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Abstract.   As population increases and high quality water becomes more difficult to obtain, many communities will seek alternative water supply sources. Some municipalities have realized that they have a reservoir of unexploited water readily available in abandoned underground coal mines. Analysis of the mines history, the quality of the coal and water that reside within the mine, and knowledge of local hydrology, geology, and mine chemistry will provide communities with the information they need to determine the best mine sites to use.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Nearly 10,000 miles (16,000 km) of underground mine workings began flooding on April 22, 1982 when the large pumps used to dewater the mines of Butte, Montana were shut off. In the first few months, water levels in the workings rose hundreds of meters. Flooding continues to this day at a slower rate, nearly 25 years later. An early evaluation of the water chemistry in the flooding mines suggested that the initially poor water quality was the result of flushing of a reservoir of stored acidity and metals. However, a detailed water balance for the Berkeley pit, underground workings, and associated mining features suggests an alternative explanation. During the early period of mine flooding, acidic surface water from the deactivated heap leach operations and nearby acid rock drainage were routed into the empty Berkeley Pit, and thence drained downward and outward into the underground mine workings, causing widespread degradation of water quality in the underlying workings. After 21 months, the hydraulic gradients in the system reversed, causing a change in the direction of ground water flow and a gradual improvement in water quality of the mine shafts.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Ground water in alluvial sediments of upper Silver Bow Creek is chronically contaminated with heavy metals, including Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn. Most of this contamination stems from slag, mill tailings, and waste rock from the Butte mining district that had been deposited along the ancestral Silver Bow Creek floodplain. Much of this mine waste is now buried by fill, topsoil, buildings, or parking lots. Although the pH values of most wells in the region are in the 5.5 to 7.0 range, a cluster of monitoring wells near the site of a former mill and smelter contain water that is strongly acidic (pH < 4.5), with extremely high dissolved metal concentrations (Cu up to 750 mg/L; Zn up to 490 mg/L). Ground water discharging from the area is currently collected by a subsurface French drain and conveyed to a treatment facility where lime is added to precipitate metals from solution.  相似文献   

Abstract.  An investigation was undertaken to determine the effects of a large barite mining operation on local ground water quality near Mangampeta,Andhra Pradesh, India.Water samples were collected from drinking water wells in the mining and adjacent regions. The drinking water in the mining region had sulphate concentrations that ranged from 211 to 589 mg/L, compared to sulphate concentrations of 25 mg/L or less in the non-mined areas. The natural existence of barite and the widespread mine waste dumps at Mangampeta are believed to be responsible for the higher levels of sulphate in the ground water.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Helicopter-mounted electromagnetic (HEM) surveys have been used to delimit conductive mine pools and groundwater features at various areas in the eastern United States that contain abandoned surface and underground coal mines. HEM was used to delineate the source areas and flow paths for acidic, metal-containing groundwater. This will aid remediation efforts. A recent HEM survey of Kettle Creek Watershed, Clinton County, Pennsylvania, using a 6-frequency electromagnetic data acquisition system, is presented. The survey accurately located conductive pools within underground mines, acidgenerating mine spoil at surface mines, and areas of groundwater recharge and discharge.  相似文献   

Abstract.   The Vale de Abrutiga uranium deposit, located in Central Portugal near the Aguieira dam reservoir, was surface mined. Low-grade ore and waste rock were deposited on permeable ground, close to the mine, and were not revegetated. A lake has formed in the open pit. Surface waters draining the mine site are acidic, have high conductivity, and high concentrations of U, SO42-, Zn, Fe, Mn, Ra, Cu, Th, and Pb. The groundwater and the water from the reservoir cannot be used for human consumption or irrigation. The sampled waters show higher contaminant concentrations in winter than in summer. Stream sediments have high geoaccumulation indices for U, Fe, Ag, Zn, Cr, Co, and Pb. In general, sediments bordering the dam reservoir have higher metal contents in winter than in summer.  相似文献   

Abstract.   The results of static tests are used to geochemically model the distribution of potentially acid and non-acid forming materials and plan mining excavation and overburden dumping to prevent or minimize the generation of acid rock drainage (ARD). The accuracy of the model depends very much on the amount and validity of the available pre-mine data and how the data is interpreted in both lateral and vertical directions. This results of such modelling was compared with subsequent overburden information provided by analysis of blast hole drill cuttings. We found that the model overestimated the amount of potentially acid forming material, but that it was still useful in ARD prevention.  相似文献   

Abstract  Closure of Pb-Zn mines in the Iglesiente district (SW Sardinia, Italy) caused the cessation of pumping in 1997 at Monteponi, and in 1998 at San Giovanni. Consequent flooding of underground workings occurred in the district and also involved Campo Pisano. In June 1998, as the water table rose from 160 to 20 m below sea level, the deep saline water mixed with the shallow ground water at Monteponi and nearby mines. In the same period, an increase in dissolved metals (especially Zn, Cd, and Pb) was observed under near-neutral pH conditions. Following peak concentrations, a marked decrease of Zn, Cd, and Hg occurred. Dissolved Pb showed fluctuating concentrations over the monitoring period (1996-2005). In January 2000, when the water table rose to 20 m above sea level, the salinity of ground water decreased significantly at all of the mines. Stratification caused the more saline water at depth to settle three years after rebound started. Depth profiles carried out in 2005 at Monteponi, San Giovanni, and Campo Pisano showed an increase in conductivity and dissolved metals in ground water at deeper levels, especially at depths below sea level.After eight years of rebound, a marine component was still present at depth in ground water at San Giovanni (about 2%), and to a lesser extent at Monteponi (about 0.4%).  相似文献   

Abstract.   The integrated barium sulphide process consists of: preliminary treatment with lime, sulphate precipitation as barium sulphate, H2S-stripping, crystallization of CaCO3, and recovery of barium sulphide. Our tests showed that during lime pre-treatment, sulphate was lowered from 2 800 mg/L to 1 250 mg/L by gypsum crystallization; metals were precipitated as hydroxides. The BaS treatment then lowered sulphate to less than 200 mg/L. Sulphide was lowered from 333 to less than 10 mg/L (as S) in the stripping stage, using CO2 gas for stripping. The stripped H2S-gas was contacted with Fe (III)-solution and converted quantitatively to elemental sulphur. The alkalinity of the calcium bicarbonate-rich water was reduced from 1 000 to 110 mg/L (as CaCO3) after CO2-stripping with air due to CaCO3 precipitation. Fe (II), after sulphur production, was re-oxidized to Fe (III) using an electrolytic step. The running cost of the BaS process is R2.12/m3 (US$1 = SAR6.5) for the removal of 2 g/L of sulphate.  相似文献   

Abstract.  This paper outlines general trends in the geochemistry of the more than 10,000 km of flooded underground mine workings in the Butte mining district. The waters in question range in pH from 4 to 8, are all moderately to strongly reducing, and show a huge range in concentration of dissolved metals such as Al, As, Fe, Mn, and Zn. Metal concentrations and total acidity are highest in the Kelley mine shaft, which was the main dewatering station used to pump ground water from the underground mine complex during active mining operations. In contrast, metal concentrations are much lower in the outer portions of the district where many of the mines contain hydrogen sulfide formed by sulfate-reducing bacteria. In comparison to the other heavy metals, concentrations of Pb and Cu are quite low in the flooded mine shafts. An interesting inverse correlation between pH and water temperature is noted, which may be partly caused by exothermic pyrite oxidation reactions in the central portion of the district.  相似文献   

Abstract.   This paper describes pilot scale tests of a novel process for the neutralisation of acidic mine water. Leachate from a waste coal dump was neutralised with limestone, and iron, aluminium, and sulphate were removed. Specific aspects studied were: the process configuration; the rates of iron oxidation, limestone neutralisation, and gypsum crystallisation; the chemical composition of the effluents before and after treatment; the efficiency of limestone utilisation; and the sludge solids content. The acidity was decreased from 12,000 to 300 mg/L (as CaCO3), sulphate from 15,000 to 2,600 mg/L, iron from 5,000 to 10 mg/L, aluminium from 100 to 5 mg/L, while the pH increased from 2.2 to 7.0. Reaction times of 2.0 and 4.5 h were required under continuous and batch operations respectively for the removal of 4 g/L Fe (II). The iron oxidation rate was found to be a function of the Fe (II), hydroxide, oxygen, and suspended solids (SS) concentrations. The optimum SS concentration for iron oxidation in a fluidised-bed reactor was 190 g/L. Up-flow velocity had no influence on the rate of iron oxidation in the range 5 to 45 m/h. Sludge with a high solids content of 55% (m/v) was produced. This is high compared to the typical 20% achieved with the high density sludge process using lime. It was determined that neutralisation costs could be reduced significantly with an integrated iron oxidation and limestone neutralisation process because limestone is less expensive than lime, and a high-solids-content sludge is produced. Full scale implementation followed this study.  相似文献   

Abstract:   The water network of a coal mine was audited and simulated by an interactive steady state model and the results were used to optimise the mines water management strategy. Simulation of the interactions showed that calcium carbonate powder could be used as an alternative to lime for neutralization of acid water at a reagent cost saving of 56%. Gypsum crystallization would reduce sulphate concentrations in the neutralization plant by 30% and in the coal processing plant by 60%. The capital cost for a neutralization/gypsum crystallization plant for separate treatment of coal discard leachate and less polluted streams would cost 3.0 million Rand (R), compared to R10.3 million for combined treatment. Only slightly less (8.9 t/d vs. 9.5 t/d) sulphate removal would be achieved during separate treatment. The over-saturation index (OSI) value can be controlled effectively by removing sulphate from the feed water for coal processing. Sulphate has to be lowered to 350 mg/L in a flow of 222 m3/h to obtain an OSI value less than 1. The capital cost of a 222 m3/h biological sulphate removal plant was estimated at R21.8 million (R4.1 million/(ML/d)); the running cost was estimated at R13.7 million/a (R4.10/m3). Pre-washing of the coal would reduce capital and running costs.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Modeling of mine water rebound in the southernmost zone of the Durham Coalfield has been undertaken in an attempt to reproduce observed water level recovery, since the 1970s, within five coal blocks south of the Butterknowle Fault. The lumped parameter model GRAM (groundwater rebound in abandoned mineworkings) was chosen to perform the simulations since it overcomes, to a large extent, a common problem found in such studies, namely a lack (especially concerning historic hydrogeological records) and superabundance of various kinds of data. The results obtained from this approach are satisfying and closely resemble the observed pattern of mine water rebound for the mining blocks studied. Such research indicates the critical dependence of predictions on factors such as the volume of water flowing into the system, the percentage runoff, and the value of storage coefficient assigned to the old workings. Model predictions are most useful as a tool for improving the conceptual understanding of abandoned mine systems and as a basis for evaluating alternative possibilities of coalfield behaviour, rather than as a strict quantitative assessment for all management purposes.  相似文献   

Abstract.  The basic chemical properties of Tertiary (T) and Quaternary (Q) aquifers near the Piaseczno opencast sulphur mine and the water in the open pit, along with the stratigraphy and hydrogeology of the area, were characterized to assess the feasibility of inundating the mine with ground water. Ground water quality varied markedly in the opencast area. A distinct stratification was noted in the pit water; total dissolved solids, calcium, chloride, hardness, and hydrogen sulphide increased from the top water level to the bottom of the pit lake. The concentrations of SO42- and Cl- in the opencast water were very high, especially in the hypolimnion zone. Based on our preliminary analysis, it appears that an artificial lake formed in the Piaseczno open pit could be used in the future as a fish and wildlife habitat as well as for recreational purposes.  相似文献   

Abstract  In many regions of the world, flooded mines are a potentially cost-effective option for heating and cooling using geothermal heat pump systems. For example, a single coal seam in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Ohio contains 5.1 x 1012 L of water. The growing volume of water discharging from this one coal seam totals 380,000 L/min, which could theoretically heat and cool 20,000 homes. Using the water stored in the mines would conservatively extend this option to an order of magnitude more sites. Based on current energy prices, geothermal heat pump systems using mine water could reduce annual costs for heating by 67% and cooling by 50% over conventional methods (natural gas or heating oil and standard air conditioning).  相似文献   

Abstract:  The net acidity of a water sample can be measured directly by titration with a standardized base solution or calculated from the measured concentrations of the acidic and basic components. For coal mine drainage, the acidic components are primarily accounted for by free protons and dissolved Fe2+, Fe3+, Al3+, and Mn2+. The base component is primarily accounted for by bicarbonate. A standard way to calculate the acidity for coal mine drainage is: Acidcalc = 50*(2*Fe2+/56 + 3*Fe3+/56 + 3*Al/27 + 2*Mn/55 + 1000*10-pH)—alkalinity, where acidity and alkalinity are measured as mg/L CaCO3 and the metals are mg/L. Because such methods of estimating acidity are derived by independent laboratory procedures, their comparison can provide a valuable QA/QC for AMD datasets. The relationship between measured and calculated acidities was evaluated for 14 datasets of samples collected from mine drainage discharges, polluted receiving streams, or passive treatment systems, containing a total of 1,484 sample analyses. The datasets were variable in nature, ranging from watersheds where most of the discharges contained alkalinity to ones where all of the discharges were acidic. Good relationships were found to exist between measured and calculated acidities. The average acidity measurement was 239 mg/L CaCO3 and the average acidity calculation was 226 mg/L CaCO3. Linear regressions were calculated for individual datasets and for the entire dataset. The linear regression for the entire dataset was: Acidcalc = 0.98 * Acidmeas – 8, r2 = 0.98. The good correlation between calculated and measured acidity is the basis for an easy and inexpensive QA/QC for AMD data. Substantial variation between measured and calculated acidities can be used to infer sampling or analytical problems.  相似文献   

Abstract.   Drainage systems in large surface mines are designed to accomplish three basic objectives: keeping working conditions dry, stable and safe; lowering hydrostatic pressure and increasing the effective stress of soil to improve slope stability; and ensuring pit floor workability. This can be achieved with drainage facilities that include channels, water collection sumps, and pump stations. We report the development of a computer-aided system called Dewatering of Open Pit Mines (DEWOP), which can assist open pit mine designers to solve water-related problems. The system was developed in a Visual Basic object programming language, taking advantage of multi-user, open database connectivity, such as Microsoft Access, for storage and processing of information. In tests at coal and copper surface mines, it reduced drainage facilities costs by 8%.  相似文献   

Abstract.   The effluent water produced by the washing process at the Al-Hisa and Al-Abyad phosphate mines in central Jordan was investigated in summer 2002. Twenty-four effluent and 10 ground water samples were collected and analyzed. There was a significant difference in water chemistry between input (groundwater) and output (effluent water) but, although the investigated area is highly fractured, the stable isotopic results indicated little or no mixing between the effluent water and groundwater in the area. This is attributed to the precipitation of clay-sized particles along the drainage channel. The quality of the effluent from the Al-Hisa mine was better than at the Al-Abyad mine, with electrical conductivity averaging 1474 µS/cm at Al-Hisa and 3250 µS/cm at Al-Abyad. The difference in effluent quality is attributed to slight lithological differences. At both mines, chloride was the predominant ion in the effluent water, with an average concentration of 669 ppm and 1299 ppm at the Al-Hisa and Al-Abyad mines respectively. The concentrations of heavy metals in the high-pH effluent water were very low, presumably due to precipitation and absorption onto suspended fine-grained particles. The effluent water from both mines was found to be relatively low in sodium and radiation, and suitable for the irrigation of salt tolerant plants.  相似文献   

Abstract.  The Lexington tunnel is the last accessible underground mine working in the Butte, Montana mining district. Used as recently as 1993, the tunnel and adjacent workings have been abandoned for over 10 years. Although the Lexington tunnel is over 200 m above the regional water table, perched water is present over much of its extent. Mine water near the portal is moderately acidic (pH 4 to 5), with extremely high concentrations of metals, including Cu (up to 1000 mg/L) and Zn (up to 1400 mg/L). In the middle reaches of the tunnel, the quality of the water is much better, with near-neutral pH, high bicarbonate alkalinity, and lower concentrations of heavy metals. The low acidity and metal content is attributed to a lack of pyrite and other sulfides in this portion of the mine, as well as the presence of carbonate minerals, such as rhodochrosite (MnCO3), in exposed veins. Sulfide minerals are more widespread further back in the tunnel, and are now oxidizing rapidly, leading to pockets of severe acid drainage (pH< 3, dissolved Zn up to 5000 mg/L). Geochemical modeling suggests that the near-neutral waters—the most voluminous type encountered in the Lexington tunnel—are close to equilibrium saturation with rhodochrosite and hydrous Zn-carbonate (ZnCO3•H2O). The Eh of these waters is most likely controlled by redox reactions involving dissolved Mn2+ and secondary, Zn-rich, hydrous Mn-oxides. In contrast, the Eh of the acidic waters appears to be controlled by reactions involving Fe2+ and Fe3+. Most of the acidic waters are saturated with K-jarosite, which forms delicate, straw-like dripstones at several localities. Decaying mine timbers could be an important renewable source of organic carbon for heterotrophic microorganisms, such as iron- and sulfate-reducing bacteria, especially deeper in the mine workings where the ground is saturated with anoxic ground water.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Nighttime high-resolution airborne thermal infrared imagery (TIR) data were collected in the predawn hours during Feb 5-8 and March 11-12, 1999, from a helicopter platform for 72.4 km of the Youghiogheny River, from Connellsville to McKeesport, in southwestern Pennsylvania. The TIR data were used to identify sources of mine drainage from abandoned mines that discharge directly into the Youghiogheny River. Image-processing and geographic information systems (GIS) techniques were used to identify 70 sites within the study area as possible mine drainage sources. The combination of GIS datasets and the airborne TIR data provided a fast and accurate method to target the possible sources. After field reconnaissance, it was determined that 24 of the 70 sites were mine drainage. This paper summarizes: the procedures used to process the TIR data and extract potential mine-drainage sites; methods used for verification of the TIR data; a discussion of factors affecting the TIR data; and a brief summary of water quality.  相似文献   

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