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Depth-of-Field Rendering by Pyramidal Image Processing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present an image-based algorithm for interactive rendering depth-of-field effects in images with depth maps. While previously published methods for interactive depth-of-field rendering suffer from various rendering artifacts such as color bleeding and sharpened or darkened silhouettes, our algorithm achieves a significantly improved image quality by employing recently proposed GPU-based pyramid methods for image blurring and pixel disocclusion. Due to the same reason, our algorithm offers an interactive rendering performance on modern GPUs and is suitable for real-time rendering for small circles of confusion. We validate the image quality provided by our algorithm by side-by-side comparisons with results obtained by distributed ray tracing.  相似文献   

We present an image processing method that converts a raster image to a simplical two‐complex which has only a small number of vertices (base mesh) plus a parametrization that maps each pixel in the original image to a combination of the barycentric coordinates of the triangle it is finally mapped into. Such a conversion of a raster image into a base mesh plus parametrization can be useful for many applications such as segmentation, image retargeting, multi‐resolution editing with arbitrary topologies, edge preserving smoothing, compression, etc. The goal of the algorithm is to produce a base mesh such that it has a small colour distortion as well as high shape fairness, and a parametrization that is globally continuous visually and numerically. Inspired by multi‐resolution adaptive parametrization of surfaces and quadric error metric, the algorithm converts pixels in the image to a dense triangle mesh and performs error‐bounded simplification jointly considering geometry and colour. The eliminated vertices are projected to an existing face. The implementation is iterative and stops when it reaches a prescribed error threshold. The algorithm is feature‐sensitive, i.e. salient feature edges in the images are preserved where possible and it takes colour into account thereby producing a better quality triangulation.  相似文献   

Interactive computation of global illumination is a major challenge in current computer graphics research. Global illumination heavily affects the visual quality of generated images. It is therefore a key attribute for the perception of photo‐realistic images. Path tracing is able to simulate the physical behaviour of light using Monte Carlo techniques. However, the computational burden of this technique prohibits interactive rendering times on standard commodity hardware in high‐quality. Trying to solve the Monte Carlo integration with fewer samples results in characteristic noisy images. Global illumination filtering methods take advantage of the fact that the integral for neighbouring pixels may be very similar. Averaging samples of similar characteristics in screen‐space may approximate the correct integral, but may result in visible outliers. In this paper, we present a novel path tracing pipeline based on an edge‐aware filtering method for the indirect illumination which produces visually more pleasing results without noticeable outliers. The key idea is not to filter the noisy path traced images but to use it as a guidance to filter a second image composed from characteristic scene attributes that do not contain noise by default. We show that our approach better approximates the Monte Carlo integral compared to previous methods. Since the computation is carried out completely in screen‐space it is therefore applicable to fully dynamic scenes, arbitrary lighting and allows for high‐quality path tracing at interactive frame rates on commodity hardware.  相似文献   

Proximity queries such as closest point computation and collision detection have many applications in computer graphics, including computer animation, physics‐based modelling, augmented and virtual reality. We present efficient algorithms for proximity queries between a closed rigid object and an arbitrary, possibly deformable, polygonal mesh. Using graphics hardware to densely sample the distance field of the rigid object over the arbitrary mesh, we compute minimal proximity and collision response information on the graphics processing unit (GPU) using blending and depth buffering, as well as parallel reduction techniques, thus minimizing the readback bottleneck. Although limited to image‐space resolution, our algorithm provides high and steady performance when compared with other similar algorithms. Proximity queries between arbitrary meshes with hundreds of thousands of triangles and detailed distance fields of rigid objects are computed in a few milliseconds at high‐sampling resolution, even in situations with large overlap.  相似文献   

The ability to interpolate between images taken at different time and viewpoints directly in image space opens up new possiblities. The goal of our work is to create plausible in‐between images in real time without the need for an intermediate 3D reconstruction. This enables us to also interpolate between images recorded with uncalibrated and unsynchronized cameras. In our approach we use a novel discontiniuity preserving image deformation model to robustly estimate dense correspondences based on local homographies. Once correspondences have been computed we are able to render plausible in‐between images in real time while properly handling occlusions. We discuss the relation of our approach to human motion perception and other image interpolation techniques.  相似文献   

Diffusion curves are a powerful vector graphic representation that stores an image as a set of 2D Bezier curves with colors defined on either side. These colors are diffused over the image plane, resulting in smooth color regions as well as sharp boundaries. In this paper, we introduce a new automatic diffusion curve coloring algorithm. We start by defining a geometric heuristic for the maximum density of color control points along the image curves. Following this, we present a new algorithm to set the colors of these points so that the resulting diffused image is as close as possible to a source image in a least squares sense. We compare our coloring solution to the existing one which fails for textured regions, small features, and inaccurately placed curves. The second contribution of the paper is to extend the diffusion curve representation to include texture details based on Gabor noise. Like the curves themselves, the defined texture is resolution independent, and represented compactly. We define methods to automatically make an initial guess for the noise texure, and we provide intuitive manual controls to edit the parameters of the Gabor noise. Finally, we show that the diffusion curve representation itself extends to storing any number of attributes in an image, and we demonstrate this functionality with image stippling an hatching applications.  相似文献   

Collaborative slide image viewing systems are becoming increasingly important in pathology applications such as telepathology and E‐learning. Despite rapid advances in computing and imaging technology, current digital pathology systems have limited performance with respect to remote viewing of whole slide images on desktop or mobile computing devices. In this paper we present a novel digital pathology client–server system that supports collaborative viewing of multi‐plane whole slide images over standard networks using multi‐touch‐enabled clients. Our system is built upon a standard HTTP web server and a MySQL database to allow multiple clients to exchange image and metadata concurrently. We introduce a domain‐specific image‐stack compression method that leverages real‐time hardware decoding on mobile devices. It adaptively encodes image stacks in a decorrelated colour space to achieve extremely low bitrates (0.8 bpp) with very low loss of image quality. We evaluate the image quality of our compression method and the performance of our system for diagnosis with an in‐depth user study.  相似文献   

Computing global illumination in complex scenes is even with todays computational power a demanding task. In this work we propose a novel irradiance caching scheme that combines the advantages of two state-of-the-art algorithms for high-quality global illumination rendering: lightcuts , an adaptive and hierarchical instant-radiosity based algorithm and the widely used (ir)radiance caching algorithm for sparse sampling and interpolation of (ir)radiance in object space. Our adaptive radiance caching algorithm is based on anisotropic cache splatting, which adapts the cache footprints not only to the magnitude of the illumination gradient computed with light-cuts but also to its orientation allowing larger interpolation errors along the direction of coherent illumination while reducing the error along the illumination gradient. Since lightcuts computes the direct and indirect lighting seamlessly, we use a two-layer radiance cache, to store and control the interpolation of direct and indirect lighting individually with different error criteria. In multiple iterations our method detects cache interpolation errors above the visibility threshold of a pixel and reduces the anisotropic cache footprints accordingly. We achieve significantly better image quality while also speeding up the computation costs by one to two orders of magnitude with respect to the well-known photon mapping with (ir)radiance caching procedure.  相似文献   

In this paper we show how to use two‐colored pixels as a generic tool for image processing. We apply two‐colored pixels as a basic operator as well as a supporting data structure for several image processing applications. Traditionally, images are represented by a regular grid of square pixels with one constant color each. In the two‐colored pixel representation, we reduce the image resolution and replace blocks of N × N pixels by one square that is split by a (feature) line into two regions with constant colors. We show how the conversion of standard mono‐colored pixel images into two‐colored pixel images can be computed efficiently by applying a hierarchical algorithm along with a CUDA‐based implementation. Two‐colored pixels overcome some of the limitations that classical pixel representations have, and their feature lines provide minimal geometric information about the underlying image region that can be effectively exploited for a number of applications. We show how to use two‐colored pixels as an interactive brush tool, achieving realtime performance for image abstraction and non‐photorealistic filtering. Additionally, we propose a realtime solution for image retargeting, defined as a linear minimization problem on a regular or even adaptive two‐colored pixel image. The concept of two‐colored pixels can be easily extended to a video volume, and we demonstrate this for the example of video retargeting.  相似文献   

We present an automatic camera and mirrors placement method for visualizing 3D scenes such that complete and nonredundant visibility is guaranteed, as well as highest image resolution. We provide algorithms and geometries for optimal object‐independent mirrors and viewpoint placement for all objects in a specific class. We also briefly consider object‐dependent algorithmic problems, where mirrors and viewpoints are positioned as a function of the object.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a method for automatic interpolation between adjacent discrete levels of detail to achieve smooth LOD changes in image space. We achieve this by breaking the problem into two passes: We render the two LOD levels individually and combine them in a separate pass afterwards. The interpolation is formulated in a way that only one level has to be updated per frame and the other can be reused from the previous frame, thereby causing roughly the same render cost as with simple non interpolated discrete LOD rendering, only incurring the slight overhead of the final combination pass. Additionally we describe customized interpolation schemes using visibility textures. The method was designed with the ease of integration into existing engines in mind. It requires neither sorting nor blending of objects, nor does it introduce any constrains in the LOD used. The LODs can be coplanar, alpha masked, animated, impostors, and intersecting, while still interpolating smoothly.  相似文献   

We propose an efficient and robust image‐space denoising method for noisy images generated by Monte Carlo ray tracing methods. Our method is based on two new concepts: virtual flash images and homogeneous pixels. Inspired by recent developments in flash photography, virtual flash images emulate photographs taken with a flash, to capture various features of rendered images without taking additional samples. Using a virtual flash image as an edge‐stopping function, our method can preserve image features that were not captured well only by existing edge‐stopping functions such as normals and depth values. While denoising each pixel, we consider only homogeneous pixels—pixels that are statistically equivalent to each other. This makes it possible to define a stochastic error bound of our method, and this bound goes to zero as the number of ray samples goes to infinity, irrespective of denoising parameters. To highlight the benefits of our method, we apply our method to two Monte Carlo ray tracing methods, photon mapping and path tracing, with various input scenes. We demonstrate that using virtual flash images and homogeneous pixels with a standard denoising method outperforms state‐of‐the‐art image‐space denoising methods.  相似文献   

Light fields were introduced a decade ago as a new high‐dimensional graphics rendering model. However, they have not been thoroughly used because their applications are very specific and their storage requirements are too high. Recently, spatial imaging devices have been related to light fields. These devices allow several users to see three‐dimensional (3D) images without using glasses or other intrusive elements. This paper presents a light‐field model that can be rendered in an autostereoscopic spatial device. The model is viewpoint‐independent and supports continuous multiresolution, foveal rendering, and integrating multiple light fields and geometric models in the same scene. We also show that it is possible to examine interactively a scene composed of several light fields and geometric models. Visibility is taken care of by the algorithm. Our goal is to apply our models to 3D TV and spatial imaging.  相似文献   

Modeling of realistic garments is essential for online shopping and many other applications including virtual characters. Most of existing methods either require a multi‐camera capture setup or a restricted mannequin pose. We address the garment modeling problem according to a single input image. We design an all‐pose garment outline interpretation, and a shading‐based detail modeling algorithm. Our method first estimates the mannequin pose and body shape from the input image. It further interprets the garment outline with an oriented facet decided according to the mannequin pose to generate the initial 3D garment model. Shape details such as folds and wrinkles are modeled by shape‐from‐shading techniques, to improve the realism of the garment model. Our method achieves similar result quality as prior methods from just a single image, significantly improving the flexibility of garment modeling.  相似文献   

In this paper we study the comprehensive effects on volume rendered images due to numerical errors caused by the use of finite precision for data representation and processing. To estimate actual error behavior we conduct a thorough study using a volume renderer implemented with arbitrary floating‐point precision. Based on the experimental data we then model the impact of floating‐point pipeline precision, sampling frequency and fixed‐point input data quantization on the fidelity of rendered images. We introduce three models, an average model, which does not adapt to different data nor varying transfer functions, as well as two adaptive models that take the intricacies of a new data set and transfer function into account by adapting themselves given a few different images rendered. We also test and validate our models based on new data that was not used during our model building.  相似文献   

We present a novel multi‐view, projective texture mapping technique. While previous multi‐view texturing approaches lead to blurring and ghosting artefacts if 3D geometry and/or camera calibration are imprecise, we propose a texturing algorithm that warps (“floats”) projected textures during run‐time to preserve crisp, detailed texture appearance. Our GPU implementation achieves interactive to real‐time frame rates. The method is very generally applicable and can be used in combination with many image‐based rendering methods or projective texturing applications. By using Floating Textures in conjunction with, e.g., visual hull rendering, light field rendering, or free‐viewpoint video, improved rendering results are obtained from fewer input images, less accurately calibrated cameras, and coarser 3D geometry proxies.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel filtering‐based method for decomposing an image into structures and textures. Unlike previous filtering algorithms, our method adaptively smooths image gradients to filter out textures from images. A new gradient operator, the interval gradient, is proposed for adaptive gradient smoothing. Using interval gradients, textures can be distinguished from structure edges and smoothly varying shadings. We also propose an effective gradient‐guided algorithm to produce high‐quality image filtering results from filtered gradients. Our method avoids gradient reversal in the filtering results and preserves sharp features better than existing filtering approaches, while retaining simplicity and highly parallel implementation. The proposed method can be utilized for various applications that require accurate structure‐texture decomposition of images.  相似文献   

While existing spherical parameterization algorithms are limited to genus‐0 geometrical models, we believe a wide class of models of arbitrary genus can also benefit from the spherical domain. We present a complete and robust pipeline that can generate spherical geometry images from arbitrary genus surfaces where the holes are explicitly represented. The geometrical model, represented as a triangle mesh, is first made topologically equivalent to a sphere by cutting each hole along its generators, thus performing genus reduction. The resulting genus‐0 model is then parameterized on the sphere, where it is resampled in a way to preserve connectivity between holes and to reduce the visual impact of seams due to these holes. Knowing the location of each pair of boundary components in parametric space, our novel sampling scheme can automatically choose to scale down or completely eliminate the associated hole, depending on geometry image resolution, thus lowering the genus of the reconstructed model. We found our method to scale better than other geometry image algorithms for higher genus models. We illustrate our approach on remeshing, level‐of‐detail rendering, normal mapping and topology editing.  相似文献   

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