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研究AZ31镁合金异步铸轧板坯沿厚度方向的显微组织分布。结果表明,板坯组织沿厚度方向具有较明显的不均匀性。在板坯的上表面附近存在较多的流线型变形带组织;在中心处观察不到变形带组织,枝晶臂较粗大;在板坯下表面附近枝晶组织较细密。板坯上表面附近的流线型变形带是由上、下铸轧辊表面线速度差产生的剪切应变而引起的。Al、Zn和Mn在枝晶晶界处发生偏聚,Si均匀分布在α-Mg固溶体内。  相似文献   

试验研究了以Al-Ti-C、MgCO3作为细化剂对双辊铸轧镁合金薄带微观组织的影响.结果表明,添加了细化剂的薄带其铸轧组织基本为等轴晶,晶粒明显细化,其中加Al-Ti-C作为细化剂的效果要明显优于加MgCO3的.较低轧制温度下轧制获得的薄板的微观组织仍保留了少量的铸轧组织,但随着轧制温度的升高,孪晶组织明显减少,再结晶程度显著提高.添加细化剂的铸轧镁合金组织在轧制后仍有一定的遗传性,但细化程度没有铸轧时的那么显著.  相似文献   

A newly developed technology for manufacturing magnesium alloy strip,vertical twin-roll strip casting,has been described.This manufacturing process is easy to be facilitated in an economical way to manufacture wrought magnesium alloy strips. As an example,AZ31 magnesium alloy was used to investigate the appropriate manufacturing conditions for vertical twin-roll strip casting by varying the temperatures of the molten materials and rolling speeds.The effects of manufacturing conditions on forming quality were clarified in terms of roll speeds and casting temperature.In addition,microscopic observation and X-ray diffraction of the as-cast strips were performed.It has been determined that AZ31 alloy strip of 1-3 mm in thickness can be produced at a speed of 30 m/min by a vertical twin-roll caster.The microstructure of as-cast strip only containsα-phase(Mg)and no other phase,and the twin-roll casting process can effectively refine the grain size.The fine equiaxed grain of as-cast strips is beneficial to the plastic deformation of the strips,and it is also suitable for direct cold-rolling with a maximum cold-rolling reduction of 40%.  相似文献   

Twin roll casting method is a promising route to directly produce magnesium alloy strip. It is a rapid solidification process with high temperature gradient combined with thermal flow and roiling deformation in the casting region. As-cast strip with proper mierostructure is requested to serve as next rolling feedstock. However the microstructure of as-cast strip is sensitive for casting conditions during the casting process and the as-cast microstructure greatly affects the mechanical properties. In this work, the effect of casting speed, pouring temperature, deformation as well as anneal process on microstructure and mechanical properties were investigated. The results revels that twin-roll casting process can effectively refine the grain size, improve the morphology and distribution states of Mg1TAl12. The homogenization treatment time can be shorted for the fine microstructure and lower the cost dramatically for the next forming process.  相似文献   

The dynamic tensile behavior of twin-roll cast-rolled and hot-rolled AZ31B magnesium alloy was characterized over strain rates ranging from 0.001 to 375 s−1 at room temperature using an elaborate dynamic tensile testing method, and the relationship between its mechanical properties and microstructures. It is observed that the sheet has a strong initial basal fiber texture and mechanical twinning becomes prevalent to accommodate the high-rate deformation. The yield strength and ultimate tensile strength monotonically increase with increasing the strain rate, while the strain hardening exponent proportionally decreases with increasing the strain rate due to twinning-induced softening. The total elongation at fracture distinctly decreases as the strain rate increases under quasi-static tension, while the effect of strain rate on the total elongation is not distinct under dynamic tension. Fractographic analysis using a scanning electron microscope reveals that the fracture is a mixed mode of ductile and brittle fracture.  相似文献   

High temperature tensile properties and microstructure evolutions of twin-roll-cast AZ31B magnesium alloy were investigated over a strain rate range from 10-3 to 1 s-1.It is suggested that the dominant deformation mechanism in the lower strain rate regimes is dislocation creep controlled by grain boundary diffusion at lower temperature and by lattice diffusion at higher temperatures,respectively.Furthermore,dislocation glide and twinning are dominant deformation mechanisms at higher strain-rate.The processing map,the effective diffusion coefficient and activation energy map of the alloy were established.The relations of microstructure evolutions to the transition temperature of dominant diffusion process,the activation energy platform and the occurrence of the full dynamic recrystallization with the maximum peak efficiency were analyzed.It is revealed that the optimum conditions for thermo-mechanical processing of the alloy are at a temperature range from 553 to 593 K,and a strain rate range from 7×10-3 to 2×10-3 s-1.  相似文献   

通过SEM、XRD与硬度测定研究均匀化过程对双辊激冷铸造(TRC)与直接冷却铸造(DC)A8006合金的微观组织和性能的影响。结果表明,随着TRC合金微观组织的细化,均匀化后合金中的共晶相进一步细化。DC合金均匀化后其共晶相形态相似于TRC合金中的共晶相形态。均匀化后,合金共晶相中的Fe、Mn元素均匀地扩散到铝基体中,引起合金硬度的降低。TRC合金的成形性能优于均匀化的DC合金,所以,对于TRCA8006合金的后续加工过程可省去均匀化过程。  相似文献   

Microstructure and creep properties of AZ61 alloy containing 1 and 3 wt.% Ca were investigated. The creep properties were examined using impression method under different stresses between 200 and 500 MPa at the temperature ranging from 423 to 491 K. The microstructure of AZ61 alloy contains α(Mg) matrix and Mg17Al12 intermetallic phases. It is shown that adding Ca to AZ61 alloy reduces the amount of Mg17Al12 phase via forming (Mg, Al)2Ca phase; furthermore, increasing the Ca content to 3 wt.% leads to the formation of (Mg, Al)2Ca phase, as well as the elimination of the Mg17Al12 phase. Creep properties of AZ61 alloy are improved with the Ca addition. The improvement in creep properties is attributed to the reduction in the amount of Mg17Al12 phase and the formation of (Mg, Al)2Ca phase with high thermal stability. According to the obtained creep data, it is concluded that the pipe diffusion−climb controlled dislocation creep is the dominant creep mechanism and Ca addition has no influence on this mechanism. The effect of pre-deformation on the creep properties of AZ61+3%Ca alloy reveals that the creep resistance of the alloy depends on the continuity of (Mg, Al)2Ca phase. It is decreased by reducing the phase continuity.  相似文献   

在单轴拉伸条件下研究温度和应变速率对双辊铸轧、轧制和热处理AZ31镁合金流动应力行为的影响。结果表明,在高温下,动态回复、连续动态再结晶、晶界滑移和附加滑移系的活化使合金的延展得到改善。在473~523 K和10-2~10-1 s-1条件下,合金的断裂伸长率几乎与应变速率无关,而与应变速率依赖于临界剪切应的非基面滑移有关。由于经上述工艺加工的AZ31镁合金具有较低的临界剪切应力,因此在573 K和10-3 s-1条件下出现了孪晶。  相似文献   

AZ31镁合金薄带立式双辊铸轧试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用近终形双辊铸轧薄带新工艺快速凝固、动态直接成形的特点,直接制备镁合金薄带坯。研究了镁合金立式铸轧成形工艺及退火工艺,分析了不同工艺下的微观组织。结果表明:采用铸轧工艺很好的解决了坯料成形问题,同时细化晶粒,提高镁合金薄带坯的加工成形性能。经400℃,60 min退火,可以获得平均直径9~10μm分布均匀的等轴细晶组织。  相似文献   

脉冲电流轧制对AZ31镁合金微观组织与力学性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对比研究脉冲电流轧制工艺与温轧工艺对AZ31镁合金板材的力学性能、织构、微观组织与沉淀相等方面的影响。结果表明:脉冲电流具有促进冷轧AZ31镁合金低温再结晶能力的作用。脉冲电流轧制后的镁合金板材组织由细小的等轴再结晶粒与析出相构成,没有发现孪晶组织,并且完全再结晶,原始晶粒均被细小的再结晶晶粒取代,再结晶晶粒内的位错密度低。而温轧镁合金组织则由稍拉长变形孪晶、粗大的再结晶晶粒和析出相构成,再结晶的晶粒内位错密度高。两种轧制方式下的镁合金析出相均为Mg17Al12。脉冲电流轧制后镁合金的织构具有典型基面织构的特征,而脉冲电流轧制镁合金的织构则出现横向偏转;脉冲电流轧制后镁合金的屈服强度与伸长率均比温轧镁合金的大,但抗拉强度正好相反。  相似文献   

Mg-Al-Zn alloy thin strips were prepared by vertical twin-roll casting.Effects of Al and Ca on the microstructure and the surface defects of the thin strips were investigated.The results show that with the increase of Al content,the quantity of surface cracks of the thin strips increases rapidly and their locations are moved to the center of the thin strips.The alloy melts with more than 0.10%Ca(mass fraction)stick on the roller and a poor surface quality of the thin strips appears.With the increase of Al content,the microstructure of the thin strips evolves from singleα-Mg phase,characterized by the uniform and equiaxed recrystallization grains, to the combination of dendriticα-Mg with Al supersaturatedα-Mg.The minor addition of Ca can obviously refine the grains of Mg-3Al-1Zn thin strip because the formation of Al2Ca and the finest grains are obtained by adding 0.08%Ca.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONMg Alalloyshaveaverywideapplicationbecauseoftheirexcellentproperties ,lowmanufacturecost ,easymeltingtechniqueandnoexpensiveele mentscontent[1] .Oneofthiskindalloys ,AZ6 3mag nesiumalloy ,isawidelyappliedmagnesiumsacrifi cialanodewhichisusedextensivelyinundergroundandfreshwateratpresent .However ,compared withthataboard ,homesacrificialanodehassomedemer its :lowcurrentefficiencyandweakprotectionfunc tion ,soinvestigatingthehighdriving potentialandhighefficiencysacrificiala…  相似文献   

A series of die casting heat-resistant magnesium alloys based on Mg-Al system were developed for automotive application by adding Y and various amounts of Ca. The mechanical properties and microstructures of die casting AZ91 alloy with combined addition of Y and Ca were investigated by optical microscopy, scanning electronic microscopy, X-ray diffractometry and mechanical property test. The results show that the combined addition of Y and Ca can refine the as-die-cast microstructure, result in the formation of Al2Ca phase and Al2Y phase, and inhibit the precipitation of Mg17Al12 phase. The combined addition of Y and small amount of Ca has little influence on the ambient temperature tensile properties, but increasing the content of Ca can improve significantly the tensile strength at both ambient and elevated temperatures. It is found that for AZ91-1Y-xCa alloy, the hardness and the elevated temperature tensile strength increase, while the elongation decreases with increasing the addition of Ca. The mechanism of mechanical properties improvement caused by the combined addition of Y and Ca was also discussed.  相似文献   

Shear bands in magnesium alloy AZ31   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
During deformation of magnesium at low temperatures, cracks always develop at shear bands. The origin of the shear bands is the { 1011 } twinning in basal-oriented grains and the mobility of this type of twin boundary is rather low. The most frequent deformation mechanisms in magnesium at low temperature are basal slip and { 1012 } twinning, all leading to the basal texture and therefore the formation of shear bands with subsequent fracture. The investigation on the influences of initial textures and grain sizes reveals that a strong prismatic initial texture of (0001) parallels to TD and fine grains of less than 5 8m can restrict the formation and expansion of shear bands effectively and therefore improve the mechanical properties and formability of magnesium.  相似文献   

AZ31B镁合金的铸轧组织及其相关变形机制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用金相显微镜、透射电子显微镜对AZ31B镁合金铸轧板坯的微观组织进行研究.结果表明:铸轧AZ31B镁合金板坯主要由α-Mg基体、枝晶间Mg17Al12共晶体和弥散分布的细小析出相组成,铸轧对晶粒的细化效果不明显;板坯在铸轧过程中经历一定的塑性变形,且变形多分布于板材表层;塑性变形在合金中产生大量的位错及位错胞的同时,也产生一定数量的孪晶;经孪生改变晶体取向后的晶粒会在适合的条件下发生滑移变形,孪生和滑移的协同作用使孪晶和位错共存、孪晶中位错的产生和孪晶的变形;铸轧时的塑性变形和高温还导致回复和再结晶的发生.  相似文献   

试验研究了挤压比对AZ31镁合金组织结构的影响.结果表明,258℃挤压变形镁合金在形变初期容易出现孪晶,再结晶晶粒一般出现在晶界和孪晶附近.挤压比小时动态再结晶晶粒平均尺寸为2 μm,动态结晶细化了晶粒.随着挤压比增大,晶粒尺寸减小,组织趋于均匀.挤压比达到16时,动态再结晶基本完成.挤压比为25时,能得到晶粒细小且均匀的组织,平均晶粒尺寸为7.3 μm.  相似文献   

对AZ31镁合金铸轧板进行单道次热轧实验,利用光学显微镜、X射线和透射电镜对热轧过程中微观组织和织构的演变规律进行研究。结果表明:AZ31镁合金铸轧板具有较强的基面织构,当热轧变形量较小时,孪生是主要的变形机制;当热轧变形量较大时,位错滑移成为主要的变形机制;10%热轧态中出现的透镜状的{1012}宽孪晶使基面织构明显减弱;20%热轧过程中则出现{1012}、{1011}-{1012}两种不同形貌的孪晶;当变形量大于20%时,位错滑移大量开动,基面织构也显著增强,并在随后的退火过程形成细小均匀的再结晶组织。  相似文献   

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