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Fuzzy Cognitive Maps Learning Using Particle Swarm Optimization   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This paper introduces a new learning algorithm for Fuzzy Cognitive Maps, which is based on the application of a swarm intelligence algorithm, namely Particle Swarm Optimization. The proposed approach is applied to detect weight matrices that lead the Fuzzy Cognitive Map to desired steady states, thereby refining the initial weight approximation provided by the experts. This is performed through the minimization of a properly defined objective function. This novel method overcomes some deficiencies of other learning algorithms and, thus, improves the efficiency and robustness of Fuzzy Cognitive Maps. The operation of the new method is illustrated on an industrial process control problem, and the obtained simulation results support the claim that it is robust and efficient.  相似文献   

This paper outlines a method for solving the stereovision matching problem using edge segments as the primitives. In stereovision matching the following constraints are commonly used: epipolar, similarity, smoothness, ordering and uniqueness. We propose a new matching strategy under a fuzzy context in which such constraints are mapped. The fuzzy context integrates both Fuzzy Clustering and Fuzzy Cognitive Maps. With such purpose a network of concepts (nodes) is designed, each concept represents a pair of primitives to be matched. Each concept has associated a fuzzy value which determines the degree of the correspondence. The goal is to achieve high performance in terms of correct matches. The main findings of this paper are reflected in the use of the fuzzy context that allows building the network of concepts where the matching constraints are mapped. Initially, each concept value is loaded via the Fuzzy Clustering and then updated by the Fuzzy Cognitive Maps framework. This updating is achieved through the influence of the remainder neighboring concepts until a good global matching solution is achieved. Under this fuzzy approach we gain quantitative and qualitative matching correspondences. This method works as a relaxation matching approach and its performance is illustrated by comparative analysis against some existing global matching methods.  相似文献   

Fuzzy Cognitive Map (FCM) is an extension of classical cognitive map (CM). It is mainly a soft computing technique which is used to represent knowledge and causal inference. In order to develop a FCM for a system, a group of experts are usually asked to define concepts or factors that represent the system and describe relations among these concepts. However, in many cases FCM can include subjective factors involved in the determination of FCM weights. Several training (or learning) algorithms are employed in the literature to reduce the subjectivity of the inference so far. In this study, Extended Great Deluge Algorithm (EGDA) has been considered first time in the literature as a training algorithm for FMCs. The performance of the algorithm has been tested with two problems. The first problem is selected from the literature which is a “industrial process control problem”. For this problem the proposed algorithm provided promising results. In the second problem a simulation model of a job shop is developed and utilized in order to investigate causal relationship between the control/performance factors through FCM.  相似文献   

A novel hybrid method based on evolutionary computation techniques is presented in this paper for training Fuzzy Cognitive Maps. Fuzzy Cognitive Maps is a soft computing technique for modeling complex systems, which combines the synergistic theories of neural networks and fuzzy logic. The methodology of developing Fuzzy Cognitive Maps relies on human expert experience and knowledge, but still exhibits weaknesses in utilization of learning methods and algorithmic background. For this purpose, we investigate a coupling of differential evolution algorithm and unsupervised Hebbian learning algorithm, using both the global search capabilities of Evolutionary strategies and the effectiveness of the nonlinear Hebbian learning rule. The use of differential evolution algorithm is related to the concept of evolution of a number of individuals from generation to generation and that of nonlinear Hebbian rule to the concept of adaptation to the environment by learning. The hybrid algorithm is introduced, presented and applied successfully in real-world problems, from chemical industry and medicine. Experimental results suggest that the hybrid strategy is capable to train FCM effectively leading the system to desired states and determining an appropriate weight matrix for each specific problem.  相似文献   

The idiosyncrasy of the Web has, in the last few years, been altered by Web 2.0 technologies and applications and the advent of the so-called Social Web. While users were merely information consumers in the traditional Web, they play a much more active role in the Social Web since they are now also data providers. The mass involved in the process of creating Web content has led many public and private organizations to focus their attention on analyzing this content in order to ascertain the general public’s opinions as regards a number of topics. Given the current Web size and growth rate, automated techniques are essential if practical and scalable solutions are to be obtained. Opinion mining is a highly active research field that comprises natural language processing, computational linguistics and text analysis techniques with the aim of extracting various kinds of added-value and informational elements from users’ opinions. However, current opinion mining approaches are hampered by a number of drawbacks such as the absence of semantic relations between concepts in feature search processes or the lack of advanced mathematical methods in sentiment analysis processes. In this paper we propose an innovative opinion mining methodology that takes advantage of new Semantic Web-guided solutions to enhance the results obtained with traditional natural language processing techniques and sentiment analysis processes. The main goals of the proposed methodology are: (1) to improve feature-based opinion mining by using ontologies at the feature selection stage, and (2) to provide a new vector analysis-based method for sentiment analysis. The methodology has been implemented and thoroughly tested in a real-world movie review-themed scenario, yielding very promising results when compared with other conventional approaches.  相似文献   

Policy makers often deal with a wide range of alternative probable future states for the entity they work for – a country, for example. To strive for the most desirable state, the policy makers must evaluate and rank all probable future scenarios. To this end, ‘scenario methods’ gained recent popularity are increasingly being employed. Nevertheless, currently, decisions made based on insight gained from scenarios are not made in an integrated systematic process. Current variants of the method help study the role of any research concept individually; thus, they do not provide a complete picture of the research situation. A more suitable variant of the method for today's world should provide a holistic view of the research situation by modelling possible links among research concepts. This paper, introduces a stepwise methodology that can guide the building, developing, and ranking of possible future scenarios, having factored in the possible causal interrelations among research concepts. The method is enriched with a combination of Fuzzy Cognitive Maps, a widely used soft computing method, and ELECTRE III, a popular method of Multi Attribute Decision Making. This paper also presents the results of the application of the proposed methodology for Iran's housing market, highlighting the advantages of the proposed methodology.  相似文献   

情感分析与认知   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了情感分析的3个主要步骤,包括文本情感获取与表达、文本情感分类与计算以及文本情感分析的应用.情感分析得到的结论主要是对相关观点的摘要、对相关事件态度的预测或者统计等,但这些结论都没有发挥文本情感在认知中的作用.为了将情感分析应用于认知科学,提出了情感由情感信号和情感实体组成的观点.情感信号主要是指情感的一些形式载体,比如心跳加速、脸红等这些人体内外的某些表现,表达情感的文字、图片、声音等这类媒体.情感实体主要是指人类对情感形成的一种共识,比如爱、恨、憎恶、高兴、羞愧、嫉妒、内疚、恐惧、焦虑等与人的意识相关联的部分.同时提出了在人工智能中利用情感信息的设想.这对于模拟情感对认知的影响具有一定的意义.  相似文献   

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is comprised of a group of heterogeneous neurodevelopmental conditions, typically characterized by a triad of symptoms consisting of (1) impaired communication, (2) restricted interests, and (3) repetitive and stereotypical behavior pattern. An accurate and early diagnosis of autism can provide the basis for an appropriate educational and treatment program. In this work, we propose a computational model using a Multilayer Fuzzy Cognitive Map (hereafter referred to as MFCM) based on standardized behavioral assessments diagnosing the ASD (MFCM-ASD). The two standards used in the model are: the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, Second Edition (ADOS2), and the Autism Diagnostic Interview Revised (ADIR). The MFCM’s are a soft computing technique characterized by robust properties that make it an effective technique for medical decision support systems. For the evaluation of the MFCM-ASD model, we have used real datasets of diagnosed cases, so as to compare against other method/approaches. Initial experiments demonstrated that the proposed model outperforms conventional Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (FCMs) for ASD diagnosis. Our MFCM-ASD model serves as a diagnostic tool required to support the medical decisions when determining the correct diagnosis of Autism in children with different cognitive characteristics.  相似文献   

本文对复杂系统的知识表示与推理采用了模糊认知图的分解方法,即对原始认知图的节点进行分组,然后在组节点上构造商认知图。这样关于原始FCM的分析就转化为商认知图和各子FCM的分析,商FCM的因果关系推理提供原始FCM的整体信息,而每个子FCM继承原始FCM的拓扑结构和推理,它提供原始FCM的局部信息。这样降低了复杂系统研究的规模与复杂性,同时也使对复杂系统的研究可以在各个分类层面上和各个分组上进行,增加了模糊认知图概念间研究的丰富性和灵活性。这种分解方法可以根据需要循环往复进行。  相似文献   

模糊认知图作为一种智能计算工具,具有直观的知识表达、快速的数值推理能力等优点,适用于系统建模与推理.为了实现复杂系统关联认知与聚类的集成挖掘,进而达到对它的有效分析与决策,在面向复杂系统的大型模糊认知图研究基础之上,提出了用于三江源生态决策的大型模糊认知图关联认知、状态建模与推理的思路与方法,它不仅可以提升大型模糊认知图在复杂系统建模与推理方面的理论研究,也将拓展其应用领域.  相似文献   

在教学应用场景中,知识之间的关联性广受关注,但现有研究通常偏重两两知识点之间关系的建模,忽视知识集合中复杂的关联关系,导致研究结果出现偏差.因此,文中引入模糊测度对知识集合进行量化度量,并在此基础上提出基于模糊测度的知识关联性建模方法.首先,基于认知心理学理论,分析知识间存在的三种不同关系,并利用模糊测度建模知识间的关联性,通过实际教学场景论证方法的实用性.然后,在模糊测度建模的基础上,从知识关联性的视角讨论知识的重要度和交互指标.最后,研究知识关联性在认知诊断中的应用.真实数据集上的实验证实知识关联性对认知诊断的影响,不仅有效提升预测精度,也提供更好的可解释性.  相似文献   

In this paper, we compare the inference capabilities of three different types of fuzzy cognitive maps (FCMs). A fuzzy cognitive map is a recurrent artificial neural network that creates models as collections of concepts/neurons and the various causal relations that exist between these concepts/neurons. In the paper, a variety of industry/engineering FCM applications is presented. The three different types of FCMs that we study and compare are the binary, the trivalent and the sigmoid FCM, each of them using the corresponding transfer function for their neurons/concepts. Predictions are made by viewing dynamically the consequences of the various imposed scenarios. The prediction making capabilities are examined and presented. Conclusions are drawn concerning the use of the three types of FCMs for making predictions. Guidance is given, in order FCM users to choose the most suitable type of FCM, according to (a) the nature of the problem, (b) the required representation capabilities of the problem and (c) the level of inference required by the case.  相似文献   

电子政务民意热点信息聚类分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了更加宏观地把握民众关心的热点信息,从而使政府能够为民众提供更具针对性的信息和服务,首先通过Web日志挖掘计算出能够在一定程度上反映民意热点信息的两个指标,然后综合考虑这两个指标提出了一种分析方法.通过加权计算来度量每个信息的受关注程度,从而找出一段时间内民众所关心的热点问题.最后通过页面聚类分析对这些热点信息进行归类,并用实例加以分析说明.  相似文献   

Developing a comprehensive explanation of complex social phenomena is a difficult task that analysts often have to perform using vast collections of text documents. On the one hand, solutions exist to assist analysts in creating causal maps from text documents, but these can only articulate the relationships at work in a problem. On the other hand, Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (FCMs) can articulate these relationships and perform simulations, but no environment exists to help analysts in iteratively developing FCMs from text. In this paper, we detail the design and implementation of the first tool that allows analysts to develop FCMs from text collections, using interactive visualizations. We make three contributions: (i) we combine text mining and FCMs, (ii) we implement the first visual analytics environment built on FCMs, and (iii) we promote a strong feedback loop between interactive data exploration and model building. We provide two case studies exemplifying how to create a model from the ground-up or improve an existing one. Limitations include the increase in display complexity when working with large collection of files, and the reliance on KL-divergence for ad-hoc retrieval. Several improvements are discussed to further support analysts in creating high-quality models through interactive visualizations.  相似文献   

张墨华  陈亮 《计算机工程》2012,38(15):123-127
为实现入侵证据的自动分析,设计一种基于取证图的分层取证分析方法。采用基于规则的模糊感知图模型,从局部识别出网络实体的状态,通过特征向量中心度计算得到重要的种子结点,再从大量攻击场景的关联结点中抽取攻击组。基于DARPA2000的实验结果表明,该方法在攻击组抽取和场景抽取方面具有较高的覆盖率和准确率。  相似文献   

基于T—S模糊建模思想的多人非合作微分对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王新辉  李晓东  杨军 《计算机仿真》2009,26(12):333-337,341
多人微分对策的研究是微分对策研究领域的难点.如果微分对策的状态方程和支付函数是非线性的,研究的方法有双边极值原理和变分法,那么就不可避免的要求解Hamilton-Jacobi偏微分方程组,这样的求解是比较困难的.针对非线性系统的多人微分对策,利用T-S模糊思想方法将非线性系统转化成若干个线性子系统,并对多个局中人进行分组,从而建立了多人非合作微分对策模型,最后举出一个4人非合作的实例进行仿真试验,效果说明了解决问题方法的可行性.  相似文献   

Nowadays we need to teach students how to become flexible problem solvers in a dynamic world. The pace in which technology changes and complexity increases requires increased efficiency in learning and understanding. This requires the engineers of tomorrow to quickly gain knowledge and insight outside their prime area of expertise. To transfer practical, how-to knowledge, to re-use design solutions and to teach students design solutions in the context of a specific domain, design patterns can be used. Design patterns offer a way to transfer knowledge that is more practical and ‘ready for use’ than a generic theory-based transfer of knowledge. However, the advantage of design patterns might go beyond re-use, design efficiency and flexibility. This paper argues that in addition to the benefits described above, there is a specific added value for the use of design patterns by students to acquire design skills and domain knowledge. To analyze this proposition we will analyze the literature on cognitive load and cognitive learning processes, and relate this to experiences from three case studies in which novices and experts were offered design patterns to develop and implement systems and processes. We will reflect on implications of the use of design patterns in computer-based teaching as well as on a potential support tool to improve the accessibility of pattern languages.  相似文献   

模糊神经网络建模方法的研究   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
近年来神经网络在建模中得到了广泛地应用,但其学习过程需要大量的训练样本以保证其结果的正确性,在工业过程建模中,神经网络因可采集与训练样本数少,且信息不全等困难,难以建立一定正确度的模。针对这一问题,本文以Gauss函数为隶属度函数形式改进模糊聚类的C-平均法,提出了模糊CG-平均法,对一同组数据的聚类结果证明了此方法的有效性,模糊神经网络在化工中的研究尚处于初级阶段,本文将模糊CG-平均法与神经网络结合,构造由模糊化层、隶属度生成层、推理层及反模糊化输出层构成的模糊神经网络,实例表明本文所构造的模糊神经网络在使用较少训练样本的条件下仍能取得理想的结果,有助于直接从生产中建立所需的模型。  相似文献   

The ongoing revolutions in e-business and progresses of IT and communication, has resulted in the increasing number of companies with formal virtual project teams. In such situation, Uncertainty analysis gains more importance, being conducted within risk management framework. In this paper, based on the six phases of risk management procedure in PMBOK methodology, a risk management process in virtual projects is introduced. In qualitative analysis phase (of PMBOK methodology), the most effective factors of project management in virtual project teams are prioritized. In quantitative analysis phase, for the very first time, “Fuzzy Linear Programming Model” is employed to assess project risks based on project life cycle. Also given time and budget constraints, a method for developing appropriate strategies of reacting to each risk factor is introduced. We use GAMS (General Algebraic Modeling System) to select these strategies. Finally, we test our model in a numerical example, as evidence.  相似文献   

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