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Retinal pigment epithelial cells carry out phagocytosis and digestion of material shed from the photoreceptor outer segments. In this process, the integrity of lysosomal enzymes is of major importance. In the present study the effects of tamoxifen, toremifene and chloroquine on the activity of two lysosomal enzymes (cathepsin D and N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase) in the retinal pigment epithelial cells were studied. Retinal pigment epithelial cells from pig eyes were cultured for two weeks in Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium, after which the cells were exposed to 1-40 microM concentrations of tamoxifen citrate, toremifene citrate and chloroquine diphosphate. To eliminate possible medium-borne oestrogenic mechanisms, the test was repeated using phenol red-free medium with charcoal-stripped fetal calf serum. The exposure time was one week, after which the lysosomal enzymes cathepsin D and N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminidase were determined. Cellular injuries were assessed by quantifying the leakage of lactate dehydrogenase into the culture medium. Cathepsin D and N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase showed different sensitivities to tamoxifen, toremifene and chloroquine. The main lysosomal protease cathepsin D was more sensitive than N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase to the effects of tamoxifen and toremifene, possibly due to their antioestrogenic properties. The phenol red-free medium with charcoal-stripped serum seemed to make the drugs more effective than the reference medium. Chloroquine had only a minor effect on the lysosomal protease cathepsin D, but a clearer effect could be seen on N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminidase.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells slowly accumulate lipofuscin pigment within their acidic vacuolar apparatus as a result of extra- and/or intralysosomal oxidative alterations of phagocytosed photoreceptor outer segments (POS) with consequent imperfect degradation of these structures. In old age, lipofuscin accumulation may become quite substantial. It has been suggested that pronounced accumulation of lipofuscin is related to decreased RPE function and, possibly, to age-related macular degeneration. The aim of the present investigation was to study whether heavy loading with lipofuscin of RPE acidic lysosomes would affect the further phagocytic ability of the cells. METHODS: In the first section of the investigation, cultures of rabbit RPE cells were exposed daily to bovine UV-irradiated POS (artificial lipofuscin) for 4 weeks, resulting in a pronounced lipofuscin accumulation of the cells. Fluorescent latex beads (labelled with a red fluorophore) were added to unloaded control cultures at O and 4 weeks after their establishment, and to lipofuscin loaded cells after 4 weeks of feeding with artificial lipofuscin. Cellular amounts of lipofuscin, and their phagocytotic activity, were quantified by static fluorometry measuring lipofuscin-specific and red bead-specific fluorescence, respectively. The intracellular location of the beads was verified by confocal laser scanning microscopy. RESULTS: Unloaded, and thus almost lipofuscin-free, control cells exposed to latex beads showed numerous cytoplasmic particles emitting reddish fluorescence, while few particles were taken up by cells initially loaded with artificial, POS-derived, lipofuscin. Measurement of the latex bead-specific fluorescence showed significantly (p < 0.001) higher levels in unloaded control cells than in lipofuscin-loaded ones. In the second part of the investigation, unloaded control cultures and lipofuscin-loaded cultures were exposed to native bovine Texas Red-X-labelled POS 4 weeks after the establishment of the cultures. Unloaded control cells showed a large number of cytoplasmic POS emitting reddish fluorescence, while fewer POS were phagocytosed by cells loaded with artificial lipofuscin. Measurement of the Texas Red-X-specific fluorescence, thus quantifying the phagocytic ability of the cells, showed significantly (p < 0.001) higher levels in control cells than in lipofuscin-loaded ones. CONCLUSIONS: Severe lipofuscin accumulation of RPE cells appears to result in a greatly decreased phagocytic capacity. The resulting reduction in ability to cope with the needs of the overlying photoreceptor cells, in order to eliminate the obsolete tips of their POS, may well be of significance in the development of age-related macular degeneration.  相似文献   

This in vitro study attempts to delineate the role of extracellular matrix (ECM) constituents at the epithelial tissue-implant interface. To know which ECM constituents have a beneficial influence on the behavior of epithelial cells, the attachment, proliferation, morphologic pattern, and differentiation or cytoskeletal organization of human oral epithelial cells on ECM-coated (type IV collagen, fibronectin, type I collagen, laminin, and vitronectin) and noncoated titanium surface have been evaluated and compared. In each experiment comparing commercially pure titanium and oxygen plasma-cleaned titanium, the same ECM constituents were used. In this study, type IV collagen could provide an excellent substratum for epithelial cell attachment on titanium surface, but vitronectin-coated titanium revealed lower effectiveness for attachment of epithelial cells than noncoated titanium. These results suggested that type IV collagen could be used as a means for obtaining good epithelial seal, whereas vitronectin could be used to restrain the attachment of epithelium to dental implants.  相似文献   

To determine the mechanisms by which Hange-shashin-to (TJ-14) reduces prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) levels, the effects on blood corticosterone levels were examined in vivo and the effects on cyclooxygenase (COX) activity in vitro assessed. TJ-14, orally administered to rats at dose levels between 125 and 1000 mg/kg, caused a dose-dependent increase in blood corticosterone levels. We also showed that Glycyrrhizae Radix and Ginseng Radix, constituents of TJ-14, are involved in the increase in blood corticosterone. The activity of COX-1 was not inhibited by TJ-14 even at a dose of 1000 microg/ml, while COX-2 was inhibited at dose levels between 10 and 1000 microg/ml. The constituents Scutellariae Radix, Glycyrrhizae Radix and Coptidis Rhizoma were believed to be involved in COX-2 inhibition. These results suggest that the effect of TJ-14 in decreasing PGE2 is partially mediated by corticosterone and inhibition of COX-2.  相似文献   

Rotavirus infection is the most common cause of severe infantile gastroenteritis worldwide. These viruses infect mature enterocytes of the small intestine and cause structural and functional damage, including a reduction in disaccharidase activity. It was previously hypothesized that reduced disaccharidase activity resulted from the destruction of rotavirus-infected enterocytes at the villus tips. However, this pathophysiological model cannot explain situations in which low disaccharidase activity is observed when rotavirus-infected intestine exhibits few, if any, histopathologic changes. In a previous study, we demonstrated that the simian rotavirus strain RRV replicated in and was released from human enterocyte-like Caco-2 cells without cell destruction (N. Jourdan, M. Maurice, D. Delautier, A. M. Quero, A. L. Servin, and G. Trugnan, J. Virol. 71:8268-8278, 1997). In the present study, to reinvestigate disaccharidase expression during rotavirus infection, we studied sucrase-isomaltase (SI) in RRV-infected Caco-2 cells. We showed that SI activity and apical expression were specifically and selectively decreased by RRV infection without apparent cell destruction. Using pulse-chase experiments and cell surface biotinylation, we demonstrated that RRV infection did not affect SI biosynthesis, maturation, or stability but induced the blockade of SI transport to the brush border. Using confocal laser scanning microscopy, we showed that RRV infection induces important alterations of the cytoskeleton that correlate with decreased SI apical surface expression. These results lead us to propose an alternate model to explain the pathophysiology associated with rotavirus infection.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To identify the mutation in a human transforming growth factor beta-induced gene (BIGH3) in a Japanese family with a severe form of granular corneal dystrophy of early onset associated with recurrent corneal erosions. PATIENTS: The tentative clinical diagnosis in this family was Reis-Bücklers corneal dystrophy; 4 persons affected with this disorder have been identified in 4 generations, and 3 of the 4 were examined. The proband underwent keratoplasties in our hospital (Keio University Hospital, Tokyo, Japan). METHODS: The BIGH3 gene was examined for a mutation by the polymerase chain reaction and direct sequencing. Corneal buttons of the proband were stained and examined by electron microscopy. RESULTS: Three affected persons were shown to have a heterozygous G-->T transversion at the second nucleotide position of codon 124 (Arg-->Leu) of the BIGH3 gene. In the proband, corneal deposits between the epithelium and the Bowman layer stained red with Masson trichrome stain. Electron microscopy revealed numerous electron-dense, rod-shaped bodies next to the epithelial basement membrane but no curly fibers suggestive of Thiel-Behnke dystrophy. CONCLUSION: A novel R124L mutation of the BIGH3 gene was associated in this family with a superficial variant of granular corneal dystrophy. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: This mutation causes a severe form of superficial granular corneal dystrophy by producing abnormal keratoepithelin between the epithelium and the Bowman layer and thus clinical similarities to Reis-Bücklers corneal dystrophy.  相似文献   

Children affected with human immunodefficiency virus (HIV)-associated nephropathy (HIVAN) usually develop significant renal glomerular and tubular epithelial cell injury. The pathogenesis of these changes is not clearly understood. Human renal tubular epithelial cells (RTEc) do not express CD4 surface receptors, and it is not clear whether these cells can be infected by HIV-1. Certain strains of HIV-1, however, have been shown capable of infecting CD4-negative epithelial cell lines. We hypothesized that the inability of laboratory strains of HIV-1 to infect renal epithelial cells may be due to a limited tropism, as opposed to wild-type viruses derived from children with HIVAN, and that viruses derived from these children are capable of infecting RTEc from the same patient. Here, we have demonstrated that HIV-1 isolates from children with HIVAN can productively infect RTEc through a CD4 independent pathway, and that infected mononuclear cells can transfer the virus to human RTEc. Human RTEc sustained low levels of viral replication and HIV-1 inhibited the growth and survival of cultured human RTEc. Thus, HIV-1 may directly induce degenerative changes in RTEc of children with HIVAN. Infected macrophages may play a relevant role in this process by transferring viruses to RTEc.  相似文献   

Campylobacter jejuni is one of the leading causes of bacterial diarrhea throughout the world. We previously found that PEB1 is a homolog of cluster 3 binding proteins of bacterial ABC transporters and that a C. jejuni adhesin, cell-binding factor 1 (CBF1), if not identical to, contains PEB1. A single protein migrating at approximately 27 to 28 kDa was recognized by anti-CBF1 and anti-PEB1. To determine the role that the operon encoding PEB1 plays in C. jejuni adherence, peb1A, the gene encoding PEB1, was disrupted in strain 81-176 by insertion of a kanamycin resistance gene through homologous recombination. Inactivation of this operon completely abolished expression of CBF1, as determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and immunoblotting. In comparison to the wild-type strain, the mutant strain showed 50- to 100-fold less adherence to and 15-fold less invasion of epithelial cells in culture. Mouse challenge studies showed that the rate and duration of intestinal colonization by the mutant were significantly lower and shorter than with the wild-type strain. In summary, PEB1 is identical to a previously identified cell-binding factor, CBF1, in C. jejuni, and the peb1A locus plays an important role in epithelial cell interactions and in intestinal colonization in a mouse model.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/AIMS: The transferrin receptor is a prominent protein on the basal and lateral membranes of intestinal epithelial cells, yet little is known of the function of the receptor in the intestine. The aim of the present study was to determine whether intestinal transferrin receptors were capable of facilitating transferrin internalization. METHODS: Using the rat as an experimental model, the uptake of radiolabeled transferrin by cells isolated from different regions along the crypt-villus axis of the proximal small intestine was studied. RESULTS: An intestinal epithelial cell fraction highly enriched in crypt cells bound most radiolabeled transferrin. Cells in this fraction were able to internalize transferrin and recycle it back to the cell surface. A high affinity, saturable pathway of transferrin uptake by these cells predominated at transferrin concentrations below 0.3 mumol/L, whereas at higher concentrations, most uptake was via a nonsaturable process. Intravenously injected radiolabeled transferrin could be detected within intestinal crypt cells, indicating that these cells are able to internalize transferrin in vivo. CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest that intestinal crypt cells have an active transferrin/transferrin receptor system. Transferrin may play an important role in iron delivery to and/or as a growth factor for the rapidly proliferating intestinal epithelium.  相似文献   

Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi (hereafter referred to as S. typhi) is a host-restricted pathogen that adheres to and invades the distal ileum and subsequently disseminates to cause typhoid fever in humans. However, S. typhi appears to be avirulent in small animals. In contrast, other pathogenic salmonellae, such as S. enterica serovars Typhimurium and Dublin (S. typhimurium and S. dublin, respectively), typically cause localized gastroenteritis in humans but have been used as models for typhoid fever because these organisms cause a disease in susceptible rodents that resembles human typhoid. In vivo, S. typhi has been demonstrated to attach to and invade murine M cells but is rapidly cleared from the Peyer's patches without destruction of the M cells. In contrast, invasion of M cells by S. typhimurium is accompanied by destruction of these M cells and subsequently sloughing of the epithelium. These data have furthered our view that the early steps in the pathogenesis of typhoidal and nontyphoidal Salmonella serovars are distinct. To extend this concept, we have utilized an in vitro model to evaluate three parameters of initial host-pathogen interactions: adherence of three Salmonella serovars to human and murine small intestinal epithelial cell (IEC) lines, the capacity of these salmonellae to invade IECs, and the ability of the bacteria to induce interleukin-6 (IL-6) in these cell lines as a measure of host cell activation and the host acute-phase response. The results demonstrate that S. typhi adheres to and invades human small IECs better than either S. typhimurium or S. dublin. Interestingly, invA and invE null mutants of S. typhi are able neither to adhere to nor to invade IECs, unlike S. typhimurium invA and invE mutants, which adhere to but cannot invade IECs. S. typhi also induces significantly greater quantities of IL-6 in human small IEC lines than either of the other two Salmonella serovars. These findings suggest that differential host cytokine responses to bacterial pathogens may play an important role in the pathological sequelae that follow infection. Importantly, S. typhimurium did not induce IL-6 in murine IECs. Since S. typhimurium infection in mice is often used as a model of typhoid fever, these findings suggest that, at least in this case, the mouse model does not reflect the human disease. Taken together, our studies indicate that (i) marked differences occur in the initial steps of S. typhi, S. typhimurium, and S. dublin pathogenesis, and (ii) conclusions about S. typhi pathogenesis that have been drawn from the mouse model of typhoid fever should be interpreted conservatively.  相似文献   

Male, Sprague-Dawley rats were either treated with zymosan, a nonspecific macrophage stimulator, or saline vehicle. Half of each group were then subjected to a stress procedure, the other half remained in their home cage. Results indicate that zymosan-treated animals had lower levels of total, low-density/very-low-density, and high-density lipoprotein than vehicle controls. Stressed animals had higher levels of the cholesterol parameters than did home cage controls. Manipulation of macrophage levels may be a prophylactic manipulation to combat stress-induced increases in cholesterol.  相似文献   

Infection of human cells by an endogenous retrovirus of pigs   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The possible use of pig organs and tissues as xenografts in humans is actively being considered in biomedical research. We therefore examined whether pig endogenous retrovirus (PERV) genomes can be infectiously transmitted to human cells in culture. Two pig kidney cell lines spontaneously produce C-type retrovirus particles. Cell-free retrovirus produced by the PK-15 kidney cell line (PERV-PK) infected pig, mink and human kidney 293 cell lines and co-cultivation of X-irradiated PK-15 cells with human cells resulted in a broader range of human cell infection, including human diploid fibroblasts and B- and T-cell lines. Kidney, heart and spleen tissue obtained from domestic pigs contained multiple copies of integrated PERV genomes and expressed viral RNA. Upon passage in human cells PERV-PK could rescue a Moloney retroviral vector and acquired resistance to lysis by human complement.  相似文献   

In the companion paper, we report that a single injection of poly-D-glutamic acid causes an acute lysosomal storage condition and apparently impairs the lysosomal fission dynamics. The present paper addresses the mechanisms of these two alterations using a combination of in vivo and in vitro biochemical approaches. After a single intravenous injection, 14C-poly-D-glutamic acid was rapidly cleared from the plasma and appeared in the urine. Yet, a small but sizable fraction of the injected polymer was taken up by the kidney cortex through a saturable process (Kuptake, 150 mg/kg body wt; uptakemax 96 micrograms/g cortex). Analytical subcellular fractionation of cortex homogenates demonstrated that at initial stages, the 14C label was predominantly associated with subcellular particles of intermediate size and low equilibrium density, and was therefore slowly transferred to larger particles equilibrating at high density, then codistributing with the lysosomal hydrolases. At a concentration of 10 mg/ml (equivalent to its estimated concentration in lysosomes), poly-D-glutamic acid formed micronic aggregates ( > or = 10 microns) when brought to solution at pH < or = 6 in relation to its decreased ionization (pKa of lateral chains approximately equal to 4.25). Finally, 1 day after the injection of poly-D-glutamic acid, the activities of several lysosomal enzymes (hexosaminidase, cathepsin B, acid sphingomyelinase, and sulfatase B), but not of all of them (eg, acid phosphatase), were increased in the kidney cortex. We propose that poly-D-glutamic acid reaches lysosomes by adsorptive endocytosis and becomes concentrated within these organelles because its withstands hydrolysis until it forms aggregates or precipitates, causing a decrease in the fluidity or the deformability ("gelling") of the lysosomal matrix. This should alter the dynamics of intercommunication of these organelles by impairing their fission without a proportionate effect on their fusion properties. In addition, the data suggest that the presence of poly-D-glutamic acid directly or indirectly slows down the degradation of several lysosomal enzymes.  相似文献   

A unique hybrid oligonucleotide composed of both RNA and DNA has been shown to correct a point mutation in a site-specific and inheritable manner in extrachromosomal and chromosomal targets. In order to develop new gene therapeutics for skin, we tested two oligonucleotides that were shown to create a point mutation in alkaline phosphatase and beta-globin genes in several epithelial cell types. Highly transformed epithelial cells (HeLa) exhibited a conversion frequency of 5% by both RNA-DNA oligonucleotides. In comparison, other immortalized epithelial cells (HaCaT) or human primary keratinocytes did not show any detectable level of gene conversion by the restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis, indicating less than 1% conversion frequency. The concentration of the oligonucleotide in the nuclei of HeLa cells was similar to that of HaCaT or human primary keratinocytes measured by a radiolabeled or a fluorescein-conjugated oligonucleotide. Moreover, the RNA-DNA oligonucleotide exhibited a prolonged stability in the nucleus. Thus, neither uptake nor nuclear stability of the oligonucleotide appears to be a limiting factor in gene targeting events under our experimental conditions. These results indicate that the frequency of gene targeting varies among different cells, suggesting that cellular recombination and DNA repair activities may be important.  相似文献   

The exact location of normal gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP) receptor expression by epithelial cells lining the human gastrointestinal (GI) tract is not known; yet this receptor is found on upwards of 50% of GI cancers. Furthermore, the pharmacology reported for GRP receptors expressed by GI cancers varies considerably. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the normal distribution of GRP receptor expression by cells lining the human GI tract, and then determine the normal pharmacology of the human receptor when ectopically expressed by the nonmalignant human colon epithelial cell line NCM460. We obtained endoscopic pinch biopsies of, and extracted the RNA from, epithelial cells lining the esophagus, stomach, jejunum, ileum, and proximal and descending colon, RT-PCR demonstrated that GRP-R expression is limited to cells lining the gastric antrum, indicating that this receptor is aberrantly expressed by GI cancers. To determine the normal pharmacology of this receptor when expressed by nonmalignant human tissues for the first time, we transfected NCM460 cells with the cDNA for the human GRP receptor. By studying three stable NCM460 cell lines expressing varying numbers of receptors, we demonstrate that agonist and antagonist binding affinity, binding kinetics, and G-protein coupling are all independent of receptor number. Finally, by comparing GRP receptors expressed by GI cancers with those on NCM460-transfected cells, we show that the pharmacology of the aberrantly expressed receptors is significantly altered. Thus, these data demonstrate that GI cancers aberrantly express GRP receptors that then behave abnormally.  相似文献   

Truncations and chimeras of the alpha2A-adrenergic receptor (alpha2AAR) were evaluated to identify membrane domains responsible for its direct basolateral targeting in Madin-Darby canine kidney cells. An alpha2AAR truncation, encoding transmembrane (TM) regions 1-5, was first delivered basolaterally, but within minutes appeared apically, and at steady-state was primarily lateral in its immunocytochemical localization. A TM 1-5 truncation with the third intracellular loop revealed more intense lateral localization than for the TM 1-5 structure, consistent with the role of the third intracellular loop in alpha2AAR stabilization. Addition of TM 6-7 of A1 adenosine receptor (A1AdoR) to alpha2AARTM1-5 creates a chimera, alpha2AARTM1-5/A1AdoRTM6-7, which was first delivered apically, resulting either from loss of alpha2AAR sorting information in TM 6-7 or acquisition of apical trafficking signals within A1AdoRTM6-7. Evidence that alpha2AARTM6-7 imparts basolateral targeting information is revealed by the significant basolateral localization of the A1AdoRTM1-5/alpha2AARTM6-7 and A1AdoRTM1-5/alpha2AARTM6-7+i3 chimeras, in contrast to the dominant apical localization of A1AdoR. These results reveal that sequences within TM 1-5 and within TM 6-7 of the alpha2AAR confer basolateral targeting, providing the first evidence that alpha2AAR basolateral localization is not conferred by a single region but by non-contiguous membrane-embedded or proximal sequences.  相似文献   

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