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Mörlein D  Link G  Werner C  Wicke M 《Meat science》2007,77(4):504-511
This study aimed at characterising 606 crossbred pigs of three commercially available breed types in terms of their carcass and meat quality. Breed G and H were German Large White (LW) × German Landrace (LR) sows sired with Pietrain (PI) boars, i.e. PI × (LW × LR). Breed S was 25% Duroc (DU), i.e. PI × (DU × LR). Most of the parameters were affected by breed and/or date of slaughter. The meat of crossbred pigs with 25% Duroc proportion appeared most favourable because of higher intramuscular fat content, lower drip loss and higher sensory liking scores. Conductivity is closely related to drip loss while the data suggests that the relationship is dependent on breed and carcass weight. The application of conductivity and lean meat yield thresholds to select carcasses with uniform and superior meat quality effectively decreased drip loss and increased intramuscular fat content as well as sensory liking scores. The variation of meat quality traits remains high, though.  相似文献   

The influence of the accumulated exudates released from pork loin of itself on the quality characteristics of fresh and freeze-thawed pork during cold storage was investigated. Pork loins were divided into four groups (fresh pork with exudates, fresh pork without exudates, freeze-thawed pork with exudates and freeze-thawed pork without exudates) and stored at 1.0 °C for 7 days. Exudate amount increased due to freeze-thawing and with storage, and most quality traits such as drip loss, cooking loss, tenderness, lightness, redness, and moisture content were affected by freeze-thawing (p < 0.05). Freeze–thaw increased drip loss but decreased moisture content, cooking loss, tenderness, lightness and redness of meat (p < 0.05). Microbial growth was solely affected by exudate removal and the removal of initial exudates decreased microbial growth (p < 0.05). Exudates were positively correlated with total protein content and total plate count but negatively correlated with pH and cooking loss. Therefore, removing meat exudates and avoiding freeze can slow down the quality deterioration of pork during cold storage.  相似文献   

Lee SH  Choe JH  Choi YM  Jung KC  Rhee MS  Hong KC  Lee SK  Ryu YC  Kim BC 《Meat science》2012,90(2):284-291
The purpose of this study was to compare parameters associated with pork quality, muscle fiber, and eating quality among various breeds, and to examine if differences in eating quality were associated to pork quality and muscle fiber characteristics. For carcass and pork quality, although there were significant differences among breeds, the values of parameters in all pigs were assigned a normal quality class, a likely outcome of the similarity in the area percentage of type I and IIB fibers. For eating quality, pork loins from Berkshire pigs were more tender and full of pork flavor than Landrace and Yorkshire pigs. Except juiciness and mouth coating, over 20% of the variability in the eating quality parameters can be explained by pork quality traits and muscle fiber characteristics using multiple regression analysis. Furthermore, differences in muscle pH24 h, cooking loss, shear force, and NPPC marbling score could explain a large proportion of variation in eating quality parameters associated with the texture of pork.  相似文献   

Pugliese C  Sirtori F 《Meat science》2012,90(3):511-518
Genetic and environmental effects on the quality of meat from southern European pig breeds are discussed. In the literature, it is evident that the breeds native to southern Europe have an interesting quality of products with respect to improved pigs. The free-range system increases the value of animal products due to the influence of outdoor rearing on the chemical, physical and organoleptic characteristics of the product. Traditional food products of high quality, such as those obtained from animals reared outdoor, are in high demand. The studies carried out on native pig breeds in southern Europe have focused on various aspects, ranging from studies of population genetics aimed at averting the danger of extinction and reducing inbreeding to studies of the factors affecting the quality of products. The purpose of this review is to analyse the literature on pig breeds native to southern Europe, with particular reference to the effects of genetics and breeding systems on the quality of products.  相似文献   

Sensory characteristics of longissimus thoracis muscle from three local Spanish beef breed-production systems and their relationships with chemical and instrumental meat quality traits were studied. Young bulls of Bruna dels Pirineus (BP; n = 69), Avileña-Negra Ibérica (A-NI; n = 70) and Morucha (MO; n = 70) breeds were reared in their own production systems. MO breed showed the highest water holding capacity and also the highest thawing loss and haem pigment content (P < 0.001). No differences in moisture and protein contents were found among breeds. A-NI showed the highest intramuscular fat (IMF, P < 0.05) and total collagen (P < 0.001) contents, whereas BP showed the lowest IMF content (P < 0.05) and the highest collagen solubility (P < 0.001). Beef flavour, tenderness and juiciness accounted for the eating quality differences among the three breed-production systems. Meat from A-NI was rated significantly higher (P < 0.01) for beef flavour and tenderness than that from BP and MO animals. Furthermore, MO showed the lowest juiciness (P < 0.001) which could be due to its higher thawing loss. Within the three breeds, thawing loss was negatively correlated with juiciness and, likewise cooking loss with juiciness and tenderness (P < 0.05). The canonical discriminant analysis showed that the three breeds were significantly different (P < 0.05) from each other according to sensory attributes, which justifies their involvement in different protected geographical indications (PGI).  相似文献   

Fifty-seven York-crossed barrows and gilts were fed either a grain and soy diet (CONTROL with 28% C18:1) or a similar diet enriched with oleic acid (HO with 43% C18:1, Greedy-Grass OLIVA®). There were no interactions between dietary treatment and gender and there were no differences in intramuscular and subcutaneous fatty acid composition between sexes (P > 0.05). Similar primal cut yields, composition of major primal cuts, and carcass and meat quality characteristics were found for HO and CONTROL fed pigs. Apart from a few significant but small differences for some fatty acids, intramuscular fatty acid composition was similar for both dietary treatments. Subcutaneous fat from HO fed pigs had a 6.9% increase in total monounsaturated fatty acids and a 9.3% reduction in total polyunsaturated fatty acids (P < 0.05) compared with CONTROL fed animals, without adversely affecting carcass quality and producing suitable hams for processing by the meat industry.  相似文献   

Response surface methodology was used to investigate the effect and interactions of processing variables such as roselle extract (0.1–1.3%), soybean oil (5–20%) on physicochemical, textural and sensory properties of cooked pork patties. It was found that reduction in thickness, pH, L* and b* values decreased; however, water-holding capacity, reduction in diameter and a* values increased, respectively, as the amount of roselle increased. Soybean oil addition increased water-holding capacity, reduction in thickness, b* values of the patties. The hardness depended on the roselle and soybean oil added, as its linear effect was negative at p < 0.01. The preference of color, tenderness, juiciness, and overall quality depend on the addition of roselle and soybean oil. The maximum overall quality score (5.42) was observed when 12.5 g of soybean oil and 0.7 g of roselle extract was added. The results of this optimization study would be useful for meat industry that tends to increase the product yield for patties using the optimum levels of ingredients by RSM.  相似文献   

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