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本文叙述了蓝牙无线连接在射频、基带协议、链路管理协议(LMP)中采用的可靠性措施.特别是,本文作者对提高蓝牙文件传输的可靠性做了深入的研究,在蓝牙RFCOMM协议的基础之上建立了本文所描述的蓝牙的文件传输协议,称之为RBTFT,其中,创造性地提出了支持文件断点续传的办法.并得到了实现,从而在应用层有效地提高了蓝牙无线连接的可靠性.  相似文献   

田野 《大众硬件》2005,(8):83-86
日常生活中,有许多不同的用来连接各种电子设备的方法。如许多个人电脑系统中处理器单元与鼠标、键盘、打印机等外部设备相连;个人数字助理PDA通过电缆或扩展坞与电脑相连;家中的电视通过遥控器与影碟机或机顶盒相连;无绳电话通过无线电波与机座相连,通常还有另一个听筒通过电线连接;还有你使用的CD播放器或其他音响设备通过音箱将声音传入耳里,这其实也是一种连接。  相似文献   

蓝牙技术—— 一种短距离的无线连接技术   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
蓝牙技术是一种短距离的无线连接技术。它能取代线缆将一定范围内的计算机和通信设备连接起来,实现不同设备之间的快速互连。本文介绍了蓝牙的协议体系结构、框架结构以及蓝牙的主要技术等。  相似文献   

曹恺  裘正定 《现代计算机》2000,(103):15-16,21
蓝牙是一种个人无线网络的通讯协定,简单而言,就是在近距离内可以传输语音和数据的无线通讯技术。本文讲述了蓝牙所涉及到的信号传输、网络拓扑、传输链路管理以及软件功能实现等方面的技术,并简单介绍了蓝牙芯片的结构及其产品的应用状况。最后,分析了蓝牙目前所面临的问题,预测了它广阔的发展前景。  相似文献   

刘勇 《微电脑世界》2000,(29):16-16
谁都无法忽视“蓝牙”(Bluetooth)技术的魅力,它的成功将成为消费电子领域终成一统的象征。如果由Ericsson、Nokia、IBM、Intel、Toshiba以及其他IT业界“大腕”组成的Bluetooth技术同盟能够按照现有的方向继续前进的话,包括蜂窝式电话、个人数字助理(PDA)和便携式电脑在内的许多移动设备,很快将可以利用无线电波在10m  相似文献   

黄晓林  梁玉红 《微机发展》2004,14(1):51-53,F003
Bluetooth技术能在短距离内用无线接口代替有线电缆连接。文中介绍了Bluetooth技术的基本特性,讨论了基于Bluetooth技术的多媒体无线连接PC(Multimedia Wireless Connection PC,MWCPC)的系统结构、通信协议软件栈,并对MWCPC的主/从单元连接建立和多MWCPC的从单元资源共享等问题进行了研究,实测效果良好。  相似文献   

蓝牙是一种个人无线网络的通讯协定,简单而言,就是在近距离内可以传输语音和数据的无线通讯 技术。本文讲迷了蓝牙所涉及到的信号传输、网络拓扑、传输链路管理以及软件功能实现等方面的 技术,并简单介绍了蓝牙芯片的结构及其产品的应用状况。最后,分析了蓝牙目前所面临的问题, 预测了它广阔的发展前景。  相似文献   

漫步者将获奖音箱e3350无线化与用户见面,音质得到了良好的保证,同时具备了蓝牙无线的特色,非常具备现代家居感。现代人们的生活越来越无拘无束,以往那种把音频设备接在音箱上播放的习惯渐渐被无线连接取代。而具备无线接收的音箱一般体型较为纤细,音质不够饱满。针对此种情况,漫步者将曾荣获2008年CES设计与工程创新奖的e3350音箱集成了蓝牙无线技术,推出e3350(BLUE)蓝牙音箱。  相似文献   

介绍了信息家电网络中一种较好的无线连接技术 -蓝牙 ,重点阐述了蓝牙网络的原理 ,蓝牙 1.0规范摘要 ,蓝牙芯片的节能模式 ,以及蓝牙通信的几个问题 ,对几种连接方案进行了简要的比较 ,最后对蓝牙技术作了前瞻性的展望 .  相似文献   

A new technique to extract range information from stereo images   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Results are described for an algorithm that automatically registers two stereo images. An exact area registration process which automatically removes all residual distortion due to the geometry of the stereo imaging system is demonstrated. This process allows the match judgement to be based upon an analysis of the residual differences of structure and intensity existing after all differences due to geometrical distortion have been corrected. The accuracy in general seems to be of the order of 1% of range, since the average distance to the model was about 600 mm and the RMS error in range was about 6 mm. The fact that the maximum error was greater by a factor of five indicates that there were still some mismatched points and the procedures followed in the stereo ranging algorithm were not sufficient. Further modifications to the algorithm are needed  相似文献   

佳能研发了中文版数码复合机系列管理软件,配合佳能数码复合机,提高产品的易用性,让用户拥有智能化的办公应用。 佳能iWDM文件管理软件解决了用户纸张文件存放、快速查找、高效制作和打印等需求。用户可以直观地创建、浏览、管理自己的文件夹。  相似文献   

As the number of daily satellite service requests increases, the satellite range scheduling problem becomes more intractable during the ground station operations management. The NP-complete problem involves scheduling satellite requests to ground station antennas within their time windows so that the profit from the scheduled requests is maximized. This paper analyzes various conflicts between satellite requests and then develops a conflict-resolution technique. The technique first builds an elite initial schedule using a prescheduling strategy and then improves the initial schedule using a rescheduling strategy in a subspace of feasible solutions. The main highlight of the technique is its dual functions of quickly generating a high-quality solution and providing a good bound. As shown in the experimental results from the actual data and more difficult random instances, the proposed technique is significantly better than the best-known heuristic.  相似文献   

《蓝海战略》是一本全球畅销书,该书的主旨思想是:硬碰硬的竞争只能令企业陷入血腥的“红海”,而流连于“红海”的竞争之中,将越来越难以创造未来的获利性增长。该书通过对跨度达100多年、涉及30多个产业的150个战略行动的研究提出,要赢得明天,企业不能靠与对手竞争,而是要开创“蓝海”,即蕴含庞大需求的新市场空间,以走上增长之路。本文作者试图用寻找“蓝海”的信念,引导零售业进行技术创新。  相似文献   

针对软件开发类专业在人才培养中存在合格率低、学生编码能力弱等状况,根据软件开发的能力需求特点,在分析现有软件开发培养模式的基础上,提出针对"软件蓝领"的逆向教学模式,结合高职软件开发类专业的教学实际,在ASP程序设计课程中应用并取得较好的实践效果。  相似文献   

This work introduces an original method for registering pairs of 3D views consisting of range data sets which operates in the frequency domain. The Fourier transform allows the decoupling of the estimate of the rotation parameters from the estimate of the translation parameters, our algorithm exploits this well-known property by suggesting a three-step procedure. The rotation parameters are estimated by the first two steps through convenient representations and projections of the Fourier transforms' magnitudes and the translational displacement is recovered by the third step by means of a standard phase correlation technique after compensating one of the two views for rotation. The performance of the algorithm, which is well-suited for unsupervised registration, is clearly assessed through extensive testing with several objects and shows that good and robust estimates of 3D rigid motion are achievable. Our algorithm can be used as a prealignment tool for more accurate space-domain registration techniques, like the ICP algorithm.  相似文献   

CMOS图像传感器动态范围扩展技术   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
CMOS有源像素图像传感器动态范围的扩展可采用各种技术,如对数像素结构、横向溢出栅像素结构、多次曝光技术、局部曝光技术等,其中多次曝光技术在可获得大动态范围图像的同时,信噪比(SNR)较高。  相似文献   

A new numerical method has been developed to propagate short wave equation pulses over indefinite distances and through regions of varying index of refraction, including multiple reflections. The method, “Wave Confinement”, utilizes a newly developed nonlinear partial differential equation that propagates basis functions according to the wave equation. These basis functions are generated as stable solitary waves where the discretized equation can be solved without any numerical dissipation. The method can also be used to solve for harmonic waves in the high frequency (Eikonal) limit, including multiple arrivals. The solution involves discretizing the wave equation on a uniform Eulerian grid and adding a simple nonlinear “Confinement” term. This term does not change the amplitude (integrated through each point on the pulse surface) or the propagation velocity, or arrival time, and yet results in capturing the waves as thin surfaces that propagate as thin nonlinear solitary waves and remain 2–3 grid cells in thickness indefinitely with no numerical spreading. With the method, only a simple discretized equation is solved each time step at each grid node. The method can be contrasted to Lagrangian Ray Tracing: it is an Eulerian based method that captures the waves directly on the computational grid, where the basic objects are codimension 1 surfaces (in the fine grid limit), defined on a regular grid, rather than collections of markers. In this way, the complex logic of current ray tracing methods, which involves allocation of markers to each surface and interpolation as the markers separate, is avoided.  相似文献   

近几年,在高性能计算领域,GPU+CPU混合结构成为许多高性能计算机的主要结构,得到了广泛的应用。由于混合结构的特殊性,分析了传统的阿姆达尔定律,将其推广到混合结构中。针对FMM算法中近程计算部分在multi-GPU+CPU混合结构中存在的任务均衡以及通信延时等问题,在混合结构阿姆达尔定律的指导下,提出了多GPU调度模型和两级流水模型。该调度模型能够有效地进行多个GPU之间负载的均衡,缓解近程计算的非均匀性所带来的问题;同时,两级流水模型使CPU和GPU可以并行工作,通过计算和访存的重叠,来隐藏访存带来的延时问题,提高运算部件的利用率。实验验证和数据的比较证明了上述优化的可行性,该优化方案进一步加速了算法的执行。  相似文献   

"蓝色引擎"圆燕莎供应链之梦   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由北京燕莎友谊商城、IBM和富基旋风公司三方协力打造的国际领先、国内首创的“可视化流程驱动”供应链管理系统——燕莎“蓝色引擎”经过近两个月的试运行后已正式全面升级运行。近日在该项目的新闻发布会上,北京燕莎友谊商城总经理张跃进,副总经理黄根惠连同相关部室负责人和各店店长,与IBM大中华区零售行业解决方案部总经理陈明华、富基旋风公司CEO颜艳春、燕莎供应商代表,以及近40位记者朋友共同见证了这一重要时刻。燕莎商城的高层领导、商城采购中心和供应商代表高度肯定了该系统在试运行期间业已取得的成果,并对系统全面运行后将为供应商与燕莎带来的发展潜力寄予厚望。  相似文献   

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