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Although recent findings indicate that gamma delta T cells influence both early innate and Ag-specific adaptive host responses, it has remained unclear what triggers gamma delta T cell reactivity. Investigating very early T cell activation in mouse and human models of bacterial infection, we measured CD69 expression as an indicator of early cellular activation. Both murine alpha beta and gamma delta T cells responded polyclonally to systemic bacterial infections, and to LPS. However, gamma delta T cells responded more strongly to the bacteria and to LPS. In vitro LPS-stimulated human T cells showed a similar differential response pattern. We identified TNF-alpha as mediator of the early differential T cell activation, and of differential proliferative responses. The stronger response of gamma delta T cells to TNF-alpha was correlated with higher inducible expression levels of TNF-Rp75. Among unstimulated splenocytes, more gamma delta T cells than alpha beta T cells expressed CD44 at high levels. The data suggest that TNF-Rp75 determines the differential T cell reactivity, and that most gamma delta T cells in the normal spleen are present in a presensitized state. As TNF-alpha stimulates activated T cells, it may early preferentially connect gamma delta T cell functions with those of cells that produce this cytokine, including activated innate effector cells and Ag-stimulated T lymphocytes.  相似文献   

The majority of human peripheral gamma delta T cells express antigen receptors using the V gamma 9 and V delta 2 gene products. Cells of this subset have been previously shown to uniformly recognize mycobacteria regardless of their V-(D)-J junctional sequences in an MHC-unrestricted manner. This reactivity superficially resembles activation of alpha beta cells by bacterial superantigens, which are thought to be presented by monomorphic regions of MHC class II molecules. It is not known whether presentation of the mycobacterial antigen to V gamma 9/V delta 2 T cells is also mediated by class II MHC molecules. In order to examine the similarity between presentation of bacterial superantigens to alpha beta T cells and the presentation of mycobacteria to gamma delta T cells we have studied the role of class II MHC molecules in presentation of the mycobacterial antigen AP-MT to V gamma 9/V delta 2 clones. Activation of gamma delta T cells by AP-MT required direct contact with antigen presenting cells, indicating that an interaction with cell surface molecules on antigen presenting cells is required. Class II MHC molecules were neither sufficient nor necessary for effective presentation of AP-MT to the gamma delta T cells, as transfectants expressing class II MHC molecules were unable to present, whereas cell lines lacking expression of MHC class II molecules could present this mycobacterial antigen.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In most scientific investigations, the study of mechanism follows the study of function. For example, alpha beta T cells were shown to be important mediators of immunity before the interaction between the T cell receptor (TCR) and peptide-MHC complexes was understood. However, sometimes the study of function follows from the study of mechanism. Research of gamma delta T cell receptors falls into this category. The gamma chain of the TCR was first cloned in 1984, which then led to the discovery of gamma delta T cells in 1985. Since then, research has focused on understanding ligands of the gamma delta TCR with the hope of better understanding the function of gamma delta T cells. An initial assumption was that gamma delta T cells, like alpha beta T cells, recognize peptides bound to MHC molecules; however, recent data indicate that gamma delta T cells are not biased towards MHC recognition in the same way as alpha beta T cells. Although there are intriguing new insights, the specificity and function of gamma delta T cells remains a mystery.  相似文献   

We have investigated the role of common gamma chain (gamma c)-signaling pathways for the development of T cell receptor for antigen (TCR)-gamma/delta T cells. TCR-gamma/delta-bearing cells were absent from the adult thymus, spleen, and skin of gamma c-deficient (gamma c-) mice, whereas small numbers of thymocytes expressing low levels of TCR-gamma/delta were detected during fetal life. Recent reports have suggested that signaling via interleukin (IL)-7 plays a major role in facilitating TCR-gamma/delta development through induction of V-J (variable-joining) rearrangements at the TCR-gamma locus. In contrast, we detected clearly TCR-gamma rearrangements in fetal thymi from gamma c- mice (which fail to signal in response to IL-7) and reduced TCR-gamma rearrangements in adult gamma c thymi. No gross defects in TCR-delta or TCR-beta rearrangements were observed in gamma c- mice of any age. Introduction of productively rearranged TCR V gamma 1 or TCR V gamma 1/V delta 6 transgenes onto mice bearing the gamma c mutation did not restore TCR-gamma/delta development to normal levels suggesting that gamma c-dependent pathways provide additional signals to developing gamma/delta T cells other than for the recombination process. Bcl-2 levels in transgenic thymocytes from gamma c- mice were dramatically reduced compared to gamma c+ transgenic littermates. We favor the concept that gamma c-dependent receptors are required for the maintenance of TCR-gamma/delta cells and contribute to the completion of TCR-gamma rearrangements primarily by promoting survival of cells committed to the TCR-gamma/delta lineage.  相似文献   

Hysteresis of the nasal airway pressure-flow relationship (PFR) is seen during hyperpnea, with lower nasal resistance during increasing inspiratory flow than during decreasing flow. We hypothesized that the nasal PFR hysteresis arose in the nasal vestibule airway because of progressive collapse during the inspiration. We measured the inspiratory transnasal and transvestibular PFR for one nasal passage in five normal subjects breathing via a nasal mask during voluntary hyperventilation, both with voluntary nostril flaring and without flaring. The inspiratory hysteresis (IH) was quantified as the ratio of the areas under the descending and ascending pressure-flow curves. Flaring reduced the vestibular IH from 1.96 +/- 0.06 to 1.15 +/- 0.06 and the nasal IH from 2.05 +/- 0.13 to 1.28 +/- 0.06 (both P < 0.01). Our results demonstrate that hysteresis arises in the compliant vestibule segment of the nasal airway, likely because of progressive collapse of the nasal vestibule during inspiration. The findings suggest that hysteresis is prevented by voluntary nostril flaring maintained throughout inspiration.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of TNF alpha, IL-1alpha and IFN gamma on two neuroblastoma (NB) cell lines (SK-N-SH and SK-N-MC). These lines responded differentially to IL-1alpha, TNF alpha and IFN gamma for MCP-1 and IL-8 production and expression of the ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 adhesion molecules. None of the cytokines induced MCP-1 or IL-8 on SK-N-MC cells. Both chemokines were produced in response to IL-1alpha by SK-N-SH cells, while TNF alpha induced mainly MCP-1 production. Addition of IFN gamma decreased IL-8, but not MCP-1 production. These responses correlated with monocyte and neutrophil chemotactic activity in NB culture supernatants. This activity was neutralized by antibodies to IL-8 and MCP-1. The expression of ICAM-1 on SK-N-MC was up-regulated by TNF alpha or IFN gamma, while IL-1alpha also upregulated ICAM-1 on SK-N-SH cells. VCAM-1 expression on SK-N-SH was induced by IL-1alpha and TNF alpha and IFN gamma synergized with TNF alpha in this respect on both NB cell lines. These results suggest that mechanisms for chemokine production and VCAM-1 and ICAM-1 upregulation by inflammatory cytokines differ and IFN gamma, in conjunction with TNF alpha, stimulate neural cell responses (high MCP-1 and VCAM-1 and decreased IL-8) favouring mononuclear cell recruitment.  相似文献   

Although the identity of T cells involved in the protection against Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) in humans remain unknown, patients with pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) have reduced numbers of Mtb-reactive, V gamma 9+/V delta 2+ T cells in their blood and lungs. Here we have determined whether this gamma deltaT loss is a consequence of Mtb Ag-mediated activation-induced cell death (AICD). Using a DNA polymerase-mediated dUTP nick translation labeling assay, 5% or less of freshly isolated CD4+ alpha beta or gamma delta T cells from normal healthy individuals and TB patients were apoptotic. However, during culture Mtb Ags induced apoptosis in a large proportion of V gamma 9+V delta 2+ peripheral blood T cells from healthy subjects (30-45%) and TB patients (55-68%); this was increased further in the presence of IL-2. By contrast, anti-CD3 did not induce any significant level of apoptosis in gamma delta T cells from healthy subjects or TB patients. Mtb Ag stimulation rapidly induced Fas and Fas ligand (FasL) expression by gamma delta T cells, and in the presence of metalloproteinase-inhibitors >70% of gamma delta T cells were FasL+. Blockade of Fas-FasL interactions reduced the level of Mtb-mediated gamma delta T cell apoptosis by 75 to 80%. Collectively, these findings demonstrate that Mtb-reactive gamma delta T cells are more susceptible to AICD and that the Fas-FasL pathways of apoptosis is involved. AICD of gamma delta T cells, therefore, provides an explanation for the loss of Mtb-reactive T cells during mycobacterial infection.  相似文献   

Lyme arthritis synovial fluid contains a large proportion of gamma delta T cells that proliferates upon stimulation with the causative spirochete, Borrelia burgdorferi. A panel of Borrelia-reactive gamma delta T cell clones was derived from synovial fluid of two patients with Lyme arthritis. Each of six gamma delta clones from one patient used the V delta 1 TCR segment but had otherwise unique CDR3 sequences and diverse V gamma segment usage. Stimulation of the V delta 1 clones was optimal in the presence of Borrelia, dendritic cells, and exogenous IL-2, which was reflected by proliferation, TCR down-modulation, as well as induction of CD25 and Fas ligand expression. Stimulation by B. burgdorferi-pulsed dendritic cells withstood chemical fixation and was not restricted to class I or class II MHC, CD1a, CD1b, or CD1c. In contrast, anti-gamma delta antibody potently inhibited proliferation. Extraction of B. burgdorferi lipoproteins with Triton X-114 enriched for the stimulatory component. This was confirmed using lipidated vs nonlipidated hexapeptides of Borrelia outer surface proteins. These observations suggest that synovial V delta 1 T cells may mediate an innate immune response to common lipoprotein products of spirochetes.  相似文献   

Type I IFNs have a broad array of immunoregulatory functions that include up-regulation of type 1 immune responses through enhancing differentiation and activation of CD8+ T cells and CD4+ Th1 cells. Ovine trophoblast IFN-tau is a recently described type I IFN with the potential for therapeutic use, based on its potent antiviral activity yet low toxicity. Studies were designed to determine the immunoregulatory effects of IFN-tau on Ag-stimulated T cells, and a novel effect of type I IFNs on gammadelta T cells was observed. In cultures of parasite Ag-stimulated bovine T cells that contained a mixture of alphabeta and gammadelta T cells, both IFN-tau and IFN-alpha suppressed the expansion of WC1+ CD2- CD6- CD8- gammadelta T cells, yet stimulated the growth of WC1- CD2+ CD6+ CD8+ gammadelta T cells and CD8+ alphabeta T cells. The CD8+ gammadelta T cell subset expressed high levels of the IL-2R alpha-chain. Furthermore, we showed that type I IFN enhanced IL-2 production by these Ag-stimulated T cell lines. In short term cultures of PBMC, IL-2 stimulated an expansion of WC1- CD6+ CD8+ gammadelta T cells, which was significantly increased by IFN-tau, even though IFN-tau alone did not support cell survival. These studies demonstrate for the first time that type I IFNs differentially modulate the proliferation of different subsets of gammadelta T cells, which appears to act in part via IL-2.  相似文献   

The synthesis of a peptide belonging to the VP3 capsid protein of Hepatitis A virus has been accomplished by the continuous flow Fmoc-polyamide solid phase method. The use of methoxytrimethylbenzenesulphonyl (Mtr) and pentamethylchromansulphonyl (Pmc) as arginine side-chain protecting groups in the presence of tryptophan without lateral protection or protected with t-Boc is discussed. The synthetic VP3 peptide has been administered to mice in different forms: (i) free, (ii) coupled to keyhole limpet hemocyanin, (iii) encapsulated in multilamellar (MLV) liposomes, and (iv) incorporated to a tetrameric branched lysine core. The immune response induced by these preparation is reported.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the V-gene usage in gamma delta T cells of the human gut and joint by using a new mAb (B18) specific for V gamma 8 of human TCR-gamma delta+ T cells. The B18+ population constituted a minor subset of the gamma delta T cells in peripheral blood (PB) of healthy persons (6 +/- 5%) and only 1 of 35 gamma delta T cell clones analyzed was positive. In contrast, the B18+ subset was a dominant gamma delta T cell population among intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL) derived from the human intestine (74 +/- 29, p < 0.002), and two of three IEL clones from patients with coeliac disease were B18+. Interestingly, a higher proportion of B18+ gamma delta T cells was found in the synovial fluid of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) (21 +/- 18%, 0.02 < p < 0.05) compared with normal PB. Furthermore, the B18+ subset was more frequent among IL-2-expanded gamma delta T cells (42 +/- 20%) derived from synovial tissue than among IL-2-expanded cells derived from synovial fluid (p < 0.002) and PB from RA patients (p < 0.02) as well as normal PB (p < 0.002). The V-gene usage of 13 gamma delta T cell clones from the synovial fluid of arthritic patients was analyzed. All B18+ clones (n = 7) expressed mRNA for V gamma 8 together with mRNA for V delta 1 (n = 5) or mRNA for V delta 3 (n = 2). None of the B18- clones expressed V gamma 8 (n = 6). We conclude that the gamma delta T cell that expresses V gamma 8, together with mainly V delta 1, is a major gamma delta T cell subset among the IEL of the gut and a highly frequent subset in the synovial tissue of patients with RA. This subset may correspond to the mouse V gamma 7+ IEL, which has a high degree of amino acid sequence homology with the human V gamma 8 protein.  相似文献   

The T cell population in the intestinal epithelium, comparable in size to the T cell pool in the spleen, is characterized by the predominant distribution of T cells bearing gamma delta T cell receptors. To determine the functional significance of the intraepithelial lymphocytes, we observed gamma delta T cells present in the jejunal epithelium in cattle, in which there is predominance of gamma delta T cells. Immunohistochemistry of frozen sections demonstrated that gamma delta T lymphocytes were densely distributed in the villous epithelium but there were fewer in the lamina propria and they were not present in the crypt epithelium. Ultrastructurally, intraepithelial gamma delta T cells were characterized by possessing electron-dense granules and interdigitating with enterocyte cytoplasm. Enterocytes, which were inserted by processes of intraepithelial lymphocytes or contacted by their cell bodies, showed morphologic changes seen in apoptotic cell death, such as elevated electron density of the cytoplasm and condensation of the chromatin. Apoptotic cells and cell debris were found in macrophages, which gathered in the subepithelial region of villus tips. These findings suggest that in the small intestine of cattle, gamma delta T cells are involved in the renewal of epithelial cells by inducing apoptosis of epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Human gamma delta T cells have the ability to rapidly expand and produce IFN-gamma in response to nonpeptide Ags of microbial pathogens, in particular a class of compounds known as the prenyl phosphates. We investigated the ability of IL-15, a T cell growth factor, to modulate prenyl phosphate-induced gamma delta T cell proliferation and cytokine production. IL-15 significantly enhanced the expansion of gamma delta T cells in the peripheral blood after stimulation in vitro with isopentenyl pyrophosphate. Moreover, using gamma delta T cell clones, we determined that IL-15-induced T cell proliferation was dependent on the IL-2R beta chain but not the IL-2R alpha chain. We therefore studied the IL-15R alpha chain expression in human gamma delta T cells in the presence or absence of nonpeptide Ags. We found IL-15R alpha mRNA expression in IL-15-stimulated and Ag-stimulated human gamma delta T cells but not in resting gamma delta T cells. Although IL-15 itself had little effect on the production of IFN-gamma, IL-15 plus IL-12 acted synergistically to augment IFN-gamma production by gamma delta T cells. Moreover, we showed that this increase in IFN-gamma could be explained by the dual activation of STAT1 and STAT4 by IL-15 and IL-12, respectively. Taken together, these results suggest that IL-15 may contribute to activation of human gamma delta T cells in the immune response to microbial pathogens.  相似文献   

TCR gamma delta T cells are considered important in the rapid immune response to intracellular infection. We investigated the early response of peripheral blood gamma delta T cells to the nonpeptide Ag isopentenyl pyrophosphate and to its synthetic analogue ethyl pyrophosphate. In healthy donors, an increase in the number of gamma delta T cells was detected as soon as 4 days after stimulation with the nonpeptide Ags. Single-cell analysis of cytokine production was performed by intracellular staining of IFN-gamma and IL-4. gamma delta T cells were found to rapidly expand and produce IFN-gamma in response to nonpeptide Ags. Furthermore, IL-12 augmented the IFN-gamma response. In contrast, gamma delta T cells from the majority of HIV+ donors did not expand or express IFN-gamma in response to nonpeptide Ags, even in the presence of IL-12. These findings indicate a role for nonpeptide-reactive gamma delta T cells in effective cell-mediated immunity for intracellular pathogens.  相似文献   

Peripheral blood gamma delta T cells from non-exposed individuals respond to antigens of the malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum, in vitro. This response, largely caused by T cells bearing the V gamma 9+ chain of the T-cell receptor, is stimulated by components of the parasite expressed on the schizont stage and released at schizont rupture. The response of V gamma 9+ T cells to parasite components is inhibited by antibodies to major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I and class II. However, the inhibition by anti-MHC class II antibodies can be overcome by the addition of interleukin-2 (IL-2) to the cultures, suggesting that gamma delta T cells themselves do not recognize MHC class II molecules but require an MHC class II-dependent response taking place in the culture. In contrast, the inhibition by anti-class I antibodies cannot be reversed by addition of IL-2. Since an accompanying CD4+ T-cell response occurred in peripheral blood mononuclear cells cultured with P falciparum antigens, it was considered that these cells provide the cytokines necessary for the subsequent activation and expansion of V gamma 9+ T cells recognizing components of the parasite and MHC class I molecules. This was confirmed by reconstituting the response of enriched gamma delta T cells to P falciparum schizont extract by addition of purified CD4+ T cells.  相似文献   

Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from 8 onchocerciasis patients, treated or not with ivermectin, were analyzed for phenotypic cell surface markers. A significant increase (P < .05) in gamma/delta T cells expressing the V delta 1 chain compared with normal and endemic controls was detected in all patients. PBMC populations from onchocerciasis patients were not expanded after restimulation with Onchocerca volvulus antigens in vitro, but both V delta 1 and V delta 2 T cells from normal donors were increased significantly in response to O. volvulus and Mycobacterium tuberculosis (P < .05), respectively. Frozen sections of all 5 onchocerca nodules tested demonstrated an increased number of CD3+ cells in the vicinity of the adult worm, in all cases expressing the alpha/beta T cell receptor and in 2 patients also expressing the gamma/delta T cell receptor; 60% of T cells expressed the activation marker Ki67. These data suggest that O. volvulus provides ligands to V delta 1 T cells.  相似文献   

Exposure of normal juvenile chicken bone marrow cells to the replication defective avian reticuloendotheliosis virus strain T (REV-T) (chicken syncytial virus [CSV]) in vitro resulted in the generation of transformed cell lines containing T cells. The transformed T cells derived from bone marrow included cells expressing either alpha/beta or gamma/delta T cell receptors (TCRs) in proportions roughly equivalent to the proportions of TCR-alpha/beta and TCR-gamma/delta T cells found in the normal bone marrow in vivo. Essentially all TCR-alpha/beta-expressing transformed bone marrow-derived T cells expressed CD8, whereas few, if any, expressed CD4. In contrast, among TCR-gamma/delta T cells, both CD8+ and CD8- cells were derived, all of which were CD4-. Exposure of ex vivo spleen cells to REV-T(CSV) yielded transformed polyclonal cell lines containing > 99% B cells. However, REV-T(CSV) infection of mitogen-activated spleen cells in vitro resulted in transformed populations containing predominantly T cells. This may be explained at least in part by in vitro activation resulting in dramatically increased levels of T cell REV-T(CSV) receptor expression. In contrast to REV-T(CSV)-transformed lines derived from normal bone marrow, transformed lines derived from activated spleen cells contained substantial numbers of CD4+ cells, all of which expressed TCR-alpha/beta. While transformed T cells derived from bone marrow were stable for extended periods of in vitro culture and were cloned from single cells, transformed T cells from activated spleen were not stable and could not be cloned. We have therefore dissociated the initial transformation of T cells with REV-T(CSV) from the requirements for long-term growth. These results provide the first demonstration of efficient in vitro transformation of chicken T lineage cells by REV-T(CSV). Since productive infection with REV-T(CSV) is not sufficient to promote long-term growth of transformed cells, these results further suggest that immortalization depends not only upon expression of the v-rel oncogene but also on intracellular factor(s) whose expression varies according to the state of T cell physiology and/or activation.  相似文献   

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