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Activated sludge models, and ASM1 in particular, are well recognised and useful mathematical representations of the macroscopic processes involved in the biological degradation of the pollution carried by wastewater. Nevertheless, the use of these models through simulation software requires a careful methodology for their calibration (determination of the model parameters' values) and the validation step (verification with an independent data set). This paper presents the methodology and the results of dynamic calibration and validation tasks as a prior work to a modelling project for defining a reference guideline destined to French designers and operators. To reach these goals, a biological nutrient removal (BNR) wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) with intermittent aeration was selected and monitored for 2 years. Two sets of calibrated parameters are given and discussed. The results of the long-term validation task are presented through a 2-month simulation with lots of operation changes. Finally, it is concluded that, even if calibrating ASM1 with a high degree of confidence with a single set of parameters was not possible, the results of the calibration are sufficient to obtain satisfactory results over long-term dynamic simulation. However, simulating long periods reveals specific calibration issues such as the variation of the nitrification capacity due to external events.  相似文献   

In-sewer transformation processes affect significantly design and operation of large wastewater treatment plants. Especially for long-term simulations the degradation has to be considered in order to avoid over- and underestimation. In this paper a method is presented to derive the overall degradation from available operation data. The application of the results in a long-term simulation of a WWTP shows the relevance of the degradation for design and operation of an activated sludge plant.  相似文献   

通过对石家庄化纤公司原废水处理A/O/A/O工艺运行不佳的原因分析 ,在试验研究的基础上 ,将原处理构筑物改造成ENSBR/BDAR/COR工艺 ,处理后水质可达标排放  相似文献   

We propose a benchmarking model for winery wastewater treatment systems and use it to quantitatively compare the performance of Chilean wine-making operations. The benchmarking model integrates three components: the influent characteristics, the wastewater treatment alternatives, and the location constraints. Four performance levels may be defined when plotting the available data of the wine production versus the ratio of wastewater to wine, for the French, US, and Chilean industries. Knowing where a certain system lies in this diagram helps to quantify the gap between the current and a target performance, and to set performance goals for planned expansions. The analysis of construction and operating costs of treatment systems currently in operation in Chile shows that similar compliance levels can be achieved at remarkably different costs. A steep decrease in the unitary cost is observed as wastewater flow increases; yet, the treatment alternative for achieving that cost may change. Further selection is obtained when location constraints are considered, including stringent discharge standards and proximity to urban settlements. The application of this simple benchmark model to three Chilean winery facilities shows how it produces meaningful quantitative and qualitative results. However, there is still ample room to improve this benchmarking model by considering additional complexity, including technical detail in the treatment options and costs related to technology conversion.  相似文献   

Important indicators for monitoring and control of wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) often have to be obtained from the processing of on-line signal trajectories. Therefore, the quality of sensor instantaneous measurements can be improved significantly if they are complemented with valuable information about the geometric features of their trajectories. The present paper describes the design and implementation of a Standard Signal Processing Architecture (SSPA) from which enriched sensor information is generated automatically. The SSPA has been made up of three complementary modules: the pre-processing module, the storage module and the post-processing module. Moreover, the SSPA has been parameterised so as to allow its adaptation to the specifications of every signal. By performing basic calculations on pre-processed signal trajectories, the storage module produces enriched vectors which collect information of the first and second time derivatives, average and variance values, peak values, linear regression parameters, curvature, etc. Then, the enriched information vectors can be exploited to implement customised monitoring and control tools. In this respect, the effectiveness of the SSPA has been demonstrated in three different practical cases: (1) OUR and KLa identification algorithms; (2) processing of measurements for real-time controllers; and, (3) detection of bend-points in on-line signals of SBR processes.  相似文献   

Infrastructure is essential for development, but by itself it will not contribute to improving the quality of life of millions of people unless it is part of an overall framework for development, economic growth, social equity and environmental protection. As mentioned by Nobel laureate Amartya Sen, the absence of infrastructure has a pervasive influence on poverty, but at the same time is not a free-standing factor in lifting people from it. The focus should thus not be on physical infrastructure per se but on infrastructure as a driver for growth and sustainable development. This requires more comprehensive institutional, legal, regulatory, policy and management frameworks than the ones existing at present.  相似文献   

根据水利部党组关于开展深入学习实践科学发展观活动调研工作的总体部署,结合规划计划工作实际,规划计划司给各流域机构下发调研提纲.深入江西省、海河水利委员会等进行专题调研.并对各流域机构和各省(自治区、直辖市)反馈材料及时进行了汇总分析。通过涮研,全面深入地分析了当前水利规划工作中存在的主要问题,提出了水利规划工作新的思路、重点和改进措施,以及进一步推进水利科学规划.构建科学、系统、完善的水利规划体系,加强规划社会管理的对策措施。  相似文献   

Fifty years ago when only BOD was removed at municipal WWTPs primary clarifiers were designed with 2-3 hours hydraulic retention time (HRT). This changed with the introduction of nitrogen removal in activated sludge treatment that needed more BOD for denitrification. The HRT of primary clarification was reduced to less than one hour for dry weather flow with the consequence that secondary sludge had to be separately thickened and biogas production was reduced. Only recently the ammonia rich digester liquid (15-20% of the inlet ammonia load) could be treated with the very economic autotrophic nitritation/anammox process requiring half of the aeration energy and no organic carbon source compared to nitrification and heterotrophic denitrification. With the introduction of this new innovative digester liquid treatment the situation reverts, allowing us to increase HRT of the primary clarifier to improve biogas production and reduce aeration energy for BOD removal and nitrification at similar overall N-removal.  相似文献   

<正>一、永定河流域生态补水及成效分析1.背景永定河是贯穿京津冀的天然生态河道,具有高原、山区、平原和滨海等丰富的自然生态系统,但是受永定河长期断流影响,水体污染加重,生态功能严重退化。同时永定河也是一条洪水多发河流,自1644年至1911年的268年间,决口漫溢达78次,平均每4年左右发生大灾一次。17世纪以来的1626年、1668年、1801年、1890年、1893年的5次洪水均波及北京市区。比如,1801年卢沟桥南北两岸决口达18处,北京城右安门外大桥被冲断,永定门、右安门外灾民多达2万人。近年,2012年北京暴发洪水,永定河北京段及其支流也是主要受灾地区。  相似文献   

When using dynamic simulation for fine tuning of the design of activated sludge (AS) plants diurnal variations of influent data are required. For this application usually only data from the design process and no measured data are available. In this paper a simple method to generate diurnal variations of wastewater flow and concentrations is described. The aim is to generate realistic influent data in terms of flow, concentrations and TKN/COD ratios and not to predict the influent of the AS plant in detail. The work has been prepared within the framework of HSG-Sim (Hochschulgruppe Simulation, http://www.hsgsim.org), a group of researchers from Germany, Austria, Luxembourg, Poland, the Netherlands and Switzerland.  相似文献   

王文珂 《中国水利》2011,(6):108-111
2011年的中央一号文件以水利改革发展为主题,全面阐述了水利在现代农业建设、经济社会发展和生态环境改善中的重要地位,将水利提升到关系经济安全、生态安全、国家安全的战略高度,  相似文献   

王世江 《中国水利》2010,(24):86-86
<正>2010年,新疆水利工作紧紧围绕自治区经济社会发展大局,积极践行可持续发展治水思路,特别是贯彻中央新疆工作座谈会精神,通过重点水资源配置工程建设,水资源调蓄能力得到进一步提高;农业高效节水技术大面积推广;牧区水利、防洪、农村饮水安全、病险水库除险加固等民生水利工程建设得到明显加强;水资源管理和水利改革迈出新步伐,为自治区跨越式发展和长治久安奠定了基础。  相似文献   

This paper presents the theoretical basis and the main results obtained during the development and full-scale experimental validation of the new supervisory control strategy designed for the Galindo-Bilbao wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). The different phases of the project have been carried out over the last 8 years, combining model simulations, pilot-plant experimentation and full-scale validation. The final control strategy combines three complementary control loops to optimise the nitrogen removal in pre-denitrifying activated sludge plants. The first controller was designed to maintain the average concentration of the ammonia in the effluent via the automatic selection of the most appropriate DO set point in the aerobic reactors. The second control loop optimises the use of the denitrification potential and finally, the third control loop maintains the selected amount of biomass in the biological reactors by automatic manipulation of the wastage rate. Mobile-averaged windows have been implemented to incorporate commonly used averaged values in the control objectives. The performance of the controllers has been successfully assessed through the full-scale experimental validation in one of the lines of the WWTP.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the application of artificial intelligence (AI) concepts to the monitoring of a lab-scale Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) treating nitrogen-rich wastewater (sanitary landfill leachate). The paper describes the implementation of a fuzzy inferential system to identify the correct switching sequence of the process and discusses the results obtained with six months of uninterrupted operation, during which the process conditions varied widely. The monitoring system proved capable of adjusting the process operation, in terms of phase length and external COD addition, to the varying environmental and loading conditions, with a percentage of correct phase recognition in excess of 95%. In addition, the monitoring system could be remotely operated through the internet via TCP/IP protocol.  相似文献   

Many cities in developing countries are experiencing high population growth, which is generating chaotic and unplanned development, reducing land areas available for agriculture, and polluting surface and groundwater. Consequently, the reuse of untreated or partially treated wastewater for agricultural irrigation is increasing in arid and semi-arid regions in developing countries. Cochabamba city in Bolivia also has a high population growth. The climatic characteristics and the lack of clean water sources in this city are forcing the agriculture sector to use treated and untreated wastewater for irrigation. We investigated the effluent quality of the Alba Rancho Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) in Cochabamba, Bolivia, and the existing effluent reuse practices for irrigation of fodder crops in the surrounding agricultural land (La Mayca area). The plant uses primary and secondary facultative ponds, and does not achieve the required effluent quality (according to Bolivian environmental law) for effluent BOD, COD, TDS and faecal coliforms. This paper also includes a brief comparison of guidelines for wastewater reuse in agriculture from several developing and developed countries, comparing the parameters measured as pollution indicators. It appears that for developed countries, the main concern is the health risk that reuse can cause to the farmers and consumers. For developing countries on the other hand, pollution reduction is currently the major aim in their guidelines and standards.  相似文献   

Various parameter optimization approaches to a five-stage step-feed EBPR process modeled using the ASM3+bio-P module were examined. Five stoichiometric (Y(STO,NO), Y(H,O2, Y(H,NO,) Y(PAO,O2), Y(PO4)) and seven kinetic parameters (k(STO), eta(NO), b(H), mu(max),PAO, q(PHA), q(PP), mu(max),A) were estimated. The optimization approaches could be classified based on the data sources (batch experiments or CSTR operation data) and the number of target variables used in calculating the objective function. Optimized parameter values obtained by each approach were validated with CSTR operation data that were not used for parameter optimization. The results showed that the parameter optimization only with batch experimental results could not be directly applied to CSTR operation data. ASM3 + bio-P module parameters could be finely optimized only with CSTR operation data when sufficient target variables for objective function calculation were applied. When the number of target variables was increased, prediction performance was significantly improved. Once optimized, the model was able to predict the characteristic features of the five-stage step-feed process; namely, a high PAO yield, fast PAO growth, fast X(pp) storage, slow X(STO) and X(PHA) storage.  相似文献   

The COST/IWA benchmark simulation model has been available for seven years. Its primary purpose has been to create a platform for control strategy benchmarking of biological wastewater treatment processes. The fact that the benchmark has resulted in more than 100 publications, not only in Europe but also worldwide, demonstrates the interest for such a tool in the research community. In this paper, an extension of the benchmark simulation model no. 1 (BSM1) is proposed. It aims at facilitating evaluation of two closely related operational tasks: long-term control strategy performance and process monitoring performance. The motivation for the extension is that these two tasks typically act on longer time scales. The extension proposed here consists of 1) prolonging the evaluation period to one year (including influent files), 2) specifying time varying process parameters and 3) including sensor and actuator failures. The prolonged evaluation period is necessary to obtain a relevant and realistic assessment of the effects of such disturbances. Also, a prolonged evaluation period allows for a number of long-term control actions/handles that cannot be evaluated in a realistic fashion in the one week BSM1 evaluation period. In the paper, models for influent file design, parameter changes and sensor failures, initialization procedure and evaluation criteria are discussed. Important remaining topics, for which consensus is required, are identified. The potential of a long-term benchmark is illustrated with an example of process monitoring algorithm benchmarking.  相似文献   

This work deals with the methodology put in place to fit and validate the parameters of a biofiltration model (BAF) in tertiary nitrification treatment and dynamic conditions. For an average loading rate of 0.65 kg NH4-N/m(3) media/d, different time loading rates are applied inside a filtration-backwash run using a semi-industrial pilot. Comparisons between predicted and observed values on the NH4-N, NO3-N and TSS in treated water and the total head loss deltaP are carried out firstly using default values of BAF parameters. Model predictions overestimate values measured but trends are well reproduced. A sensitivity analysis is carried out and the hierarchy of BAF parameters has been set up classifying them into strong and low influence on the effluent concentrations. Among parameters revealing the strongest influence are those of the filtration module and the mean density of biofilm for the TSS effluent and the total AP, the specific autotrophic growth rate, the maximum biofilm thickness and the reduction coefficient of diffusivity in the biofilm for the NH4-N, NO3-N effluent. Finally, this classification leads to setting a calibration procedure, thanks to specific experimental tests directly measuring some BAF parameters.  相似文献   

水电站优化调度是水电能源系统优化运行与管理研究领域的关键科学问题,已有水电站优化调度研究较少考虑不同尺度调度模型间的衔接,长、中、短期优化调度相互孤立,彼此之间缺乏耦合机制,在指导水电站实际运行中存在不足。为此,研究建立了水电站长中短期嵌套预报调度模型,并引入系统动力学反馈机制,提出了一种水电站长中短期嵌套耦合实时来水系统动力学预报调度模型。长、中、短期调度模型分层嵌套,中长期预报调度结果作为短期调度的"期望指导过程线",根据水电站预报来水和面临日实时来水存在误差所导致的水位偏差进行实时反馈、动态修正调度决策,从而指导水电站做出更为合理的调度决策。为检验本文模型方法的有效性,研究选取了三峡水电站作为研究对象进行实例验证。实验结果表明:研究所提出的模型方法指导水电站运行相比随机动态规划和常规调度图方法全年发电量提升效果明显,在2018年来水条件下模拟调度结果发电量分别提高了2.73%和2.31%,显著提高了来水不确定性条件下水电站运行发电效益,为解决水电站随机来水条件下长中短期嵌套预报调度实际工程技术难题提供了一种可行的实践理论方法工具,具有十分重要的理论研究意义和工程应用价值。  相似文献   

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