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太阳能总辐射仿真软件的设计及其实地测量验证   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
依据太阳能辐射的相关理论,采用VB语言设计了基于任意地理位置的太阳能总辐射仿真软件,通过对徐州地区太阳能总辐射的实地测量研究,证实了该软件的有效性,对于指导各地区太阳能的利用具有一定的实际意义。  相似文献   

太阳能辐射采暖系统及其设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地板辐射采暖方式已在我国广泛地应用。由于这种采暖方式要求水温不高,利用太阳能集热系统作为采暖热源是比较理想的。介绍了太阳能集热与热泵技术结合的采暖及其设计步骤、计算方法等。  相似文献   

针对光伏电站并网点功率的短时间波动问题,利用编译的分析软件和西藏地区某光伏电站2012年太阳辐射实时数据,对太阳辐射短时间内变化的分布规律、变化速率的分布区间以及发生概率等进行了详细分析。分析结果表明,影响光伏电站并网点功率短时间波动的主要原因是云层的变化;虽然西藏地区太阳能辐射资源比较丰富,但是太阳辐射变化较快,在短时间(4 min)内,能从100%降到10.2%,在大于4 min的时间内,还能下降得更低;全年每分钟太阳辐射变化速率达到883 W/m2,并呈现冬春秋季变化速率较低,夏季变化速率最高的年际变化规律。  相似文献   

太阳能热利用系统的性能与当地太阳能辐照特性直接相关。利用南京地区全年辐射强度统计数据建立了逐时太阳能强度及其计算模型,结果可以作为太阳能热利用系统提供性能分析和方案论证的参考依据。  相似文献   

陶鸿莹  邓康耀  郁炜 《柴油机》2004,(3):11-13,33
将面向对象技术应用于发动机仿真软件的设计,使用Visual C++实现了该软件。D6114柴油机的仿真计算结果和试验测试结果比较表明:该软件具有较好的精度,与传统的发动机仿真软件相比,该软件性能良好,用户使用方便。  相似文献   

王炳忠先生是自1979年中国太阳能学会成立以来资历最老的会员之一,曾历任多界学会理事和常务理事,数十年来一直从事气象辐射(包括太阳辐射)的研究,对于各个时期国内外有关气象辐射所用测量仪器的性能以及比对情况掌握了详尽的资料,并对此进行了深入细致的分析比较.  相似文献   

太阳能低温热水地板辐射供暖系统的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
宋秋  孙波 《能源工程》2002,(1):19-21
低温地板辐射供暖具有舒适、节能、清洁等许多优点,这种供暖方式已在我国北方得到广泛的应用。研究、开发廉价和清洁的辐射供暖的低温热源-太阳能,对于大面积推广低温辐射供暖系统具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

李玉娜  秦光耀  张兴 《节能》2010,29(7):50-52
介绍太阳能低温地板辐射采暖系统的工作原理和形式,结合某一顶层复式住宅用能源价格法对太阳能地板采暖与常规热源进行经济性分析,并从节能效益、环保效益和投资回收期等3个方面进一步分析太阳能地板采暖系统的优势,对各方案进行综合评价,对该系统的普遍应用进行了展望。  相似文献   

文章根据太阳能小型户式热水型溴化锂空调热水机对能量的需求,分析普通小户型的楼房,阳面集热器的安装面积,根据平板集热器热性能的特点,编制了相应的软件,用于对平板集热器热性能的评价,并进行了实验验证。  相似文献   

为了估算太阳能集热装置在所使用地区接收的太阳辐射量和集热量,在综合已有的多根并排时单根全玻璃真空管接收太阳辐射量计算模型的基础上,选用一种计算模型,通过设计实验和实验实测,验证多根并排时全玻璃真空管接收太阳辐射量计算模型的正确性。实验结果表明:实验实测与通过真空管接收太阳辐射量模型计算数值结果吻合的很好,计算模型可以用来估算太阳能集热装置在所使用地区接收的太阳辐射量。  相似文献   

The calculation of the incident solar radiation falling upon tubular collectors presents difficulties which do not exist when this is carried out for flat plate collectors. Due to their cylindrical shape, the solar incident radiation on their surface is a function of angle and time. This paper presents experimental results which were obtained by means of a device specially designed in order to measure the distribution of such radiation. The device's sensor element (a photodiode) was characterised, calibrated and subsequently used to measure the angular distribution of radiation incident on the inside surface of the inner tube of an evacuated solar collector. It was found that the experimentally measured distribution agrees with that obtained by the ray-tracing method which appears in the literature.  相似文献   

A. Whillier  D. Tout 《Solar Energy》1965,9(4):208-212
Test results are reported for a newly develope instrument for accurately measuring daily solar radiation. The instrument consists of two components: the radiation sensor (a silicon-cell pyranometer that is mounted outdoors in the same way as the conventional Eppley or Kipp pyranometer), and the integrator (a conventional household style d-c ampere-hour meter). No electric power is needed to operate the instrument, which is easily portable, reasonably robust, and inexpensive.

Calibrations were done in Barbados (latitude 13° 12′ N) over an eight-month period, and consisted of intercomparison of a number of the new instruments among themselves, as well as calibration against conventional Kipp and conventional Eppley solar radiation measuring systems.

Test results led to the following conclusions:

1. 1-Scatter in the daily values of solar radiation as measured by the new instruments, due to the inherent characteristics of the new instruments themselves, was within ±2 percent.
2. 2-When compared to a carefully maintained reference (Kipp or Eppley) system, the scatter of the calibration data was within ±3 percent.
3. 3-Because of the difficulty of accurately integrating the solar-radiation record that is obtained with conventional (Kipp or Eppley) systems in the coastal tropics (where cumulus cloud is prevalent), scatter of the calibration data over many months was as high as ±10 percent, but more than half of this scatter was attributable to the reference system and not to the new instruments.
4. 4-Although developed mainly for use in the tropics, the new instrument is suitable for year-round use at latitudes up to 35 or 40 degrees, and for summer use at even greater latitudes.
5. 5-Being portable and inexpensive, and at the same time surprisingly accurate and robust, the new instrument seems well suited for measuring solar radiation in such situations as irrigation control, estimating evaporation from dams, horticultural and agricultural research, and for meteorological and climatological purposes.

Using a submerged fiber optic probe detector, measurements of the radiation field have been made in the surface layers of an aqueous suspension under field conditions. Angular and depth distributions of the radiance were obtained, and in both cases the distributions were strongly influenced by radiation scattering from the collimated beam. For large values of the ratio of the collimated radiation to the total irradiation and for small to moderate values of the angle between the refracted collimated beam and the line of sight of the detector, the depth distribution was characterized by a maximum below the air-water interface. The directional distribution of the radiance, which exhibited a maximum in the direction of the collimated beam, approached isotropic conditions with increasing depth and with decreasing ratio of the collimated radiation to the total irradiation.  相似文献   

Four methods of estimating hourly diffuse irradiation from hourly global irradiation are compared, using global and diffuse irradiation data from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology for five widely separated Australian locations. A development of one of these methods with constants derived from the data for each place is found to perform best when judged on a criterion of absolute error, and this performance in maintained when constants averaged over the five locations are used. The derived constants are also given for all other Australian locations for which both global and diffuse data are available, and a method is suggested for deriving suitable values of the constants for places situated between 20° and 45° S for which only global radiation data are available. A previously reported dependence of the proportion of diffuse radiation on latitude is demonstrated.  相似文献   

Solar radiation values are difficult to predict or to estimate, due to the multitude of factors affecting radiative transfer in the atmosphere. Whether considering a network of stations or several radiation sensors at a single station, proper calibration procedures of both sensors and data acquisition systems are mandatory.This paper presents a method whereby the interrelationships of signals received from different radiometers at a single site are systematically checked as a means of data control. The various measurements discussed include direct solar, global, diffuse solar and net radiation, albedo, measurements on inclined surfaces and in various bandpasses. The data control method is accomplished by examining ratios, combinations, and comparisons of various measured parameters in addition to calculating some of these parameters by the use of empirical formulae.  相似文献   

In this paper diffuse radiation is correlated with usually measured or more easy computable quantities in order to have a larger number of data available for the various applications of solar energy. Here are used two types of correlation: (a) diffuse radiation as a function of global and extraterrestrial radiation; (b) diffuse radiation as a function of ralative sunshine and extraterrestrial radiation. On the basis of the above correlations, empirical equations have been proposed and their coefficients have been calculated by fitting the experimental data of three Italian stations. The degree of accuracy of the fit has been estimated by a coefficient introduced and called by us “relative standard error of estimate.” In order to compare the proposed formulas, which have different degrees of freedom, it has been used the test of Gauss modified by us. The values of diffuse radiation obtained by the proposed relations agree very well with the experimental data.  相似文献   

We calculate the distribution of absorbed radiation inside a solar photocatalytic reactor, by means of radiative transfer theory. The reactor configuration is that of a glass tube illuminated by a parabolic trough collector, where the catalyst consists of titanium dioxide micro-particles suspended in water. The calculations are made within the framework of the P1 approximation, which allows to solve analytically the radiative transfer equations. The obtained solution is used to study the effect of catalyst concentration on the degradation of pollutants, by means of a general kinetic model. The results obtained display the main features which are observed in experiments reported in the literature.  相似文献   

A laboratory test facility for solar radiation detectors has been built and is in operation at the Aerological Station of the Swiss Meteorological Institute (SAP/SMI). This installation is conceived as a universal test bed for solar radiation exposed meteorological instruments, and consists of a commercially available solar simulator, a laser alignment system, a translation mechanism with instrument mounts, and an adjustable projection mirror. The solar simulator produces a well characterized radiation beam which can be filtered to match the terrestrial or outer space solar spectrum with an irradiance of up to one solar constant (1367 Wm−2). The instrument mounts and a HeNe laser beam provide a precise and easy alignment of the reference and the test instruments in the radiation beam, allowing for incident angles in the range of 15°–75°. The measurement is based on a comparison of the response of an active cavity absolute radiometer PMO6 with the signal of the test instrument.Detailed investigations of the Haenni Solar 111B type heliometer have revealed important irregularities in the sunshine threshold irradiance angular distribution. Measurements performed with and without the protection glass cover prove the exceedingly high threshold values at large declination angles to be a consequence of enhanced reflections due to the incident angle and inhomogeneities in the glass cover.Very satisfactory results have also been obtained on characterization measurements of pyranometers showing the mean values of the responsivity to be within 0.8% of the calibration values measured at the world radiation center (WRC) at Davos.  相似文献   

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