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AimsThe emergence of second generation (2G) biofuels is widely seen as a sustainable response to the increasing controversy surrounding the first generation (1G). Yet, sustainability credentials of 2G biofuels are also being questioned. Drawing on work in Science and Technology Studies, we argue that controversies help focus attention on key, often value-related questions that need to be posed to address broader societal concerns. This paper examines lessons drawn from the 1G controversy to assess implications for the sustainability appraisal of 2G biofuels.ScopeWe present an overview of key 1G sustainability challenges, assess their relevance for 2G, and highlight the challenges for policy in managing the transition. We address limitations of existing sustainability assessments by exploring where challenges might emerge across the whole system of bioenergy and the wider context of the social system in which bioenergy research and policy are done.ConclusionsKey lessons arising from 1G are potentially relevant to the sustainability appraisal of 2G biofuels depending on the particular circumstances or conditions under which 2G is introduced. We conclude that sustainability challenges commonly categorised as either economic, environmental or social are, in reality, more complexly interconnected (so that an artificial separation of these categories is problematic).  相似文献   

China aims at quadrupling per-capita GDP by 2020 compared to the year 2000. Without any energy and environmental policy measures, this tremendous economic growth would be associated with a quadrupling of primary energy consumption up to 6.3 billion tons of standard coal equivalents (sce) and energy-related CO2-emissions of 13.9 billion tons Against this background, this paper is to set China's need to implement its sustainable development strategy into the quantitative context of the countries economic development and subsequent economic growth-related environmental problems. China is urgently searching for a way to ease the negative implications of economic growth and has committed itself to achieve a level of 3.0 billion ton sce primary energy consumption in 2020. As a consequence, the macro-economic energy intensity has to be reduced by 53% by 2020. A reduction of 53% by 2020 would lead to an energy intensity level 30% points below the year-2000 level of developed countries. As for natural resources, the expected economic growth will lead to an increase of crude oil net-imports up to 455 million ton sce in 2020 and 650 million ton sce in 2030. As for regional income distribution, economic growth helped to decrease existing inequities.  相似文献   

The objective of this article is to analyze the Brazilian Biodiesel Policy (PNPB) and to identify the social and environmental aspects of sustainability that are present or absent within it. Biofuels, namely alcohol and biodiesel, have been increasing in popularity on a global scale due to their potential as alternative and renewable energy sources. Brazil, a vast country blessed with abundant natural resources and agricultural land, has emerged as a global leader in the production of biofuels. This article includes a brief analysis of the concept of sustainable development, which served as a basis to evaluate the Policy documents. Although PNPB's implementation, which began in 2004, is still within its initial stage, it was possible to identify and elaborate on the environmental and social aspects of the Policy, namely: the social inclusion of family farmers; regional development; food security; influencing the carbon and energy balance of biodiesel; promoting sustainable agricultural practices and a diversity of feedstock.  相似文献   

We evaluate the potential of a proposed policy model that would explicitly link the cultivation of biofuels with forest conservation (Biofuel + FC) as part of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. The model postulates that a ratio of 4:1 forest conservation to biofuel cultivation be linked to proposals for reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD + Biofuel), while a ratio of 9:1 biofuel cultivation to reforestation on degraded landscape (RDL + Biofuel) be linked to the afforestation/reforestation component of the Clean Development Mechanism. Both biofuel production options would be limited to the cultivation of woody perennial biofuel species on low biomass landscapes in order to maximize the carbon benefits of the proposed policy model. The potential to conserve forest, avoid GHG emissions, improve carbon sequestration, and produce renewable energy are evaluated by an illustrative model for five case studies (Pará - Brazil, East Kalimantan - Indonesia, Madagascar, Colombia and Liberia). The Biofuel + FC policy model is then compared with three counterfactual scenarios: REDD Alone with no biofuel cultivation; Biofuel Alone with expanded biofuel cultivation in the absence of REDD and a Most Likely scenario where REDD and biofuel cultivation are implemented without explicit regulatory linkages. The proposed policy model would leverage forest carbon with biofuel markets, which would reduce greenhouse gas emissions and conserve biodiversity, as well as improve human welfare in developing countries, a win-win-win strategy for sustainable development.  相似文献   

Algeria plays a very important role in world energy markets, both as a significant hydrocarbon producer and as an exporter, as well as a key participant in the renewable energy market. Due to its geographical location, Algeria holds one of the highest solar potentials in the world. This paper presents a review of the present renewable energy situation and assesses present and future potential of renewable energy sources (RESs) in Algeria. This paper also discusses the trends and expectation in solar systems applications and the aspects of future implementation of renewable energies in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region status. The problem related to the use of RES and polices to enhance the use of these sources are also analysed in this paper. In addition the available capacity building, the technical know-how for each RES technology and localizing manufacturing of renewable energy equipments are defined. The co-importance of both policy and technology investments for the future Algerian markets of RES and competitiveness of the solar/wind approach is emphasized. Some examples of policy significantly impacting Algerian markets are reviewed, and the intention of the new Algerian RES initiative is discussed.  相似文献   

Increased interest in renewable fuels in the United States, such as biodiesel and ethanol, is mainly the result of higher cost for traditional fuels after years of low prices. A growing concern over oil imports from politically unstable parts of the world has also led people to seriously consider alternatives to gasoline. Despite this attention, there are issues that challenge the widespread acceptance of biofuels, including the availability of raw materials and food security concerns. Ohio is one of the most productive agricultural states in the country, able to contribute significant amounts of corn and soybeans, the main feedstock for biofuels. Even though Ohio is rich in the raw materials needed for biofuel production, it is still an endeavor that mainly involves small businesses that face numerous challenges. Some of these challenges are national in scope, while others are localized. Interviews with small-scale biofuels producers in Ohio identify some of the major political, economic, and perceptual hurdles confronting this fledgling industry.  相似文献   

Biofuel policy has become highly contentious in Europe. In this paper we discuss the governance and legitimacy aspects of the carbon and sustainability system of the UK Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation (RTFO), both before and after implementation of the Renewable Energy Directive. RTFO certification is of a meta-type, being built upon existing certification and labelling schemes, each of which are more or less contested by NGOs. Despite the RTFO being based on these non-state initiatives, so far the concerns of environment and development NGOs and others have not been given serious expression in regulatory terms. Indeed, biofuel policy development in the UK has arguably been unduly non-responsive to critical opinion, given the limited scientific base on biofuel impacts and the reliance of RTFO sustainability certification on non-state actors and schemes. Drawing on documentary evidence, interviews and three sets of literatures – co-production of regulation; post-normal science; and legitimacy of non-state certification and labelling processes – we suggest that until concerned voices are given a stronger expression in UK and EC biofuel policy development, the policy cannot yet be said to have achieved a wide social mandate.  相似文献   

In developing countries like India where 70% of country's petroleum needs are met by import, energy security assumes significance in view of uncertainty of supply and increasing price of petroleum fuels. Fuels of bio origin not only provide energy security, but also reduce emissions of harmful pollutants and greenhouse gases and ensure rural upliftment by increasing employment in agricultural sector. India cannot afford to produce biodiesel from edible oil seeds as it is done in the American and European countries. Extensive focus has been given on producing biodiesel from non-edible sources, specifically from Jatropha. Discrepancies between the expectation and realities regarding Jatropha as a feedstock necessitate efforts for diversification of the feedstocks. Scientific research should therefore be directed towards oilseeds like Karanja, Sal, Mahua, Neem, etc. that are widely available and sustainable to the diverse socio-economic and environmental conditions of rural India. Among them the evergreen neem with its wide availability and various useful uses may be a potential feedstock for biodiesel production. In this paper attempts have been made to overview the morphology of neem tree, various useful uses, physical and chemical characteristics of neem oil and optimized production process for biodiesel production from neem oil.  相似文献   

Edgard Gnansounou 《Energy》2011,36(4):2089-2096
Over the last decade, the production and consumption of biofuels increased rapidly worldwide, in an attempt to reduce GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions, diversify transportation fuels, promote renewable energy, and create or maintain employment, especially in rural areas and developing countries. Although policy instruments being currently implemented in industrialized regions focus on sustainable biofuels, the definition and assessment of sustainability remains a highly debated issue. Several countries have adopted compulsory targets or financial incentives for promoting biofuels, and only a few countries have accounted for sustainability certification schemes for those biofuels within their policy framework. In this paper, a logic-based model for assessing the sustainability of biofuels is presented. The model uses a hierarchical structure to link multiple factors from the more specific variables to the most general one, sustainability performance. The strengths and limitations of the model are discussed and the anticipated improvements are provided.  相似文献   

Jatropha was identified as a potential feedstock to satisfy off-grid and on-grid energy solutions. However, the potential has been questioned due to agronomic frustrations, the lack of an organized value chain and heavy criticism on biofuels due to emissions triggered by land use change (LUC). To contribute to the realistic integration of Jatropha in rural development, this article proposes a modeling approach to probe the feasibility of Jatropha-based electrification in rural Africa and the layout of such a value chain.A multi-component modeling setup is presented, featuring a life cycle inventory, spatial modeling and the optimization model, OPTIMASS. In this modeling setup, OPTIMASS is parameterized with data regarding the global warming potential and the potential location of each operation in the value chain including cultivation sites and related LUC emissions. This enables OPTIMASS to spatially design the Jatropha-based on-grid and off-grid electrification value chain (i.e. cultivation, transport and storage, biofuel production and electricity generation) in Southern Mali with minimal GWP to reach 10% substitution of fossil fuels for Jatropha in electricity production for a current and two future electricity demand scenarios.Analysis of the optimization results demonstrates that emissions from transporting the oil are lower than LUC emissions per harvestable seed of other sites. Finally, it can be said that harnessing the entirety of the Jatropha value chain is crucial to make it GWP competitive relative to fossil fuels in which the location of plantations is crucial to attain low LUC-related emissions and viable yields.  相似文献   

Assessing the sustainability of urban energy systems and forecasting their development are important topics that have been the focus of recent research. In this paper, an approach for the measurement the sustainability of an urban energy system is introduced. The approach is based on prediction of the future energy needs within the consuming sectors of a city by specification of energy system development scenarios and validation of the scenarios by a multi-criteria decision method. Prediction of energy needs for the area of the city using the simulation model, model for analysis of the energy demands (MAED) is done. Finish the last level of aggregation, using the method of multi-criteria analysis, is getting the General Index of Sustainability (GIS), which shows a measure of the validity or viability, or quality of the investigated scenarios. In this way, the mathematical and graphical made a synthesis of all the indicators that are relevant to sustainable development. The accuracy in determining the mean of the GIS is checked by calculating the standard deviation. Also, a measure of reliability of the preference when watching a few consecutive scenarios was performed. The defined scenarios take into account the utilization of different energy sources, the exploitation of existing energy plants and infrastructure, and the building of new plants. The sustainability criteria are described by a unique set of economic, social and ecological indicators. The new approach was used to forecast the development of sustainable energy system in Belgrade, Serbia.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the latest analysis in solid waste thermal treatment methods including life cycle assessment (LCA), process systems, economic and energy analysis. The MSW collected by municipalities such as paper, plastics, organic materials, glass, metals, food, leather and rubber can be utilized, via primary treatment methods which are mainly pyrolysis, gasification and combined pyrolysis gasification (P–G) cycles to generate thermal energy or electricity. The importance of solid waste treatment comes from its potential to convert waste into several sources of energy or fuels such as gasoline, syngas or diesel, eliminate waste, and reduce CO2 emissions. The process systems are explained in terms of process stages, carrier gases, operating pressures and temperatures, end products and reaction residence time. According to MSW management statistics, landfilling and incineration are considered a major activity and is incompatible with the exponential increase of global production of MSW per year. Environmental analysis shows that combined pyrolysis–gasification has lowest environmental impact with acceptable results for pyrolysis and gasification. Economic analysis shows highest capital cost for combined pyrolysis gasification (P–G) followed by pyrolysis and gasification process systems respectively. Operating and maintenance cost shows highest for pyrolysis, while gasification systems show highest revenue per ton.  相似文献   

The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), created by Act of Congress in 1933, has responsibility for generating electricity, providing flood control, and promoting agricultural and industrial development for the Tennessee Valley. In the generation of electricity, TVA initially developed extensive hydroelectric facilities throughout the valley and, subsequently, extensive fossil and nuclear facilities. In the changing regulatory and economic environment associated with electricity generation, TVA has created the Public Power Institute (PPI). The PPI has responsibility for advancing energy generation and pollution reduction; it has responsibility for renewable energy development. In carrying out its renewable energy commitment, the PPI extends the leadership in biomass cofiring started in 1992, with studies and testing performed in cooperation with the Electric Power Research Institute at such locations as the Kingston Fossil Plant and the Allen Fossil Plant. It extends the activities associated with using tire-derived fuel at the Allen Fossil Plant. Through the PPI, TVA will continue to take a leadership role in the development of biomass systems.  相似文献   

The promotion and adoption of biofuels in Nigeria must be predicated on sufficient capacity for absorbing biofuels produced from the increasing investments in biofuels plantations, plants and processing facilities. This paper assesses the socioeconomic and related premises for biofuels development in Nigeria by conducting an econometric estimation of the petroleum products consumption. The paper first estimates aggregated petroleum product consumption, and then assess the response to specific petroleum products in terms of consumption, market (population), electricity generation, installed electricity generation capacity, and GDP. The result shows that all the petroleum products contribute significantly and about equally to aggregate petroleum consumption. The high proportion of petrol (about 44 percent) as a percentage of the aggregate petroleum product consumption validates the push for implementing the E10 petrol-ethanol blending for Nigeria. The consumption of diesel is also significant. Diesel is another petroleum product for which D20 biofuel blending policy has been proposed. The increase in population and GDP, coupled with the poor electricity situation, will keep driving the consumption of petroleum products. As the population increases, and the country continues to struggle to match electricity generation with population growth, the petrol-ethanol and diesel-biodiesel blending policy must be pursued tenaciously to ensure a reduction in carbon emission in Nigeria.  相似文献   

In this paper we will pose the question whether a higher level of user participation could be used as a strategy to improve the development and dissemination of sustainable energy technologies. We will especially focus on user-led innovation processes with a high involvement of individual end-users.  相似文献   

Modern transportation nowadays has evolved into an important economic activity for human civilisation. Even though various alternative energy solutions have been put forward to reduce the dependency on fossil fuels, biofuels remain one of the few options which are capable of replacing the roles of fossil fuels in transportation sector without suffering from major economic losses. Malaysia with a huge supply of palm oil for biofuels production is intended to implement mandatory biodiesel blends in its transportation sector in 2011 in order to achieve its carbon reduction commitment towards a more sustainable development. This implementation was originally targeted to start in 2009 but had to be postponed due to several obstacles such as expensive cost, lack of sufficient infrastructure and low public demand. On the other hand, Japan is also trying to fulfil its carbon reduction obligation as outlined under Kyoto Protocol with the usage of biofuels to replace fossil fuels in the transportation sector. However, it lacks sufficient biofuels supply to support its high transportation energy demand. In this case study, the mutual cooperation between Malaysia and Japan in the implementation of biofuels in transportation sector will be studied and analysed in order to overcome the challenges presented in both countries. It is hope to ascertain potential cooperation opportunities amongst those two countries to promote biofuels energy as Malaysia is rich in natural resources whilst Japan has the relevant expertise and technology. It is believed that the strengths from one country can help to cover for the weaknesses from the other and vice versa via closer bilateral partnership which will be extremely crucial when dealing with global energy issues. Ultimately, it is hope that this case study will enable both Malaysian and Japanese government to achieve their renewable energy target in domestic transportation sector.  相似文献   

The utilisation of biofuels is attracting growing support from the European Union and member states as a strategy to tackle climate change, enhance energy security, and contribute to regional development. This paper describes, compares, and analyses the markets for biofuels in Germany and the UK. The introduction of biofuels for transport in these member states provides contrasting pictures, and the success or failure of biofuels here is pertinent to the development and diffusion of biofuels across Europe. This paper concentrates on the socio-political context for the biofuels industry in Germany and the UK, discusses the lessons learned from the German and British experiences, and presents general conclusions for policy-makers that are predominantly relevant for the early stages of a biofuels industry.  相似文献   

The clean development mechanism (CDM) is part of the global carbon market developing rapidly in response to global warming. It has the twin objective to achieve sustainable development (SD) in host countries and assist Annex-1 countries in achieving their emission reduction targets in a cost-efficient manner. However, research has shown that trade-offs between the two objectives exist in favour of cost-efficient emission reductions and that left to the market forces, the CDM does not significantly contribute to sustainable development. The main argument of the paper is the need for an international standard for sustainability assessment—additional to national definitions—to counter weaknesses in the existing system of sustainability approval by designated national authorities in host countries. The article develops a new methodology, i.e. a taxonomy for sustainability assessment based on text analysis of the 744 project design documents (PDDs) submitted for validation by 3 May 2006. Through analysis of the SD benefits of all CDM projects at aggregated levels, the strengths and limitations of the taxonomy are explored. The main policy implication of the research is to propose the taxonomy as the basis of an international verification protocol for designated operational entities (DOEs) for reporting, monitoring and verifying that potential SD benefits described in the PDDs are actually realized.  相似文献   

This paper provides insights and recommendations for policy on the opportunities and constrains that influence the space for innovation for sustainable community-based biofuel production and use. Promoted by the Mozambican government, Nhambita community established jatropha trials in 2005. Initial results were promising, but crop failure and the absence of organized markets led to scepticism amongst farmers.  相似文献   

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