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We investigated the expression, distribution, and activation parameters of protein kinase C (PKC) isozymes in isolated rat parotid acinar cells. By analyzing cellular extracts by western blot analysis and for isozyme-specific RNA, the Ca(2+)-independent PKC-delta, -epsilon, and -zeta were detected in the cytosolic, particulate (plasma membrane), and nuclear fractions of unstimulated cells, whereas the Ca(2+)-dependent PKC-alpha was confined to the cytosolic and particulate fractions. The expressed isozymes showed distinct responses to phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA), thymeleatoxin, and cell surface receptor agonists with respect to translocation from cytosol to particulate fraction and nucleus, as well as sensitivity to down-regulation caused by prolonged exposure to PMA (3-20 hr). The marked susceptibility to down-regulation displayed by PKC-alpha and -delta was accompanied by an enhanced secretory response to norepinephrine as compared with control cells. Further, the selective PKC inhibitors Ro 31-8220 and CGP 41,251 also produced a concentration-dependent enhancement of norepinephrine-induced amylase secretion. Our findings suggest that PKC-alpha or -delta plays a negative modulatory role, rather than an obligatory role, in amylase secretion. Also, the localization and redistribution of PKC-epsilon and -delta to the nucleus by PKC activators imply that one or both of these isozymes may regulate such processes as cellular proliferation and/or differentiation.  相似文献   

Adrenomedullin is a novel hypotensive peptide originally isolated from human pheochromocytoma and recently localized to PP cells of the pancreatic islets of Langerhans. Based on the pancreatic islet-acinar axis model, we investigated the effect of adrenomedullin on regulated exocytosis of exocrine pancreas. Using rat [125I]-adrenomedullin, specific binding sites were localized to rat pancreatic acini. We next examined the effect of adrenomedullin on 100 pM cholecystokinin (CCK)-stimulated amylase release from pancreatic acini. Adrenomedullin inhibited amylase secretion in a dose-dependent manner by approximately 50% at maximum, and the IC50 was 1.1 pM. However, adrenomedullin did not affect rat [125I]CCK binding to isolated acini or reduce the intracellular free Ca2+ concentration increased by CCK. Adrenomedullin also inhibited amylase secretion induced by 1 microM calcium ionophore A23187, suggesting that adrenomedullin inhibits stimulated amylase secretion by functioning at a step(s) distal to the ligand-receptor binding system and intracellular calcium mobilizing mechanism. In streptolysin-O permeabilized acini, 10 nM adrenomedullin shifted the calcium dose-response curve to the right, indicating that adrenomedullin inhibits calcium-induced amylase secretion by reducing calcium sensitivity of the pancreatic exocytotic machinery. In addition, pretreatment of pancreatic acini with pertussis toxin abolished the inhibitory effect of adrenomedullin on CCK-stimulated amylase secretion. These results indicate that adrenomedullin inhibits stimulated amylase secretion by reducing the calcium sensitivity of the exocytotic machinery of the pancreatic acini. A pertussis toxin-sensitive GTP-binding protein(s) is also involved in this mechanism.  相似文献   

Addition of cortisol (10(-6) to 10(-8) M) and related glucocorticoid congeners to cultures of rat parathyroid glands stimulated dose-related increases in parathyroid hormone secretion; the addition of deoxycorticosterone or cortexolone was without effect. Cortexolone, however, inhibited the stimulatory activity of cortisol when both were added to the culture medium. This direct stimulatory effect of cortisol on parathyroid gland secretion may account in part for the increased concentration of parathyroid hormone in the serum of cortisol-treated animals.  相似文献   

The authors describe a 59-year-old woman who had a traumatic wound rupture 6 months following penetrating keratoplasty. While she was in the pre-operative holding area awaiting surgical repair, hemorrhagic choroidal detachments developed. Digital pressure was initiated on diagnosis of imminent expulsion of intraocular contents and maintained until repair of the wound rupture could be performed. Four months postoperatively, the patient's vision was 20/80 and her central pachymetry was 585 microns. This case demonstrates that a delayed-onset expulsive choroidal hemorrhage may be successfully managed with simple and rapid intervention based on knowledge of the disease process.  相似文献   

Rats pretreated by daily depot injections of pentagastric for 24 days, responded with a significant increase of gastric secretion volume, and HC1 concentration and output, when infused intravenously with bethanechol chloride. In these rats, the total weight of the stomach and the height of the fundic mucosa were also increased. Pretreatment with histamine had no effect on rat gastric tissue or gastric secretion, under identical conditions of stimulation.  相似文献   

We evaluated the role of protein tyrosine phosphorylation in amylase exocytosis from parotid acinar cells by using genistein, a tyrosine kinase inhibitor. Amylase release stimulated by isoproterenol was dose-dependently inhibited by genistein. Genistein also inhibited the exocytosis evoked by dibutyryl- or 8-chlorophenylthio-cAMP. Daidzein, a negative control agent of genistein, elicited no inhibitory effect. Isoproterenol had dual effects on protein tyrosine phosphorylation; it increased that phosphorylation of 190- and 210-kDa proteins and decreased that of a 90-kDa one. The phosphorylation was dose-dependently inhibited by genistein but not by daidzein. These results suggest that protein tyrosine phosphorylation plays a role in the process of amylase exocytosis from parotid acinar cells.  相似文献   

The effect of histamine on serum calcium homeostasis was studied in the rat. After the intravenous administration of 0.5-1.0 mg histamine base to fasted Holtzman rats weighing 80-100 g, a significant lowering of serum calcium (Ca) level occurred 30 min after injection (decrease in Ca, 1.4-1.9 mg/100 ml), but normocalcemia returned at 60 min. Repeat intravenous injections of histamine 1.0 mg resulted in repeated lowering of the serum Ca level. Hypophosphatemia did not accompany the hypocalcemia. Thyroparathyroidectomy (TPTX) did not eliminate the calcium-lowering effect of histamine in acute TPTX animals but did so in more chronic TPTX animals in which the mean serum Ca was 7.6 mg/100 ml or less. Gastrectomy, however, completely eliminated the calcium-lowering effect of histamine given in doses of up to 2 mg/rat (20 mg/kg of body weight), despite the presence of an intact thyroid gland. These studies support the role of a gastric factor and not the thyroid secretion of calcitonin in mediating this response in the rat.  相似文献   

Electron donor acceptor gels based on cyanocarbons have been tested for human serum protein adsorption in the absence of salt-promotion by water-structuring salt. This phenomenon was compared with a normal adsorption process in the presence of salt. The tricyanoaminopropene-divinyl sulfone-agarose displayed unusual protein adsorption properties as binding could occur both independently or dependently of the salt-promotion. The absence of hydrophobic or ionic character of the salt-independent interaction suggests an electron donor acceptor adsorption mechanism which is shown, for the first time, to occur independently of salt-promotion in aqueous solution. Study of the protein adsorption specificity showed similar protein selectivity for the fractions adsorbed in both conditions.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To determine the efficacy and safety of latanoprost treatment for 1 year in glaucoma patients, and to evaluate the effects of switching from timolol to latanoprost therapy. METHODS: Latanoprost 0.005% was topically applied once daily without masking for 6 months in 223 patients with elevated intraocular pressure after previous treatment with latanoprost once daily or 0.5% timolol twice daily for 6 months in a multicenter, randomized, double-masked, parallel group study. RESULTS: Compared with baseline values before treatment, a significant (P < .0001) diurnal reduction in intraocular pressure of 6 to 8 mm Hg was maintained with minimal fluctuation for the duration of treatment. When treatment was switched from timolol to latanoprost, intraocular pressure was reduced by 1.5 +/- 0.3 mm Hg (mean +/- SEM; 8% change in intraocular pressure; 31% of the intraocular pressure reduction produced by timolol; P < .001) compared with the change in intraocular pressure in patients remaining on latanoprost therapy. Of the patients initially enrolled, 95% successfully completed treatment. There was a slight overall increase in conjunctival hyperemia in patients who switched from timolol to latanoprost, but no change in those who continued latanoprost. The timolol-induced reduction of resting heart rate returned to baseline levels after switching to latanoprost. Of the 247 patients treated with latanoprost during the masked and/or open-label studies, 12 (5%) demonstrated a definite (n = 4) or possible (n = 8) increase in iris pigmentation. CONCLUSIONS: Latanoprost is a well-tolerated ocular hypotensive agent that appears to be more effective than timolol in reducing intraocular pressure. The increase in iris pigmentation appears to be harmless but requires further investigation.  相似文献   

We investigated three possible causes of the increased ratio of amylase/creatinine clearance observed in acute pancreatitis. The presence of rapidly cleared isoamylase was excluded by studies of serum and urine, which demonstrated no anomalous isoamylases. In pancreatitis, the ratios (+/-1 S.E.M.) of both pancreatic isoamylase (9.2+/-0.6 per cent) and salivary isoamylase (8.6+/-1.6 per cent) were significantly (P less than 0.01) elevated over respective control values (2.4+/-0.2 and 1.8+/-0.2 per cent). Increased glomerular permeability to amylase was excluded by the demonstration of normal renal clearance of dextrans. We tested tubular reabsorption of protein by measuring the renal clearance of beta2-microglobulin, which is relatively freely filtered at the glomerulus and then avidly reabsorbed by the normal tubule. During acute pancreatitis the ratio of the renal clearance of beta2-microglobulin to that of creatinine was 1.22+/-0.52 per cent, an 80-fold increase over normal (0.015+/-0.002 per cent), with a rapid return toward normal during convalescence. Presumably, this reversible renal tubular defect also reduces amylase reabsorption and accounts for the elevated renal clearance of amylase/creatinine observed in acute pancreatitis.  相似文献   

There is considerable evidence that although estradiol may trigger the preovulatory surge of gonadotropins, progesterone is required for its full magnitude and duration and that glucocorticoids bring about selective follicle-stimulating hormone release. The luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) neuron does not have steroid receptors and is regulated by excitatory amino acid neurotransmission. Steroids do not appear to modulate excitatory amino acid receptors directly but increase release of glutamate in the preoptic area. This may be due to the suppression by steroids of the enzyme glutamatic acid decarboxylase67 that converts glutamate into GABA. NMDA receptors colocalize with nitric oxide synthase-containing neurons that surround the LHRH neurons in the preoptic area and intersect the LHRH fibers in the median eminence. Other potential novel pathways of LHRH release that are currently being explored include carbon monoxide generated by the action of heme oxygenase-2 on heme molecules and bradykinin acting via bradykinin B2 receptors.  相似文献   

The mechanism(s) of radiation-induced salivary gland dysfunction is poorly understood. In the present study, we have assessed the secretory function (muscarinic agonist-stimulated saliva flow, intracellular calcium mobilization, Na+/K+/2Cl- cotransport activity) in rat submandibular glands 12 months postirradiation (single dose, 10 Gy). The morphological status of glands from control and irradiated rats was also determined. Pilocarpine-stimulated salivary flow was decreased by 67% at 12 months (but not at 3 months) after irradiation. This was associated with a 47% decrease in the wet weight of the irradiated glands. Histological and morphometric analysis demonstrated that acinar cells were smaller and occupied relatively less volume and convoluted granular tubules were smaller but occupied the same relative volume, while intercalated and striated ducts maintained their size but occupied a greater relative volume in submandibular glands from irradiated compared to control animals. In addition, no inflammation or fibrosis was observed in the irradiated tissues. Carbachol- or thapsigargin-stimulated mobilization of Ca2+ was similar in dispersed submandibular gland cells from control and irradiated animals. Further, [Ca2+]i imaging of individual ducts and acini from control and irradiated groups showed, for the first time, that mobilization of Ca2+ in either cell type was not altered by the radiation treatment. The carbachol-stimulated, bumetanide-sensitive component of the Na+/K+/ 2Cl- cotransport activity was also similar in submandibular gland cells from control and irradiated animals. These data demonstrate that a single dose of gamma radiation induces a progressive loss of submandibular gland tissue and function. This loss of salivary flow is not due to chronic inflammation or fibrosis of the gland or an alteration in the neurotransmitter signaling mechanism in the acinar or ductal cells. The radiation-induced decrease in fluid secretion appears to be related to a change in either the water-handling capacity of the acini or the number of acinar cells in the gland.  相似文献   

The aims of this cross-sectional comparative study was to compare the results of Semmes-Weinstein monofilament testing (SWM) and moving 2-point discrimination (M2PD) with four tests of functional sensibility: recognition of objects, discrimination of size and texture and detection of dots. Ninety-eight leprosy in- and outpatients at Green Pastures Hospital in Pokhara, Nepal were tested with each of the above tests and the results were compared to see how well they agreed. Using the tests of functional sensibility as reference points, we examined the validity of the SWM and M2PD as predictors of functional sensibility. There was definite, but only moderate correlation between thresholds of monofilaments and M2PD and functional sensibility of the hand. A normal result with the SWM and/or M2PD had a good predictive value for normal functional sensibility. Sensitivity was reasonable against recognition of objects and discrimination of textures as reference tests (80-90% and 88-93%), but poor against discrimination of size and detection of dots (50-75% and 43-65%). Specificity was high for most combinations of SWM or M2PD with any of the tests of functional sensibility (85-99%). Above a monofilament threshold of 2 g, the predictive value of an abnormal test was 100% for dot detection and 83-92% for textural discrimination. This indicates that impairment of touch sensibility at this level correlates well with loss of dot detection and textural discrimination in patients with leprous neuropathy. For M2PD the pattern was very similar. Above a threshold of 5 mm, 95-100% of affected hands had loss of dot detection and 73-80% had loss of textural discrimination. Monofilament testing and M2PD did not seem suitable as proxy measures of functional sensibility of the hand in leprosy patients. However, a normal threshold with monofilaments and/or M2PD had a good predictive value for normal functional sensibility. Above a monofilament threshold of 2 g and/or a M2PD threshold of 5 mm, textural discrimination was abnormal in most hands.  相似文献   

Some chemotherapeutic agents, as well as TNF and Fas, induce apoptotic cell death in tumor cells, but the cellular components involved in the process have not yet been identified. Interleukin 1 beta converting enzyme (ICE) is a mammalian homolog of CED-3, a protein required for programmed cell death in nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. We found that a selective inhibitor of ICE/ced 3 family proteases, benzyloxycarbonyl Asp CH2OC(O) 2 6,-dichlorobenzene (Z-Asp-CH2-DCB). completely blocked the apoptotic cell death of human leukemia cells caused by etoposide, camptothecin, 1-beta-D-arabinofuranosyl cytosine (Ara-C) and adriamycin. Moreover, in antitumor agent-treated U937 cells, an ICE-like (CPP32-like) protease was strongly activated. These results indicate that ICE/ ced 3 family proteases are involved in antitumor agent-induced apoptosis. Activation of ICE family proteases plays a key role in apoptosis. However, the subsequent mechanisms resulting in apoptosis are largely unknown. We identified actin as a substrate of ICE family proteases. Cleavage of actin and other substrate proteins by ICE family proteases could be critical in the ongoing process of antitumor agent-induced apoptosis in tumor cells.  相似文献   

The Humboldt Family Study was conducted in the town of Humboldt, Saskatchewan, in 1993. Familial correlations and segregation analyses of lung function were carried out in 799 individuals in 214 nuclear families that included 214 fathers, 214 mothers, and 371 children. Forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) and maximal mid-expiratory flow rate (MMFR) were first regressed on age, height, weight, and their quadratic and cubic terms as well as on smoking status in four groups separately (mothers, fathers, daughters, and sons), with terms significant at the 0.10 level being retained. Residual phenotypes were standardized within the four groups. Class D regressive models were used to perform familial correlations and segregation analyses. For both FEV1 and MMFR, father-mother correlations were not significantly different from zero, and mother-offspring, father-offspring, and sibling-sibling correlations showed no statistically significant difference from each other. Based on the "polygenic" models, the estimated intraclass correlation is 0.132 (+/- 0.035) for FEV1 and 0.171 (+/- 0.039) for MMFR, and the narrow-sense heritability is 0.264 for FEV1 and 0.342 for MMFR. Segregation analysis shows that the "mixed" model with both single locus and polygenic components had a better fit for FEV1 than single-locus or polygenic only models. However, the model which included a nontransmitted environmental factor [tau(AA) = tau(AB) = tau(BB) = qA] and polygenic loci had a better fit than the Mendelian model [tau(AA) = 1, tau(AB) = 1/2, tau(BB) = 0] [Akaike's information criterion (AIC) = 2219.47 vs. AIC = 2222.14]. For MMFR, the Mendelian "mixed" model gave a nonsignificant improvement in loge likelihood compared to the simple polygenic model. Comparison of the single-locus model and Mendelian "mixed" model shows no difference in fitting the data. This study suggests that FEV1 and MMFR are controlled by many loci with no major effects and/or common environmental factors.  相似文献   

Bile acid-induced lipid secretion was compared in unanesthetized normal control and Groningen Yellow Wistar rats during variations in endogenous bile acid output. Groningen Yellow rats express a genetic defect in the biliary secretion of various organic anions. During a 5-hr period after interruption of the enterohepatic circulation, bile acid secretion decreased from 36.4 +/- 1.8 to 1.9 +/- 0.3 mumol per 30 min in normal control rats and from 37.1 +/- 2.8 to 1.8 +/- 0.2 mumol per 30 min in Groningen Yellow rats, respectively (mean +/- S.E.M., n = 5). The relationship between bile acid secretion and bile flow showed similar slopes (normal control, 8.74 +/- 0.44 microliter/mumol and Groningen Yellow rats, 7.71 +/- 0.42 microliter/mumol) but different y-intercepts (normal control, 243 +/- 8 and Groningen Yellow, 127 +/- 4 microliters per 30 min; p < 0.001), corresponding to a 47% reduction of the bile acid-independent fraction of bile flow in Groningen Yellow rats. During the course of the experiment, the ratio of lipids (phospholipids plus cholesterol) to bile acids increased in both strains more than threefold but was permanently higher in Groningen Yellow than in normal control rats (p = 0.035), implying that Groningen Yellow rats continuously secreted more lipid per bile acid. No differences in bile acid pool composition or in bile canalicular membrane composition and fluidity between the two strains were detected. The results indicate that apart from previously demonstrated factors (bile acid concentration, bile acid composition and hydrophilic organic anion concentration in bile), another parameter affects the efficacy of bile acids to induce biliary lipid secretion.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

To evaluate the role of aquaporin5 (AQP5) in salivary secretion induced by cholinergic stimulation, the alteration of the distribution of AQP5 in rat parotid tissues induced by acetylcholine (ACh) was studied by immunobolt analysis. The treatment of the tissues with ACh within 1 min induced the translocation of AQP5 from intracellular membranes (ICM) to apical membranes (APM), but that for more than 5 min resulted in the converse translocation from APM to ICM. The ACh-induced increase in the amount of AQP5 in APM was inhibited by atropine, p-F-HHSiD and TMB-8, but not by methoctramine, staurosporine or H-7. The calcium ionophore A-23187 alone stimulated the translocation of AQP5 between APM and ICM. These results indicated that ACh acted on M3 muscarinic receptors and induced the translocation of AQP5 between ICM and APM, and that the cytosolic Ca2+ elevation by ACh may play a key role in this translocation in rat parotid glands.  相似文献   

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