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研究了润滑气膜的主要力学参数.引入有限体积法,应用理想气体等温条件下的k-ε模型封闭控制方程组对润滑气膜的力学特性进行数值分析,得出不同气膜厚度下导轨工作面上的压强分布规律.数值结果表明:导轨内气膜从节流孔沿工作面到导轨边缘的压强分布规律并非按雷诺润滑方程均匀递减变化,而是在节流孔附近存在半径约为500μm的负压区;在静压导轨气膜厚度与承载力分析的基础上,指出气膜与导轨间的气固耦合所引发的导轨弹性自激振动是静压导轨实现纳米级定位的主要制约因素.本项研究为导轨自激振动抑制、气膜振幅减小乃至空气静压导轨整体精度提高等工作做了有益探索. 相似文献
对小型三座标测量机的导轨进行改型设计,将原来的滚动导轨改为空气静压导轨,提出了一种新的空气静压导轨的优化设计方法,给出计算结果。介绍了气垫压力分布的理论分析和试验研究,其理论计算与试验结果趋向一致。 相似文献
本文根据精密机械的精度理论和空气静压的工作方程,对影响导轨总精度的各个因素进行了较详细的探讨,并推导出了空气静压导轨的精度计算方程式。同时,对精度的综合和分配也提出了看法。 相似文献
空气静压导轨的气膜波动已成为超精密加工工件波纹度的主要影响因素.为分析空气静压导轨性能,利用雷诺方程推导出双排节流孔结构形式的空气静压导轨气膜刚度计算公式,并对相应空气静压导轨进行静态刚度检测试验以验证建立的导轨气膜刚度模型的正确性与可行性.结合静压导轨的模态分析结果,建立空气静压导轨的动力学模型.根据气浮导轨系统的动力学方程,给出气浮溜板刚度及其在加工过程中随气膜厚度变化的波动频率的仿真步骤和结果,根据引起的振动幅值分析气膜波动对加工结果的影响.利用小波变换把加工工件面形检测结果分解为各尺度下低频信号和高频信号,并把各尺度下高频信号做功率谱密度分析,从导轨气膜波动频率出发辨识出导轨气膜波动信号所在的尺度,根据相应的功率谱密度幅值推导出对加工结果的影响程度. 相似文献
空气静压导轨中几种常用静压垫结构特性的比较 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
在相同边界条件和初始值时,对空气静压导轨中圆形,方形,圆环形,环矩形等几种常用的静压垫结构进行了数值仿真分析,得到了对应的压强和速度分布情况,并对结果进行了比较,认为环矩形结构静压垫具有更高的承载能力。 相似文献
空气静压导轨气膜波动主要影响因素分析 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
针对空气静压导轨运动过程中出现的气膜波动问题,研究溜板气腔结构、节流器直径、供气压强对气膜内气旋及气膜波动的影响。通过仿真数据的对比分析发现气旋现象与气膜波动存在紧密的联系。从仿真结果得到了对气膜波动产生影响的因素有:节流孔的直径、气腔的结构形状和供气压强的大小。在上述的这些影响因素中供气压强的大小对气膜波动影响较大,最后试验对得出的这一结论进行了验证,与仿真结果吻合。这些分析为从导轨结构和工艺参数上对空气静压导轨的气膜波动进行抑制,提高导轨的稳定性及加工精度提供了理论依据。 相似文献
Numerical and experimental analysis of aerostatic thrust bearings with porous restrictors 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
T. S. Luong W. Potze J. B. Post R. A. J. van Ostayen A. van Beek 《Tribology International》2004,37(10):825-832
The finite element method is used to predict the performance of aerostatic thrust bearings with a complete porous surface. Results obtained by a 1D and 3D source flow model derived from D’Arcy’s law are compared for rectangular porous bearings having an infinite width. It turns out that the 1D source flow model is adequate for practical design parameters. For a circular aerostatic porous thrust bearing results calculated with several mathematical models for the source flow and slip flow are compared with experimental results. A relatively simple model incorporating unflatness and deformation of the bearing surface correlates well with the experimentally determined bearing performance. 相似文献
Mohamed E. Eleshaky 《Tribology International》2009,42(7):1108-1117
Under certain operating conditions, the pressure distributions of aerostatic thrust bearings experience an undesirable pressure depression which decreases their load carrying capacity. Many investigators reasoned this phenomenon to the occurrence of shock waves in the bearing clearance. Recently, some investigators reasoned this phenomenon to the transition from laminar to turbulent flow and claimed that no shock wave is generated at the boundary between supersonic and subsonic flows. As such, there is a contradiction between these two opinions. In this paper, the rationale of the pressure depression phenomenon in aerostatic thrust bearings is investigated using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations. The turbulent full Navier-Stokes equations for steady, three-dimensional, compressible flows are numerically solved in this study. Two circular bearing configurations are analyzed. The obtained results showed that the predicted pressure distributions along the fluid film compare well with the corresponding experimental data of other investigators. The present computational methodology allowed a clear capturing of the coherent structures of the flowfield in the bearing inlet region which include the coalescing of compression waves into shock waves and the region of shock/boundary layer interaction (pseudo-shock). The thorough understanding of this phenomenon is the first step towards the development of its appropriate control methods. 相似文献
Dynamic tilt characteristics of aerostatic rectangular double-pad thrust bearings with compound restrictors 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Aerostatic rectangular double-pad thrust bearings with compound restrictors have often been used in linear guideway systems of ultra-precision machine tools and precision measuring equipments, because high bearing stiffness is easily achieved in these bearings. However, in actual devices, various dynamic loads as well as static loads are imposed on these aerostatic bearings. Therefore, in this paper, the dynamic stiffness and damping coefficient of this type of bearing for tilt motion of a shaft are investigated, both theoretically and experimentally. It was consequently found that the dynamic tilt characteristics of the aerostatic thrust bearings considered in this paper are greatly influenced not only by design parameters such as the groove position and the groove depth but also by the squeeze effect. 相似文献
在直升机主减速器系统中,轴承作为重要热源,对系统工作时的温度上升产生重要影响。其直接关系到直升机主减速器系统的工作性能。采用有限容积法,对直升机主减速器中所使用的高速角接触球轴承的稳态、瞬态温度场分别进行分析计算。获得其稳态温度分布场,总结出诸如转速、预紧载荷等因素对轴承温升的影响规律,为合理选择轴承参数,提高其工作可靠性提供理论依据。 相似文献
A study of sliding between rollers and races in a roller bearing with a numerical model for mechanical event simulations 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Edwin Laniado-Jácome Jesús Meneses-Alonso Vicente Diaz-López 《Tribology International》2010,43(11):2175-2182
A numerical model of a roller bearing is presented in this paper. These simulations provide us with the spatial and time distributions of stress and strain values, as well as all the nodal displacements at every time step. The model was developed with the finite element method (FEM) for mechanical event simulations (MES) with the commercial code AlgorTM. The model has been validated by verifying that the contact force distributions correspond to those predicted by the analytical model of Harris-Jones.As an application, a study of sliding between the rollers and the races has been carried out. For each roller, a rolling zone can be defined in which local sliding (computed between two consecutive time steps) is negligible. According to the simulations, we conclude that the rolling zone is practically the same for all the rollers in the same simulation; that this rolling zone is smaller than the corresponding load zone, and that rolling and load zones are angularly centered with respect to each other. 相似文献
Numerical calculation and experimental verification of static and dynamic characteristics of aerostatic thrust bearings with small feedholes 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
In this work, aerostatic annular thrust bearings with feedholes of less than 0.05 mm in diameter are considered, and the static and dynamic characteristics of these bearings are investigated experimentally and numerically. In numerical calculations using the finite difference method (FDM), the discharge coefficients of a small feedhole were determined based on computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software and verified experimentally. In addition, the effect of the bearing surface roughness on the bearing characteristics was analyzed experimentally and numerically. It was confirmed that aerostatic thrust bearings with small feedholes could have larger stiffness and damping coefficient than bearings with compound restrictors. 相似文献
为了获得气浮导轨设计的更为准确的结果,需要在设计计算中将导轨所受的正压力和倾覆力矩同时考虑进去,为此将有限单元体上的分布力简化成集中力,并通过力的等效替换求得了导轨在复合载荷作用下的设计方法。为了分析这种简化可能带来的误差,又推导出了事先估计和事后校验误差公式。 相似文献
Numerical investigation of static and dynamic characteristics of aerostatic thrust bearings with small feed holes 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Masaaki Miyatake 《Tribology International》2010,43(8):1353-1359
Recently, laser beam machining and micro drills have made it easier to manufacture small feed holes of less than 0.1 mm diameter. Accordingly, aerostatic bearings with these small feed holes have become commercially available for improving bearing performance. In this work, an aerostatic annular thrust bearing with small feed holes of less than 0.05 mm diameter was treated and the static and the dynamic characteristics of this type of bearing were investigated numerically. In numerical calculations, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) was used to determine discharge coefficients for a small feed hole and the finite difference method (FDM) was used to obtain the bearing characteristics. In addition, the characteristics of this type of bearing were compared with those of aerostatic thrust bearings with typical compound restrictors to show clearly the features of this type of bearing. 相似文献
Sutthisak Phongthanapanich Pramote Dechaumphai 《Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology》2009,23(3):790-801
A combined finite volume and finite element method is presented for solving the unsteady scalar convection-diffusion-reaction equation in two dimensions. The finite volume method is used to discretize the convection-diffusion-reaction equation. The higher-order reconstruction of unknown quantities at the cell faces is determined by Taylor’s series expansion. To arrive at an explicit scheme, the temporal derivative term is estimated by employing the idea of local expansion of unknown along the characteristics. The concept of the finite element technique is applied to determine the gradient quantities at the cell faces. Robustness and accuracy of the method are evaluated by using available analytical and numerical solutions of the two-dimensional pure-convection, convection-diffusion and convection-diffusion-reaction problems. Numerical test cases have shown that the method does not require any artificial diffusion to improve the solution stability. This paper was recommended for publication in revised form by Associate Editor Dongshin Shin Pramote Dechaumphai received his B.S. degree in Industrial Engineering from Khon-Kaen University, Thailand, in 1974, M.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering from Youngstown State University, USA in 1977, and Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Old Dominion University, USA in 1982. He is currently a Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand. His research interests are numerical methods, finite element method for thermal stress and computational fluid dynamics analysis. Sutthisak Phongthanapanich received his B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering from Chiangmai University, Thailand in 1990. He then received his M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Chulalongkorn University, Thailand in 2002, and 2006, respectively. He is a Lecturer of Mechanical Engineering Technology at King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok, Bangkok, Thailand. His research interests are finite element method, finite volume method, mesh generation and adaptation, and shock wave dynamics. 相似文献