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In systems using Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexed (OFDM) all transmitters in a radio broadcasting network may transmit identical signals in the same frequency block, forming a so called Single Frequency Network (SFN). The simultaneous transmission creates a severe artificial multipath propagation causing interference at the receiver. This interference consists not only by intersymbol interference (ISI), but also interchannel interference (ICI) due to orthogonality losses between OFDM scheme's subcarriers. A method that is often used to counter the self-interference is to insert a guard interval between consecutive OFDM frames combined with an increased symbol duration. The receiver in an SFN is normally experiencing a diversity gain of receiving several signals. Doubts concerning the performance has been raised due to the OFDM scheme's sensitivity to frequency errors. If the received signals are exposed to different carrier offsets it will lead to ICI, resulting into reduced coverage. In this paper we apply pulse shaping to reduce the effects of ISI and ICI. Pulse shaping of the transmitted OFDM signal is shown to give significant reductions in self-interference. It is hereby possible to achieve the same coverage with a reduced amount of transmitters. The system also becomes less sensitive to time and frequency synchronisation errors. A method to analyse the performance for time limited pulse shapes is presented using weight functions describing the amount of useful and interfering powers. In the receiver analysis, generalised expressions are given using Fourier transforms and series.  相似文献   

作为数字广播电视的一种无线电发射台,单频网的出现大大地节约了频率资源,提高了频谱的利用率,就地面电视广播数字化的发展以及单频网的有关问题进行了论述。  相似文献   

随着地面无线模拟电视的全面停播,地面无线数字电视成为无线覆盖的主要手段,它具有成本低、传输快捷、抗干扰能力强以及覆盖范围广的特点。结合贵州地区喀斯特地貌特点,分析研究地面无线数字电视系统的卫星接收、前端传输、单频网以及发射等各部分,讨论系统的应用与特点。  相似文献   

张帅  潘长勇  李薰春 《电视技术》2012,36(20):34-36,60
中国移动多媒体广播(CMMB)是我国自主研发的一套移动多媒体广播网络系统.在现有公式的基础上进行优化,给出一种更好的CMMB单频网两径和三径信道模型,两径公式的相关系数基本大于0.96,三径公式的相关系数基本大于0.92.  相似文献   

改进了传统频域迭代均衡算法中相关系数的计算.仿真发现,在数字电视地面广播信道,提出的算法以更低的复杂度获得了比已有算法更好的性能.  相似文献   

地面数字电视是公共服务,明确由国家财政投入,已建广播电视"村村通"工程起点低、入户率较低、节目套数少、没有经费保障,无法维持"长期通"。普通地市只规划了一个地面数字电视频道,最多也就是十几套节目,与当前建设社会主义新农村的要求、与广大农民群众的迫切需求不适应,而有线网络覆盖成本又太高,客观上迫切需要节目丰富的地面数字电视市场化产业来解决广大边远地区的农村电视收看问题,为此仅从技术角度探讨区域范围内广大农村的国标无线数字电视单频网小功率覆盖设计问题。  相似文献   

地面数字电视单频网组网技术   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
阳辉  马杰  潘长勇 《电视技术》2006,(2):4-6,20
介绍了地面数字电视单频网的组网方式、链路传输技术、单频网适配器等并提出了我国数字电视单频网建设中应注意的一些问题.  相似文献   

结合2001年春的私人讨论,介绍了单载波系统实现移动电视接收的关键技术:考虑非专家的主观判据,在系统设计中缩小数据结构;在解调器中,采用过采样相位跟踪技术,合理利用回波或多径信号的能量,并采用非线性处理替代线性处理;对现场测试中实验方法的建议.这些技术的综合应用,不仅在原理上解决了采用单载波系统实现移动电视接收的国际难题,还解决了用单载波技术组建单频网以及固定接收中单载波与多载波如何处置复杂的动态回波的难题.  相似文献   

DAB is one of the most promising sound broadcasting techniques for the future. It will soon start terrestrial operations, and later on will be used for satellite broadcasting. The Eureka 147 DAB system is based on a set of well-demonstrated techniques, in particular the MUSICAM coding, adopted by MPEG, and OFDM modulation. It allows great spectrum efficiency, profiting from the single frequency network concept, one of the most interesting characteristics of the system. However, frequency problems remain a difficulty, as DAB must either examine the possibility of entering existing heavily used frequency bands or wait until the new frequency bands allocated by WARC 92 become fully available. For terrestrial broadcasting, most interested operators, broadcasters and manufacturers are convinced that appropriate solutions will be found and that DAB will start operational services from about 1996. In Europe, a CEPT planning conference will address the matter in 1995. Satellite broadcasting may come later. Short wave broadcasters examine possibilities to replace short waves, the quality of which is so poor, by digital satellite broadcasting. From the frequency spectrum point of view, this raises the difficulty of sharing frequency allocations with terrestrial applications.  相似文献   

介绍了频率指配的数学模型和顺序图着色方法,并举例说明了顺序图着色方法在地面电视频率指配规划中的实际应用.  相似文献   

陆靖侃  马文峰 《电视技术》2011,35(8):35-38,48
数字电视领域中广受关注的一个业务是在不断发展的中国高速铁路上开展电视传送。中国铁路电视系统设计主要包含网络覆盖和调制解调技术两个方面。铁路电视单频网系统采用GSM-R作为参考,采用ADTB-T作为调制解调技术(称为ADTB-R)。为了确保ADTB-T能在铁路电视单频网的特殊环境下可靠工作,采用了一种分集接收来等效简化信道模型。这一构架的有效性已经被理论分析和实验室测试所验证。  相似文献   

Macrodiversity provides improved coverage in wireless communications. It isused in single frequency networks (SFN), and in some cellular systems, whena mobile is in a soft handoff. The combination of OFDM and macrodiversity isvery attractive for the ability of OFDM to cope with delay spread resultingfrom macrodiversity. However, such system is very sensitive to poor frequencysynchronization among transmitters, which results in multiple frequencyoffsets. These cause inter-carrier interference (ICI), which severely degradesperformance. In this paper we quantify the degradation, providing expressionsfor the receiver SINR, and find the optimum receiver frequencysynchronization. Furthermore, we propose to mitigate ICI degradation usinglinear and decision feedback interference cancellation. In each case, weprovide a solution using both the decorrelating and the MMSE criteria.Simulation results show that, for macrodiversity OFDM, our approach resultsin significantly improved performance and robustness to frequency offsets.  相似文献   

一种基于单片机的数字频率计的实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
设计一种以单片机AT89C51为核心的数字频率计,介绍了单片机、数字译码和显示单元的组成及工作原理。测量时,将被测输入信号送给单片机,通过程序控制计数,结果送译码器74LS145与移位寄存器74LS164,驱动LED数码管显示频率值。通过测量结果对比,分析了测量误差的来源,提出了减小误差应采取的措施。频率计具有电路结构简单、成本低、测量方便、精度较高等特点,适合测量低频信号。  相似文献   

在DTMB系统中,采用传统信道估计方法得到信道估计的冲激响应值,无法完全去掉噪声干扰,这就使得信道均衡的效果变差,从而影响接收机的接收性能。介绍了一种基于冲激响应滤波的信道估计以及均衡改进算法,可以有效地提高信道估计和均衡的性能。该算法已经在FPGA测试平台上进行了验证,其接收性能已超过了现有中国地面数字电视接收标准。另外,由于算法具有明显的模块性特点,使得很多资源可以复用,可在消耗极少资源的情况下实现功能,降低了产品的成本,使之更具有竞争力。  相似文献   

1 Introduction OrthogonalFrequencyDivisionMultiplexing(OFDM )isaneffectivetransmissionschemetocombatmultipathfading[1 ] .Byinsertingaguardin tervalbetweensymbolblockscalledcyclicprefix ,theInterSymbolInterference (ISI)canbemitigat ed.OFDMwasadoptedasthemodulationschemeforaDigitalAudioBroadcasting(DAB)system[2 ]andADSL (AsymmetryDigitalSubscriberLoop) [3]andwasalsoproposedastheterrestrialHDTVtransportinEurope[4] . OFDMsystemsareverysensitivetocarrierfre quencyoffset,andcarrie…  相似文献   

本文提出了一种用于中国移动多媒体广播(CMMB)卫星单频网的频率同步方法.该方法利用信标中同步序列的时域相关进行初始频偏估计,利用OFDM符号中连续导频的频域相关进行频偏跟踪.通过闭环的方式控制卫星下行信号的频率,将所有信号的频率锁定到基准频率上,从而保证了全网的频率同步.实验结果表明,该方法具有较高的精度和稳定性,可以很好的满足系统的需求.  相似文献   

DVB-H、S-DMB技术比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新一代多媒体移动标准DVB-H和S-DMB最近十分引人关注。对DVB—H和S-DMB的多个方面进行介绍和分析。  相似文献   

在研究国内相关标准、技术的基础上,主要对地面数字电视单频网组网中涉及的关键技术单频网组网的同频干扰与建站距离等问题进行分析和阐述,并开发了采用两种机制的网络管理系统软件,解决了单频网组网过程中相关设备远程管理的问题。同时,介绍了山西省国标地面数字电视单频网的建设情况。  相似文献   

介绍了国产数字电视发射机关键技术及产品现状,与国外同类产品进行了比较,分析了数字发射机的关键技术指标及其意义,最后介绍了国标数字电视发射机在数字电视地面广播系统中的成功案例.  相似文献   

2013年国家新闻出版广电总局颁布了调频频段数字音频广播系统的信道标准和复用标准,标志着中国调频频段模拟广播数字化技术已经确定。主要介绍了调频频段数字音频广播系统的相关技术及其传输性能,并结合实验室的测试结果讨论了调频频段数字音频广播的覆盖和干扰问题。  相似文献   

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