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The paper is concerned with determining the optimized active areas of a photovoltaic conversion system, of a group of electricity generating wind machines and the optimal capacity of a battery storage system for a combined power plant. Minimization of the total life-cycle cost of the system is the criterion to obtaining the optimized parameters of the system. The algorithm consists of generating the system costs corresponding to various values of the parameters and to use these costs in a search procedure to determine the minimum. Each point is generated by a simulation program describing the system behaviour.  相似文献   

Since 2005, there has been dramatic progress in China's wind power industry. The annual growth rate of newly constructed capacity reached a miracle of 105% and the total installed capacity has increased from 1.27 GW in 2005 to 44.73 GW in 2010, which has exceeded the target of China's energy long-term planning for 2020. During the 11th Five-Year-Plan (FYP), the Chinese government has issued a series of polices to promote and regulate the development of wind power industry, which is the underlying force driving its rapid development. This paper is a systematical review on the current status and policies of wind power industry in China. Firstly the current status including achievements and shortcomings is presented, and then the relevant polices and regulations released during the period of 11th FYP are reviewed. Meanwhile, the main approaches of the policies and regulations in promoting the development of wind power industry are discussed and the issues of the current policies are analyzed. Finally, the paper concludes on the perspectives of wind power policies in China.  相似文献   

This paper provides a critical evaluation of Australia’s new Renewable Energy Target (RET) program with respect to its capacity to support wind power development. Four structural flaws associated with the RET which undermine its effectiveness as a catalyst for technological change in the electricity sector are discussed: (i) the inclusion of waste coal mine gas (WCMG) as an eligible fuel source which acts as an indirect coal industry subsidy, (ii) program duration which is too short and ill-structured, (iii) a multiplier that is well-intended to support small-scale renewable technologies but which creates “phantom capacity”, and (iv) the capped target of 45,000 GWh which will stymie long-term wind power market investment. The paper concludes with recommendations which stress the importance of passing effective Carbon Pollution Renewable Scheme (CPRS) legislation to offset the weaknesses associated with the RET. If an effective CPRS cannot be implemented, the paper recommends that amendments be made to the RET to (i) remove WCMG from the list of approved alternative energy sources, and (ii) extend the RET targets to reach 120,000 GWh by 2030.  相似文献   

The combined generation of electricity by wind and solar energy is a very attractive solution for isolated regions with high levels of yearly wind energy and insolation. A computer model is developed for the simulation of the electricity system of a Mediterranean island, including a wind power plant, a photovoltaic power plant and a storage system. In order to obtain an overall view of the system performance and economic aspects, the model also incorporates a number of diesel generators. Daily simulations for the Greek island Kythnos show that such a combined system of moderate size can provide a large fraction of the electrical energy requirements. Various parameters calculated in the simulation can be used to improve the configuration of the system and to estimate the cost of the electrical energy unit.  相似文献   

Existing literature indicates that theoretically, the earth's wind energy supply potential significantly exceeds global energy demand. Yet, only 2–3% of global electricity demand is currently derived from wind power despite 27% annual growth in wind generating capacity over the last 17 years. More than 95% of total current wind power capacity is installed in the developed countries plus China and India. Our analysis shows that the economic competitiveness of wind power varies at wider range across countries or locations. A climate change damage cost of US$20/tCO2 imposed to fossil fuels would make onshore wind competitive to all fossil fuels for power generation; however, the same would not happen to offshore wind, with few exceptions, even if the damage cost is increased to US$100/tCO2. To overcome a large number of technical, financial, institutional, market and other barriers to wind power, many countries have employed various policy instruments, including capital subsidies, tax incentives, tradable energy certificates, feed-in tariffs, grid access guarantees and mandatory standards. Besides, climate change mitigation policies, such as the Clean Development Mechanism, have played a pivotal role in promoting wind power. Despite these policies, intermittency, the main technical constraint, could remain as the major challenge to the future growth of wind power.  相似文献   

A review of energy storage technologies for wind power applications   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Due to the stochastic nature of wind, electric power generated by wind turbines is highly erratic and may affect both the power quality and the planning of power systems. Energy Storage Systems (ESSs) may play an important role in wind power applications by controlling wind power plant output and providing ancillary services to the power system and therefore, enabling an increased penetration of wind power in the system. This article deals with the review of several energy storage technologies for wind power applications. The main objectives of the article are the introduction of the operating principles, as well as the presentation of the main characteristics of energy storage technologies suitable for stationary applications, and the definition and discussion of potential ESS applications in wind power, according to an extensive literature review.  相似文献   

The complementarity of two renewable energy sources, namely hydro and wind, is investigated. We consider the diversification effect of wind power to reduce the risk of water inflow shortages, an important energy security concern for hydropower-based economic zones (e.g. Québec and Norway). Our risk measure is based on the probability of a production deficit, in a manner akin to the value-at-risk, simulation analysis of financial portfolios. We examine whether the risk level of a mixed hydro-and-wind portfolio of generating assets improves on the risk of an all-hydro portfolio, by relaxing the dependence on water inflows and attenuating the impact of droughts. Copulas are used to model the dependence between the two sources of energy. The data considered, over the period 1958–2003, are for the province of Québec, which possesses large hydro and wind resources.  相似文献   

The Alternative Energy Sources Incentive Program (PROINFA) was designed in 2002 to stimulate the electricity generation from three energy sources (wind, biomass and small-scale hydro) in Brazil. The Program was divided into two phases. The first one uses feed-in tariffs for promoting the development of 3300 MW. The second one that was originally based on feed-in tariffs was modified in 2003, in order to be based on biddings for renewables. These biddings are capped to limit their impact on the final electricity tariff. Due to this bound, the highest-cost power option promoted by PROINFA (wind power generation) might have development problems. Simulating different scenarios for the biddings, it was verified that the only way to reach the original goal set by PROINFA (10% of the annual electricity consumption provided by alternative sources up to 2020) and, simultaneously, not overcome the bidding bound is to promote biomass-fired power generation alone, during the Program's second phase. However, this action contradicts one of the targets of the Program, which is to diversify the energy matrix. An alternative option could be biddings for renewables according to specific criteria (complementarities, industrial and technological development and cost), based not only on their cost-effectiveness.  相似文献   

The variability of interconnected wind plants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present the first frequency-dependent analyses of the geographic smoothing of wind power’s variability, analyzing the interconnected measured output of 20 wind plants in Texas. Reductions in variability occur at frequencies corresponding to times shorter than ∼24 h and are quantified by measuring the departure from a Kolmogorov spectrum. At a frequency of 2.8×10−4 Hz (corresponding to 1 h), an 87% reduction of the variability of a single wind plant is obtained by interconnecting 4 wind plants. Interconnecting the remaining 16 wind plants produces only an additional 8% reduction. We use step change analyses and correlation coefficients to compare our results with previous studies, finding that wind power ramps up faster than it ramps down for each of the step change intervals analyzed and that correlation between the power output of wind plants 200 km away is half that of co-located wind plants. To examine variability at very low frequencies, we estimate yearly wind energy production in the Great Plains region of the United States from automated wind observations at airports covering 36 years. The estimated wind power has significant inter-annual variability and the severity of wind drought years is estimated to be about half that observed nationally for hydroelectric power.  相似文献   

This paper presents the ability of the existing Chinese energy system to integrate wind power and explores how the Chinese energy system needs to prepare itself in order to integrate more fluctuating renewable energy in the future. With this purpose in mind, a model of the Chinese energy system has been constructed by using EnergyPLAN based on the year 2007, which has then been used for investigating three issues. Firstly, the accuracy of the model itself has been examined and then the maximum feasible wind power penetration in the existing energy system has been identified. Finally, barriers have been discussed and suggestions proposed for the Chinese energy system to integrate large-scale renewable energy in the future. It is concluded that the model constructed by the use of EnergyPLAN can accurately simulate the Chinese energy system. Based on current regulations to secure grid stability, the maximum feasible wind power penetration in the existing Chinese energy system is approximately 26% from both technical and economic points of view. A fuel efficiency decrease occurred when increasing wind power penetration in the system, due to its rigid power supply structure and the task of securing grid stability, was left primarily to large coal-fired power plants. There are at least three possible solutions for the Chinese energy system to integrate large-scale fluctuating renewable energy in the long term: Redesigning the regulations to secure grid stability by means of diversifying the participants, such as including hydropower and CHP plants; integrating large-scale heat pumps combined with heat storage devices to satisfy district heat demands and developing electric vehicles to promote off peak electricity utilisation.  相似文献   

Along with China's rapid industrialization and urbanization, challenges in reducing pollution and CO2 emissions are increasing. One of the major approaches to coordinate economic growth and environmental protection is to substitute coal-fired power with renewable energy. Since 2003, in order to promote wind power development, China has put in place many support policies which fall into either price policy category or non-price policy category. By using a variable intercept and mixed regression model with provincial panel data during 2001–2013, we analyzed the impacts of both categories on the increase of installed capacity in areas with different wind resources. We found that price policy and two non-price policies had positive impacts on the increase of wind power installation, price policy played a greater role than non-price policy did in promoting wind power development, and price policy was more effective in areas with poor wind resources, whilst non- price policy was more effective in areas with rich wind resources. Built on these findings, conclusions and policy recommendations are provided at the end of the paper.  相似文献   

The wind energy industry has grown considerably in recent years. If the current rate of growth of installed capacity of 1500 MW per year continues, by 2006 Spain will achieve the objective established for 2010 in the “Plan de Fomento” [Plan to Promote Renewable Energies] or for 2008 in the more ambitious “Plan de Infraestructuras Eléctricas y Gasísticas” [Plan for Electrical and Gas Installations]. Achieving these important goals, which require significant investment, depends upon the continued stability of salaries and the willingness of banks to provide financing. Therefore, we studied those factors that had the greatest short-term impact on the economic viability of wind energy projects in Spain and we found that the inherent risk within the sector can become a real obstacle in terms of development and short-term financing. Given the possibility of carrying out financial analysis that is more exhaustive than traditionally employed methods, the various models for evaluating investment in risk conditions were studied with the aim of choosing the ideal tool that takes account of the highly fortuitous nature of wind velocity.  相似文献   

This paper presents a study for the utilization of wind energy at the South African research station, SANAE IV, in Antarctica (71°40’ S 2° 50’ W). A procedure to evaluate the feasibility of utilising wind power for Antarctic stations is given. The analysis is based on the technical and economic aspects of installing and operating a wind turbine at remote locations. Special attention has been given to conditions encountered at Antarctica, like site accessibility, low temperatures, icing and snow, long transportation distances and environmental issues. The aspect of externalities is incorporated into the economic analysis. The Northern Power Systems NW100/19 wind turbine is found to be the best-suited wind turbine for use at SANAE IV, given the harsh climatic conditions, like frequent windstorms and extreme temperatures. The wind turbine features a yearly energy output of 430 MWh with a capacity factor of 0.49, at a mean wind speed of 10.8 m/s. The study shows that a wind turbine installation at SANAE IV is an attractive solution to reduce fuel consumption and therefore emissions of the diesel electric generators considerably. The use of a wind turbine at SANAE IV could lead to a savings in externalities of about R110 000, -per annum.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the potential for electricity generation on Hong Kong islands through an analysis of the local weather data and typical wind turbine characteristics. An optimum wind speed, uop, is proposed to choose an optimal type of wind turbine for different weather conditions. A simulation model has been established to describe the characteristics of a particular wind turbine. A case study investigation allows wind speed and wind power density to be obtained using different hub heights, and the annual power generated by the wind turbine to be simulated. The wind turbine's capacity factor, being the ratio of actual annual power generation to the rated annual power generation, is shown to be 0.353, with the capacity factor in October as high as 0.50. The simulation shows the potential for wind power generation on the islands surrounding Hong Kong.  相似文献   

The power spectral density of the output of wind turbines provides information on the character of fluctuations in turbine output. Here both 1-second and 1-hour samples are used to estimate the power spectrum of several wind farms. The measured output power is found to follow a Kolmogorov spectrum over more than four orders of magnitude, from 30 s to 2.6 days. This result is in sharp contrast to the only previous study covering long time periods, published 50 years ago. The spectrum defines the character of fill-in power that must be provided to compensate for wind's fluctuations when wind is deployed at large scale. Installing enough linear ramp rate generation (such as a gas generator) to fill in fast fluctuations with amplitudes of 1% of the maximum fluctuation would oversize the fill-in generation capacity by a factor of two for slower fluctuations, greatly increasing capital costs. A wind system that incorporates batteries, fuel cells, supercapacitors, or other fast-ramp-rate energy storage systems would match fluctuations much better, and can provide an economic route for deployment of energy storage systems when renewable portfolio standards require large amounts of intermittent renewable generating sources.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of wind power on electricity prices using a production cost model of the Independent System Operator – New England power system. Different scenarios in terms of wind penetration, wind forecasts, and wind curtailment are modeled in order to analyze the impact of wind power on electricity prices for different wind penetration levels and for different levels of wind power visibility and controllability. The analysis concludes that electricity price volatility increases even as electricity prices decrease with increasing wind penetration levels. The impact of wind power on price volatility is larger in the shorter term (5-min compared to hour-to-hour). The results presented show that over-forecasting wind power increases electricity prices while under-forecasting wind power reduces them. The modeling results also show that controlling wind power by allowing curtailment increases electricity prices, and for higher wind penetrations it also reduces their volatility.  相似文献   

Wind power represents a significant percentage of the European generation mix and this will increase to fulfill the renewable energy targets. Different balancing rules are applied to wind power among the countries; for instance, to what extent wind power producers (WPPs) are responsible for the energy imbalances and how those imbalances are penalized. This paper discusses those different rules and evaluates their effects on WPP bidding strategies. To do so, a quantitative analysis is presented for an offshore wind farm, considering the differences in the balancing rules and prices of Belgium, Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands. The quantitative approach consists of a stochastic optimization model that maximizes the profits of a WPP by trading in different markets (day-ahead and intraday) and computes the final energy delivered. The model considers uncertainties of most important parameters such as wind energy forecasts and prices at different time frames. The results show that the imbalance pricing design and the allocation of balance responsibility significantly affect WPP’ revenues. Additionally, WPPs deviate differently from the expected energy depending on the balancing rules, which can impact the system. Furthermore, these balancing rules should be considered with other market regulations, such as the design of support schemes.  相似文献   

The main objective of this paper is to thoroughly examine the remotely sensed wind characteristics around the coasts of Brittany as well as some more specific areas. The offshore wind power potential is then assessed. To achieve this objective, information on wind speed and direction with sufficient spatial and temporal sampling under all weather conditions and during day and night is required. This study uses more than 12 years (December 1999–December 2012) of consistent remotely sensed data retrieved from the ASCAT and QuikSCAT scatterometers to estimate the conventional moments and associated wind distribution parameters. The latter are comparable to wind observations from meteorological stations. Furthermore, combining in-situ and scatterometer wind information enables an improved assessment of the spatial and temporal wind structures at specific locations of interest to be made. The wind statistical results are used to study the spatial and temporal patterns of the wind power. Although the main parameters characterizing wind power potential such as mean, variability, maximum energy, wind speed and intra-annual exhibit seasonal features, significant inter-annual variability is also depicted. Furthermore, differences are found between the wind power estimated for northern and for southern Brittany.  相似文献   

Between 2006 and 2010 the installed capacity of wind power in China has doubled and by 2010 China's cumulative installed capacity of wind power ranked the first in the world, surpassing the United States. However, the rapid expansion of installed capacity has not been matched by grid connection, and this deficiency has aroused the concern of both policy makers and scholars. Unlike most of the current studies which focus on technical strategies in China's wind power industry, this paper analyzes the problem from a policy perspective. The paper analyzes the four challenges that large scale wind power integration in China faces: the uncoordinated development between wind power capacity and power grids; the lack of suitable technical codes for wind power integration; the unclear nature of the grid companies’ responsibility for grid connection; and the inadequate economic incentives for grid enterprises. To address these problems, the paper recommends that the government: formulates policies to better coordinate the development of wind power and the planning and construction of power grids; establishes grid codes that reflect in particular the requirements to be met by users of power transmission and distribution networks; and integrates administrative intervention and economic incentive policies to stimulate the grid enterprises’ enthusiasm to absorb wind power generation.  相似文献   

As China starts to build 6 10-GW wind zones in 5 provinces by 2020, accommodating the wind electricity generated from these large wind zones will be a great challenge for the regional grids. Inadequate wind observing data hinders profiling the wind power fluctuations at the regional grid level. This paper proposed a method to assess the seasonal and diurnal wind power patterns based on the wind speed data from the NASA GEOS-5 DAS system, which provides data to the study of climate processes including the long-term estimates of meteorological quantities. The wind power fluctuations for the 6 largest wind zones in China are presented with both the capacity factor and the megawatt wind power output. The measured hourly wind output in a regional grid is compared to the calculating result to test the analyzing model. To investigate the offsetting effect of dispersed wind farms over large regions, the regional correlations of hourly wind power fluctuations are calculated. The result illustrates the different offsetting effects of minute and hourly fluctuations.  相似文献   

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