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Forthemeasurementsofparticulatematerialsamodifiedhotwiretechniquewasused.Thechoiceofthistechniquewasmadebyconsideringthatthet...  相似文献   

Energy transfer between the adjacent parts of rocks in underground mines is widely influenced by the thermal conductivity of rocks. The relationships between the thermal conductivity and some material properties of rocks such as the uniaxial compressive strength, unit mass, tensile strength, cohesion, Young‘s modulus, point load strength, Schmidt rebound hardness, Shore scleroscope hardness and toughness strength were investigated. The statistical analysis of the data obtained in laboratory tests shows that the thermal conductivity increases with increasing the uniaxial compressive strength, unit mass, tensile strength, cohesion, Young‘s modulus, point load strength, Schmidt rebound hardness and Shore scleroscope hardness, and decreases with increasing the toughness strength.  相似文献   

对一种经典的导热系数测试法——周期热流法进行了改进。结合相关文献,对其测试理论进行了深入分析,并对2种传统的分析解法进行了修正。利用精密的电子仪器及先进的数据采集设备,设计开发了一套金属及合金导热系数测定装置,解决了采用该法测试时难以得到较为理想的正弦或余弦温度波这一难题,减少了测试误差。通过对几种金属及合金的测定,与经典实验数据比较,发现最大误差不超过4%,测试精度较高。  相似文献   

Theoretical determination of thermal diffusivity of composite material   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A very simple model based on the Quadrupole method was used in the theoretical analysis of thermal diffusivity of composite materials of Cu-PVC, PVC-Cu-PVC, and Cu-PVC-Cu. The use of MATLAB software with a return to real space using the Stehfest algorithm makes the time of calculation very short. The thermal responses on the rear face of each considered sample, which determine the thermal diffusivity were represented. A mathematical demonstration which confirmed the results was given. Thermal diffusivity determined from the rear face thermal responses were compared with the results of the thermal diffusivity calculated by considering the composite materials to be homogeneous, and a discussion on the two kinds of results was provided.  相似文献   

比较法测取导热系数   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自行设计了一种的测取导热系数的实验装置 ,对一些复杂混合物进行导热系数的测定 ,测定结果较好 ,并且在生产中得以应用  相似文献   

采用自行设计的瞬态热线装置,测试了不同种类纳米流体的热导率,分析研究了粒子体积分数、粒径、温度、分散剂等因素对纳米流体热导率的影响.结果表明,低体积分数纳米流体的热导率比基液有较大幅度的提高,最大可达40%左右;纳米流体的热导率随着粒径的增大而减小,随着粒子体积分数的增大、温度的升高而增加,且分散效果越好的纳米流体热导率越大.试验热导率值大于常规固液混合物的H-C模型预测值,表明纳米流体具有不同于一般固液混合物的独特的优良导热特性.  相似文献   

引气混凝土导热系数试验与分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了研究引气混凝土材料的导热系数,利用基于护热板法的导热仪(DRH)测试了各种试件的导热系数,探讨了骨料含量、砂率、水灰比、粉煤灰掺量、含气量等影响混凝土导热系数的因素。根据试验结果可知,水灰比、含气量是影响混凝土导热系数的主要因素,骨料、砂率、粉煤灰掺量对导热系数也有一定的影响。  相似文献   

1 Introduction Polyurethane foam is a good thermal insulation material widely used in daily life and many industries, such as chemical engineering, refrigeration and architecture owing to its very low thermal conductivity and lightweight. In the past two decades, the technology and chemistry of the rigid urethane foam have been developed to an industrial level, but its thermal conductivity, which is recognized as the most important parameter to design the insulation structure, cannot be calcul…  相似文献   

粉性土导热系数的室内实验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
介绍了一种在一维稳态导热状态下测量土壤导热系数的新方法——稳态平板法.该方法试样制备简便、干扰因素少、测试数据可信、成本低廉,便于工程测试应用.利用该方法测定2种典型土壤在不同干密度、水的质量分数条件下的导热系数.实验结果表明,土壤的导热系数随着水的质量分数和干密度的增加均有不同程度的提高;采用新方法得到的导热系数变化规律与采用探针法测量的结果较为一致.根据实验数据拟合得出土壤导热系数与土中水质量分数、干密度的经验公式,可供工程设计参考.  相似文献   

分析表明现有文献中采用的边界界面导热系数插值格式与内部界面并不一致,仅适用于常系数和弱非线性导热问题,而对于强非线性问题则会产生较大误差。本文根据调和平均法推导出了新的边界界面导热系数插值公式,确保了边界与内部界面导热系数插值格式的一致性。通过几个具有精确解的非线性导热问题对本文插值格式进行了考核并与文献中的格式进行了对比。结果表明,采用本文改进格式可以明显提高非线性导热问题数值计算的精度,尤其对于边界零扩导问题采用改进格式可以得出物理上更为合理的解。  相似文献   

为了测定直埋电缆回填土的导热系数并探究导热系数随水质量分数的变化规律,采集浙江省境内掩深为0.7~1.2 m的5种土壤,分别配制了水质量分数为0%、5%、10%、15%、20%和25%的充分压实的试样,利用热探针法测试了各试样在(20±1) °C时的导热系数. 结果表明:不同土壤的导热系数随水质量分数递增最快的区间不同,如粗骨土为10%~15%,潮土为15%~20%,红壤为20%~25%;水质量分数超过20%后,水稻土、红壤和黄壤的导热系数随着水质量分数递增,粗骨土和潮土的导热系数减小;不同土壤的导热系数差别较大,如粗骨土的导热系数是相同条件下黄壤的2倍左右.  相似文献   

The thermal conductivity of rock is an important parameter for the deep mine and the geothermal development. It is often not possible to measure the thermal conductivity of the rocks present in the deep strata, and the usual approach is to calculate thermal conductivity including mineralogy and porosity. The compositions of core samples from the MID01 borehole in the Bj?rk? area were determined, and the minera composition was classified. The calculation of the thermal conductivity of rock in the borehole was carried out, and the main factors for the thermal conductivity of rock were analyzed. The results show that the calculated thermal conductivity of rock is reliable and useful for the design and calculation of geothermal development in the Bj?rk? area. Foundation item: Project(50490274) supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China; project supported by the Postdoctoral Science Foundation of China and Bj?rk? project supported by the Energy Agency of Sweden  相似文献   

The thermal conductivity of rock is an important parameter for the deep mine and the geothermal development. It is often not possible to measure the thermal conductivity of the rocks present in the deep strata, and the usual approach is to calculate thermal conductivity including mineralogy and porosity. The compositions of core samples from the MID01 borehole in the Bjorko area were determined, and the mineral composition was classified. The calculation of the thermal conductivity of rock in the borehole was carried out, and the main factors for the thermal conductivity of rock were analyzed. The results show that the calculated thermal conductivity of rock is reliable and useful for the design and calculation of geothermal development in the Bjorko area.  相似文献   

A series of samples of hexagonal boron nitride-aluminum nitride ceramic composites with different amounts of CaF2 as sintering aid were prepared by spark plasma sintered at 1700-1850 ℃ for 5 min.The addition of CaF2 effectively lowered the sintering temperature and promoted the densification of AlN-BN composites.With the increase of sintering temperature,the density increased,and the contiguity of AlN grains enhanced in AlN-BN composites.Thermal conductivity of AlN-BN composites increased with the increase in CaF2 content and sintering temperature,and there is a maximum value of 78.6 W·m^-1·K^-1 when the sample with 3wt% CaF2 sintered at 1800 ℃.  相似文献   

通过对几种具有代表性的固体物料的热扩散系数测定,求取材料的导热系数,提出在实验室内测取固体材料导热系数的简单实用方法.  相似文献   

采用非平衡分子动力学法(NEMD),利用Tersoff势能函数,通过固定边界模型和常热流法,模拟了金刚石薄膜的微尺度导热过程.根据薄膜内的温度梯度和通过薄膜的热流,采用Fourier定律计算某一给定状态下的薄膜热导率.计算结果表明:厚度在2~8 nm,温度在400 K状态下,金刚石薄膜的热导率与厚度成近似线性变化;薄膜厚度和热流一定,温度400~1 200 K时,金刚石薄膜的热导率随温度的升高,温度增至1200 K时热导率趋近于一个常数.  相似文献   

Net-shape forming of composite packages with high thermal conductivity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The continuing miniaturization of electronic devices in microelectronics and semiconductors drives the development of new packaging materials with enhanced thermal conductivity to dissipate the heat generated in electronic packages. In recent years, several promising composite materials with high thermal conductivity have been developed successfully for high performance electronic equipment to replace the traditional Kovar and Cu/W or Cu/Mo alloys, such as SiCp/Al, SICp/Cu, diamond/Al and diamond/Cu. However, these materials with high content of reinforcements have not been widely used in packaging field because they are hard to be machined into complex-shaped parts due to their greater hardness and brittleness. So, it is necessary to explore a near-net shape forming technology for these composites. In this paper, a novel technology of powder injection molding-infiltration is introduced to realize the near-net shaped preparation of the composite packages with high thermal conductivity.  相似文献   

针对目前真空绝热板导热系数测量时间较长、成本昂贵等问题,提出一种埋入热流计快速测量真空绝热板(VIP)导热系数的方法. 首先应用ANSYS仿真证明了测量原理的可行性,建立了VIP导热系数测量系统,以获取内部压力不同VIP的输出信号频率变化值. 然后,通过埋入真空绝热板内传感器因温度变化引起的输出信号频率变化与导热系数之间的关系,对真空绝热板的质量和寿命作出评价. 最后,利用基于岭回归方法改进了极限学习机的模型(RRELM),提高了极限学习机(ELM)的泛化能力. 实验结果表明:埋入热流计法可以实现VIP导热系数的快速测量,且与传统极限学习机相比,提出的RRELM模型通过修正导热系数与输出信号频率变化之间的关系,具有更高的测量精度.  相似文献   

推算CFCs替代物导热系数的新的基团贡献法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在Roy和Thodos法的基础上,得到了一种适合于低压下甲烷系和乙烷系氟里昂气体导热系数的推算方法。用17种氟里昂在T=250~500K范围内,对新方法作了验算。计算表明,新方法的计算精度比原方法有明显提高。  相似文献   

可控纳米流体的制备及热导率研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为了研究纳米流体的一步法制备中不同条件对纳米颗粒粒径的影响,使用醇盐水解法制备了水-SiO2纳米流体.利用激光粒度分析仪和透射电镜(TEM)对纳米颗粒粒径大小及其分布进行了测量,利用zeta 电位仪及长时间的观测,分析了系统的稳定性,利用激光闪光法, 测量不同粒径和不同浓度的纳米流体热导率的提高.结果表明,纳米SiO2颗粒可控制在50~200 nm.由醇盐水解方法制备的纳米流体稳定性好.当纳米流体的体积分数为1.3%时,平均粒径为70 nm的SiO2纳米流体的热导率比纯水提高24%,而热导率的增加对温度的提高不敏感.  相似文献   

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