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基于带传动在稳定工作时的受力平衡,从理论上导出了摆架式自动张紧装置所产生的张紧力的计算公式。结果表明:只要合理选择计算安装参数,其张紧力总能满足张紧条件的要求,以对张紧装置进行设计计算;并指出该装置产生的张紧力,具有随外载荷变化而自动调节的性能,使传力零件部分卸载。 相似文献
钢丝绳芯胶带是一种优质高效的运输带 ,影响它使用寿命的因素很多。本文重点介绍了张紧力对钢丝绳芯胶带的影响 ,阐述了实际工作中如何及时调节张紧力 ,并提供了几种调整张紧力的方法。 相似文献
针对连续退火炉生产线炉辊链条传动系统中,链条张紧装置维修十分困难,故障处理用时较多等问题进行了探讨,对链条张紧装置的结构进行了改进,既满足了生产需要。又方便了日常维修,达到了降低故障处理时间和维修成本的目的。 相似文献
动力张紧装置是使用在胶带运输机中的一种设备,它可使胶带运输机安全、可靠的运行.该文主要介绍了大山厂1~#钢芯胶带运输机使用的动力张紧装置,并详细叙述了该装置的工作原理、控制原理和调整步骤. 相似文献
本文论述了带钢张力控制的主要作用,张力的设定和跟踪;张力装置的制动功能和联锁关系,以及张力控制方式对精度及张力控制范围的影响;并对张力装置传动采用交流电动机的优越怀进行了说明。 相似文献
电工钢张力矫直线抗弯曲张紧装置据《MPT》1996年第3期报道,在张力矫直线出口处安装线性固定张紧装置作为张力设备,用于张力矫直经退火和平整过的半成品电工钢。对于退火及平整带钢其延伸率上升且超过9%。通过调整弯曲辊和校正辊装置矫正纵向弯曲和横向弯曲。... 相似文献
热连轧带钢的瞬变张力及其控制策略 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
本文通过对产生带钢瞬变张力的原因的分析,导出计算带钢瞬变张力的数学表达式,然后介绍若干行之有效的控制瞬变张力的策略,以便在热带钢的连轧生产中得到合格的带钢产品。 相似文献
宝钢1420冷轧机在轧制汽车板时,5/4机架间经常发生张力超调,张力超调下轧制的带钢占40%以上.造成该张力超调的主要原因是5/4机架间的张力环存在缺陷和4机架中工作辊与中间辊间出现打滑.文章提出了解决张力超调的方法和措施,在实际生产中实施后,处在张力超调下轧制的带钢量从40%以上减少到2%左右. 相似文献
《Baosteel Technical Research》2015,9(3):1-7
An on-line control method of surface quality for continuous hot-dip galvanized steel strip after cooling is presented,which combines analytical dynamics theory of a thin plate with the finite element method. The inherent characteristics of the non-immersed and partially immersed strip in liquid zinc were calculated on the basis of theoretical analysis and numerical simulation,respectively. Multi-parameter fitting of the deviation between results using different methods was performed. To optimize the strip excitation frequency away from the resonance region,on-line vibration control of the strip near the air knife under full product conditions was achieved by changing the field production parameters based on the field test results. The results indicate that although the axial velocity has little effect on the inherent characteristics of the strip compared with other manufacturing parameters such as the steel specifications and tension,it induces external excitations,including moving the aerodynamic load and bearing vibration. To some degree,the vibration near the air knife can be reduced by strengthening the support stiffness of the contact rolls. A total on-line control program of surface quality for continuous hot-dip galvanized pure Zn and galvannealed steel sheet in the cooling section is proposed. 相似文献
针对以往连退过程中对带钢内部应力横向分布情况无法在线预测,从而对连退过程中的跑偏、瓢曲以及带钢在各工艺段的板形演变无法在线预警、容易造成断带缺陷的问题,充分结合连退机组的设备与工艺特点,在研究了带钢横向温度差、来料板形、炉辊辊型、炉辊水平度与垂直度误差对带钢内部单元变形影响模型的基础上,建立了一套适合于连退过程的带钢内部张力横向分布模型,给出了相应的计算策略,并以宝钢不锈钢有限公司某连退机组为研究对象,定量分析了炉辊原始辊型、来料板形、横向温差以及炉辊水平度与垂直度误差、设定张力等因素对连退过程带钢内部张力横向分布的影响,编制出了相应的“连退机组通板过程带钢内部应力横向分布及板形演变预报软件”,并将其应用到生产实践,取得了良好的效果,具有进一步推广应用的价值。 相似文献
The feeding system used in the strip casting process delivers molten metal from the tundish to the pool that is bordered by side dams and rolls and is one of the key units in the production of high quality strip metal.The traditional method for studying this key unit is to use a combination of a water model and a mathematical model.However,the relations in the model with and without roll rotation have not been clearly revealed in previous studies.A 2D transient model based on a continuity equation,momentum equation,turbulent equations,and a VOF equation was established in this study and used to simulate the meniscus fluctuation.A half model with a structured grid was used for the reported simulation.The simulation showed that significant differences existed in the fluctuation in the flow fields and wave length with or without the roll rotation.The wave fluctuation exhibited uncertainty and an unstable character in the roll rotation condition.The level fluctuation employing different process parameters such as rotating speed and immersion depth of tip angle was simulated and compared with and without roll rotation.The study results showed that the meniscus fluctuation of twin-roll strip casting was primarily affected by the roll rotation,and the level fluctuation increased with the increase in rotation velocity and decreased with immersion depth. 相似文献