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Interest in NO measurement strongly increased with the discovery that NO is endogenously produced by living tissues. This review describes the major techniques for quantification of NO and derivatives in biological models.  相似文献   

Examined performance patterns and concurrent EEG spectra in 4 Ss (mean age of 30.5 yrs) performing a continuous visuomotor compensatory tracking task in 15–20 min bouts during a 42-hr sleep deprivation study. During periods of good performance, participants made compensatory trackball movements about twice per second, attempting to keep a target disk near a central ring. Results indicate that autocorrelations of time series representing the distance of the target disk from the ring center showed that during periods of poor performance marked near-18-sec cycles in performance again appeared. There were phases of poor or absent performance accompanied by an increase in EEG power that was largest at 3–4 Hz. These studies show that in drowsy humans, opening and closing of the gates of behavioral awareness is marked not by the appearance of (12–14 Hz) sleep spindles, but by prominent EEG amplitude changes in the low theta band. Further, both EEG and behavioral changes during drowsiness often exhibit stereotyped 18-sec cycles. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

To establish the relationships among T and B cell responses, active infection, and clinical manifestations in lymphatic filariasis, filarial-specific lymphocyte proliferation, IgG antibody isotypes, and IgE levels were determined in an exposed population: 31 asymptomatic amicrofilaremics, 43 microfilaremics, 12 symptomatic amicrofilaremics, and 52 elephantiasis patients. Lymphocyte proliferation was higher in elephantiasis patients and asymptomatic amicrofilaremics than in microfilaremics (P < .004). A proportion of asymptomatic amicrofilaremics (32%), elephantiasis patients (37%), and symptomatic amicrofilaremics (58%) showed antigen-specific lymphocyte unresponsiveness, and lymphocyte proliferation to filarial antigens correlated negatively with specific IgG4 levels (rho = -0.315, P < .001). As elevated specific IgG4 is an indicator of active infection, it is argued that active infection may result in lymphocyte hyporesponsiveness irrespective of clinical category. Of those with elevated specific IgE levels and high T cell proliferative responses, 70% had elephantiasis, suggesting these factors have a role in pathology. However, the existence of a proportion of elephantiasis patients with low anti-filarial IgE and T cell unresponsiveness to filarial antigens suggests that elephantiasis can be caused by distinct processes.  相似文献   

Postmenopausal hormone replacement therapy (HRT) has favorable effects on the serum lipid profile, and it also decreases the risk of cardiovascular diseases. The apolipoprotein E genotype has influence on serum levels of lipids and lipoproteins; apoE allele epsilon4 (apoE4) is associated with high total and LDL cholesterol levels. Genotype also influences the lipid responses to treatment with diet and statins, but the effect of HRT in different apoE genotypes is unknown. We studied the effects of HRT on the concentrations of serum lipids in apoE4-positive early postmenopausal women (genotypes 3/4 and 4/4) compared with apoE4-negative women (genotypes 2/3 and 3/3) in a population-based, prospective 5-year study. In all, 232 early postmenopausal women were randomized into 2 treatment groups: an HRT group (n=116), which received a sequential combination of 2 mg estradiol valerate (E2Val) from day 1 to 21 and 1 mg cyproterone acetate (CPA) from day 12 to 21 (Climen), and a placebo group (n=116), which received 500 mg/d calcium lactate. Serum concentrations of total, LDL, and HDL cholesterol and triglycerides were measured at baseline and after 2 and 5 years of treatment. A total of 154 women completed the final analysis. During the follow-up period, serum total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol concentrations decreased in the HRT group in apoE4-negative women (8.1% and 17.1%, respectively; P<0.001) but did not change in the HRT group in apoE4-positive women or in the placebo group. Serum HDL cholesterol concentrations decreased in the placebo group (apoE4-negative, 3.9%, P=0.015; apoE4-positive, 8.1%, P=0.004) but did not change significantly in the HRT group. Serum triglyceride levels tended to increase in both study groups and genotypes (15.1% to 36.2%, P<0.038 to 0.001), but no differences were observed between the study groups or genotypes, respectively. Our finding was that in postmenopausal Finnish women LDL cholesterol levels in apoE4-negative subjects respond more favorably to HRT than those in apoE4-positive subjects. This finding has potential importance in postmenopausal women with hypercholesterolemia, if confirmed in other studies.  相似文献   

讨论了炼铁生产中需要准确测量和严格控制的水分,包括:烧结混合料水分、球团生球水分、喷煤的制粉烟气水分、煤粉水分、高炉的鼓风湿分、炉顶煤气水分、湿式洗涤煤气水分、干式除尘煤气水分及露点,以及焦炭水分等.提出了各水分测量和控制中存在的问题和解决的方法.  相似文献   

C57BL/6Bg mice had silver bead electrodes chronically implanted on the surface of the cortex and had their cortical EEG recorded during audiogenic seizures following ethanol withdrawal. For 7 days, the experimental groups were fed a liquid diet containing 6% v/v ethanol ad lib as the only source of food and water. The control group was fed a similar diet containing an isocaloric amount of sucrose. The cortical EEG's of experimental and control groups before, during, and after treatment were virtually identical. Only the experimental group was susceptible to audiogenic seizures. During audiogenic seizures, the cortical EEG showed no sign of spike waves or paroxysmal activity. This is in contrast to picrotoxin convulsions with these same mice as well as to spontaneous convulsions in animals following ethanol withdrawal. Similar EEG observations have been reported on audiogenic seizures from genetic and acoustically primed susceptibilities. Consequently, we suggest that all audiogenic seizure responses, including those during ethanol withdrawal, are a type of subcortical epilepsy.  相似文献   

A flexible instrumental programmed system realizing the biological feedback (BFB) method and permitting an easy tuning of the channels and parameters for treatment and reflection of physiological information is designed. A measurement and estimation real-time medical system for monitoring and BFB training is described, based on visual programming. An example of practical clinical application of the system to BFB training for the EEG rhythms is offered.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to explore mechanisms of amnesia for meaningful auditory material presented during the sleep onset transition. Thirty undergraduate subjects (17 female, 13 male) were presented with auditory stimuli in an oddball paradigm until sleep onset. Subjects were allowed to accumulate either 30 seconds or 10 minutes of sleep, then awakened and tested on free recall and recognition memory for the meaningful stimuli. After 10 minutes of sleep, but not after 30 seconds of sleep, subjects had profound amnesia on free recall for stimuli presented in the 4-minute window prior to sleep onset. Increased beta electroencephalograph (EEG) power during the sleep period correlated positively with recall of stimuli in the 4-minute presleep window. Event-related potential recordings provided suggestive evidence that subjects continued to process the auditory stimuli to some extent during the sleep onset transition. When allowed to sleep for 10 minutes, subjects evidenced a mixed anterograde and retrograde amnesia for auditory stimuli presented in the 4-minute window prior to sleep onset. The results are discussed in terms of stimulus encoding, consolidation, and retrieval.  相似文献   

In our population, only half of fully nursing women remain amenorrheic 6 months postpartum. The other half recover their menstrual cycles between 90-180 days postpartum in spite of a high suckling frequency and elevated immunoreactive PRL (IR-PRL) concentrations. To further investigate the association of PRL with the recovery of ovarian function, we compared PRL bioactivity (BIO-PRL) 3-4 months postpartum in fully nursing amenorrheic women who subsequently experienced long (> 180 days; n = 5) or short (< 180 days; n = 5) lactational amenorrhea. In the present study, BIO-PRL in plasma was measured by the Nb2 lymphoma cell assay in samples taken before and 30 min after a suckling episode at 0800, 1600 and 2400 h. Women in the long amenorrhea group had higher overall mean BIO-PRL (mean +/- SE, 129.9 +/- 12.1 micrograms/L) than nursing women in the short amenorrhea group (66.6 +/- 5.2 micrograms/L; P < 0.05). Mean basal values were similar, but the women in the long amenorrhea group had more BIO-PRL in response to suckling (160.1 +/- 4.0 vs. 71.9 +/- 6.7 micrograms/L; P < 0.05). Compared with their respective basal values, nursing women in the long amenorrhea group demonstrated increased BIO-PRL in response to suckling, whereas the other group did not. The relationships between BIO-PRL and IR-PRL were similar in the two groups of nursing women before suckling. However, after suckling, the long amenorrhea group had significantly higher BIO-PRL levels than IR-PRL levels (P < 0.05, by likelihood test) than the short amenorrhea group. This suggests that suckling differentially changes in each group either the composition of PRL present or substances that may modify the bioactivity of PRL in plasma.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The purpose of our study was to determine the significance of the loss of visualization of digitations in the hippocampal head on high-resolution fast spin-echo MR images in the diagnosis of mesial temporal sclerosis (MTS). METHODS: MR examinations of 193 patients with intractable epilepsy were evaluated retrospectively for atrophy and/or T2 signal changes of the hippocampi. On the basis of these two criteria, MTS was diagnosed in 63 hippocampi. Twenty-four patients had surgery, and MTS was confirmed in all cases. A control group included 60 hippocampi in patients with frontal seizures but no MR-detectable abnormalities. In a second step, visibility of digitations in the hippocampal head was evaluated in the two groups of subjects. RESULTS: In the group of 63 hippocampi in which MTS was diagnosed, digitations were not visible in 51 cases, poorly visible in eight, and sharply visible in four. Twenty-two of 24 hippocampi in which MTS was confirmed histologically had no MR-visible digitations. In the control group, digitations were sharply visible in 55 cases and poorly visible in five. Statistical analysis showed a significant difference in the visualization of digitations between hippocampi with MTS and those in the control group. CONCLUSION: With a sensitivity of 92% and a specificity of 100%, the finding of complete loss of digitations in the hippocampal head may be used as a major diagnostic criterion to establish the MR diagnosis of MTS. This morphologic sign may also be useful in the diagnosis of bilateral MTS or to validate the MR diagnosis of MTS when there is no obvious atrophy or changes in signal intensity.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To compare the long-term efficacy and safety of brimonidine 0.2% twice daily with timolol 0.5% twice daily in patients with glaucoma or ocular hypertension. METHODS: Of the 926 patients enrolled in the study, 837 met the protocol entry criteria and received either brimonidine 0.2% twice daily (n = 466) or timolol 0.5% (n = 371) twice daily in each eye for 1 year. RESULTS: Brimonidine and timolol significantly reduced mean intraocular pressure (P < .001) from baseline levels at every scheduled follow-up visit, both at hour 2 (peak) and hour 12 (trough). At weeks 1 and 2 and months 3 and 12, significantly greater mean decreases in intraocular pressure (P < .040) at peak were observed in patients treated with brimonidine than those treated with timolol. The mean intraocular pressure decrease at trough was significantly greater for timolol than for brimonidine at each follow-up visit (P < .001). With the exception of ocular allergy (in 11.5% of patients using brimonidine and less than 1% using timolol), fewer than 3% of patients in either treatment group withdrew from the study prematurely as a result of a specific adverse event. Patients receiving timolol experienced significant decreases in heart rate (P < .001) from baseline at all follow-up visits. No significant changes in heart rate were seen in patients treated with brimonidine. Neither medication produced clinically significant changes in blood pressure. CONCLUSION: Brimonidine is safe and effective in the long-term lowering of intraocular pressure in patients with glaucoma or ocular hypertension, with efficacy comparable to that of timolol but without a notable negative chronotropic effect on the heart.  相似文献   

Emotional reactivity is an important dimension thought to underlie individual differences in infant temperament. In a series of studies, we have examined the relation between behaviors reflecting this dimension and measures of heart rate variability. In the current study, longitudinal behavioral data on two groups of infants selected for their pattern of heart period variability are presented: those with high vagal tone (high heart rate variability) and those with low vagal tone (low heart rate variability) at 14 months of age. The data suggest that infants with high vagal tone were more reactive to both positive and negative events at 5 months and more sociable and approachful at 14 months. Infant reactivity to mildly stressful events seems to be a stable dimension during the first year, and there is a strong association between differences in reactivity and the degree to which the autonomic nervous system is influenced by vagal tone. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

We evaluated the relationship between the area under the concentration versus time curve (AUC) of cyclosporin A (CsA) and several other clinical factors, because the clinical utility of AUC monitoring has been ambiguous. Fifty-four clinical time courses from 14 Japanese renal transplant patients during hospitalization, in the period from April 1990 to March 1997, were examined. In a bivariate regression analysis there was no correlation between the AUC and the daily dose of CsA (mg/kg/day) when the individual data or total series data were analyzed. In a chi-square test, the donor type of kidney (chi(2) = 25.254, df = 1, p = 0.0000) and renal function-related episodes, i.e. acute tubular necrosis, hemodialysis, hypertension, nephrotoxicity, or rejection (chi(2) = 13.982, df = 1, p = 0.0002) directly affected posttransplant renal function assessed by creatinine clearance, while episodes of hepatic function as assessed by the glutamate-pyruvate transaminase (GPT) activity level had no correlation with the posttransplant renal function evaluated according to creatinine clearance. In contrast, the renal function-related episodes significantly affected the AUC after renal transplantation (chi(2) = 4.934, df = 1, p = 0.0263), while hepatic function assessed by GPT did not. In a multivariate analysis, the creatinine clearance and obesity had significant positive correlations with the AUC, whereas the hematocrit had a significant negative correlation with the AUC. From these observations, we concluded that the dosage adjustment of CsA cannot be performed using the linear relationship between the daily oral dose and the AUC, and that renal function, obesity, and the CsA blood distribution properties affect the CsA pharmacokinetics after renal transplantation. Posttransplant renal function as well as obesity and CsA blood distribution properties are important factors to be considered when therapeutic monitoring is performed.  相似文献   

In an effort to implicate immune responses to specific Borrelia burgdorferi proteins that may have a role in chronic Lyme arthritis, we studied the natural history of the antibody response to B. burgdorferi in serial serum samples from 25 patients monitored throughout the course of Lyme disease. In these patients, the immunoglobulin G (IgM) and IgG antibody responses to 10 recombinant B. burgdorferi proteins, determined during early infection, early arthritis, and maximal arthritis, were correlated with the severity and duration of maximal arthritis. The earliest responses were usually to outer surface protein C (OspC), P35, P37, and P41; reactivity with OspE, OspF, P39, and P93 often developed weeks later; and months to years later, 64% of patients had responses to OspA and OspB. During early infection and early arthritis, the levels of IgG antibody to P35 correlated inversely with the subsequent severity or duration of maximal arthritis. In contrast, during periods of maximal arthritis, the levels of IgG antibody to OspA and OspB, especially to a C-terminal epitope of OspA, correlated directly with the severity and duration of arthritis. Thus, the higher the IgG antibody response to P35 earlier in the infection, the milder and briefer the subsequent arthritis, whereas during maximal arthritis, the higher the IgG response to OspA and OspB, the more severe and prolonged the arthritis.  相似文献   

A pyrometric analysis of the temperature of continuous annealed strip material is an essential component of industrial production. However, despite calibration, the development of composition-dependent oxides during annealing prevents an accurate pyrometric measurement of actual strip temperature. An Al-based and a Si-based transformation induced plasticity (TRIP)-assisted steel were pyrometrically analyzed during annealing under a reducing atmosphere (5 pct H2 and 95 pct Ar). Oxide development on both steels led to a deviation between pyrometer readings and simultaneous thermocouple measurements. The developing oxides influenced the pyrometer readings to different extents because of unique emissivities and different growth kinetics.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet spectrophotometry permits easy measurement of plasma levels of intravenously injected contrast media. The initial results are described from the determination of plasma methylglucamine iothalamate (Conray 60) levels during routine excretory urography in 10 normal patients. This simple procedure has many potential applications in the investigation of contrast media physiology.  相似文献   

Laughter facilitates the adaptive response to stress by increasing the psychological distance from distress and by enhancing social relations. To test these hypotheses, the authors related measures of bereaved adults' laughter and smiling 6 months postloss to measures of their (a) subjective emotion and dissociation from distress, (b) social relations, and (c) responses they evoked in others. Duchenne laughter, which involves orbicularis oculi muscle action, related to self-reports of reduced anger and increased enjoyment, the dissociation of distress, better social relations, and positive responses from strangers, whereas non-Duchenne laughter did not. Lending credence to speculations in the ethological literature, Duchenne laughter correlated with different intrapersonal and interpersonal responses than Duchenne smiles. Discussion focuses on the relevance of these findings to theories of positive emotion. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Food allergy is a group of distinct clinico-pathological entities that have an immunological basis in common, and in which an abnormal or exaggerated immunological response to a specific food leads to disease. Some clinical pictures involving multiple organ system (anaphylaxis) are potentially fatal. The data on the incidence, prevalence, mortality rate and food products involved in food-induced anaphylaxis and the evolution of food sensitization compared with changes in eating habits are not very reliable. In the present study we analysed, over a period of 9 years (1984-1992), a group of 580 patients with pathological reactions to foods, 60 of which presented severe, near-fatal reactions. We sought the etiologic components and food sensitization in comparison with the principal tendencies of food consumption in France. Food products most frequently incriminated in anaphylactic reactions are not of a primary nutritional importance: celery (30%), crustaceans (17%), fish (13%), peanuts (12%), mango (6%), mustard (3%), but they are often hidden allergens in commercial foods. The sensitization to food products in the group of 580 patients reveals, in decreasing order of frequency: wheat (39%), peanuts (37%), crab (34%), celery (30%), soy (30%). Compared with previous data, the frequency of sensitization to different foods has changed; for instance, the sensitizations to wheat, soy, peanuts, celery, mustard, rice, are definitely increasing. The increased consumption and more attentive clinical research may be the reasons for this evolution. For products such as egg and pork, the data are stable and parallel with consumption, whilst for other products like milk and other dairy products, the increased consumption is accompanied by a decrease of the incidence of sensitization. The reactivity to some allergens may be affected by the way of preparing the food.  相似文献   

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