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Teng TC  Zhong WJ  Ma SH  Sun CC 《Applied optics》2007,46(9):1456-1459
A highly precise rotational filter based on a volume-holographic optical element is proposed and demonstrated. We present a clear theoretical calculation of the rotation sensitivity of the volume-holographic filter used to sense the rotation of a spherical ground glass object. By introducing the longitudinal displacement of the scattering point across the sphere, the sensitivity of the filter is greatly improved to 350 times that of a general case for a planar ground glass.  相似文献   

This paper deals with generalized shape optimization of linearly elastic, three-dimensional continuum structures, i.e. we consider the problem of determining the structural topology (or layout) such that the shape of external as well as internal boundaries and the number of inner holes are optimized simultaneously. For prescribed static loading and given boundary conditions, the optimum solution is sought from the condition of maximum integral stiffness (minimum elastic compliance) subject to a specified amount of structural material within a given three-dimensional design domain. This generalized shape optimization problem requires relaxation which leads to the introduction of microstructures. A class of optimum three-dimensional microstructures and explicit analytical expressions for their optimum effective stiffness properties have been developed by Gibiansky and Cherkaev (1987) [Gibiansky, L.V., Cherkaev, A.V., 1987. Microstructures of composites of extremal rigidity and exact estimates of provided energy density (in Russian). Report (1987) No. 1155. A.F. Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad. English translation in: Kohn, R.V., Cherkaev, A.V. (Eds.), Topics in the Mathematical Modelling of Composite Materials. Birkhaüser, New York. 1997]. The present paper gives a brief account of the results in Gibiansky and Cherkaev (1987) which will be utilized for our microlevel problem analysis. It is a characteristic feature that the use of optimum microstructures renders the global problem convex if an appropriate parametrization is applied. Hereby local optima can be avoided and we can construct a simple gradient based numerical method of mathematical programming for solution of the complete optimization problem. Illustrative examples of optimum layout and topology designs of three-dimensional structures are presented at the end of the paper.  相似文献   

Generalized correlation filters are proposed to improve recognition of a linearly distorted object embedded in a nonoverlapping background when the input scene is degraded with a linear system and additive noise. Several performance criteria defined for the nonoverlapping signal model are used for the design of filters. The derived filters take into account information about an object to be recognized, disjoint background, noise, and linear degradations of the target and the input scene. Computer simulation results obtained with the proposed filters are discussed and compared with those of various correlation filters in terms of discrimination capability, location errors, and tolerance to input noise.  相似文献   

Dai M  Yang F  He X 《Applied optics》2012,51(12):2062-2069
A simple but effective fringe projection profilometry is proposed to measure 3D shape by using one snapshot color sinusoidal fringe pattern. One color fringe pattern encoded with a sinusoidal fringe (as red component) and one uniform intensity pattern (as blue component) is projected by a digital video projector, and the deformed fringe pattern is recorded by a color CCD camera. The captured color fringe pattern is separated into its RGB components and division operation is applied to red and blue channels to reduce the variable reflection intensity. Shape information of the tested object is decoded by applying an arcsine algorithm on the normalized fringe pattern with subpixel resolution. In the case of fringe discontinuities caused by height steps, or spatially isolated surfaces, the separated blue component is binarized and used for correcting the phase demodulation. A simple and robust method is also introduced to compensate for nonlinear intensity response of the digital video projector. The experimental results demonstrate the validity of the proposed method.  相似文献   

Takeda M  Yamamoto H 《Applied optics》1994,33(34):7829-7837
An interferometric technique for automated profilometry of diffuse objects has been proposed. It is based on the Fourier-fringe analysis of spatiotemporal specklegrams produced by a wavelength-shift interferometer with a laser diode as a frequency-tunable light source. Unlike conventional moiré techniques the proposed technique permits the objects to have discontinuous height steps and/or surfaces spatially isolated from one another. Experimental results are presented that demonstrate the validity of the principle.  相似文献   

The performance of Fourier-transform profilometry is enhanced by a new technique that is based on spatial frequency multiplexing combined with the Gushov-Solodkin phase unwrapping algorithm. The technique permits the three-dimensional shape measurement of objects that have discontinuous height steps and/or spatially isolated surfaces, which has not been possible by conventional Fourier-transform profilometry. An important feature of the technique is that it requires only a single fringe pattern; the single-shot recording makes possible the instantaneous three-dimensional shape measurement of discontinuous objects in fast motion. Experimental results are presented that demonstrate the validity of the principle.  相似文献   

The phase-only logarithmic radial harmonic (LRH) filter has been shown to be suitable for scale-invariant block object recognition. However, an important set of objects is the collection of contour functions that results from a digital edge extraction of the original block objects. These contour functions have a constant width that is independent of the scale of the original object. Therefore, since the energy of the contour objects decreases more slowly with the scale factor than does the energy of the block objects, the phase-only LRH filter has difficulties in the recognition tasks when these contour objects are used. We propose a modified LRH filter that permits the realization of a shift- and scale-invariant optical recognition of contour objects. The modified LRH filter is a complex filter that compensates the energy variation resulting from the scaling of contour objects. Optical results validate the theory and show the utility of the newly proposed method.  相似文献   

The presentation of three-dimensional objects with single image stereogram   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A number of techniques offer us, at last, the possibility of viewing nature - the world of three dimensions - in a more realistic way with the deployment of three-dimensional display systems. Among these various methods, we chose the one based on the single image stereogram algorithm as the target of this paper, with respect to its simplicity, but efficiency in representing the vivid depth information of the real world. The goal of the paper is the improvement of the conventional implementation with our fixed-eyes-based calculation of constraints and with a new way to detect hidden surfaces in a three-dimensional scene. Going further than that, the paper extends the algorithm to moving objects, which is a new aspect, and, therefore, it has not yet been researched well. We also discuss the depth perception obtained by the algorithm and its visibility, a key question for the usability of the images of this category.  相似文献   

Matsushima K 《Applied optics》2005,44(22):4607-4614
Digitally synthetic holograms of surface model objects are investigated for reconstructing three-dimensional objects with shade and texture. The objects in the proposed techniques are composed of planar surfaces, and a property function defined for each surface provides shape and texture. The field emitted from each surface is independently calculated by a method based on rotational transformation of the property function by use of a fast Fourier transform (FFT) and totaled on the hologram. This technique has led to a reduction in computational cost: FFT operation is required only once for calculating a surface. In addition, another technique based on a theoretical model of the brightness of the reconstructed surfaces enables us to shade the surface of a reconstructed object as designed. Optical reconstructions of holograms synthesized by the proposed techniques are demonstrated.  相似文献   

Conclusions The solutions obtained above provide, for a known pressure distribution law, a comprehensive analysis of the phenomena in a piston manometer clearance for any pressure in the operating range.This circumstance in turn can be used in the near future for producing high-pressure reference manometers, and as a substantiated basis for calculating deformation corrections of existing high-pressure piston manometers. The deviations of the latter from a regular geometrical shape are an inevitable consequence of the conditions of their actual deformations under pressure.  相似文献   

Methods of imaging phase objects are considered. First the square-root filter is inferred from a definition of fractional-order derivatives given in terms of the integration of a fractional order called the Riemann-Liouville integral. Then we present a comparison of the performance of three frequency-domain real filters: square root, Foucault, and Hoffman. The phase-object imaging method is useful as a phase-shift measurement technique under the condition that the output image intensity is a known function of object phase. For the square-root filter it is the first derivative of the object phase function. The Foucault filter, in spite of its position, gives output image intensities expressed by Hilbert transforms. The output image intensity obtained with the Hoffman filter is not expressed by an analytical formula. The performance of the filters in a 4f imaging system with coherent illumination is simulated by use of VirtualLab 1.0 software.  相似文献   

A series of experiments was carried out to optimize the pulsed laser deposition parameters for the fabrication of high quality NiTi shape memory alloy thin films. Smooth NiTi shape memory alloy thin films were deposited at high growth rate with optimum deposition parameters based on the analysis of the relationships among the morphology of the target surface and the deposited thin film, the laser energy, the target–substrate distance, the thin film composition and its growth rate. Crystal structures and phase transformation temperatures of the annealed Ni49.7Ti50.3 thin film were characterized by using X-ray diffraction and differential scanning calorimetry, respectively. The martensitic transformation temperature of the crystallized Ni49.7Ti50.3 thin film is found to be lower than room temperature and 27°C lower than that of the NiTi target material. These results are attributed to the refined grain size of the thin film and its composition, which deviates slightly from Ni50Ti50.  相似文献   

Liu GH  Liu XY  Feng QY 《Applied optics》2011,50(23):4557-4565
This paper presents a method that allows a conventional dual-camera structured light system to directly acquire the three-dimensional shape of the whole surface of an object with high dynamic range of surface reflectivity. To reduce the degradation in area-based correlation caused by specular highlights and diffused darkness, we first disregard these highly specular and dark pixels. Then, to solve this problem and further obtain unmatched area data, this binocular vision system was also used as two camera-projector monocular systems operated from different viewing angles at the same time to fill in missing data of the binocular reconstruction. This method involves producing measurable images by integrating such techniques as multiple exposures and high dynamic range imaging to ensure the capture of high-quality phase of each point. An image-segmentation technique was also introduced to distinguish which monocular system is suitable to reconstruct a certain lost point accurately. Our experiments demonstrate that these techniques extended the measurable areas on the high dynamic range of surface reflectivity such as specular objects or scenes with high contrast to the whole projector-illuminated field.  相似文献   

Extremal properties are established for the solution of the problem of cohesionless normal-rupture crack formation: namely, that the true contour of a Christianovich crack corresponds to the maximum volume of the cavity. Examples of the application of this principle are considered.Translated from Inzhenerno-Fizicheskii Zhurnal, Vol. 38, No. 5, pp. 903–912, May, 1980.  相似文献   

Video tracking systems generally deal with non-rigid objects with various shapes and sizes. This often results in a poor match of an initial model with the actual input shape, and consequently causes the failure of tracking. The robustness of the active shape model (ASM) enables video tracking systems to deal with such unpredictable inputs. The iterative nature of the ASM, however, makes real-time implementation difficult. A novel ASM-based real-time tracking method with particular relevance to non-rigid objects is proposed. The proposed tracking system adopts a hierarchical approach to reduce computational loads and increase immunity to noise. In order to make the system operate in real-time, a novel prediction approach is proposed that significantly reduces the number of iterations. In the sequential images, the initial feature points have been estimated using a block-matching algorithm. Kalman filtering has also been applied for increasing accuracy of the motion estimation. The proposed hierarchical, prediction-based approach is proven to outperform the existing methods in the sense of both tracking performance and convergence speed  相似文献   

On the basis of the numerical solution of the unconnected problem of thermoplasti city, the article investigates the effect of the characteristics of external heat exchange and of geometric parameters on the state of thermal stress of hardened products.Translated from Inzhenerno-Fizicheskii Zhurnal, Vol. 46, No. 3, pp. 491–498, March, 1984.  相似文献   

非线性Kalman滤波器在纯方位被动跟踪中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目标运动分析(简称TMA)是用于估计水下目标时变状态最主要的技术之一。应用了两种非线性滤波器——EKF和UKF来估计单/双基地情况下的目标运动状态,并由蒙特-卡洛仿真给出其跟踪性能。数值结果表明:在大部分情况下,特别是当目标存在机动时,UKF在估计精度和数值稳定性上都要好于EKF,其代价仅是少量地增加了的计算复杂度。  相似文献   

Liu H  Yan Y  Yi D  Jin G 《Applied optics》2003,42(8):1463-1476
Theories to design a three-dimensional superresolution filter (TDSF) for confocal microscopy are proposed that can obtain a globally optimal solution through linear programming. The designed TDSF is proved to be a phase-only element introducing a phase delay of 0 or pi. Five design examples of the TDSF are presented to demonstrate the validity of these theories, Regardless of transverse superresolution, a curve of Seu(Ga+/-) defined as the maximum value of Strehl ratio S under the axial resolving power of Ga+/- is calculated to set the fundamental limits of axial optical superresolution. Finally, what is to our knowledge a novel analytic expression of Seu(Ga+/-) is deduced.  相似文献   

Nelleri A  Joseph J  Singh K 《Applied optics》2006,45(17):4046-4053
We demonstrate the validity of wavelet-based processing for recognition and classification of three-dimensional phase objects. One Fresnel digital hologram of each of the three-dimensional (3-D) phase objects to be classified is recorded. The electronic holograms are processed digitally to permit 3-D object information to be retrieved as two-dimensional digital complex images. We use a Mexican-hat wavelet- matched filter (WMF) to enhance the correlation peak and discriminate between the objects. The WMF performs a wavelet transform (WT) to enhance the significant features of the images and the correlation of the WT coefficients thus obtained. We compare the feasibility of a WMF-based object classifier with the matched-filter-based classifier to classify our four 3-D phase objects in a 3-D scene into true or false classes with minimal error.  相似文献   

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