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我国水环境与水循环的健康之路   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
水资源短缺和水环境恶化已经成为我国21世纪社会经济持续发展的瓶颈。提出解决水危机、实现水资源可持续利用的根本途径是建立起健康的社会水循环。在实现水系统健康循环的基本策略中,城市范畴上的污水深度处理与利用即再生水供应系统是关键,是我国水环境恢复的切入点。介绍了大连、深圳、北京、东北地区等地相继进行的较为系统的水资源可持续利用和水环境恢复的研究和实践。这些实践是城市水系统健康循环理论雏形的初步应用,显示中国城市排水事业逐渐趋向于水环境的恢复与水资源的循环利用。  相似文献   

Towards better water security in North China   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
Water shortages and related environmental degradation in North China are major issues facing the country. As runoff from the mountainous parts of the region steadily decrease and water resources become overcommitted, serious water and environmental problems have resulted. These include drying-up of rivers, decline in groundwater levels, degradation of lakes and wetlands, and water pollution. Thus, 4000,km of the lower reaches of the Hai River – some 40% of its length – has experienced zero flows and, as result, parts of this river have become an ephemeral stream. The area of wetland within the Basin has decreased from 10,000,km2 at the beginning of 1950s to 1,000km2 at present. Over-extraction of groundwater occurs beneath 70% of the North China Plain, with the total groundwater over-extraction estimated at 90,billion m3. Thus, problems of water shortage and related environmental issues in North China have become the most significant limiting factors affecting sustainable development in this important region of China. This paper addresses the water security issues facing North China in the 21st Century using the Hai River basin as an example. We describe hydrologic cycles under changing environments, water-saving agriculture, assessment of water resource security, and efforts towards achieving integrated catchment management.  相似文献   

Those like us who believe in and spread the gospel of planned wastewater reclamation and reuse usually emphasize that this is a step towards sustainability in water resource management, but this is something that is very seldom analyzed. This paper discusses, from a critical point of view, issues such as goals in water reuse and influence on water demands, ecological analysis of the cycle of the main pollutants, health aspects and treatment requirements, energy consumption and measurable environmental benefits, in order to provide a set of criteria to assess sustainability in water recycling projects and to decrease the impact of the cultural water cycle on the environment.  相似文献   

我国生活水循环系统的分析与调控策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对生活用水的基本内涵、特性以及影响因子进行分析的基础上,对三大典型生活用水单元即农村、城镇与发达城市生活用水单元的水循环结构进行了解析。通过对国内外生活用水系统的调研,从通量、结构、质量等方面归纳了生活水循环的发展规律。在此基础上,提出了我国生活水循环的调控目标,并对基于水质水量耦合的多元优化调控途径进行了探索。  相似文献   

生活用水人类生存和发展的基础,在流域水资源规划与配置中通常具有最高的优先权。在对生活用水的基本内涵、特性分析以及影响因子分析的基础上,对三大典型生活用水单元的水循环结构进行了解析,即农村生活、城镇生活与发达城市生活用水单元;通过对国内外生活用水系统的调研,从通量、结构、质量等方面归纳了生活水循环的发展规律;在此基础上,提出了我国生活水循环的调控目标,并对基于水质水量耦合的多元优化调控途径进行了探索。  相似文献   

以色列是一个干旱、严重缺水的国家,水是其生存的国脉所系。以色列民族创造了沙漠绿洲、沙漠硅谷,而他们的水经济也同样令世人瞩目。介绍以色列水资源立法的政策法规和行之有效的水资源管理体制,阐述了水资源价格体系,以及水资源淡化工程的做法。  相似文献   

The traditional management paradigm that has governed water policy in Spain during the last century is currently undergoing a critical process of change. Recently, regional Andalusian and national legislation have developed a new framework, where novel strategies, based on the reallocation of concessional rights, can be adopted to respond to water shortage conditions. The purpose of this study is to examine the factors that could potentially affect the legal reform in Andalusia, which is targeted at developing a market-based redistribution system of water rights in the various river basins within the region.  相似文献   

A systems approach to the management of water resources has recently been applied in the Netherlands. As this entails integrated management, scientists at the University of Utrecht have developed an aid to the formulation of policy: the policy network approach. As an analytical framework, this helps define policy measures to enhance effective management. This article discusses the elements of the systems approach to water resource management and presents cases of its application in the Netherlands that illustrate the use of the policy network approach.  相似文献   

松花江正面临严重的有机污染,江水中含有多种有毒有害物质,对沿江人民的身体健康构成严重威胁。到目前为止,松花江水质恶化的趋势还没有得到有效缓解,并有向源头发展的趋势。认为实现流域内水的健康循环是解决松花江水系污染的根本出路。提出了建立健康水循环的总体思路,指明当前的紧迫任务:编制流域水系统健康循环规划、保护松花湖等饮用水源地、加强有毒有害污染物的检测和防治、推广污水深度处理和有效利用等。  相似文献   

Persistent polar pollutants (P3) are difficult to degrade in standard waste water treatment plants. As a result, they end up in the effluent and are emitted to the surface water. In some areas, this problem is aggravated through "closed loop recycling", causing concentrations of P3 in surface water to build up over time. This could cause violation of (future) EU regulations. In the P-THREE project, various alternative waste water treatment techniques are investigated regarding their effectiveness in eliminating these substances, especially membrane bioreactor treatment and advanced oxidation processes, MBR and AOP. The integrated systems analysis which is the subject of this paper assesses these techniques in a broader systems context: (1) the life-cycle of the P3, (2) the life cycle of the WWTPs, and (3) the WWTP life cycle costs.  相似文献   

甘州区社会经济系统水循环研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究甘州区社会经济系统水循环,为该区节水提供合理的政策建议,这对干旱区及全国节水型社会建设具有现实指导意义。构建甘州区"水资源投入产出表"形成甘州区社会经济水循环网络,并用上升性理论对其进行宏观分析,结果表明:上升性(A)从1997年80755.52万m3·bit增加到2006年121173.81万m3·bit,系统总吞吐量(T)从1997年97014.20万m3增加到2006年184605.02万m3,而平均相互信息(I)从1997年的0.83bit降到2000年以后为0.65bit左右。这表明甘州区对水资源的利用还处于初级阶段,主要靠增加用水量而不是优化用水结构为经济发展做贡献,对水资源的利用不可持续。基于上述分析,提出以下建议:提高用水效率,改变产业结构,调整种植业结构,延长产业链条等。  相似文献   

党连文 《中国水利》2005,(24):73-75
2005年,松辽委在部党组的领导下,以推动流域水利可持续发展为目标,以维护河流健康生命为己任,牢固树立和贯彻落实科学发展观,充分发挥流域管理职能作用,积极实践,努力探索,扎实工作,为振兴东北老工业基地和全面建设流域小康社会作出了自己的贡献.  相似文献   

华北地区水循环与水资源安全:问题与挑战(一)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
华北地区缺水及其日趋严重的生态环境变化是中国首要解决的问题之一。目前,由于山区和平原径流明显减少和过量开发利用水资源,业已造成了地下水漏斗、平原区河道干涸、湖泊湿地萎缩、地表和地下水污染等生态环境恶化问题,严重影响了华北地区水资源安全。以海河流域为重点对象,通过国内外学科前沿进展综述,指出华北地区缺水及其导致的生态环境恶化问题背后的自然和人文因素作用和发展演化的背景,强调高强度人类活动作用下的水循环基础研究的重要性,提出华北地区水资源安全的水循环基础与应用问题研究的若干建议。在此基础上,研究自然和人类活动双重作用下的华北地区水循环过程、水体运动与污染物质输移及其与生态环境演变的耦合机制,阐明华北地区“河道断流,水体污染,湿地消失,地下水枯竭”的成因规律特别是人类活动的驱动分量,提出生态环境修复的理论基础。这不仅对变化环境下流域水环境演变的地学基础科学前沿研究有重大的学术价值,而且对中国可持续发展和社会进步具有重要的战略意义。  相似文献   

Towards transition management of European water resources   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Global change fundamentally changes the nature of water-related problems. We will illustrate this by showing how perceptions of the water-problems in the Netherlands have shifted in the past four decades. The nature of water-related problems changed from a technical problem to a so-called ‘persistent’ problem, characterized by plurality, uncertainty and complexity. Although integrated water resource management (IWRM) has been advocated to cope with this type of problem, the complexity of the transition process towards such a water management regime is often underestimated. Therefore, transition management is needed in the water sector. Transition management theory is presented and applied to the Dutch case. Transition management strategies are suggested that would reinforce this transition. Comparison between the European Water Framework Directive (WFD) and transition management indicates that the Common Implementation Strategy (CIS) in its current form is not sufficiently stimulating an innovation climate.  相似文献   

This article investigates the knowledge and understanding of water risks, and how these are perceived in the private and public sectors. The article is based on a case-study catchment dominated by agricultural activity near Grabouw, in the Western Cape, South Africa. Starting with an overview of the hydrological context, the article follows with a discussion of the current water challenges and water-related risk perceptions of private- and public-sector actors. A conceptual framework is proposed, mapping the different water security risks. The article suggests that water management is improved when different actors acknowledge their shared water risks.  相似文献   

水循环研究是解决水资源相关问题的基础,长期以来。人们大都采用将自然水循环“还原”人类影响的方法研究水循环,但这种方法存在诸多弊端,往往不能全面准确地反映水循环过程。本文在对二元水循环理论进行分析研究的同时,叙述了二元水循环理论研究的现状,对自然水循环、社会水循环进行了分析比较,并提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

段琪彩  黄英  王杰 《人民长江》2012,43(13):17-20
为了认识地区水循环规律,保障水安全并改善生态环境,依据1965~2000年97个水文、气象站实测资料,结合自然地理特征,对云南水循环进行了分析。结果表明,云南省水循环主要特性为空间分布差异大和季节变化明显。结合地形地貌、水循环时空分布差异性和人口经济分布等,进一步分析了水安全的主要影响因素。提出了遵循水循环客观规律、保证水安全的若干建议。   相似文献   

华北地区缺水及其日趋严重的生态环境变化是中国首要解决的问题之一。目前,由于山区和平原径流明显减少和过量开发利用水资源,业已造成了地下水漏斗、平原区河道干涸、湖泊湿地萎缩、地表和地下水污染等生态环境恶化问题,严重影响了华北地区水资源安全。以海河流域为重点对象,通过国内外学科前沿进展综述,指出华北地区缺水及其导致的生态环境恶化问题背后的自然和人文因素作用和发展演化的背景,强调高强度人类活动作用下的水循环基础研究的重要性,提出华北地区水资源安全的水循环基础与应用问题研究的若干建议。研究自然和人类活动双重作用下的华北地区水循环过程、水体运动与污染物质输移及其与生态环境演变的耦合机制,阐明华北地区“河道断流,水体污染,湿地消失,地下水枯竭”的成因规律特别是人类活动的驱动分量,提出生态环境修复的理论基础。这不仅对变化环境下流域水环境演变的地学基础科学前沿研究有重大的学术价值,而且对中国可持续发展和社会进步具有重要的战略意义。  相似文献   


The rapid development of China’s market economy compels the adoption of water rights and associated market mechanisms to optimize the allocation of water resources. The complexity of understanding and practising Chinese water rights is highlighted by the unique contextual characteristics of an authoritarian political regime, rapid socio-economic change and increasing scarcity of water resources. This article proposes a hierarchical framework to describe the particular water-rights structure in China based on natural resources institutional economics. It provides an analysis of emerging water markets and key factors affecting the formation of a modern water-rights system in contemporary China.  相似文献   

水域氟污染与人体健康   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
白焱  刘巍 《东北水利水电》2006,24(11):52-54
本文系统研究水氟污染成因,研究水氟污染对人体健康危害机理,提出保水防害对策。  相似文献   

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