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In recent times, the Internet of Things (IoT) applications, including smart transportation, smart healthcare, smart grid, smart city, etc. generate a large volume of real-time data for decision making. In the past decades, real-time sensory data have been offloaded to centralized cloud servers for data analysis through a reliable communication channel. However, due to the long communication distance between end-users and centralized cloud servers, the chances of increasing network congestion, data loss, latency, and energy consumption are getting significantly higher. To address the challenges mentioned above, fog computing emerges in a distributed environment that extends the computation and storage facilities at the edge of the network. Compared to centralized cloud infrastructure, a distributed fog framework can support delay-sensitive IoT applications with minimum latency and energy consumption while analyzing the data using a set of resource-constraint fog/edge devices. Thus our survey covers the layered IoT architecture, evaluation metrics, and applications aspects of fog computing and its progress in the last four years. Furthermore, the layered architecture of the standard fog framework and different state-of-the-art techniques for utilizing computing resources of fog networks have been covered in this study. Moreover, we included an IoT use case scenario to demonstrate the fog data offloading and resource provisioning example in heterogeneous vehicular fog networks. Finally, we examine various challenges and potential solutions to establish interoperable communication and computation for next-generation IoT applications in fog networks.  相似文献   

Cloud computing and Internet of Things (IoT) are two very different technologies that are both already part of our life. Their adoption and use are expected to be more and more pervasive, making them important components of the Future Internet. A novel paradigm where Cloud and IoT are merged together is foreseen as disruptive and as an enabler of a large number of application scenarios.In this paper, we focus our attention on the integration of Cloud and IoT, which is what we call the CloudIoT paradigm. Many works in literature have surveyed Cloud and IoT separately and, more precisely, their main properties, features, underlying technologies, and open issues. However, to the best of our knowledge, these works lack a detailed analysis of the new CloudIoT paradigm, which involves completely new applications, challenges, and research issues. To bridge this gap, in this paper we provide a literature survey on the integration of Cloud and IoT. Starting by analyzing the basics of both IoT and Cloud Computing, we discuss their complementarity, detailing what is currently driving to their integration. Thanks to the adoption of the CloudIoT paradigm a number of applications are gaining momentum: we provide an up-to-date picture of CloudIoT applications in literature, with a focus on their specific research challenges. These challenges are then analyzed in details to show where the main body of research is currently heading. We also discuss what is already available in terms of platforms–both proprietary and open source–and projects implementing the CloudIoT paradigm. Finally, we identify open issues and future directions in this field, which we expect to play a leading role in the landscape of the Future Internet.  相似文献   

物联网设备数量的大规模增长以及人工智能技术的逐步升级给物联网安全带来了严峻的挑战.由于大部分物联网设备具有无键盘输入、CPU结构简单、存储容量小、计算和通信能力弱等特点,以及物联网网络的体系结构和计算机网络的不同,传统的认证协议无法在物联网环境中通用.因此,设计适用于物联网环境的认证协议是保证物联网安全必不可少的环节.本文介绍了物联网认证协议研究的背景以及近几年物联网认证协议的研究进展,分析了物联网认证协议与传统计算机网络认证协议的不同,指出了物联网认证协议中常用的技术和数学方法,包括椭圆曲线加密、秘密共享、量子密码学等,然后从用户与设备认证、设备与服务器认证、设备与设备认证三个方面来介绍物联网认证协议研究的最新研究成果,最后讨论了物联网认证协议未来研究方向.  相似文献   

物联网服务作为信息世界软件服务通过物联网向现实世界的延伸,其在物联网系统具有重要的作用.然而,不同于传统Web服务,物联网服务具有现实感知、数据驱动、异构分布、时空相关等新特点,使得现有的服务模型不足以对物联网服务有效刻画,进而也不能满足物联网应用中的后续服务发现、服务卸载、服务组合等需求.在凝练分析物联网服务建模需求和已有物联网服务模型的基础上,提出了一种基于实体-数据的物联网服务建模框架,该框架提出了服务、实体、数据三元信息融合的物联网服务模型概念及概念关系,重点定义了服务、实体、数据的时空属性及时空依赖关系,以支持基于时空相关性的物联网服务关联表示与分析,并通过扩展OWL-S(ontology Web language for services)给出了基于实体-数据的物联网服务描述方式.最后,结合一个高速公路物联网应用案例对模型的使用方式和效果进行了讨论.  相似文献   

With the proliferation of Internet of Things (IoT) and edge computing paradigms, billions of IoT devices are being networked to support data-driven and real-time decision making across numerous application domains, including smart homes, smart transport, and smart buildings. These ubiquitously distributed IoT devices send the raw data to their respective edge device (eg, IoT gateways) or the cloud directly. The wide spectrum of possible application use cases make the design and networking of IoT and edge computing layers a very tedious process due to the: (i) complexity and heterogeneity of end-point networks (eg, Wi-Fi, 4G, and Bluetooth); (ii) heterogeneity of edge and IoT hardware resources and software stack; (iv) mobility of IoT devices; and (iii) the complex interplay between the IoT and edge layers. Unlike cloud computing, where researchers and developers seeking to test capacity planning, resource selection, network configuration, computation placement, and security management strategies had access to public cloud infrastructure (eg, Amazon and Azure), establishing an IoT and edge computing testbed that offers a high degree of verisimilitude is not only complex, costly, and resource-intensive but also time-intensive. Moreover, testing in real IoT and edge computing environments is not feasible due to the high cost and diverse domain knowledge required in order to reason about their diversity, scalability, and usability. To support performance testing and validation of IoT and edge computing configurations and algorithms at scale, simulation frameworks should be developed. Hence, this article proposes a novel simulator IoTSim-Edge, which captures the behavior of heterogeneous IoT and edge computing infrastructure and allows users to test their infrastructure and framework in an easy and configurable manner. IoTSim-Edge extends the capability of CloudSim to incorporate the different features of edge and IoT devices. The effectiveness of IoTSim-Edge is described using three test cases. Results show the varying capability of IoTSim-Edge in terms of application composition, battery-oriented modeling, heterogeneous protocols modeling, and mobility modeling along with the resources provisioning for IoT applications.  相似文献   

With the advent of the Internet of Things (IoT) that offers capabilities to identify and connect worldwide physical objects into a unified system, the importance of modeling and processing IoT data has become significantly accentuated. IoT data is substantial in quantity, noisy, heterogeneous, inconsistent, and arrives at the system in a streaming fashion. Due to the unique characteristics of IoT data, the manipulation of IoT data for practical applications has encountered many fundamental challenging problems, such as data modeling and processing. This paper proposes the infrastructure for an IoT prototype system that aims to develop foundation models for IoT data. We illustrate major modules in the IoT prototype, as well as their functionalities, and provide our vision of the key techniques used for tacking the critical problems in each module.  相似文献   

随着国家电网电力物联网的逐步推进,作为其核心支撑技术的边缘计算框架逐渐成为研究热点.首先,总结了物联网和边缘计算框架方面的已有研究工作;其次,通过分析电力物联网在业务场景、边缘计算、信息安全等方面的关键技术难题,提出了一种适应于电力物联网的可信边缘计算框架SG-Edge;随后,结合边缘框架的可信防护关键难题,给出了硬件可信引导、软件行为动态度量等关键技术方法;最后,从业务适应性、安全性以及性能等方面对SG-Edge进行了全面评估,并对未来研究可能面临的挑战进行了展望.  相似文献   

物联网安全问题与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着物联网的发展,其安全问题日益重要。其感知层、传输层及处理层面临不同的安全隐患,面对各种常见安全隐患,需要针对性地采用相应的安全策略和解决思路,以便保障物联网安全地运行。  相似文献   

随着物联网(Internet of Things, IoT)技术的高速发展,各类智能设备数量激增,身份认证成为保障IoT安全的首要需求.区块链作为一种分布式账本技术,提供了去信任的协作环境和安全的数据管理平台,使用区块链技术驱动IoT认证成为学术界和工业界关注的热点.基于云计算和云边协同两种架构分析IoT身份认证机制设计的主要需求,总结区块链技术应用于IoT场景面临的挑战;梳理现有IoT身份认证机制的工作,并将其归结为基于密钥的认证、基于证书的认证和基于身份的认证;分析应用区块链技术的IoT认证工作,并根据认证对象和附加属性对相关文献进行归纳和总结.从形式化和非形式化两个方向总结基于区块链的IoT认证机制的安全性分析方法.最后展望了未来研究方向.  相似文献   

物联网作为当前迅猛发展的新技术,势必带来一场深刻的科技变革。但是,作为一种新兴的信息产业,发展物联网存在各个方面的问题。对物联网的技术及应用进行了研究,分析了物联网的发展及应用现状,指出了影响物联网发展的因素,以及对物联网发展的探索。  相似文献   

聂晓 《工矿自动化》2013,39(4):47-50
介绍了云计算与物联网的概念,分析了二者结合的必然性与结合模式,提出了基于云计算的物联网体系结构,研究了基于云计算的物联网所面临的安全威胁问题,并针对安全威胁给出了相应的解决方案,即构建可信的物联网环境和如何保证"云"中的物联网数据安全,指出了基于云计算的物联网安全研究的技术难点和研究现状。  相似文献   

随着物联网的快速发展,其安全问题渐渐被重视起来。通过对物联网的基本概念、技术的阐述,分析了物联网安全需求方面的特点,及其在安全性方面需要解决的问题,针对不同的安全问题给出了相应的安全对策。  相似文献   

物联网时代的嵌入式系统机遇   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
嵌入式系统是物联网平台的半边天.物联网、云计算给嵌入式系统带来新的机遇.单片、嵌入、物联是嵌入式系统的三个基本特性,体现了嵌入式系统的三个时代特征.物联网是多学科的大科技概念,要有多学科视野,嵌入式系统应该用自己的语言来诠释物联网.目前,物联网平台的许多嵌入式技术已经成熟,建设物联网的大型国家工程迫在眉睫.  相似文献   

随着物联网的发展,大量不同的设备通过各种不同的方式连接到物联网中,使普适计算环境更加复杂和多样化,因此要求在物联网环境下的普适计算框架能适应新的计算条件的变化。提出了一种新的普适计算框架,以便在物联网环境中普适计算系统能够自动适应复杂多样的软硬件运行环境,使软件无需修改就可以在整个物联网环境中任意地执行,实现普适计算的服务发现、上下文感知与服务迁移功能。提出物联网环境下普适计算的基本运算单元为"动态计算网络",使用"设备动态匹配"作为普适计算软件自动适应环境的解决方案。提出的动态计算网络增强了普适计算软件对物联网环境的适应性,为面向物联网的通用软件系统设计提供了一种有效的解决方法。  相似文献   

目前,智能家居领域在互联互通方面主要存在两个问题:一个是家庭环境中多个设备之间无法实现较好的互联互通;另一个问题是智能家居系统所采用的标识、操作平台和编程语言没有统一的标准。异构的服务和设备需要彼此协作来共同执行任务。因此,设备和标识的异构性问题会导致智能家居系统的兼容性较差。本文提出了一种基于物联网标识的全新智能家居服务体系架构,明确了智能家居的各参与方及其之间的关系,设计了智能家居服务的具体流程。这种架构可以在对现有的智能家居产品不做额外改变的前提下,实现不同产品之间的互连互通,提高智能家居系统的兼容性和可扩展性。  相似文献   

智能城市、智慧工厂等对物联网设备(Internet of Things,IoT)的性能和连接性提出了挑战。边缘计算的出现弥补了这些能力受限的设备,通过将密集的计算任务从它们迁移到边缘节点(Edge Node,EN),物联网设备能够在节约更多能耗的同时,仍保持服务质量。计算卸载决策涉及协作和复杂的资源管理,应该根据动态工作负载和网络环境实时确定计算卸载决策。采用模拟实验的方法,通过在物联网设备和边缘节点上都部署深度强化学习代理来最大化长期效用,并引入联盟学习来分布式训练深度强化学习代理。首先构建支持边缘计算的物联网系统,IoT从EN处下载已有模型进行训练,密集型计算任务卸载至EN进行训练;IoT上传更新的参数至EN,EN聚合该参数与EN处的模型得到新的模型;云端可在EN处获得新的模型并聚合,IoT也可以从EN获得更新的参数应用在设备上。经过多次迭代,该IoT能获得接近集中式训练的性能,并且降低了物联网设备和边缘节点之间的传输成本,实验证实了决策方案和联盟学习在动态物联网环境中的有效性。  相似文献   

Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) has become the de-facto web standard for the IoT. Unlike traditional wireless sensor networks, Internet-connected smart thing deployments require security. CoAP mandates the use of the Datagram TLS (DTLS) protocol as the underlying secure communication protocol. In this paper we implement DTLS-protected secure CoAP for both resource-constrained IoT devices and a cloud backend and evaluate all three security modes (pre-shared key, raw-public key, and certificate-based) of CoAP in a real cloud-connected IoT setup. We extend SicsthSense– a cloud platform for the IoT– with secure CoAP capabilities, and compliment a DTLS implementation for resource-constrained IoT devices with raw-public key and certificate-based asymmetric cryptography. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first effort toward providing end-to-end secure communication between resource-constrained smart things and cloud back-ends which supports all three security modes of CoAP both on the client side and the server side. SecureSense– our End-to-End (E2E) secure communication architecture for the IoT– consists of all standard-based protocols, and implementation of these protocols are open source and BSD-licensed. The SecureSense evaluation benchmarks and open source and open license implementation make it possible for future IoT product and service providers to account for security overhead while using all standardized protocols and while ensuring interoperability among different vendors. The core contributions of this paper are: (i) a complete implementation for CoAP security modes for E2E IoT security,  (ii) IoT security and communication protocols for a cloud platform for the IoT, and (iii) detailed experimental evaluation and benchmarking of E2E security between a network of smart things and a cloud platform.  相似文献   

提出了一种基于ROS与OpenWrt、Contiki的新型物联网系统方案ROS-IOT.分为两个部分:物联网系统的搭建与此系统下数据采集机器人的设计.感知层传感节点采用Contiki协议栈实现传感节点的组网与数据传递;接入网关采用运行Openwrt操作系统的无线路由器,网关接入模块实现协议动态转换,设置转换地址池、数据汇聚、处理,并基于rosserial_embeddedLinux上递至ROS网络等功能,实现各层数据流通;应用层基于websocket技术设计了与ROS网络数据交互的web服务,可实现与感知层、机器人的双向交互.机器人采用运行ROS环境的树莓派作为主控设备,电机驱动板采用stm32单片机.机器人的软件设计采用基于ROS Topic与ROS_bridge的通讯机制,使得机器人更加容易地融入物联网系统,并且在此基础上拓展更多服务.  相似文献   

物联网架构研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李冬月  杨刚  千博 《计算机科学》2018,45(Z11):27-31
物联网自提出以来,就引起了政府、企业、学者的广泛关注。相关标准组织或研究机构一直试图制定统一的标准来规范物联网应用,但由于物联网涉及范围广、涵盖内容多,其概念和融合技术也在不断更新和发展,因此目前物联网尚未有统一的标准。文中以3种思路总结了物联网架构的演变,并在此基础上分析了不同的物联网架构的设计模式及其优势,最后推测了物联网架构的研究热点。  相似文献   

物联网体系及相关技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前物联网的定义、内在原理、体系结构和系统模型等方面还存在许多值得探讨的问题,为此,通过解析物联网的基本概念和特征,提出了物联网体系架构的感知层、网络层及应用层的三层架构,归纳了物联网涉及的射频识别、传感器、网络通信和云计算等关键技术,讨论了物联网在对象识别,跟踪及控制方面的具体应用。  相似文献   

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