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高等教育进入大众化教育阶段,人才培养模式面临着改革与转型,如何适应社会发展需要,缩短人才培养与用人需求差距,创新人才培养模式已经成为高校教育教学改革的重要内容。黑龙江工程学院作为应用型本科院校,以培养应用型、复合型、创新型工程技术人才为目标,坚持"目标多元化、体系开放化、方案弹性化、过程动态化、质量标准化"的培养理念,确立了"一条主线、二大体系、三个平台、四个结合、五个质量监控系统"的人才培养方针,构建了应用型本科院校的应用型人才培养体系。  相似文献   

总结了"三突出一提高"培养模式在高职护理专业人才培养中的应用,主要包括制定人才培养目标、完善人才培养方案、改革实践教学的内容和方式等方面,认为该模式提高了学生的综合素质和职业教育的特色和内涵,培养了技能型护理人才以满足临床需要.  相似文献   

国家的进步需要人才,企业的发展也需要人才,只有企业具备雄厚的人才资源优势,才可以在激烈的竞争中立于不败之地.新时期的工会就担负着为企业培养高效人才的任务.文章主要论述了当前工会进行人才培养的三种模式:一、课堂面授培训;二、在线培训模式;三、企业教练模式.并简单分析了三种模式各自的特点及不足.  相似文献   

为了探索高职院校经管类专业教育实现"以就业为导向"、"以能力为本位"、"校企合作、工学结合"教学转型路径,本文依据高职经管类专业教育的内在特点和要求.通过对人才培养方案设计思路和关键构成要素的探讨,重构了高职教育经管类专业人才培养方案,创新性地提出了体现"以人为本"教育理念的"平台+模块"的人才培养模式以及践行"工学结合"高职教育途径的"三、三、三"经管类专业课程开发模式.  相似文献   

高职高专教育的性质、市场状况以及行业需求决定了高职高专人才培养模式必须要以就业能力培养为核心.各大职业院校只有坚持以市场和就业为导向,以就业能力培养为核心,才能在人才培养方面取得应有的成绩.成都电子机械高等专科学校正是走的这样一条人才培养道路,实践证明,基于就业能力的人才培养模式无论是在提升学生就业率或是就业质量方面都有突出的成效.  相似文献   

对高等职业教育中语文教学的再认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、问题的提出 高等职业教育是高等教育的一部分,从层次上说属于高等教育,从性质上说属于职业教育,其人才培养模式的基本特征为:以培养高等技术性专门人才为根本任务;以适应社会需要为目标;以培养技术应用能力为主线;以"应用"为主旨和特征构建课程和教学内容体系.  相似文献   

高等院校人才培养模式问题,一直以来是高等教育研究的核心问题之一.大学生学科竞赛有着常规教学不可比拟的特殊的创新教育功能,对培养学生应用能力,优化人才培养过程,提高教学质量,具有独特的和不可替代的作用.在此通过以学科竞赛为龙头,创建培养应用型人才基地的实践,对独立学院的人才培养模式进行了探讨.  相似文献   

以创新型人才培养机制为引导,构建"三赛三训三结合"机械类创新型人才培养模式,将创新创业竞赛和专业教育融入专业课和实践教学环节,教育教学与创新创业衔接,培养具有创新精神和创新能力的专业人才。  相似文献   

"工学结合"作为高等职业教育人才培养改革的重要切入点,是高等职业教育理念的重大变革."2+1"人才培养模式是实践"工学结合"理念的大胆尝试.目前,国内学术界对"工学结合"人才培养质量的评价研究十分缺乏.文章以学习评价体系的构建作为研究方向,从理论与实践层面探讨如何建立"2+1"人才培养模式中"1"阶段的学习评价标准,并以高职商务英语专业为例,提出进行"1"阶段校外教学的具体操作办法.  相似文献   

中美研究生教育人才培养模式的比较研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
人才培养模式是整个教育过程中的核心环节,它直接关系到教育事业培养出的人才素质的高低.教育学研究者认为,人才培养模式是教育的过程控制.这里仅就中美两国研究生教育的人才培养模式作一下对比研究,旨在为中国研究生教育人才的培养模式提供一些借鉴.  相似文献   

The discussion traces the historical development of engineering education in the United States and our legacy of British and French models. Most of the U.S. system through the years has developed along the lines of the British model. The nation's industrial development in the early 1800s set the stage for the Morrill Act of 1862, which established the agriculture and mechanical land grant colleges throughout the nation. This legacy has resulted in engineering accepting the Bachelor of Science degree as the entry-level degree to practice and industry, while the other professions (e.g., medicine, dentistry, law) have during this same time increased their respective entry-level curricula to six years or greater. Today, U.S. engineers are not being prepared for the competitive industries of the present national and world markets. Continental European engineers are better prepared to work in these competitive industries. Therefore, the United States runs the risk of having its engineers regarded as technicians. If the U.S. engineering education system is not changed, our industries may eventually become less competitive (and∕or may have to begin employing Continental European-educated engineers to remain competitive). ASCE has proposed that a professional master's level degree, such as a Master of Engineering degree, be the new entry level degree to the practice and industry. This proposal will require significant changes in our engineering education system. By introducing an internship∕apprenticeship course as part of a six-year formal education program, the United States can dramatically improve the quality of its engineering school graduates and, thereby, their acceptance by U.S. and international industries and practice.  相似文献   

Beginning with its historical context, the National Council of Schools and Programs of Professional Psychology's model for education and training in professional psychology is summarized in 5 areas: (a) broadened view of psychology with a flexible epistemology, multiple ways of knowing, and how practitioners doing practice remain local clinical scientists doing disciplined inquiry; (b) integrative pedagogy; (c) competency-based core curriculum integrating practical and scientific knowledge, skills, and attitudes; (d) elements of practice?including multiple roles, the self of the psychologist and reflective practice?practicum and internship training, and systematic evaluation; and (e) the social nature of professional psychology and its social responsibility, including ethnic and racial diversity and gender. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Alan M. Lesgold received the 2001 Award for Distinguished Contributions of Applications of Psychology to Education and Training. He was this award for being a pioneer in the field and advancing our knowledge about human cognition. His work ranges from basic investigations of human expertise and task performance to hard-core applications of computer technology that make individualized, interactive, tutorial instruction accessible and affordable in education, training, and life-long learning. His accomplishment testify to his theoretical and practical power of the profession of psychology and its promise for enhancing human competence and potential. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Analysis of continuous education of physicians in Dagestan helped the author distinguish the main trends in its development. They include development and introduction of a system of continuous professional and economic education of physicians; improving the planning and prediction of need in advanced medical training; development and introduction of a system of control of continuous education of physicians; stimulation the introduction of modern equipment and technologies in practical medicine; creation of scientific and information provision for continuous education of physicians. Special attention is paid to introduction of novel didactic systems, information technologies, forms and methods of advanced medical training.  相似文献   

Describes a questionnaire sent to 600 mental health professionals, designed to determine their interest in a university sponsored interdisciplinary center for continuing education. Data indicate that areas of greatest interest were behavior modification, drug/alcohol usage, and community mental health (including consultation, family group therapy, crisis intervention, and training of lay personnel). 70% of respondents indicated interest in learning practical applications of operant methodology and behavior therapy. Most respondents indicated satisfaction with previous continuing education experiences. Since a majority received their highest degree at least 5-10 yr. before, it is suggested that a definite need exists for programs designed to help professionals update their knowledge and skills. A center for advanced study currently operating in the Southeastern United States is described. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Despite its acknowledged efficacy and safety in the treatment of patients with severe affective and psychotic illnesses, as well as extensive efforts at professional and public education, electroconvulsive therapy is a neglected treatment, its use in the U.S. being mainly restricted to academic and private hospitals. Widespread use between 1935 and 1960, a rapid decline following the introduction of psychoactive drugs, and a slow resurgence in clinical interest since 1975 characterizes its history. The use of ECT has been encouraged by repeated favorable evaluations and by new procedures which improve both its efficacy and its safety. The experience in the United States provides a lesson for other nations where its use is inhibited.  相似文献   

Overview: Competence is a core component of ethical conduct as reflected in its addition as an ethical standard in the 2002 APA Ethics Code. Successfully operationalizing and assessing competence provides psychologists a means to improve education and training, advance the field of practice, and create a framework for accountability to the public. Much of the recent competency discussion has been in response to a proposed Cube Model, with its three axes being foundational competencies (practice building blocks, such as scientific knowledge, ethical standards), functional competencies (attributes of providing services, such as assessment, intervention), and developmental progression (acquiring increasing competence over the course of one's education and career). Ethics is included on the foundational competency axis and has been operationalized to the extent that subcomponents and benchmarks have been promulgated. The competency model as proposed faces multiple challenges, including gaining consensus regarding its components, addressing reliable and valid assessment over time, and creating a culture of acceptance. We propose the Ethical Principles as an alternative framework for conceptualizing ethics as a foundational competency given the Ethics Code is already time tested and includes a serial review process for broad discipline input and adaptability. We apply the Ethical Principles as foundational components to rehabilitation psychology training at internship, postdoctoral, and specialty levels to illustrate the model. Conclusion: Rehabilitation psychology should engage in the competency movement at the predoctoral and postdoctoral level. The application of the Ethical Principles as a foundational competency to rehabilitation psychology represents a first step in this dialog. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

During the past several years, about two dozen major reports have called for the nation to reconceive and regenerate its school health programs. Proposals to reform health, education, and social services have included means to improve such programs. This article (a) identifies the leading causes of mortality and morbidity in the United States, (b) delineates 6 categories of behavior established during youth that contribute to these causes, (c) outlines ways in which a modern school health program might prevent such behaviors and address critical health and social problems among students, (d) describes practical research and development strategies that are being established to help schools implement effective school health programs, and (e) suggests how psychologists might help improve these programs. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

商务英语专业人才需求分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对湖南长沙地区30多家企事业单位、教育机构、翻译公司和政府机关进行的实证调查结果显示:新经济市场在知识结构、应用技能、综合素质等方面对商务英语专业人才提出了新的要求。培养语言及商务知识相结合的高素质复合型人才是未来商务英语专业教学的宗旨。  相似文献   

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