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Interaction between the gut and the brain is essential for energy homeostasis. In obesity, this homeostasis is disrupted, leading to a positive energy balance and weight gain. Obesity is a global epidemic that affects individual health and strains the socioeconomic system. Microbial dysbiosis has long been reported in obesity and obesity-related disorders. More recent literature has focused on the interaction of the gut microbiota and its metabolites on human brain and behavior. Developing strategies that target the gut microbiota could be a future approach for the treatment of obesity. Here, we review the microbiota–gut–brain axis and possible therapeutic options.  相似文献   

The introduction of immune checkpoint inhibitors has constituted a major revolution in the treatment of patients with cancer. In contrast with the traditional cytotoxic therapies that directly kill tumor cells, this treatment modality enhances the ability of the host’s immune system to recognize and target cancerous cells. While immune checkpoint inhibitors have been effective across multiple cancer types, overcoming resistance remains a key area of ongoing research. The gut microbiota and its role in cancer immunosurveillance have recently become a major field of study. Gut microbiota has been shown to have direct and systemic effects on cancer pathogenesis and hosts anti-tumor immune response. Many studies have also shown that the host microbiota profile plays an essential role in the response to immunotherapy, especially immune checkpoint inhibitors. As such, modulating this microbial environment has offered a potential path to overcome the resistance to immune checkpoint inhibitors. In this review, we will talk about the role of microbiota in cancer pathogenesis and immune-system activity. We will also discuss preclinical and clinical studies that have increased our understanding about the roles and the mechanisms through which microbiota influences the response to treatment with immune checkpoint inhibitors.  相似文献   

Metabolites produced by an altered gut microbiota might mediate the effects in the brain. Among metabolites, the fecal volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are considered to be potential biomarkers. In this study, we examined both the VOCs and bacterial taxa in the feces from healthy subjects and Alzheimer’s disease (AD) patients at early and middle stages. Remarkably, 29 fecal VOCs and 13 bacterial genera were differentiated from the healthy subjects and the AD patients. In general, higher amounts of acids and esters were found in in the feces of the AD patients and terpenes, sulfur compounds and aldehydes in the healthy subjects. At the early stage of AD, the most relevant VOCs with a higher abundance were short-chain fatty acids and their producing bacteria, Faecalibacterium and Lachnoclostridium. Coinciding with the development of dementia in the AD patients, parallel rises of heptanoic acid and Peptococcus were observed. At a more advanced stage of AD, the microbiota and volatiles shifted towards a profile in the feces with increases in hexanoic acid, Ruminococcus and Blautia. The most remarkable VOCs that were associated with the healthy subjects were 4-ethyl-phenol and dodecanol, together with their possible producers Clostridium and Coprococcus. Our results revealed a VOCs and microbiota crosstalk in AD development and their profiles in the feces were specific depending on the stage of AD. Additionally, some of the most significant fecal VOCs identified in our study could be used as potential biomarkers for the initiation and progression of AD.  相似文献   

Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in women worldwide. The disease and its treatments exert profound effects on an individual’s physical and mental health. There are many factors that impact an individual’s risk of developing breast cancer, their response to treatments, and their risk of recurrence. The community of microorganisms inhabiting the gastrointestinal tract, the gut microbiota, affects human health through metabolic, neural, and endocrine signaling, and immune activity. It is through these mechanisms that the gut microbiota appears to influence breast cancer risk, response to treatment, and recurrence. A disrupted gut microbiota or state of ‘dysbiosis’ can contribute to a biological environment associated with higher risk for cancer development as well as contribute to negative treatment side-effects. Many cancer treatments have been shown to shift the gut microbiota toward dysbiosis; however, the microbiota can also be positively manipulated through diet, prebiotic and probiotic supplementation, and exercise. The objective of this review is to provide an overview of the current understanding of the relationship between the gut microbiota and breast cancer and to highlight potential strategies for modulation of the gut microbiota that could lead to improved clinical outcomes and overall health in this population.  相似文献   

Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is a chronic autoimmune metabolic disorder with onset in pediatric/adolescent age, characterized by insufficient insulin production, due to a progressive destruction of pancreatic β-cells. Evidence on the correlation between the human gut microbiota (GM) composition and T1D insurgence has been recently reported. In particular, 16S rRNA-based metagenomics has been intensively employed in the last decade in a number of investigations focused on GM representation in relation to a pre-disease state or to a response to clinical treatments. On the other hand, few works have been published using alternative functional omics, which is more suitable to provide a different interpretation of such a relationship. In this work, we pursued a comprehensive metaproteomic investigation on T1D children compared with a group of siblings (SIBL) and a reference control group (CTRL) composed of aged matched healthy subjects, with the aim of finding features in the T1D patients’ GM to be related with the onset of the disease. Modulated metaproteins were found either by comparing T1D with CTRL and SIBL or by stratifying T1D by insulin need (IN), as a proxy of β-cells damage, showing some functional and taxonomic traits of the GM, possibly related to the disease onset at different stages of severity.  相似文献   

The microbiota is increasingly recognized as a critical player in cancer onset and progression and response to cancer chemotherapy treatment. In recent years, several preclinical and clinical studies have evidenced the involvement of microbiota in lung cancer, one of the world’s deadliest cancers. However, the mechanisms by which the microbiota can impact this type of cancer and patient survival and response to treatments remain poorly investigated. In this review, the peculiarities of the gut and lung microbial ecosystems have been highlighted, and recent findings illustrating the possible mechanisms underlying the microbiota–lung cancer interaction and the host immune response have been discussed. In addition, the mucosal immune system has been identified as a crucial communication frame to ease interactive dynamics between the immune system and the microbiota. Finally, the use of specific next-generation intestinal probiotic strains in counteracting airway diseases has been evaluated. We believe that restoring homeostasis and the balance of bacterial microflora should become part of the routine of integrated cancer interventions, using probiotics, prebiotics, and postbiotics, and promoting a healthy diet and lifestyle.  相似文献   

Dietary advanced glycation endproducts (AGEs), abundantly present in Westernized diets, are linked to negative health outcomes, but their impact on the gut microbiota has not yet been well investigated in humans. We investigated the effects of a 4-week isocaloric and macronutrient-matched diet low or high in AGEs on the gut microbial composition of 70 abdominally obese individuals in a double-blind parallel-design randomized controlled trial (NCT03866343). Additionally, we investigated the cross-sectional associations between the habitual intake of dietary dicarbonyls, reactive precursors to AGEs, and the gut microbial composition, as assessed by 16S rRNA amplicon-based sequencing. Despite a marked percentage difference in AGE intake, we observed no differences in microbial richness and the general community structure. Only the Anaerostipes spp. had a relative abundance >0.5% and showed differential abundance (0.5 versus 1.11%; p = 0.028, after low- or high-AGE diet, respectively). While the habitual intake of dicarbonyls was not associated with microbial richness or a general community structure, the intake of 3-deoxyglucosone was especially associated with an abundance of several genera. Thus, a 4-week diet low or high in AGEs has a limited impact on the gut microbial composition of abdominally obese humans, paralleling its previously observed limited biological consequences. The effects of dietary dicarbonyls on the gut microbiota composition deserve further investigation.  相似文献   

Emerging adulthood (ages 18–25) is a critical period for neurobiological development and the maturation of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis. Recent findings also suggest that a natural perturbation of the gut microbiota (GM), combined with other factors, may create a unique vulnerability during this period of life. The GM of emerging adults is thought to be simpler, less diverse, and more unstable than either younger or older people. We postulate that this plasticity in the GM suggests a role in the rising mental health issues seen in westernized societies today via the gut–brain–microbiota axis. Studies have paid particular attention to the diversity of the microbiota, the specific function and abundance of bacteria, and the production of metabolites. In this narrative review, we focus specifically on diet, physical activity/exercise, substance use, and sleep in the context of the emerging adult. We propose that this is a crucial period for establishing a stable and more resilient microbiome for optimal health into adulthood. Recommendations will be made about future research into possible behavioral adjustments that may be beneficial to endorse during this critical period to reduce the probability of a “dysbiotic” GM and the emergence and severity of mental health concerns.  相似文献   

An emerging body of literature demonstrates differences in the gut microbiome (GMB) of patients with major depressive disorder (MDD) compared to healthy controls (HC), as well as the potential benefits of prebiotic, probiotic, and synbiotic treatment. We conducted a systematic review of 24 observational studies (n = 2817), and 19 interventional trials (n = 1119). We assessed alpha diversity, beta diversity, and taxa abundance changes in patients with MDD relative to HC, as well as the effect of prebiotics, probiotics, and synbiotics on depressive symptoms in individuals with clinical or subclinical depression. We observed no significant differences in alpha diversity but a significant difference in beta diversity between patients with MDD and HC. There were fluctuations in the abundance of specific taxa in patients with MDD relative to HC. Probiotic and synbiotic, but not prebiotic, treatment showed a modest benefit in reducing depressive symptoms in patients with MDD over four to nine weeks. The GMB profiles of patients with MDD differ significantly from HC, but further studies are needed to elucidate the benefits of prebiotic, probiotic and synbiotic treatments relative to antidepressants and over longer follow-up before these therapies are implemented into clinical practice.  相似文献   

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is often associated with several intestinal and/or metabolic disorders as well as neurological manifestations such as epilepsy (ASD-E). Those presenting these neuropathological conditions share common aspects in terms of gut microbiota composition. The use of microbiota intervention strategies may be an approach to consider in the management of these cases. We describe the case of a 17-year-old girl affected by ASD, reduced growth, neurological development delay, mutations in the PGM1 and EEF1A2 genes (in the absence of clinically manifested disease) and, intestinal disorders such as abdominal pain and diarrhea associated with weight loss. As she demonstrated poor responsiveness to the therapies provided, we attempted two specific dietary patterns: a ketogenic diet, followed by a low fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols (FODMAP) diet, with the aim of improving her neurological, metabolic, and intestinal symptoms through modulation of the gut microbiota’s composition. The ketogenic diet (KD) provided a reduction in Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes, and Proteobacteria. Although her intestinal symptoms improved, KD was poorly tolerated. On the other hand, the passage to a low FODMAPs diet produced a significant improvement in all neurological, intestinal, and metabolic symptoms and was well-tolerated. The following gut microbiota analysis showed reductions in Actinobacteria, Firmicutes, Lactobacilli, and Bifidobacteria. The alpha biodiversity was consistently increased and the Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes ratio decreased, reducing the extent of fermentative dysbiosis. Gut microbiota could be a therapeutic target to improve ASD-related symptoms. Further studies are needed to better understand the correlation between gut microbiota composition and ASD, and its possible involvement in the physiopathology of ASD.  相似文献   

Mitochondria dysfunction is implicated in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Exercise training is potentially an effective non-pharmacological strategy to restore mitochondrial health in CVD. However, how exercise modifies mitochondrial functionality is inconclusive. We conducted a systematic review using the PubMed; Scopus and Web of Science databases to investigate the effect of exercise training on mitochondrial function in CVD patients. Search terms included “mitochondria”, “exercise”, “aerobic capacity”, and “cardiovascular disease” in varied combination. The search yielded 821 records for abstract screening, of which 20 articles met the inclusion criteria. We summarized the effect of exercise training on mitochondrial morphology, biogenesis, dynamics, oxidative capacity, antioxidant capacity, and quality. Amongst these parameters, only oxidative capacity was suitable for a meta-analysis, which demonstrated a significant effect size of exercise in improving mitochondrial oxidative capacity in CVD patients (SMD = 4.78; CI = 2.99 to 6.57; p < 0.01), but with high heterogeneity among the studies (I2 = 75%, p = 0.003). Notably, aerobic exercise enhanced succinate-involved oxidative phosphorylation. The majority of the results suggested that exercise improves morphology and biogenesis, whereas findings on dynamic, antioxidant capacity, and quality, were inadequate or inconclusive. A further randomized controlled trial is clearly required to explain how exercise modifies the pathway of mitochondrial quantity and quality in CVD patients.  相似文献   

Supplementation with anthocyanins, which are a type of flavonoids mainly found in various berries, is hypothesized to be a promising approach to lower the risk of developing cognitive decline. The aim of this systematic review was to provide a comprehensive overview of dietary intervention trials describing effects of berry anthocyanins on cognitive performance in humans, while also addressing potential underlying mechanisms. A total of 1197 articles were identified through a systematic search, and 49 studies reporting effects on cognitive performance (n = 18), vascular function (n = 22), or cardiometabolic risk markers (n = 32) were included. Significant improvements were observed on memory, while some of the studies also reported effects on attention and psychomotor speed or executive function. Vascular function markers such as brachial artery flow-mediated vasodilation were also affected and consistent evidence was provided for the beneficial effects of berry anthocyanins on endothelial function. Finally, studies reported improvements in blood pressure, but effects on metabolic risk markers (e.g. carbohydrate and lipid metabolism) were less consistent. In conclusion, this review provides evidence for the beneficial effects of berry anthocyanins on cognitive performance as memory improved. Whether observed anthocyanin-induced improvements in vascular function and blood pressure underlie beneficial effects on cognitive performance warrants further study.  相似文献   

The developing chemical depth profile in an epoxy adhesive bulk (with varying amine content) is monitored during aging by FTIR microspectroscopy on sample cuts prepared with low angle microtomy. Three aging regimes are applied in order to separate the role of temperature and water: dried or moist air (90% rel. humidity) at 60°C and dried air at 120°C for up to 300 days. Quantitative evaluation of the IR spectra shows: thermo-oxidative aging (= dried air) is controlled by the diffusion of atmospheric oxygen. It affects a gradient region of more than 200 μm in depth. At given aging time, the depth profiles depend on temperature, humidity, and on the epoxy-amine ratio. Humidity mainly affects the IR band intensities. The plasticizing effect of water promotes the loss of small network fragments. At 120°C, autoxidation of α-CH2 at ether and amine groups and the oxidative attack on tertiary amines dominate aging. At 60°C in dried air, these processes proceed only very slowly. In the case of amine excess, aging is extended by the additional oxidation of primary and secondary amines to carbonyls. Carbonyls undergo consecutive reactions, especially in the presence of water. Hence, increasing temperature does not simply accelerate the aging mechanisms but it reduces their selectivity and changes their hierarchy. Thus, the long-term aging behavior at moderate temperatures cannot be predicted safely from accelerated aging tests.  相似文献   

Lipid core nanoparticles (LDE) resembling LDL behave similarly to native LDL when injected in animals or subjects. In contact with plasma, LDE acquires apolipoproteins (apo) E, A‐I and C and bind to LDL receptors. LDE can be used to explore LDL metabolism or as a vehicle of drugs directed against tumoral or atherosclerotic sites. The aim was to investigate in knockout (KO) and transgenic mice the plasma clearance and tissue uptake of LDE labeled with 3H‐cholesteryl ether. LDE clearance was lower in LDLR KO and apoE KO mice than in wild type (WT) mice (p < 0.05). However, infusion of human apoE3 into the apoE KO mice increased LDE clearance. LDE clearance was higher in apoA‐I KO than in WT. In apoA‐I transgenic mice, LDE clearance was lower than in apoA‐I KO and than in apoA‐I KO infusion with human HDL. Infusion of human HDL into the apoA‐I KO mice resulted in higher LDE clearance than in the apoA‐I transgenic mice (p < 0.05). In apoA‐I KO and apoA‐I KO infused human HDL, the liver uptake was greater than in WT animals and apoA‐I transgenic animals (p < 0.05). LDE clearance was lower in apoE/A‐I KO than in WT. Infusion of human HDL increased LDE clearance in those double KO mice. No difference among the groups in LDE uptake by the tissues occurred. In conclusion, results support LDLR and apoE as the key players for LDE clearance, apoA‐I also influences those processes.  相似文献   

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