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The structure of the amide I band of bovine serum albumin (BSA) was determined using an H/D exchange experiment. The difference between the dry and hydrated exchange spectrum revealed the fine structure of the amide I band. The band at 1717 +/- 2 cm(-1) is due to the vibration of the COOH moieties from the protein side chains. Band components at 1682 +/- 2 cm(-1), 1655 +/- 2 cm(-1), and 1637 +/- 2 cm(-1) are assigned to the vibrations of the backbone C=O. These three bands belong to vibrations of three different populations of amide groups differing in the number of established H-bonds. The connectivity between the frequencies of various amide vibrations was determined by two-dimensional generalized correlation spectroscopy and spectral decomposition. About 7% of the whole exchangeable hydrogen atom population (NH, NH2, and OH groups from backbone and side chains) remains unexchanged, and these hydrogen atoms belong mainly to the NH groups, which are H-bonded to specific C=O groups. Moreover, this study concerns the approximately 10% of hydrogen atoms belonging to a particular HN...O=C population with a characteristic amide A frequency at 3290 cm(-1) and an amide I band at 1655 +/- 2 cm(-1), usually attributed to the alpha-helical structure that remains unexchanged. At higher temperature the exchange is more efficient. Upon heating, a further 4% of these NH groups are deuterated. The comparison of the exchange spectrum at higher temperature with the structural changes of the protein at the same temperature implies that the change in overall dynamics of the protein improve the level of exchange.  相似文献   

The conformational change of the recombinant, murine prion protein (PrP) from an alpha-helical to a beta-sheet enriched state was monitored by time-resolved Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy. The alpha-to-beta transition is induced by reduction of the single disulfide bond in PrP. This transition is believed to generate the scrapie form PrP(Sc), the supposed infectious agent of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies. We followed the kinetics of this conformational change using a novel method for amide I band analysis of the infrared (IR) spectra. The amide I analysis provides the secondary structure. The amide I decomposition was calibrated with the three dimensional structure of cellular PrP solved by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). The novel secondary structure analysis provides a root mean squared deviation (RMSD) of only 3% as compared to the NMR structure. Reduction of alpha-helical PrP caused the transient accumulation of a partially unfolded intermediate, followed by formation of a state with higher beta-sheet than alpha-helical structure contents. The novel approach allows us to now determine the secondary structure of the beta-sheet conformation. This was not determined by either NMR or X-ray. The experiments were performed in a double-sealed security cuvette developed for IR analysis of potentially infectious PrP samples outside the biosafety laboratory.  相似文献   

We describe a new Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy-based diagnostic approach, which may provide for the first time a rapid, reliable, and inexpensive blood test for scrapie and related transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSE). Blood serum from 146 terminally ill Syrian hamsters infected with 263K scrapie via different routes of inoculation and from 166 healthy control animals was analyzed by FT-IR spectroscopy and artificial neural networks (ANN). This revealed characteristic molecular alterations in the serum of infected donors. Different ANN models were constructed and challenged with previously unknown samples in test runs in order to establish whether the new method is able to discriminate between normal and infected animals. Optimized ANNs consistently yielded test sensitivities and specificities of 97% and 100%, respectively. The predictive value of a positive (negative) test was 100% (98%). The proposed serum test circumvents substantial drawbacks of conventional TSE diagnostics and can be fully automated.  相似文献   

A diffuse reflectance mid-infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy (DRIFTS) method is described for obtaining high quality Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra of cements. DRIFT spectra of synthetic C3S, C2S, C3A, and C4AF and of pure gypsum, bassanite, anhydrite, syngenite, and calcite are shown. Typical spectra of American Petroleum Institute class G and class A cements display characteristic features which can be related qualitatively to variations in the constituent minerals. For quantitative analysis, the FTIR spectra of 156 cements of varied origin and known elemental composition have been used to construct multivariate calibration models. These relate the spectrum to composition (expressed in terms of nine mineral components and five minor oxides) and allow the composition of unknown cements to be determined rapidly from the FTIR spectrum alone. Error estimates are given.  相似文献   

Winkel RJ  Davis SP  Abrams MC 《Applied optics》1996,35(16):2874-2878
We recorded the emission spectrum of diatomic lanthanum sulfide on the Los Alamos Fourier transform spectrometer. In the region 7500-16,000 cm(-1), we identified over 120 bands and assigned them to the A(2)∏(r)-X(2)Σ(+) and B(2)Σ(+)-X(2)Σ(+) transitions. Each of these bands is four headed.  相似文献   

This paper describes the development of a practical Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) method for the determination of moisture in lubricants through the combined use of signal transduction and differential spectroscopy to circumvent matrix effects. The acid-catalyzed stoichiometric reaction of 2,2-dimethoxypropane (DMP) with moisture to produce acetone was used to provide IR signals proportional to the amount of moisture present in oils. Calibration standards were prepared by spiking polyalphaolefin (PAO) gravimetrically with water using dioxane as a carrier. For FT-IR analysis, standards and samples were diluted with acidified isooctane and then split, with one aliquot treated with DMP and the other with a blank reagent. The spectra of the two aliquots were collected, and a differential spectrum was obtained so as to ratio out the invariant spectral contributions from the sample. Quantitation for moisture was based on measurement of the peak height of the nu(C=O) absorption of acetone at 1717 cm(-1), yielding a standard error of calibration of approximately 40 ppm H2O. The method was validated by standard addition of water in dioxane to PAO containing added base as well as to new and used oils. In all cases the method responded quantitatively to standard addition, the average standard error of prediction being approximately 80 ppm, with the results showing only a minor dependence on the oil formulation. From an analytical perspective, the FT-IR method is both more reproducible and more accurate than Karl Fischer methods and has advantages in terms of environmental considerations, sample size, and speed of analysis as well as the variety of oil types that can be handled. Signal transduction/differential spectroscopy may have broader utility as an alternative means for the determination of low levels of moisture in complex matrices.  相似文献   

The quantitative analysis of binary polyethylene (PE) blends by Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy has been achieved based on the ratio of two absorbance peaks in an FT-IR spectrum. The frequencies for the absorbance ratio are selected based on structural entities of the PE components in the blend. A linear relationship between the absorbance ratio and the blend composition was found to exist if one of the absorbance peaks is distinct to one of the components and the other peak is common to both components. It was also found that any peak resulting from short-chain branching in copolymers (such as linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) or metallocene-catalyzed LLDPE (mLLDPE)), is suitable for use as the peak that is designated as being distinct to that component. In order to optimize the linearity of the equation, however, the selection of the second common peak is the most important and depends on the blend system studied. Indeed, under certain circumstances peaks that are not spectrally distinct can be used successfully to apply the method. The method exhibits potential for the routine analysis of PE blends that have been calibrated prior to its application.  相似文献   

Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectra have been measured for defatted bovine serum albumin (BSA) in D(2)O with a concentration of 2.0 wt % over a temperature range of 26-90 degrees C and the corresponding difference spectra have been calculated by subtracting the contribution of D(2)O at the same temperature. Evolving factor analysis (EFA) by selecting two factors and three factors has been employed to analyze the temperature-dependent difference IR spectra in the 1700-1600 cm(-1) spectral region of the defatted BSA in D(2)O solution. Three-factor EFA has been employed to determine the distinction of the three protein species involved in the process of temperature elevation: native, transitional, and denatured protein. The temperature profiles obtained from three-factor EFA indicate that heat-induced conformational change in the secondary structures of defatted BSA in D(2)O undergoes two two-state transitions, a drastic transition and a slight transition, which occur in the temperature ranges of 68-82 degrees C and 56-76 degrees C, respectively.  相似文献   

The solid-state intramolecular cyclization of lisinopril to diketopiperazine was investigated by in situ Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) microscopy. Using a controllable heating cell, the isothermal transformation was monitored in situ at 147.5, 150, 152.5, 155, and 157.5 degrees C. The collected time-dependent FT-IR spectra at each isothermal temperature were preprocessed and analyzed using a multivariate chemometric approach. The pure component spectra of the observable component (lisinopril and diketopiperazine) were resolved and their time-dependent relative contributions were also determined. Model-free and various model fitting methods were implemented in the kinetic analysis to estimate the activation energy of the intramolecular cyclization reaction. Arrhenius plots indicate that the activation energy is circa 327 kJ/mol.  相似文献   

Fourier transform (FT) Raman and infrared spectroscopy in combination with density functional theory calculations have been applied to the vibrational characterization of the dimeric zinc diphenylphosphanyl(trimethylsilyl)amide complex [(Me3Si)2NZnPh2PNSiMe3]2 and the ortho-metallated species [Li(o-C6H4PPh2NSiMe3)]2 x Et2O in relation to their parent starting materials diphenylphosphanyl (trimethylsilyl)amine Ph2P-N(H)SiMe3 and iminophosphorane Ph3P=NSiMe3. The spectroscopic changes evidenced in the spectra were correlated with the structural parameters in order to provide insight as to what extent the P-N bond is affected by the coordination to the metal center. The employment of density functional theory (DFT) calculations in addition to these spectroscopic methods offers the possibility of predicting whether the Lewis-basic imido nitrogen atom is involved in coordination not only in the solid state, but also in the gas phase.  相似文献   

The hydrolysis of bovine serum albumin with protease K at 60 degrees C has been studied by means of infrared spectroscopy. Two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy (2DCoS) has been used to study spectral changes in the reaction. The use of the multivariate curve resolution-alternating least-squares method applied to infrared measurements allowed the recovery of pure infrared spectra and concentration profiles of the different species involved in the reaction. Special attention was paid to the careful inspection of residuals again using 2DCoS. In this way, a heat-induced unfolding step previous to protein hydrolysis was identified. The infrared spectra of the intermediate species showed a more disordered structure than native albumin, the decrease in alpha-helix conformation being especially noticeable. The formation of beta-sheet aggregates due to heating was detected too.  相似文献   

In this work, we study the dilution of Spin-On Glass (SOG) in order to obtain high quality SiO2 films at 200 °C, with optical and electrical characteristics similar to those of the thermally grown SiO2. For the production of SiO2 films we used 2-propanol and deionized water (DI) as diluents for the SOG and we compared the electrical and optical film properties with those of the films obtained from undiluted SOG. From Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy we observed a considerable reduction of SiOH (920 cm− 1), OH (3490 cm− 1) and CH, CO bonds (1139 cm− 1) in the films produced from SOG diluted with DI. Besides the above, the insulator breakdown field was approximately 21 MV/cm, the refractive index and the dielectric constant were close to those of the thermally grown SiO2. Our results suggest that the film produced from SOG diluted with DI and cured at 200 °C is an excellent candidate to be used as insulator on flexible and large-area electronics.  相似文献   

Alkali in cement is responsible for the Alkali–silica-reaction phenomenon that manifests itself in the form of premature cracking in concrete structures such as bridge decks and concrete pavements. X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF) is commonly used for cement Alkali quantification but a simpler and faster analytical procedure based on Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) has been expanded for this purpose. An analytical absorption band at 750 cm?1 in the FTIR spectra of cement samples belonging to Alkali solid solution of tricalcium aluminate [C3A(ss)] is used for Alkali quantification. Regression analysis of a plot correlating FTIR absorption band area ratio (750/923 cm?1) to equivalent Alkali Na2O e (Na2O e  = % Na2O + 0.658 × % K2O) measured by XRF shows a linear correlation coefficient, R 2, of 0.97. High Alkali cement samples show a higher microstructural disorder coefficient, C d, which is a reactivity criterion introduced by Bachiorrini and co-authors (Proceedings of the seventh international conference on concrete alkali-aggregate reactions? 1986) for ASR-susceptible aggregates. Results of this research indicate applicability of FTIR technique to quantitatively predict cement vulnerability to ASR through the \( A_{{750\,{\text{cm}}^{ - 1} }} \) to \( A_{{923\,{\text{cm}}^{ - 1} }} \) band area ratio and the magnitude of the disorder coefficient (C d).  相似文献   

White household paints are commonly encountered as evidence in the forensic laboratory but they often cannot be readily distinguished by color alone so Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) microscopy is used since it can sometimes discriminate between paints prepared with different organic resins. Here we report the first comparative study of FT-IR and Raman spectroscopy for forensic analysis of white paint. Both techniques allowed the 51 white paint samples in the study to be classified by inspection as either belonging to distinct groups or as unique samples. FT-IR gave five groups and four unique samples; Raman gave seven groups and six unique samples. The basis for this discrimination was the type of resin and/or inorganic pigments/extenders present. Although this allowed approximately half of the white paints to be distinguished by inspection, the other half were all based on a similar resin and did not contain the distinctive modifiers/pigments and extenders that allowed the other samples to be identified. The experimental uncertainty in the relative band intensities measured using FT-IR was similar to the variation within this large group, so no further discrimination was possible. However, the variation in the Raman spectra was larger than the uncertainty, which allowed the large group to be divided into three subgroups and four distinct spectra, based on relative band intensities. The combination of increased discrimination and higher sample throughput means that the Raman method is superior to FT-IR for samples of this type.  相似文献   

Principal component regression (PCR) was applied to a spectral library of proteins in H2O solution acquired by single-pass attenuated total reflectance (ATR) Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy. PCR was used to predict the secondary structure content, principally alpha-helical and the beta-sheet content, of proteins within a spectral library. Quantitation of protein secondary structure content was performed as a proof of principle that use of single-pass ATR-FT-IR is an appropriate method for protein secondary structure analysis. The ATR-FT-IR method permits acquisition of the entire spectral range from 700 to 3900 cm(-1) without significant interference from water bands. An "inside model space" bootstrap and a genetic algorithm (GA) were used to improve prediction results. Specifically, the bootstrap was utilized to increase the number of replicates for adequate training and validation of the PCR model. The GA was used to optimize PCR parameters, particularly wavenumber selection. The use of the bootstrap allowed for adequate representation of variability in the amide A, amide B, and C-H stretching regions due to differing levels of sample hydration. Implementation of the bootstrap improved the robustness of the PCR models significantly; however, the use of a GA only slightly improved prediction results. Two spectral libraries are presented where one was better suited for beta-sheet content prediction and the other for alpha-helix content prediction. The GA-optimized PCR method for alpha-helix content prediction utilized 120 wavenumbers within the amide I, II, A, B, and IV and the C-H stretching regions and 18 factors. For beta-sheet content predictions, 580 wavenumbers within the amide I, II, A, and B and the C-H stretching regions and 18 factors were used. The validation results using these two methods yielded an average absolute error of 1.7% for alpha-helix content prediction and an average absolute error of 2.3% for beta-sheet content prediction. After the PCR models were developed and validated, they were used to predict the alpha-helix and beta-sheet content of two unknowns, casein and immunoglobulin G.  相似文献   

Fourier transform infrared attenuated total reflection (FT-IR ATR) spectroscopy was used to characterize thin films of succinic acid, a matrix compound commonly used with infrared matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization (IR-MALDI) mass spectrometry. IR spectra of succinic acid thin films deposited alone and in combination with the analyte biomolecules insulin and cytochrome c were obtained by FT-IR ATR spectroscopy. Spectra of analyte and matrix alone were similar to those obtained previously from KBr pellets, Nujol mull, or thin-film absorption, although the ATR spectra have significantly lower background interferences. Thin films deposited from mixtures of water and methanol have additional peaks compared to films deposited from a methanol solution. These additional peaks are attributed to carboxylate groups stabilized by residual water molecules. No evidence was found to suggest that residual water absorption contributes to absorption at wavelengths typically used for IR-MALDI. Absorption of energy by analyte vibrational modes with rapid energy transfer to the matrix is suggested as a contributor to desorption and ionization consistent with the FT-IR ATR results.  相似文献   

Photoacoustic Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy was utilized to monitor the effect of basic, acidic and neutral aqueous environments on the stability of Nextel ceramic fibres. Such treatments led to the removal of a residual hydrocarbon phase from the fibre and formation of boric acid. The presence of boric acid upon the treatment does not effect the stability of the fibre at high temperatures. At high temperatures, B(OH)3 is apparently converted to B2O3, this process enhancing the surface stability and improving the adhesive properties of fibres to the polymer matrix.  相似文献   

This paper describes the development of practical Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) methods for the determination of acid number (AN) and base number (BN) in lubricants through the combined use of signal transduction via stoichiometric reactions and differential spectroscopy to circumvent matrix effects. Trifluoroacetic acid and potassium phthalimide were used as stoichiometric reactants to provide infrared (IR) signals proportional to the basic and acidic constituents present in oils. Samples were initially diluted with 1-propanol, then split, with one half treated with the stoichiometric reactant and the other half with a blank reagent, their spectra collected, and a differential spectrum obtained to ratio out the invariant spectral contributions from the sample. Quantitation for AN and BN was based on measurement of the peak height of the v(C = O) or v(COO) absorptions, respectively, of the products of the corresponding stoichiometric reactions, yielding a standard error of calibration of < 0.1 mg KOH/g oil. The AN/BN FT-IR methods were validated by the analysis of a wide range of new and used oils supplied by third parties, which had been analyzed by ASTM methods. Good correlations were obtained between the chemical and FT-IR methods, indicating that the measures are on the whole comparable. From a practical perspective, these new FT-IR methods have significant advantages over ASTM titrimetric methods in terms of environmental considerations, sample size, and speed of analysis, as well as the variety of oil types that can be handled. FT-IR analysis combining stoichiometric signal transduction with differential spectroscopy may be of wider utility as an alternative to titration in the determination of acid or basic constituents in complex nonaqueous systems.  相似文献   

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