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The teaching of electronic systems architecture covers a large domain from software to hardware aspects. Producing engineers who are experts in both areas seems impossible, but giving the students a second expertise is obviously important. The subject matter of this paper is to report a course developed for students in computer science to give them an expertise in digital electronic problems through the use of a heterogeneous architecture. The application supporting this teaching is image synthesis, partially programmed on transputer microprocessors and partially synthesized with two FPGAs. Thanks to this example, students use a large set of CAD tools and understand the advantages and drawbacks of cabled solutions versus programmed solutions. The developed application is finally validated on a board designed by others students. Beyond technical achievements, students also gain experience working in teams on a project with a module partitioning  相似文献   

为了进一步考虑灵活性需求对综合能源系统(IES)资源配置的影响,在IES规划过程中,提出一种计及灵活性需求及新能源不确定性的园区IES协同优化配置方法。基于价格弹性理论建立综合需求响应(IDR)柔性负荷模型,采用Z-number方法描述IDR认知过程与结果的不确定性;考虑新能源的随机性和相关性,利用非参数估计法与Frank-Copula函数改进风光出力联合概率模型,得到典型日风光出力曲线;以IES运营商年化总成本最低为目标,构建上层优化设备型号与台数、下层优化机组运行的IES双层协同配置模型。算例结果表明相较于未考虑IDR及新能源不确定性的场景,所提配置模型减少了成本,进一步提高了经济性,同时配置方案充分考虑源荷双侧不确定性给系统带来的运行风险问题,从而实现了IES规划经济性与运行安全性的平衡。  相似文献   

This paper discusses an integrated teaching laboratory approach to multivariable control as part of final year undergraduate and graduate control courses successfully taught by the authors in recent years. The perceived jump in mathematical sophistication required of students and the uneasy fit with previously learned classical control material are eliminated. One such laboratory teaching situation is described in detail. This concerns the multivariable control of a two-input two-output coupled-drives apparatus where the control objective is the simultaneous control of belt speed and tension using the input voltages to the two servo drive motors as control inputs. As with classical single-input single-output (SISO) control, student tasks involve plant modeling, analysis, specification, design and implementation in that order. The multivariable control approach adopted is known as individual channel analysis and design (ICAD). Of particular value to students and instructors alike is the fact that this approach to multivariable control is very classical-like in its motivations and feel while fully cognizant of multivariable structure. As a result, multivariable control that directly extends classical control principles is well within the reach of final year undergraduate students in an integrated teaching laboratory environment  相似文献   

综合分析了火电厂运行过程中多控制系统整合式语音报警系统的需求,从硬件部署和系统功能2个方面介绍了一体化语音报警系统的整体架构.进一步通过分析数据采集通信过程和内部进程间通信过程给出了低耦合度的高可靠性系统设计方法,并讨论了报警系统应具备的逻辑过程和确认方法.最后基于DirectSound讨论了多路语音高效并发的方法,给出了一套完整的大型火电机组一体化语音报警系统.多个电厂的工程实例表明该系统可以满足大型火电机组整体语音报警要求.  相似文献   

康燕 《电器工业》2005,(5):17-20
新产品是企业生存和发展的根本,是增强企业竞争能力和扩大市场份额的核心。绝缘子避雷器行业各企业紧紧围绕优化产品结构,瞄准国内外先进产品的水平、积极引进新技术,开发技术含量高的新产品,并加快新产品的市场转化,制定了以产品开发带动市场开发的战略。  相似文献   

根据高通量微液电处理及光检测共形生化检测芯片研究项目及有关需求,设计并实现了具有128通道输出的驱动电路,达到了各个通道单独控制的目的。根据项目要求,电路由单一5V直流电源供电,128通道输出电压幅值为0~200V,频率为10~1 000Hz的方波,电压幅值和频率均可调节,并且电压精度为0.5V。驱动电路采用高度集成化设计,进而满足小型化要求。该电路的设计方案具有可行性,满足对光检测数字微流控芯片的驱动要求。经过实验证明,所设计完成的驱动电路可以实现对数字微流控芯片上液滴的控制。  相似文献   

木易 《中国照明》2007,(11):56-57
由于消费者需求、技术和竞争的快速变化,企业必须持续开发新产品。新产品开发是企业市场营销中的重要环节,而如何选择适当的新产品开发策略,则关系到企业的市场占有率和发展前途。[第一段]  相似文献   

电机控制集成电路的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谭建成 《微电机》2004,37(5):51-55
论述了专用集成电路(ASIC)在电机控制中的应用,并对专用微控制器(MCU)和数字信号处理器(DSP)在电机中的应用作了预测。  相似文献   

在充分调研的基础上,基于SAP/3系统为软件平台,研发了自主报销系统(SES)和企业电子支付平台(CEBS),介绍了该系统的设计原则思想、SES及CEBS设计思想,最后阐述了该两系统应用情况和取得的实效.  相似文献   

This work discusses photonic integration efforts toward developing an InP-based monolithically integrated photonic chip for optical code-division multiple-access (O-CDMA) system applications. The chip design includes the colliding pulsed mode (CPM) locked laser, the Mach-Zehnder interferometer-based threshold detector (MZI), and the monolithic O-CDMA encoder/decoder chip based on array-waveguide-gratings and phase modulator arrays. The compact 4 /spl times/ 1 cm monolithic chip can replace a complex and large O-CDMA setup based on bulk optics. The integration technique involves active-passive integration using dry etching, metal organic chemical vapor deposition growth, and lateral hydride vapor phase epitaxy regrowth technologies. The fabricated CPM showed stable 1.54 ps modelocked laser output, the MZI showed excellent O-CDMA threshold detection, and the O-CDMA encoder showed Walsh-code O-CDMA encoding. Further, the fabricated devices showed excellent planarity, which accelerate our progress toward monolithic integration of O-CDMA systems.  相似文献   

以冷、热、电多能流的供需互动为立足点,基于主从博弈论,构建基于集中能源站1-N型架构的区域综合能源系统设计与运行协同优化决策框架。在供给侧,通过耦合考虑投资和运行费用建立设备配置与运行策略的协同优化模型;在需求侧,综合考虑多元能源需求弹性,提出基于用能满意度与购能支出的效用函数。在此基础上,以冷、热、电多元能源价格及相应逐时负荷为决策变量,形成供需互动博弈机制,并提出了博弈模型的求解方法。最后,通过仿真算例验证了所提优化决策方法的有效性。最终优化结果使得区域综合能源系统能源交易量上升,促进了系统的稳定运行,总体社会福利得以提升。  相似文献   

As the demand for bandwidth increases, the communications industry is faced with a paradigm shift. Photonic integration is a key technology that will facilitate this shift. Monolithic integration allows for the realization of highly functional optical components, called photonic integrated circuits. Herein, we discuss the advantages and potential applications of photonic integration, and after a brief overview of various integration techniques, provide a detailed look at our work using a novel quantum well intermixing processing platform.  相似文献   

随着空调行业的高速发展,市场上各空调企业的产品竞争已进入白热化阶段,各空调企业都在不断探索创新的管理思路以求发展。在市场竞争如此激烈的环境下,先进的产品开发模式无疑是各空调企业目前取胜的关键手段。本文将通过平台化、模块化的研发模式对空调产品提出新的开发模式,总结归纳出空调采取平台化研发、模块化的优势,为各空调企业的持续发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

The remarkable achievements in the area of integrated optical memories and optical random access memories (RAMs) together with the rapid adoption of optical int...  相似文献   

This paper describes the basic concept of an integrated virtual learning system as an instructional tool for the development of digital signal processor (DSP)-based control schemes for motor drive applications. The system is comprised of a graphical user interface (GUI) front-end and a hardware-in-the-loop custom DSP for rapid prototyping and efficient testing of digital control algorithms. The circuit design and control algorithm development of a pulse width modulation (PWM) voltage source inverter (VSI) for 3-phase brushless DC (BLDC) motor control applications is used to describe the functions of the system. It is shown that the virtual learning system provides a cost-effective learning tool for students or engineers in training and can serve as a supplement to a conventional laboratory based system  相似文献   

How far should a product patent reach? Is it sound public policy for a court to find that such a patent covers products made in ways not known when the patent was originally filed? That was the question before the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (CAFC) in the recent case of Amgen v. Hoechst and Transkaryotic Therapies. The case involved Amgen's high successful antianemia drug EPOGEN whose sales are currently around US $2 billion per year. The story of this successful drug begins in the early 1980s, when Amgen's scientists applied the still relatively new technology of genetic engineering to the problem of chronic anemia in patients undergoing kidney dialysis. Amgen filed its first patent application on its work in 1983. Over the years, seven U.S. patents have issued claiming priority from this original application, six of which have been the subject of lawsuits brought by Amgen to keep potential competitors out of the lucrative market for erythropoietin.  相似文献   

Efforts by California Portland Cement (CPC) to decrease manufacturing costs and increase productivity throughout the cement division are discussed. One aspect of these efforts has involved the planning for and the application of computer integrated manufacturing (CIM) to provide managers at all levels with the tools and information they need to achieve these goals. The CIM effort has been directed at both corporate and plant functions and includes both manufacturing and support personnel. The breadth of the hardware installation has ranged from new distributed control systems to corporatewide data communications networks and individual personal computers and workstations. Applications software has ranged from typical motor control logic and direct digital control algorithms to distributed databases and expert systems. A generic CIM model is used to summarize work to date in three cement plants constructed or modernized over the last 25 years. Directions for the future are also highlighted. Special emphasis is placed on identifying the areas of highest return for CIM in the cement industry, and the practical and political pitfalls of implementing CIM in any manufacturing environment are discussed  相似文献   

The authors present a computer program to support the teaching of digital circuits. The program is used to describe, synthesize, and simulate combinational and synchronous sequential logic circuits, and to help students in their first contact with automatic synthesis tools. The program runs on both MS-DOS and UNIX machines, and it can be given freely to students for home use to significantly reduce the crowding in laboratories. Care has been taken to provide a friendly interface, so that the user can immediately concentrate on the study of circuits instead of having to learn a new program. The software described by the authors is currently used as a support tool in the course on Digital Circuits for Electronic Engineers at the University of Pisa  相似文献   

Protocol test harnesses have been in use for a number of years to assist implementers in checking conformance of their implementations with reference implementations. The system described here is designed for teaching the principles of data link protocols. Students write protocol implementations in a high-level language and exercise them on a simulator. The simulator checks that data is not duplicated or lost by the protocol. On suitable terminals, visualization of the transmitting window and of the frames traversing the link can provide useful feedback to students. Simple estimates of throughput are also calculated  相似文献   

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