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Administered the Strong-Campbell Interest Inventory to 134 males (mean age 26.3 yrs) and 22 females (mean age 31.7 yrs) with spinal cord injury to assess Ss' vocational interests. Ss' scores were compared to the norms for men and women. Rank-order analysis indicated that males' responses showed them to be introverted and more interested in working with things than data or people. Although the smaller sample of females makes conclusions less certain, the females' responses were similar to the males'. Since the interests of these people were often incongruent with the physical limitations imposed by their disability, findings suggest that counselors must apply extra ingenuity to assist in identifying vocational alternatives. (11 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

117 males (aged 20–72 yrs) with spinal cord injury (SCI) completed an SCI questionnaire and 2 versions of the Strong-Campbell Interest Inventory (SCII), one with standardized instructions and one with instructions to recall interests from an earlier, preinjury age. Strong Vocational Interest Blanks taken prior to injury were located for 14 Ss. These provided direct evidence concerning stability of interests and suggested that the larger group was relatively accurate in the recall of preinjury interests. 130 age-matched males without SCI also completed the SCII twice to assess the presence of any variance uniquely associated with the preinjury recall method. Results show that the interests of SCI Ss were as stable as those of the non-SCI Ss and that changes that did occur were consistent with those found in nondisabled samples. It is suggested that the recall method is potentially useful for future research. (38 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

OBJECT: Apoptosis is a form of programmed cell death seen in a variety of developmental and disease states, including traumatic injuries. The main objective of this study was to determine whether apoptosis is observed after human spinal cord injury (SCI). The spatial and temporal expression of apoptotic cells as well as the nature of the cells involved in programmed cell death were also investigated. METHODS: The authors examined the spinal cords of 15 patients who died between 3 hours and 2 months after a traumatic SCI. Apoptotic cells were found at the edges of the lesion epicenter and in the adjacent white matter, particularly in the ascending tracts, by using histological (cresyl violet, hematoxylin and eosin) and nuclear staining (Hoechst 33342). The presence of apoptotic cells was supported by staining with the terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated deoxyuridinetriphosphate nick-end labeling technique and confirmed by immunostaining for the processed form of caspase-3 (CPP-32), a member of the interleukin-1beta-converting enzyme/Caenorhabditis elegans D 3 (ICE/CED-3) family of proteases that plays an essential role in programmed cell death. Apoptosis in this series of human SCIs was a prominent pathological finding in 14 of the 15 spinal cords examined when compared with five uninjured control spinal cords. To determine the type of cells undergoing apoptosis, the authors immunostained specimens with a variety of antibodies, including glial fibrillary acidic protein, 2',3'-cyclic nucleotide 3'-phosphohydrolase (CNPase), and CD45/68. Oligodendrocytes stained with CNPase and a number of apoptotic nuclei colocalized with positive staining for this antibody. CONCLUSIONS: These results support the hypothesis that apoptosis occurs in human SCIs and is accompanied by the activation of caspase-3 of the cysteine protease family. This mechanism of cell death contributes to the secondary injury processes seen after human SCI and may have important clinical implications for the further development of protease inhibitors to prevent programmed cell death.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe the pattern of inpatient hospital utilization, up to 15 years after injury, among a cohort of veterans with service-connected traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI). PATIENTS: A cohort of 1,250 male veterans, with traumatic SCI occurring between 1970 and 1986, who visited the VA within 1 year of injury, was assembled from VA administrative files; diagnosis was verified by examining hospital discharge summaries. DESIGN: Computerized record linkage among Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) administrative files was used to determine patterns of inpatient hospital utilization. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Pattern of inpatient admissions and length of stay (LOS). RESULTS: Patients were typically white males injured in their mid-twenties. The initial VA hospitalization began approximately 6 weeks after injury and lasted 4 to 7 months, depending on injury level and completeness. Subsequent hospitalizations usually lasted approximately 10 days, but 22% of stays exceeded 1 months. Most hospitalizations took place in specialized SCI Centers. Comparing the 1980s with the 1970s, patients in the 1980s entered VA facilities sooner after injury, were more likely to visit SCI Centers, and had shorter initial stays. Rates for the incidence of rehospitalization decreased rapidly in years 2-5 after injury and declined less rapidly thereafter. Occupancy rates and proportion rehospitalized followed similar patterns. The incidence rate for persons with complete quadriplegia was approximately twice that of patients with incomplete paraplegia. Between 1970 and 1991, both the rehospitalization incidence rate and LOS decreased by approximately 20%. Only 10% of patients accounted for 46% of the total LOS. LOS during the first five years was predictive of later LOS. CONCLUSIONS: The pattern of rehospitalization in VA facilities was generally consistent with that of the Model Systems. Efforts toward preventing rehospitalization should target persons with previous high utilization.  相似文献   

Objective: To explore the relationship between employment status and community access, perceived community discrimination, social support from significant others, depressive symptoms, and gender-related variables for 83 men living with spinal cord injury. Study Design: Correlational research. Setting: Internet-based investigation employing spinal cord injury listservs. Main Outcome Measure: Participant employment status. Results: A forced-entry hierarchical logistic regression indicated that means of injury, community access and perceived community discrimination, social support from significant others, depressive symptoms, and men’s adherence to masculine norms for primacy of work, self-reliance, and emotional control significantly predicted employment status. Conclusions: Psychosocial variables such as community access, perceived discrimination, social support from significant others, depressive symptoms, and gender identity represent important and understudied predictors of employment status among men living with spinal cord injury. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Whipple's disease is a multisystem bacterial disease usually characterized by malabsorption, diarrhea and polyarthritis. Ocular manifestations include uveitis, vitreitis, retinis, myositis, papilledema and optic atrophy. We report a case of a chronic bilateral vitreitis in a 63 year-old man who had been treated for a Whipple's disease with gastrointestinal involvement 30 years before. The jejunal biopsy was negative but the polymerase-chain-reaction (PCR) revealed the presence of Trophyrema Whippelii in the vitreous prelevement of both eye. This new, original strategy of PCR is specific and more sensitive than histological diagnosis.  相似文献   

Objective: To determine if individuals with mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI) perform differently on neuropsychological measures than individuals with spinal cord injury (SCI) having no loss of consciousness. Design and Participants: Data were collected prospectively on 33 matched pairs of individuals with SCI or MTBI. Independent t tests were performed to identify differences between the SCI and MTBI groups. Results: Although those with SCI generally outperformed individuals with MTBI, no meaningful between-groups differences were noted on 5 of the 10 neuropsychological tests administered. Greater than 40% of the SCI patients were identified as having impairments in processing speed, motor speed, and verbal learning. Conclusions: Treatment planning after SCI should include procedures to identify cognitive deficits that may complicate adjustment to disability and delay acquisition of new skills. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI) affects 8,000 to 10,000 individuals per year in the United States. One of the most difficult tasks confronting the clinician is the discussion of neurologic recovery and prognosis with the patient and/or family. Our objective is to provide a guide for practitioners to accurately predict neurologic outcome in acute traumatic cervical SCI (tetraplegia). DATA SOURCE: Published reports obtained through MEDLINE search, texts, and studies presented at national conferences. STUDY SELECTION: Peer reviewed studies, in English language, that discussed prognosis after traumatic SCI. CONCLUSION: A comprehensive physical examination of the acute SCI patient is essential in determining the initial level and classification of the injury and is the most accurate method to predict neurologic recovery. Other diagnostic tests, including somatosensory evoked potentials, magnetic resonance imaging, and transcranial magnetic stimulation, may be helpful in further determining outcome when used in association with the clinical examination. The understanding of neurologic recovery should help predict ultimate functional capability and potential needs.  相似文献   

Twenty alkanediamines were designed according to structure-activity relationships drawn from previous parts of this series and synthesized. Their general structure is CH3-(CH2)n-CHNH2-(CH2)m-CHNH2-(CH2)n-CH3, (n = 2-10; m = 3-6). Twelve of them inhibited the aggregation of human blood platelets in concentrations between 3-10 micromol/L halfmaximally (Born test, inducer collagen). With increasing m a decreasing n is necessary to achieve the optimum activity. In the most active compounds (7b, 7e, 7p) it is found that m + n = 9. When the nitrogen functions are hydroxyalkylated secondary amines with similar antiplatelet effects are obtained. The conversion of the amino groups into syndronimines is accompanied by the loss of activity. The bisethoxycarbonylderivatives of 7f and 7m (8f, 8m) exhibited antithrombotic effects in rats after oral administration.  相似文献   

This prospective study examines a population based cohort of 115 Coloradans identified as having an acute traumatic spinal cord injury by the Spinal Cord Injury Early Notification System in 1989. Comprehensive medical cost and complication data were collected for the first 2 years of survival. Unlike previous cost studies, this group represents the broad spectrum of spinal cord injured persons, reflected in a truly population based sample. Nearly 22 million dollars were spent during the first 2 years post injury on behalf of these Coloradans. Care provided to the 27 persons with Frankel A, B or C tetraplegia accounted for $10.9 million (50%); $7.6 million (35%) was spent providing care for the 36 people with Frankel A, B or C paraplegia; and the remaining $3.3 million (15%) was required for services provided to the 52 persons who had resolved to either Frankel D or E at acute care discharge. Of the $6.3 million that was spent post hospital discharge, $2.5 million (39%) is directly attributable to in-home care, and another $2.0 million (32%) is directly attributable to secondary medical complications. The most expensive complications occurred in the neurological, skin, respiratory and orthopedic body systems.  相似文献   

Most spinal cord injury (SCI) men have fertility problems caused by anejaculation and a decreased fertility of the ejaculate. There are several methods to induce ejaculation, such as vibratory stimulation and transrectal electrostimulation. In order to investigate the current state of knowledge about the effectiveness of vibratory stimulation and to prepare a controlled clinical trial we reviewed the available literature. Ten articles met our inclusion criteria. Articles were found by various strategies, such as computer searches and screening of relevant journals. We used a structured approach to evaluate these articles. In total 428 patients had been treated with vibration. Sixty percent (257) of the patients responded to treatment, ie produced ejaculate. Because of methodological shortcomings in most studies it remains unclear whether there is a relationship between injury type, such as level and completeness of the injury, and the response rate. Semen analyses showed a large intersubject variation. From the data available, it could be concluded that the semen volume is usually normal, whereas sperm motility and morphology of spermatozoa were in most cases far from normal. Side effects of vibratory stimulation were reported in 6% of the patients. Semen could be used for various (assisted) reproductive technologies, eg artificial insemination, in vitro fertilisation and microinsemination. Therefore, it is very important to know which stimulation method is most effective in treating anejaculatory SCI men. This review of the literature shows that the effectiveness of vibratory stimulation remains unclear. New, well designed clinical trials as well as basic research activities might clarify the effectiveness of vibratory stimulation and transrectal electrostimulation.  相似文献   

The capability of the central nervous system to remyelinate axons after a lesion has been well documented, even though it had been described as an abortive and incomplete process. At present there are no long-term morphometric studies to assess the spinal cord (S.C.) remyelinative capability. With the purpose to understand this phenomenon better, the S.C. of seven lesionless rats and the S.C. of 21 rats subjected to a severe weight-drop contusion injury were evaluated at 1, 2, 4, 6, and 12 months after injury. The axonal diameter and the myelination index (MI = axolemmal perimeter divided by myelinated fiber perimeter) were registered in the outer rim of the cord at T9 SC level using a transmission electron microscope and a digitizing computer system. The average myelinated fiber loss was 95.1%. One month after the SC, 64% of the surviving fibers were demyelinated while 12 months later, only 30% of the fibers had no myelin sheath. The MI in the control group was 0.72 +/- 0.07 (X +/- S.D.). In the experimental groups, the greatest demyelination was observed two months after the lesion (MI = 0.90 +/- 0.03), while the greatest myelination was observed 12 months after the injury (MI = 0.83 +/- 0.02). There was a statistical difference (p < 0.02) in MI between 2 and 12 months which means that remyelination had taken place. Remyelination was mainly achieved because of Schwann cells. The proportion of small fibers (diameter = 0.5 micron or less) considered as axon collaterals, increased from 18.45% at 1 month to 27.66% a year after the contusion. Results suggest that remyelination is not an abortive phenomenon but in fact a slow process occurring parallel to other tissue plastic phenomena, such as the emission of axon collaterals.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the sources reporting hospitalized spinal cord injury cases to the statewide, population-based surveillance system in Colorado for the year 1994. Three reporting sources were evaluated: clinical contact persons, medical records departments, and a centralized statewide hospital discharge database. Two evaluation strategies were utilized; these include both measures of accuracy and estimates of missed cases. For the latter, capture-recapture techniques were used to estimate the number of hospitalized spinal cord injury cases missed by all three reporting sources. The clinical contact persons reported 84 confirmed cases, missed 80 confirmed cases, and reported 10 cases that were later determined not to have spinal cord injuries, resulting in a sensitivity of 0.51. Medical records departments and the discharge database reported 143 and 147 cases, respectively, missed 21 and 17 confirmed cases, and reported 118 and 69 cases that were later determined not to be cases of hospitalized injuries of the spinal cord, resulting in sensitivities of 0.87 and 0.90. Capture-recapture results indicate all three sources combined missed an estimated 1-5 cases, yielding a total annual incidence rate for hospitalized spinal cord injury ranging from 45.1 to 46.3 per million population.  相似文献   

Investigated specific coping strategies associated with psychological adjustment following spinal cord injury with a battery of assessments administered to 57 patients (median age 26.5 yrs) participating in a spinal cord injury rehabilitation program. Ss were divided into 3 groups based on degree of psychological distress. High-distress Ss reported using more Wish-Fulfilling Fantasy, Emotional Expression, Self-Blame, and Threat Minimization Coping strategies relative to the low and moderate distress groups. The Self-Blame Coping strategy was significantly correlated with psychological distress over and above age, time since injury, or level of injury. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Assessment parameters for muscle testing in the individual with a spinal cord injury (SCI) have been clearly defined by the American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA). However, the ASIA standard requires the individual's participation in reporting sensory information and he/she must be able to perform specific tasks to complete the examination. In an individual with a dual injury, a SCI and a traumatic brain injury (TBI), neurological assessment can be impeded by the individual's inability to participate in the exam. Assessment needs to incorporate both cognitive and physical parameters that will appropriately assess both injuries. This article reviews the assessment parameters for both spinal cord injury and traumatic brain injury and provides assessment guidelines for bedside evaluation of functional ability. In addition, a review of the biomechanics of injury will provide a model for understanding dual injury.  相似文献   

Management of pain after spinal cord injury remains a difficult clinical problem. In particular, neuropathic spinal cord injury pain, like other forms of deafferentation pain in which there is loss or modification of normal afferent sensory inputs, is notoriously resistant to currently available modes of treatment. Although there have been some advances in our understanding of spinal cord injury pain, the mechanisms of neuropathic spinal cord injury pain remain largely unknown and treatment is often ineffective. This review presents findings from recent publications that deal with the mechanisms and management of spinal cord injury pain.  相似文献   

Postinjury marriage rates of 6,853 persons enrolled in the National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center database between 1973 and 1992 were determined. Only 781 marriages occurred, whereas 1,884 marriages were expected based on 29,660 person-years of follow-up and overall annual marriage rates that were specific for age, gender, and previous marital status. Within the study population, characteristics associated with significantly elevated marriage rates included age between 30 and 44, college education, being divorced at injury, paraplegia, independence in ambulation and activities of daily living, and not being institutionalized. Standardized marriage rates were significantly below general U.S. population norms for all study population subgroups except those who were widowed and those who were at least 45 years of age at injury. Further research should focus on identifying reasons for the reduced marriage rate. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In chronic spinal cord injury, semen obtained by assisted ejaculation is usually abnormal. We have assessed electroejaculation early after injury in seven patients. There were no adverse effects. Initial samples contained few or no spermatozoa but as patients emerged from spinal shock, semen improved and five had specimens cryopreserved. Thereafter sperm motility and viability decreased towards the pattern of chronic spinal cord injury by day 16. Cryopreservation was not possible in one patient with many medical complications and another who started electroejaculation 15 days after injury. Semen storage within the first 2 weeks after spinal cord injury is recommended for future fertility treatment.  相似文献   

Acute spinal injury with paresis or paralysis is an increasing problem in modern communities. The corrdinated efforts of many are necessary for its management. The expertise developed by various disciplines through work with nonparaplegic patients should be coupled with the specific expertise of those responsible for total care. Generally, operative techniques have only a limited application, whereas basic medical and nursing techniques give good results.  相似文献   

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