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1 砂轮截形的计算加工汽轮机叶片用叶根铣刀要求精度高、耐磨损且能多次重复使用。该铣刀齿形的轴向截形如图1所示。图中A2 B及IJ两段直线垂直于X轴 ,若采用普通铲磨法加工刀具齿形 ,则在该两段直线处不能形成侧后角 ,刀具用于切削时将首先在此处磨钝 ,即产生“勒刀”现象。若采用分段铲磨方法 ,即先铲磨A2 B和IJ段之外的曲线 ,再斜向铲磨这两段直线 ,虽可保证前刃面齿形 ,但在重磨后齿形将发生改变 ,影响零件加工精度。若采用整体斜向铲磨法 ,则HG直线段的尺寸难以控制。为解决这一问题 ,在实际生产中可采用修形砂轮辊子对A~…  相似文献   

刘鹄然 《工具技术》1995,29(5):19-21
最小距离拟合方法在铲齿砂轮截形修磨中的应用湖北工学院(430068)刘鹄然1.引言对于给定的几个数据点(Xi,yi),i=l,2,…,n用一条包含若干参变量的曲线f(x)进行拟合,根据最小二乘原理,通常是令:取极小,从而求出对应最佳参变量。但采用这种...  相似文献   

在分析铲齿铣刀加工工艺及工件、铣刀、砂轮三者关系的基础上,介绍了在AutoCAD R14环境下,利用内嵌的AutoLISP语言,二次开发的铲齿成形铣刀铲磨用的成形砂轮截形CAD系统。系统主要包括工作端面廓形输入模块、铣刀廓形生成模块、铲磨用成形砂轮截形生成模块、铲磨干涉检验模块及用于修整成形砂轮的NC指令生成模块等。  相似文献   

陈树勋 《机械传动》1994,18(2):52-54
本文把单参数曲面族的包络面问题转化为初等函数的计算问题,由此而导出的计算方法数学概念严谨,计算手续简捷,工程实用性强,便于实际工作者掌握。  相似文献   

介绍了在AutoCADR14环境下,利用内嵌的AutoLISP语言,二次开发的成形铣刀铲磨砂轮截形CAD系统,系统包括铣刀廓形输入模块、铲磨用成形砂轮截形生成模块、铲磨干涉检验模块及用于修整成形砂轮的NC指令生成模块等。  相似文献   

提出了γf>0的铲齿成形铣刀因重磨引起的廓形高度误差的计算方法,通过实例计算,分析了重磨误差的规律,并提出了减小重磨误差的措施。  相似文献   

本文从成形拉刀铲磨后面时砂轮截形修正出发,导出了在生产中简单实用的空间坐标法修正计算的主要公式。该计算方法对类似刀具的制造,有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

姚运萍  陈惠贤 《机械》2000,27(4):26-27,30
介绍了加工螺旋槽的成形铣刀的制造工艺,并对铲磨齿形用的成形砂轮截形设计方法进行了分析,介绍了在AutoCADR14环境下,利用内嵌的AutoLISP语言,二次开发的成形铣刀铲磨砂轮截形CAD系统。  相似文献   

介绍了加工螺旋槽的成形铣刀的制造工艺,并对铲磨齿形用的成形砂轮截形设计方法进行了分析,介绍了在AutoCADR14环境下,利用内嵌的AutoLISP语言,二次开发的成形铣刀铲磨砂轮截形CAD系统.  相似文献   

With increasing demands for high-speed and high-precision machining technology, CBN shape grinding is an effective means in the field of precision machining for screw rotors. Aiming at the high precision machining of screw rotors, a mathematical model for the axial profiles of the CBN wheel for machining screw rotors is developed based on theory of gear engagement. Small electroplated CBN wheel is firstly used to grinding screw rotors. Taking the backlash of screw rotors and the coating thickness of CBN layer into consideration, the modification of the base body of the wheel shape is introduced into the design of CBN wheel. For reducing the tooth profile errors of screw rotors induced by mounting errors and wears of CBN wheel, a mathematical model of the error analyses is established and the influence curves of the profile errors affected by mounting errors and radius error of grinding wheel are proposed. The electroplated CBN wheels for the screw rotors are made to verify the validity and effectiveness of the presented method and the machining experiments were performed. Results of this study reveals that the method proposed in this paper can be used as the precision grinding of screw rotors.  相似文献   

Aiming at the high precision machining of screw rotors, a new grinding method for screw rotors using cubic boron nitride (CBN) grinding wheel is presented in this paper. Small electroplated CBN grinding wheel is firstly used to grind screw rotors. The mathematical model for the axial profiles of CBN grinding wheel is developed based on gear engagement theory. Taking the backlash of screw rotors and the coating thickness of CBN layer into consideration, the modification of the base body of the wheel shape is introduced into the design of the CBN grinding wheel. Wire cut electrical discharge machining low speed (WEDM-LS) was used to machine the base body of the CBN grinding wheel. The formed turning tools of the base body of CBN grinding wheel using WEDM-LS and the wheel shapes of CBN grinding wheel using the formed turning tool were performed. The CBN grinding wheels for the screw rotors were made to verify the validity and effectiveness of the presented method. The electroplated CBN grinding wheels were used to machine the screw rotors, and the machining experiments were performed. The data obtained in the experiments reach the fifth class of Chinese Standard GB10095-88.  相似文献   

A new grinding method that outer race elliptic track in ball basket constant velocity joint is ground by means of basin-like grinding wheel is proposed herein. Aiming at the grinding process with basin-like grinding wheel, the paper establishes the mathematical model, optimizes the parameters by using restrictive random direction method, studies the processing principle in detail, and analyzes the machining errors. The simulation results indicate that the theoretical error of elliptical groove ground by basin-like wheel will be reduced to the level of 0.001 mm. Then, the grinding experiments of elliptical grooves with the basin-like grinding wheel were completed, and the measurements of the grooves by portable arm coordinate measuring machine were carried out, which validates the feasibility of this grinding technology.  相似文献   

本文通过一系列的试验,分析了磨削工艺参数对工件表面粗糙度的影响,建立了磨削表面粗糙度的经验公式,研究了陶瓷结合剂CBN砂轮磨削表面粗糙度的变化规律及其特点,这些规律为凸轮轴的CBN高速磨削提供了一系列实用的工艺参数.  相似文献   

The theoretical error of elliptical groove in outer race of plunging constant velocity joint ground by finger grinding wheel is about 0.004 mm. In order to decrease the error, a new grinding method with basin grinding wheel is proposed. When we optimize the design parameters, the basin grinding wheel will avoid the problems that the feasibility and grinding accuracy are restricted by the interference of the head in the grinding process by means of finger grinding wheel, and can be used to ensure the machining precision and the sectional shape of the raceway to the greatest extent. Aiming at the grinding process with basin grinding wheel, the paper establishes the mathematical model, optimizes the parameters by using simplex algorithm, studies the processing principle in detail, and analyzes the machining errors. The simulation results indicate that the theoretical error for elliptical groove ground by basin grinding wheel will be reduced to 0.631 μm.  相似文献   

北京第二机床厂有限公司的前身是始建于1953年的原国家大型骨干企业北京第二机床厂,是我国机床制造业的十八家骨干企业之一.在半个多世纪的发展历程中,北京二机曾经成功制造出中国第一台高精度万能外圆磨床、第一台坐标镗床、第一台数控高精度外圆磨床,是中国第一家磨床系列模块化生产企业.  相似文献   

磨床砂轮架设计与制造研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
就磨床的砂轮架在设计、制造、装配诸方面进行了比较详细、系统的研究与分析,揭示了磨床砂轮架中各零件之间的相互内在联系,指出了砂轮架设计、制造中如何对各种零件性能相互进行配合,从而满足不同性能的要求。  相似文献   

PCD刀具精密切削产生超越性加工现象的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
着重就PCD刀具精密切削时切削用量、刀具安装角和切削液等三个方面对超越性加工现象的影响规律进行了实验研究,得到了超越性加工现象产生的条件,对实际生产具有指导意义。  相似文献   

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