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This paper presents the work analysis of the thermal-hydraulic parameters behavior in the RBMK-1500 reactor cavity (RC) and other connected volumes in the case of fuel channels ruptures. The analysis is performed with CONTAIN code using the models of accident localization system (ALS) and reactor cavity venting system (RCVS). The RCVS capacity is assessed and expressed as a number of ruptured fuel channels at which the integrity of RC is maintained. The uncertainty analysis of pressure behavior in RC during multiple fuel channel rupture was performed. The initial and boundary conditions and the code models were selected and their influence on the results is estimated.Calculation of coolant mass and energy release to the reactor cavity in case of fuel channels rupture performed using the main circulation circuit model of Ignalina NPP, which was developed by employing state-of-the-art code RELAP5/MOD3.2 [Fletcher et al., RELAP5/MOD3 code manual user’s guidelines, Idaho National Engineering Lab., NUREG/CR-5535 (1992)]. These results were applied further as the initial data for the analysis of the thermal-hydraulic parameters behavior in the affected compartments employing CONTAIN code.  相似文献   

The RBMK-type nuclear power reactors, still operating in Russia, are graphite-moderated with vertical fuel channels, using low-enriched nuclear fuel. The main challenge, which leads to the overheating of the fuel assemblies, fuel channels and other core components in channel type nuclear reactors, is a misbalance between heat generation in core structures and heat sink, which can appear due to the loss of coolant accident. In this accidental case, the emergency core cooling system ensures the core cooling. In RBMK-type reactors this system consists of hydro-accumulators and a number of pumps, taking water from large water reservoirs. This equipment injects water into the fuel channels through the group distribution headers at high pressure. However, the direct supply of cold water from emergency core cooling system into fuel channels is possible only if check valves on group distribution headers are closed properly. If these check valves failed, the part of water would be lost through the break, the flow stagnation in channels could occur, which might lead to overheating of fuel assemblies in the fuel channels. This paper presents the results of deterministic safety analysis, performed using system thermal hydraulic code RELAP5. Using this code the reactor cooling system of RBMK-1500 was modelled and analyses of loss of coolant accidents with failure of few check valves in group distribution headers were performed. The results of the calculations are used for the development of symptom-based emergency operating procedures for RBMK-1500. The basic principles that describe the complex distribution of water flows in vertical forced circulation circuit with parallel fuel channels can be adjusted for the RBMK-1000 reactors, still operating in Russia.  相似文献   

The main problem in nuclear energy is providing of safety at all stages of lifetime of nuclear installations in conditions of normal operation, accidents and at shutdown. Ignalina NPP, located in Lithuania, is one of the latest with RBMK reactors at highest capacity. Ignalina NPP has two units, both are closed for decommissioning now (in 2004 and 2009). Both units are equipped with RBMK-1500 reactors, the thermal power output is 4200 MW, the electrical power capacity is 1500 MW for each. In RBMK-1500 reactor the fuel assemblies remain for long time inside reactor core after the final shutdown. The paper discusses possibility of heat removal from the RBMK-1500 core at shutdown condition by natural circulation of water (1) and air (2) inside the fuel channels. In first case the decay heat from fuel assemblies is removed due to natural circulation of water and the piping above reactor core should be cooled by means of ventilation in the drum separator compartments. To warrant free access of air in to fuel channels (in the second case) the reactor cooling system should be completely dry out and the pressure headers and the steam discharge valves in steam lines should be opened. If mentioned conditions will be fulfilled, the reactor core will be cooled by natural circulation of water or air and fuel rods remain intact.  相似文献   

Low-cycle fatigue tests were carried out in air in a wide temperature range from 20 to 650 °C with strain rates of 3.2 × 10−5–1 × 10−2 s−1 for type 316L stainless steel to investigate dynamic strain aging (DSA) effect on the fatigue resistance. The regime of DSA was evaluated using the anomalies associated with DSA and was in the temperature range of 250–550 °C at a strain rate of 1 × 10−4 s−1, in 250–600 °C at 1 × 10−3 s−1, and in 250–650 °C at 1 × 10−2 s−1. The activation energies for each type of serration were about 0.57–0.74 times those for lattice diffusion indicating that a mechanism other than lattice diffusion is involved. It seems to be reasonable to infer that DSA is caused by the pipe diffusion of solute atoms through the dislocation core. Dynamic strain aging reduced the crack initiation and propagation life by way of multiple crack initiation, which comes from the DSA-induced inhomogeneity of deformation, and rapid crack propagation due to the DSA-induced hardening, respectively.  相似文献   

Specific activities (concentrations) of fission products (FP) and activation products in spent fuel elements of the RBMK-1500 reactor were calculated using SCALE 5 computer code. Different burnup (5.1–21.0 MWd/kg) fuel assemblies were experimentally investigated. Activities of radionuclides present in the coolant water of storage cases of defective fuel elements were experimentally measured and analyzed. Experimental results provide a basis for a quantitative analysis of radionuclide release from spent fuel of the RBMK-1500 reactor. Relative release rates of radionuclides from the fuel matrix were assessed based on a comparison of experimental results with theoretical calculations. On the basis of analysis results released fission and activation products can be divided into several groups according to their release rates from fuel; this can be generalized for radionuclides with similar chemical properties.  相似文献   

The BREST fast reactor with nitride fuel and lead coolant is being developed as a reactor of new generation, which has to meet a set of requirements placed upon innovative reactors, namely efficient use of fuel resources, nuclear, radiation and environmental safety, proliferation resistance, radwaste treatment and economic efficiency. Mixed uranium-plutonium mononitride fuel composition allows supporting in BREST reactor CBR≈1. It is not required to separate plutonium to produce “fresh” fuel. Coarse recovered fuel purification of fission products is allowed (residual content of FPs may be in the range of 10−2 – 10−3 of their content in the irradiated fuel). High activity of the regenerated fuel caused by minor actinides is a radiation barrier against fuel thefts. The fuel cycle of the BREST-type reactors “burns” uranium-238, which must be added to the fuel during reprocessing. Plutonium is not extracted during reprocessing being a part of fuel composition, thus exhibiting an important nonproliferation feature.

The radiation equivalence between natural uranium consumed by the BREST NPP closed system and long-lived high-level radwaste is provided by actinides (U, Pu, Am) transmutation in the fuel and long-lived products (I, Tc) transmutation in the blanket. The high-level waste must be stored for approximately 200 years to reduce its activity by the factor of about 1000.

The design of the building and the entire set of the fuel cycle equipment has been completed for the demonstration BREST-OD-300 reactor, which includes all main features of the BREST-type reactor on-site closed fuel cycle.  相似文献   

To increase the accuracy of predicted reactivity effects and coefficients for the unit equipped with a RBMK-1500 type reactor at Ignalina NPP, the calculation route used to generate the library of nuclear data constants applied in the neutronic/thermal hydraulic analysis has been updated with a modern version of the WIMS lattice code, WIMS8. The previously available two group library used with the QUABOX/CUBBOX-HYCA code, adapted to model the physical and nuclear processes in a RBMK-1500 reactor core, was created using the freely available WIMSD reactor physics cell code and its associated nuclear data library. In this article, the results that are obtained under the performance of the new two group cross-section library generated with WIMS8 for RBMK-1500 design core are presented. This discussion is mostly concentrated on the prediction of the key physics parameter for the RBMK type reactor, the void reactivity coefficient, as this parameter has been underestimated, especially at higher fuel irradiation.  相似文献   

Recently, annealed specimens of pure copper have been tensile tested in a fission reactor at a damage rate of 6 × 10−8 dpa/s with a constant strain rate of 1.3 × 10−7 s−1. The specimen temperature during the test was about 90 °C. The stress response was continuously recorded as a function of irradiation time (i.e. displacement dose and strain). The experiment lasted for 308 h. During the dynamic in-reactor test, the specimen deformed and hardened homogeneously without showing any sign of yield drop and plastic instability. However, the specimen yielded a uniform elongation of only about 12%. The preliminary results are briefly described and discussed in the present note.  相似文献   

Correct prediction of water hammer transients is of paramount importance for the safe operation of the plant. Therefore, verification of computer codes capability to simulate water hammer type transients is a very important issue at performing safety analyses for nuclear power plants. Verification of RELAP5/MOD3.3 code capability to simulate water hammer type transients employing the experimental investigations is presented. Experience gained from benchmarking analyses has been used at development of the detail RELAP5 code RBMK-1500 model for simulation of water hammer effects in reactor main circulation circuit. In RBMK-type reactors the water hammers can occur in cases of rapid check valve operation. The performed analysis using RELAP5 code RBMK-1500 model has shown that in general the maximum values of the pressure pulses due to water hammer do not exceed the permissible loads on the pipelines.  相似文献   

There are a few transient and loss-of-coolant accident conditions in RBMK-1500 reactors that lead to a local flow decrease in fuel channels. Because the coolant flow decreases in fuel channels (FC) leads to overheating of fuel claddings and pressure tube walls, mitigation measures are necessary. The accident analysis enabled the suggestion of the new early reactor scram actuation and emergency core cooling system (ECCS) initiation signal, which ensures the safe shutdown of the reactor and compensates the stagnation flow. Analysis of such conditions is presented in this paper. Thermal-hydraulic analysis was conducted using the state-of-the-art RELAP5 code. Results of the analysis demonstrated that, after implementation of the developed management strategy for destruction of local flow stagnation, the Ignalina nuclear power plant (NPP) would be adequately protected following accidents, leading to local coolant flow decrease in the primary circuit.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the modeling of RBMK-1500 specific transients taking place at Ignalina NPP: measurements of void and fast power reactivity coefficients, as well as change of graphite cooling conditions transient. The simulation of these transients was performed using RELAP5-3D code model of RBMK-1500 reactor. At the Ignalina NPP void and fast power reactivity coefficients are measured on a regular basis and based on the obtained experimental results the actual values of these reactivity coefficients are determined. Graphite temperature reactivity coefficient at the plant is determined by changing graphite cooling conditions in the reactor cavity. This type of transient is unique and important from the point of view of model validation for the gap between fuel channel and the graphite bricks. The measurement results, obtained during this transient, enabled to determine the thermal conductivity coefficient for this gap and to validate the graphite temperature reactivity feedback model. The performed validation of RELAP5-3D model of Ignalina NPP RBMK-1500 reactor allowed to improve the model, which in the future would be used for the safety substantiation calculations of RBMK-1500 reactors.  相似文献   

The Climb Induced Glide model (CIG) for irradiation creep is developed using a plastic flow law which has been successfully applied in the correlation of Type 316 stainless steel rupture data. This model is used to predict the stress and temperature dependence of irradiation creep and the transition from irradiation to thermal creep. The predictions of this model are compared and found to be qualitatively consistent with experimental data and microstructural information. This model allows prediction of deformation behavior covering strain rates from 1 × 10−13 s−1 to 1 s−1.  相似文献   

破损当量是衡量反应堆燃料元件破损严重程度的重要指标,但破损当量无法直接测量,在决策应用中不具有可操作性,需要建立与破损当量对应的可监测指标。本文结合实践经验,分析确定了可用于燃料元件破损诊断的典型核素,建立了反应堆一回路冷却剂中裂变产物核素活度浓度与燃料元件破损当量之间的传递关系;给出了一回路冷却剂取样分析实验方法,并指出实验过程中应注意的问题;建立了采用监测一回路冷却剂中典型裂变产物核素活度浓度诊断破损当量的方法,并分析了诊断中不确定度的主要影响因素。本研究为反应堆燃料元件破损当量诊断提供了技术方法。  相似文献   

The RBMK (Russian acronym for ‘channeled large power reactor’)-1500 reactors at the Ignalina nuclear power plant (NPP) have a series of check valves in the main circulation circuit (MCC) that serve the coolant distribution in the fuel channels. In the case of a hypothetical guillotine break of pipelines upstream of the group distribution headers (GDH), the check valves and adjusted piping integrity is a key issue for the reactor safety during the rapid closure of check valve. An analysis of the waterhammer effect (i.e. the pressure pulse generated by the valves slamming closed) is needed. The thermal–hydraulic and structural analysis of waterhammer effects following the guillotine break of pipelines at the Ignalina NPP with RBMK-1500 reactors was conducted by employing the RELAP5 and PipePlus codes. Results of the analysis demonstrated that the maximum values of the pressure pulses generated by the check valve closure following the hypothetical accidents remain far below the value of pressure of the hydraulic tests, which are performed at the NPP and the risk of failure of the check valves or associated pipelines is low. Sensitivity analysis of pressure pulse dependencies on calculation time step and check valve closure time was performed. Results of RELAP5 calculations are benchmarked against waterhammer transient data obtained by employing structural mechanics code BOS fluids.  相似文献   

《Annals of Nuclear Energy》2004,31(15):1667-1708
This paper summarizes RELAP5-3D code validation activities carried out at the Lithuanian Energy Institute, which was performed through the modeling of RBMK-1500 specific transients taking place at Ignalina NPP. A best estimate RELAP5-3D model of the INPP RBMK-1500 reactor has been developed and validated against real plant data, as well as with the calculation results obtained using the Russian STEPAN/KOBRA code. The obtained calculation results demonstrate reasonable agreement with Ignalina NPP measured data. Behaviors of the separate MCC thermal-hydraulic parameters, as well as physical processes are predicted reasonably well to the real processes, occurring in the primary circuit of RBMK-1500 reactor. The calculated reactivity and the total reactor core power behavior in time are also in reasonable agreement with the measured plant data, which demonstrates the correct modeling of the neutronic processes taking place in RBMK-1500 reactor core. The performed validation of RELAP5-3D model of Ignalina NPP RBMK-1500 reactor allowed to improve the model, which in the future would be used for the safety substantiation calculations of RBMK-1500 reactors. Future activities are discussed.  相似文献   

为研究钍铀燃料在CANDU6堆中的应用,采用DRAGON/DONJON程序,对使用离散型钍铀燃料37棒束组件的CANDU6堆进行时均堆芯分析。结果表明,组件采用235U富集度为2.5%的铀棒以及第1、2、3圈布置钍棒的37棒束组件,堆芯在8棒束换料、3个燃耗分区的方案下,组件的冷却剂空泡反应性较使用天然铀的37棒束组件(NU-37组件)与采用混合钍铀元件棒的37棒束组件更负;堆芯最大时均通道/棒束功率满足小于6700?kW/860?kW的限值;燃料转化能力比采用NU-37组件时更高;卸料燃耗可到达13400?MW·d/t(U)。研究表明,所设计的离散型钍铀燃料37棒束组件可用于现有CANDU6堆芯,且无需对堆芯结构及控制机构作重大改造;燃料组件和堆芯设计方案可为钍铀燃料在CANDU6堆芯的应用提供参考。   相似文献   

A mathematical treatment has been developed to describe the activity levels of 129I as a function of time in the primary heat transport system during constant power operation and for a reactor shutdown situation. The model accounts for a release of fission-product iodine from defective fuel rods and tramp uranium contamination on in-core surfaces. The physical transport constants of the model are derived from a coolant activity analysis of the short-lived radioiodine species. An estimate of 3×10−9 has been determined for the coolant activity ratio of 129I/131I in a CANDU Nuclear Generating Station (NGS), which is in reasonable agreement with that observed in the primary coolant and for plant test resin columns from pressurized and boiling water reactor plants. The model has been further applied to a CANDU NGS, by fitting it to the observed short-lived iodine and long-lived cesium data, to yield a coolant activity ratio of ∼2×10−8 for 129I/137Cs. This ratio can be used to estimate the levels of 129I in reactor waste based on a measurement of the activity of 137Cs.  相似文献   

The Ignalina nuclear power plant (NPP) is a twin-unit with two RBMK-1500, graphite moderated, boiling water, multichannel reactors. The accident management guidelines for beyond design basis accidents (BDBAs) are in a stage of preparation at Ignalina NPP. The most challenging event from BDBAs is the unavailability of water sources for heat removal from fuel channels (FCs). Due to specific design of RBMK, there are a few possibilities for heat removal from reactor core by non-regular means: depressurisation of reactor cooling system (RCS) (if pressure in cooling circuit is high) and supply of water into cooling system from low pressure water sources, removal of heat from graphite stack by reactor gas circuit, removal of heat from reactor core using cooling circuit of control and protection system channels, etc. The possibility to remove the heat using cooling circuit of control and protection system channels looks very attractive, because the channels with control rods are cooled with water supplied by the system totally independent from the reactor cooling system. The heat from fuel channels, where heat is generated, through graphite columns is transferred in radial direction to cooled channels with control rods. Therefore, the heat removal from RBMK-1500 reactor core using control rods cooling circuit can be used as non-regular mean for reactor cool-down in case of BDBAs with loss of long-term heat removal from the core.  相似文献   

The integral analysis of severe accident scenario for RBMK-1500 was performed using combined approach with RELAP5, RELAP/SCDAPSIM, ASTEC and COCOSYS codes. The performed analysis covered response of the reactor core, the reactor cooling system and the confinement. There were performed several analyses: the first analysis assumed that operators take no action or their actions are not successful to provide the coolant injection to the reactor core; the other analyses were performed to investigate the accident management measures to restore the core cooling at different temperatures of the reactor core. The results of performed analyses showed that the operators have ∼5 h before the ruptures of fuel claddings occur and ∼8 h before the onset of exothermic steam-zirconium reaction. The coolant injection to the reactor core should be restored as soon as possible in order to prevent high hydrogen concentrations in the confinement and significant release of the fission products to the environment.  相似文献   

The state-of-the-art code RELAP5/MOD3 was originally designed for PWRs. Because of unique RBMK designs the application of this code to RBMK-1500 encountered several problems. A successful best estimate RELAP5 model of the Ignalina NPP has been developed. This model includes the reactor main circulation circuit (MCC) and reactor control and protection system required for this kind of transient analysis. Benchmark analysis of all operating main circulation pump (MCP) trip events was performed. During the analysis the characteristics of isolation control valves and MCP throttling regulating valves were established. Comparison of calculated and measured parameters was also used to establish realistic resistances of different MCC components and realistic behaviour of the controllers of the reactor systems. Calculations performed with the RELAP5 model, which includes these modifications, compare favourably with plant data.  相似文献   

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