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When measuring the tooth flank of hypoid gear, the measurement datum surface (the large end surface of the gear) does not always coincide with the design bases (the theoretical mounting distance), and this non-coincidence error would affect the tooth flank measurement results. Based on the measurement theory of the hypoid gear tooth flank, a precision matching method of the theoretical tooth surface and the measured tooth surface is designed, the objective function of the tooth flank matching method is established, and the search iterative method was used to calculate the compensation value of the measurement error of the tooth flank, when the two gear tooth surface is most accurately matched. As the mounting distance of the hypoid gear changes, two experiments are done to verify the proposed method. The experiment results show that, for different tooth flank of the measured gear, the measuring error of the tooth flank along Z-axis dropped significantly after compensated by this method, more than 80% of the error along Z-axis are compensated. It is obvious that this method could improve the measurement accuracy of the tooth flank form of hypoid gear.  相似文献   

Digitization precision analysis is an important tool to ensure the design precision of machine tool currently.The correlative research about precision modeling and analysis mainly focuses on the geometry precision and motion precision of machine tool,and the forming motion precision of workpiece surface.For the machine tool with complex forming motion,there is not accurate corresponding relationship between the existing criterion on precision design and the machining precision of workpiece.Therefore,a design scheme on machine tool precision based on error prediction is proposed,which is divided into two-stage digitization precision analysis crucially.The first stage aims at the technology system to complete the precision distribution and inspection from the workpiece to various component parts of technology system and achieve the total output precision of machine tool under the specified machining precision;the second stage aims at the machine tool system to complete the precision distribution and inspection from the output precision of machine tool to the machine tool components.This article serves YK3610 gear hobber as the example to describe the error model of two systems and basic application method,and the practical cutting precision of this machine tool achieves to 5-4-4 grade.The proposed method can provide reliable guidance to the precision design of machine tool with complex forming motion.  相似文献   

Delegates at the First International Precision Engineering Seminar, held at Cranfield in May 1981, heard one of the first public demonstrations of the Elite-Cranfield gramophone. This design was developed at Cranfield as an attempt to obtain the maximum information from the analogue (black vinyl) record, while adding the minimum of additional signal (distortion). This article describes the basic requirements of a high quality gramophone record player, focussing on some of the precision engineering techniques which were applied in the Cranfield design, and illustrating how the application of advanced technology may be necessary, even in domestic ‘consumer’ products, where the highest level of performance is an important criterion of success.  相似文献   

A modelling strategy for the prediction of both the scalar and the position-dependent thermal error components is presented. Two types of empirical modelling method based on the multiple regression analysis (MRA) and the artificial neural network (ANN) have been proposed for the real-time prediction of thermal errors with multiple temperature measurements. Both approaches have a systematic and computerised algorithm to search automatically for the nonlinear and interaction terms between different temperature variables. The experimental results on a machining centre show that both the MRA and the ANN can accurately predict the time-variant thermal error components under different spindle speeds and temperature fields. The accuracy of a horizontal machining centre can be improved through experiment by a factor of ten and the errors of a cut aluminium workpiece owing to thermal distortion have been reduced from 92.4 µm to 7.2 µm in the lateral direction. The depth difference due to the spindle thermal growth has been reduced from 196 µm to 8 µm.  相似文献   

对凸轮式传动误差补偿机构的补偿原理、数学模型等进行了分析,并运用数值模拟方法,研究了凸轮机构摆杆角位移随蜗轮误差补偿角的变化规律。  相似文献   

激光跟踪仪测角误差补偿   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于激光跟踪仪的角度测量精度直接影响仪器的测量精度,本文提出了用自准直仪结合多面棱体对跟踪仪金属圆光栅测角误差进行离散标定的方法。研究了基于谐波分析的误差补偿方法,取金属柱面圆光栅测角误差中幅值较大且相位基本不变的谐波分量建立了补偿模型,避免了最小二乘法不收敛的问题。分析了标定测角误差的不确定度,结果显示:水平测角精度补偿前后分别为1.60"和0.90",俯仰测角精度补偿前后分别为4.89"和0.91",精度分别提高了44%和81%,从角秒级提高到了亚角秒级。结果表明,提出的方法可为激光跟踪仪水平和俯仰轴系提供测角误差补偿,对类似测角系统的误差补偿也有参考价值。  相似文献   

High-speed machining (HSM) technology has become the most important application in metal cutting industries. However, overcome the positioning error is one of a great concern. The position error happens due to poor machine structure design and thermal expansion comes from cutting, especially when HSM is applied. In this paper, a new technique is developed to compensate for these errors. The thermal images are used to confirm dispersion of all the affect positions. PT-100 thermo-measuring sensors are applied to detect the thermal expansion. And a mathematical model is built by multi-variable regression analysis, which is based on the sensed temperature variation and the thermal expansion. Finally, these errors are reduced significantly by sending a feedback to the microprocessor. Meanwhile, the thermal deformation can be compensated by the mathematical model, under the condition when the machine is equipped with linear encoder. Moreover, based on the simulation, it is possible to reduce the number of sensors from ten to six, which save the memory capacity and great benefit for calculating and speeding the process of algorithm. The model improves the accuracy of machining which meets the precision requirement of HSM technology. As the result of various machining tests, the axial positioning error can be reduced from 20 μm to be 3 μm, which is a significantly improvement than existing methods.  相似文献   

对数控机床进行误差补偿是提高数控机床加工精度的有效方法.而建立快速准确的误差模型又是实施误差补偿的前提和基础.以三轴数控机床为对象,建立综合误差模型.  相似文献   

Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering - As the traditional cross-coupling control method cannot meet the requirements for tracking accuracy and contour control accuracy in large curvature positions,...  相似文献   

复杂的动态非线性摩擦力矩是影响液压转台低速性能的关键因素.为提高液压转台的低速性能,通过分析液压转台单框动态摩擦力矩特性,建立转台摩擦的LuGre模型基础上,提出用一种自适应鲁棒控制补偿液压转台动态摩擦.构造两个非线性观测器对液压转台LuGre摩擦状态进行精确估计,不连续投影映射方法提高参数自适应和摩擦状态估计的稳定性,鲁棒反馈项削弱估计误差和未确定非线性以确保控制系统的鲁棒性能.对液压转台外框的试验结果证明了该方法的正确性和优越性.  相似文献   

时间交替ADC系统的一种动态误差补偿方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
目前有许多方法被用于补偿或减少时间交替ADC系统各个通道失配带来的误差,但这类方法仅考虑了静态效果,没有提供一种测量时间交替ADC系统误差的有效方法,对SFDR提高非常有限,并且难以满足实时性的要求.本文采用由状态空间索引的误差表对时间交替ADC系统的输出进行校准.该方法将某一通道作为参考通道,对其它通道的误差进行测量并生成由时间交替ADC系统输出状态索引的误差表,利用该误差表对各个通道的输出进行动态校准.最后将该方法用于400 MSPS/12 bit高速数字化仪的校准,在输入幅度为1 V的1 MHz正弦信号时,高速数字化仪的杂散失真可降低20 dB.  相似文献   

从实用的角度出发,提出了一种新型实用的空间误差补偿方式。以高精度激光跟踪仪为基本手段,从误差的测量与辨识、补偿原理,实际的补偿过程以及补偿前后的比较这几个方面,诠释了这种误差补偿方式的可行性、方便性和实际效果,也提出了其局限性。  相似文献   

螺距误差是造成数控机床加工精度下降的重要原因之一,在分析螺距误差的产生原因之后,给出数控机床螺距误差补偿的原理和补偿步骤。运用此误差补偿方法对一台配备SINUMER IK 802S/C系统数控机床螺距误差补偿后,获得了理想的加工精度。  相似文献   

针对拼接干涉检测系统机械定位精度引起的各子孔径间的相对定位误差,提出了含定位误差补偿项的全局最优化拼接算法。介绍了该算法原理,从理论上分析了该算法拟合出的平移和旋转定位系数的精度。结合MetroPro和Matlab软件仿真模拟实验,分析了机械定位误差对拼接检测精度的影响。实验表明:拟合出的平移定位系数精度高于旋转定位系数精度,与理论分析一致;相对于一般算法,该算法对机械误差有较强的免疫力。在搭建的拼接检测装置上检测了口径为150mm的平面镜,结果显示:拼接结果与干涉仪直接检测的全口径相位残差的分布峰谷值(PV)为0.015 30λ,均方根值(RMS)为0.001 570λ,得到的结果十分接近,验证了该算法稳定可靠,能够合理有效地补偿机械精度引起的子孔径定位误差。  相似文献   

The conventional compensation for eccentric error in truck scale is realized by repeatedly regulating the potentiometer in junction box to adjust gain of each channel with load cell, which is fussy and labor-intensive. In this paper, eccentric error sources are analyzed, and an error model is established. A method of adaptive compensation for eccentric error is proposed, and its model of compensation based on radial basis function neural network (RBFNN) is established, which considers the output signals of multiple load cells as its input variables. A learning algorithm of RBFNN is also presented. Experiments and verifications in field show that with adaptive compensation the eccentric error from some nonlinear factors of truck scale is greatly reduced, and it is less than the maximum permissible error of scales with medium accuracy defined by international standard OIML R76 “Nonautomatic Weighing Instruments”.  相似文献   

为提高零件的加工精度,提出了基于公差的局部误差补偿法,并通过修正数控程序主动补偿加工误差.分析零件加工表面误差的特点,根据实际公差要求找出超出公差范围的变形关键区域,修正其切削深度以实现误差的局部补偿.得到刀位控制点修正的切深后,重新规划带有误差补偿值的刀具轨迹.结合实际加工精度确定走刀步距和行距,经过后置处理生成零件修正的数控代码.通过实例验证了上述方法的可行性.  相似文献   

In mechanical positioning control systems, friction phenomenon makes undersirable responses. Friction compensation scheme is frequently implemented to the control system together with the friction estimator in order to cancel the effect of the friction. However, the error in the estimation of the friction results in undercompensation or overcompensation, which also makes undesirable responses. In this paper, a new friction compensation scheme is proposed. The stability analysis is performed based on the circle criterion, which provides a sufficient condition for asymptotic stability of a system. For an application example, the scheme is implemented to a mechanical positioning system of a second-order plant with nonlinear friction. The effectiveness of this scheme is illustrated with the time responses obtained by computer simulation.  相似文献   

摩擦力是液压伺服系统低速性能的主要影响因素,其造成系统的低速跟踪精度和定位精度的降低.该文对阀控非对称液压缸位置控制系统进行分析并在建立摩擦力的LuGre模型基础上,提出一种基于该模型的动态摩擦补偿.最后应用实验证明了该方法的有效性.  相似文献   

The motion stabilization problem for the systems with friction force acting as disturbance has been considered. Two friction observer algorithms have been proposed to estimate the Coulomb friction force. One estimates the magnitude of the friction force only, while the other estimates the state and the friction force, simultaneously. The latter is robust to the measurement noise but needs more computation. The simulation study has showed that the compensation using the proposed friction observers greatly improves the stabilization performance.  相似文献   

Synthesis modeling of a geometric error-based traditional method for large-scale grinding machine tools with six axes is too complicated to perform in a real-time compensator with a built-in position control system, and it is difficult to obtain all of the error elements corresponding to the model. This paper proposed a novel strategy in which a machine may be considered as translation axes and rotary axes, and geometric errors of the translation axes and rotary axis are modeled and the geometric error models of the machine are very simple for real-time error compensation. The volumetric errors of the translation axes are measured using spatial circular curve ball bar test, and every element of the rotary axis is also obtained by a series of considerate ball bar tests. According to the characteristics of a position controller used in the machine, a synthesis error compensation system based on the NUM numerical control system was developed. Error compensation experiments were carried out, and the results show that the accuracy of the machine is improved significantly.  相似文献   

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