easily determined as a trade-off between effectiveness and compactness. Experimental results on two standard 3D shape benchmarks demonstrate the much better performance of the proposed shape retrieval approach in comparison with three state-of-the-art methods. Additionally, our approach yields a higher retrieval accuracy when used in conjunction with the intrinsic spatial partition matching.  相似文献   

In recent years, the spectral clustering method has gained attentions because of its superior performance. To the best of our knowledge, the existing spectral clustering algorithms cannot incrementally update the clustering results given a small change of the data set. However, the capability of incrementally updating is essential to some applications such as websphere or blogsphere. Unlike the traditional stream data, these applications require incremental algorithms to handle not only insertion/deletion of data points but also similarity changes between existing points. In this paper, we extend the standard spectral clustering to such evolving data, by introducing the incidence vector/matrix to represent two kinds of dynamics in the same framework and by incrementally updating the eigen-system. Our incremental algorithm, initialized by a standard spectral clustering, continuously and efficiently updates the eigenvalue system and generates instant cluster labels, as the data set is evolving. The algorithm is applied to a blog data set. Compared with recomputation of the solution by the standard spectral clustering, it achieves similar accuracy but with much lower computational cost. It can discover not only the stable blog communities but also the evolution of the individual multi-topic blogs. The core technique of incrementally updating the eigenvalue system is a general algorithm and has a wide range of applications—as well as incremental spectral clustering—where dynamic graphs are involved. This demonstrates the wide applicability of our incremental algorithm.  相似文献   

A large number of 3D models are created on computers and available for networks. Some content-based retrieval technologies are indispensable to find out particular data from such anonymous datasets. Though several shape retrieval technologies have been developed, little attention has been given to the points on human's sense and impression (as known as Kansei) in the conventional techniques, In this paper, the authors propose a novel method of shape retrieval based on shape impression of human's Kansei. The key to the method is the Gaussian curvature distribution from 3D models as features for shape retrieval. Then it classifies the 3D models by extracted feature and measures similarity among models in storage.  相似文献   

针对三维目标(3D object)检索问题,提出了一种基于新型描述符的3D目标检索方法。首先,在分析现行基于视图的3D模型描述符在描述方法上不充分的基础上,提出了混合描述符HD的总体思路。进而讨论了HD总体框架,即在光场图像阵列自适应的基础上,实现了直方图颜色描述符HCD,shock图形状描述符HSD及贝叶斯网络(Bayesian Network,BN)纹理描述符HTD的优化组合。其次,讨论了HD各部分的具体实现及度量机制,最后,对HD检索性能进行了实验分析,结果表明提出的方法是优于其他基于视图的检索方法。  相似文献   

Local density adaptive similarity measurement for spectral clustering   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Similarity measurement is crucial to the performance of spectral clustering. The Gaussian kernel function is usually adopted as the similarity measure. However, with a fixed kernel parameter, the similarity between two data points is only determined by their Euclidean distance, and is not adaptive to their surroundings. In this paper, a local density adaptive similarity measure is proposed, which uses the local density between two data points to scale the Gaussian kernel function. The proposed similarity measure satisfies the clustering assumption and has an effect of amplifying intra-cluster similarity, thus making the affinity matrix clearly block diagonal. Experimental results on both synthetic and real world data sets show that the spectral clustering algorithm with our local density adaptive similarity measure outperforms the traditional spectral clustering algorithm, the path-based spectral clustering algorithm and the self-tuning spectral clustering algorithm.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel approach to the 3D CAD model retrieval, whereby the 3D models are treated and matched as undirected graphs. While there is much success made in the matching of graphs based on their spectral decomposition, most of these approaches consider smooth surfaces and are not suitable for CAD models because of their complex topology and singular structure. In the proposed approach, the models are simplified based on the piecewise flat properties of the surfaces first, and a perturbed Laplacian spectrum approach is then applied to characterize the shape. These spectral values are used as samples for spectral distribution estimation. The perturbed spectral distributions of different models are then compared by their KL-divergence for model retrieval. The proposed approach is tested with models from known 3D CAD database for verification.  相似文献   

Spectral clustering methods have various real-world applications, such as face recognition, community detection, protein sequences clustering etc. Although spectral clustering methods can detect arbitrary shaped clusters, resulting thus in high clustering accuracy, the heavy computational cost limits their scalability. In this paper, we propose an accelerated spectral clustering method based on landmark selection. According to the Weighted PageRank algorithm, the most important nodes of the data affinity graph are selected as landmarks. Furthermore, the selected landmarks are provided to a landmark spectral clustering technique to achieve scalable and accurate clustering. In our experiments, by using two benchmark face and shape image data sets, we examine several landmark selection strategies for scalable spectral clustering that either ignore or consider the topological properties of the data in the affinity graph. Also, we show that the proposed method outperforms baseline and accelerated spectral clustering methods, in terms of computational cost and clustering accuracy, respectively. Finally, we provide future directions in spectral clustering.  相似文献   

In this paper, we derive two novel learning algorithms for time series clustering; namely for learning mixtures of Markov Models and mixtures of Hidden Markov Models. Mixture models are special latent variable models that require the usage of local search heuristics such as Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm, that can only provide locally optimal solutions. In contrast, we make use of the spectral learning algorithms, recently popularized in the machine learning community. Under mild assumptions, spectral learning algorithms are able to estimate the parameters in latent variable models by solving systems of equations via eigendecompositions of matrices or tensors of observable moments. As such, spectral methods can be viewed as an instance of the method of moments for parameter estimation, an alternative to maximum likelihood. The popularity stems from the fact that these methods provide a computationally cheap and local optima free alternative to EM. We conduct classification experiments on human action sequences extracted from videos, clustering experiments on motion capture data and network traffic data to illustrate the viability of our approach. We conclude that the spectral methods are a practical and useful alternative in terms of computational effort and solution quality to standard iterative techniques such as EM in several sequence clustering applications.  相似文献   

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