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“数字化生存”的时代已经悄然来临。随着人们的生存方式变化时,建筑也必然会出现一些新的发展趋势,同时也给建筑设计者带来了新的思考。本文阐述了数字技术与建筑发展的联系,提出了建筑师未来应对数字化技术发展的任务,综合分析了未来建筑设计的发展趋势。  相似文献   


1.大奖可转动的家庭用品(书架),尼日利亚Ola-Dele Kuku等作,转动时能在周围形成多变的投影,使家具和空间巧妙地融合.2.金奖返回基本(河床和不象窗的“窗”),台湾林宽源(译音)作.  相似文献   

胡骉 《室内设计》2014,(6):32-35
湖南大学DA L数字建筑实验室, 采取“走出去、引进来”的教学思路,与 ZHA|CODE、WAX等设计研究机构合作, 每年举办数字建造工作营,参与的教师和学 生在教学过程中,逐步了解了数字建筑设计的 理论与方法,掌握了基本的参数化设计软件和 数字加工设备在设计中的运用,实现了物理模 型的制作和空间构筑物的建造,完成了从数 字设计到数字建造的全过程。DAL总结工作 营的教学经验,对学院的课程设计进行了教 学改革,取得了初步的教学成果,为今后的设 计课程数字化探索打下了良好的基础。  相似文献   

大师设计小建筑   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A阿尔托和J.斯特林在不同年代为威尼斯双年展设计过作品,本文简要伸缩两位大师为1991年威尼斯双年展书亭和1956年威尼斯双年展设计的芬兰馆所作的设计,旨在展现大师科在斗室大的建筑中所表现的追求完善,精益求精、反复推敲的获业精神,这很值得我们学习,特别是初学者。  相似文献   

Max H. Sherman 《Indoor air》1992,2(2):101-114
Simplified, physical models for calculating infiltration and ventilation in a single zone usually calculate the airflows from the two natural driving forces (i.e., wind and stack effects) separately, and then use a superposition rule to combine them. Similarly, superposition rules may be used to ascertain the effects of mechanical systems on infiltration. In this report a general superposition rule will be derived for combining wind, stack, and mechanical ventilation systems together. The superposition rule will be derived using general principles of leakage dismbution and airflow and will not depend on the details of a particular infiltration model. In the process of generating this rule, a quantity called leakage distribution angle is developed to quantify the separation of areas of the building envelope which are subject to infiltration and exfiltration. The general superposition rule is compared to other proposed superposition rules including those based on measured data, and the general rule is shown to have strong explanatory power Results are generated for typical buildings. The concept of fan addition efficency is developed to determine the effectiveness of unbalanced (mechanical) ventilation systems at augmenting infiltration.  相似文献   

Max Sherman 《Indoor air》1992,2(4):244-256
This report derives an exact, but practical, expression for calculating the stack effect from air densities and leakage distribution using the power law formulation of envelope leakage. The neutral height-the height at which there is no stack-related indoor-outdoor pressure difference-is a key intermediate in stack modeling. This report defines a computable parameter called stack height, which contains all of the leakage distribution information necessary for estimating stack flows, thus freeing the model from specific assumptions (e.g. that the leakage is separable into evenly distributed floor, wall, and ceiling components). Example calculations, including comparisons with other models, as well as validations using measured data from dwellings, are also presented. The dimensionless neutral level, which is related to the neutral height, is often used as an indicator of leakage distribution and in superposition. Its definition and role in these instances are discussed in detail. The more exact formulation is then used to analyze the simple box cases normally assumed in infiltration modeling and other approximations. Measured ventilation data will be used to infer leakage distributions and neutral levels as well as for example calculations.  相似文献   

深圳市排水系统地下水渗入量初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对深圳市福田区某片区的排水系统地下水入渗量较大的问题,首次采用测量污水总流量和电导率的方法得出了该片区各子分区的地下水渗入量及渗入比例,并通过管道闭路电视检测系统(CCTV)检测验证了该方法的适用性,为以后地下水渗入量的定量分析提供了新思路;并且,在测量污水总流量时提出了一种新方法,即先获得排水管道内流量和液位的关系,然后通过测量液位来计算流量值,该方法操作简单、数据可靠;另外,对管道内部的CCTV检测结果可为管道状况评估和修复提供客观依据。  相似文献   

Much attention has been focused on the need for sewer renovation and rehabilitation of old sewerage systems, but age is not always the reason for sewer failure. Serious problems of performance have also been encountered on sewerage schemes less than 10 years old. This paper considers the problems of groundwater infiltration into new foul sewers, and suggests that deficiencies might exist in some aspects of modern sewer design and construction.
Infiltration is most frequently observed at sewer joints. Results are presented of laboratory tests which show the ability of flexible fixed-ring joints on clay sewers to withstand both internal and external pressures. Damaged polyester fairings on the spigots of these pipes can act as one-way valves, and massive infiltration may result. The standard site water test is shown to be inadequate in detecting some of these types of defect which may result from damaged pipes or poor workmanship.  相似文献   

雨水渗透管道施工技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李寿海 《市政技术》2011,29(1):77-80,127
介绍了渗透雨水管和各种渗透设施,说明了他们的用途和具体技术要求;详细论述了渗透雨水管和各种渗透设施的施工方法,为雨水渗透管道施工提供了实践经验。  相似文献   

Singapore is a tropical country with a high density of day-care facilities whose indoor environments may be adversely affected by outdoor fine particle (PM2.5) air pollution. To reduce this problem requires effective, evidence-based exposure-reduction strategies. Little information is available on the penetration of outdoor PM2.5 into day-care environments. Our study attempted to address the following objectives: to measure indoor infiltration factor (Finf) of PM2.5 from outdoor PM2.5 and to determine the building parameters that modify the indoor PM2.5. We collected indoor/outdoor 1-min PM2.5 from 50 day-care classrooms. We noted mean Finf ± SD of 0.65 ± 0.22 in day-care rooms which are naturally ventilated and lower Finf ± SD values of 0.47 ± 0.18 for those that are air-conditioned: values which are lower than those reported in Singapore residences. The air exchange rates were higher in naturally ventilated rooms (1.47 vs 0.86 h−1). However, fine particle deposition rates were lower for naturally ventilated rooms (0.67 ± 0.43 h−1) compared with air-conditioned ones (1.03 ± 0.55 h−1) presumably due to composite rates linked to the filters within the split unit air-conditioners, higher recirculation rates, and interior surfaces in the latter. Our findings indicate that children remaining indoor in daycares where air-conditioning is used can reduce their PM2.5 exposures during outdoor pollution episodes.  相似文献   

李江 《山西建筑》2012,38(6):147-148
以大庆—广州高速公路某段路基排水工程为例,介绍了平原地区渗井施工工艺,分别阐述了主井施工流程及小井施工步骤,指出了各工序施工要点及注意事项,为今后同类渗井施工项目提供了一定指导。  相似文献   

引言 上学的时候就在学“空间”,工作了还是在做“空间”,但究竟何谓“空间”?抛去已经固化在头脑里、翻飞在口齿间的词句,我想它或许可解释为是一种“情绪”,是将人对场所、事物的体验与评价建立在长度、宽度、高度和时间四个维度上.一直以来想将“情绪”植入“空间”,终于在海南省国宾馆项目上得以初步尝试.  相似文献   

对由不同渗透速率的土壤组成的复合床快速渗滤系统进行了研究.在渗透系数大的土壤上覆盖一定厚度的渗透速率适宜的滤层可以组成复合床快渗系统,该系统具有出水水质好、运转稳定、施工简单、维护方便等特点,适宜于在砂壤土质的地区建造快渗场.  相似文献   

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