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A two-dimensional heterogeneous infinite element method (HIEM) for modeling heterogeneous materials, like imbedded inclusions with surrounding interphases, is proposed in this paper. The special element, called heterogeneous infinite element (HIE), was formulated based on the conventional finite element method (FEM) using the similarity stiffness property and matrix condensing operations. An HIE-FE coupling scheme was also developed and implemented using the commercial software ABAQUS to conduct a complete elastostatic analysis.

The proposed approach was first validated so that heterogeneous material containing circular inclusions can be studied. The displacement and stress distribution around the inclusions were accurately captured. The approach was then applied to analyze the effective modulus of the single-cell and 2 × 2-cell square models with the presence of interphases. The effects of varying the modulus and thickness of the interphases were also examined. Finally, the influences of the shape and orientation of the inclusions are investigated. Results show that different arrangements in the model can have marked influences on the evaluation of the effective elastic modulus for periodic fiber-reinforced composites.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to carry out stress calculation of the integrated circuit (IC) plastic package under the remote loading or the pressure acting on the delamination surfaces by the boundary element method (BEM). Based on symmetrical property of the problem geometry and the loading, the corresponding fundamental solution can be obtained to further reduce the number of the boundary elements used in the discretization of the problems. Near the interface delamination tips, singular boundary elements are used to accurately obtain the stress intensity factors. For the pre-assumed delamination spaces, the corresponding stress distributions in each domain can be obtained so that the effect of the interface delamination on the stresses can be observed. In order to assure the rightness of the developed code, some special problems in which the analytical solutions are available are studied. The results show that the developed code can produce numerical results with high accuracy.  相似文献   

This paper derives a new boundary integral equation (BIE) formulation for plane elastic bodies containing cracks and holes and subjected to mixed displacement/ traction boundary conditions, and proposes a new boundary element method (BEM) based upon this formulation. The basic unknown in the formulation is a complex boundary function H(t), which is a linear combination of the boundary traction and boundary displacement density. The present BIE formulation can be related directly to Muskhelishvili's formalism. Singular interpolation functions of order r –1/2 (where r is the distance measured from the crack tip) are introduced such that singular integrand involved at the element level can be integrated analytically. By applying the BEM, the interaction between a rigid circular inclusion and a crack is investigated in details. Our results for the stress intensity factor are comparable with those given by Erdogan and Gupta (1975) and Gharpuray et al. (1990) for a crack emanating from a stiff inclusion, and with those by Erdogan et al. (1974) for a crack in the neighborhood of a stiff inclusion.  相似文献   

Using boundary element based three dimensional modelling for linear fracture mechanics, we present an analysis of cracking in a homogeneous medium subject to contact load. The proposed iterative solution procedure allows a simultaneous treatment of a reasonable number of partially closed cracks. It is shown that the most probable direction of propagation of a vertical internal crack is strongly dependent on its size compared to the contact radius and its location with respect to the axis of maximum normal load.  相似文献   

Inter-fibre failure under compression transverse to the fibres is studied at micromechanical level. Interfacial fracture mechanics concepts, associated to both the open model and the contact model, are applied. A numerical study is performed using the boundary element method aimed at explaining the origin and evolution of the damage at micromechanical level, considered as fibre-matrix interface cracks. Assuming that the damage starts as small debonds originated by shear stresses at the position where their maximum values are reached, it has been found that the crack shows different morphologies at both tips: an open one and a closed one with a large contact zone. Then the interface crack grows unstably in mixed mode only on the open tip side until this growth changes to stable, once the crack closes at this tip, with the generation of a contact zone.  相似文献   

This paper deals with sensitivity analysis of the different functionals appearing in optimum shape design in elasticity using boundary element method (BEM). First, a general review concerning sensitivity analysis of the most usual functionals in elasticity is presented, based on the continuum approach. The accuracy in sensitivity analysis depends on the accuracy in evaluating strains and stresses on the boundary. A general procedure for strain calculation based upon some results of differential geometry of surfaces is shown. Another essential aspect in sensitivity analysis is the definition of the design velocity on the boundary, which defines the change in the geometry of the elastic solid. A computational treatment independent of the design variables used is presented, defining nodal values of the design velocity and taking advantage of the boundary element approximation. Finally, the feasibility and accuracy of the proposed procedures are assessed through several example problems.  相似文献   

 This paper presents a numerical model for three-dimensional transversely isotropic bimaterials based on the boundary element formulation. The point force solutions expressed in a united-form for distinct eigenvalues are studied for transversely isotropic piezoelectricity and pure elasticity. A boundary integral formulation is implemented for the modeling of two-phase materials. In this study, the stress distributions are computed for a near interface flaw. The influences of the shape and location of the flaw on the the stress concentration are examined. The accuracy of the numerical procedures is validated through selected example problems and comparison studies. Received 3 October 2001 / Accepted 9 April 2002  相似文献   

In this paper, Voronoi cell finite element method (VCFEM), introduced by Ghosh and coworkers (1993), is applied to describe the matrix-inclusion interfacial debonding for particulate reinforced composites. In proposed VCFEM, the damage initiation is simulated by partly debonding of the interface under the assumption of the critical normal stress law, and gradual matrix-inclusion separations are simulated with an interface remeshing method that a critical interfacial node at the crack tip is replaced by a node pairs along the debonded matrix-inclusion interface and a more pair of nodes are needed to be added on the crack interface near the crack tip in order to better facilitate the free-traction boundary condition and the jumps of solution. The comparison of the results of proposed VCFEM and commercial finite element packages MARC and ABAQUS. Examples have been given for a single inclusion of gradually interfacial debonding and for a complex structure with 20 inclusions to describe the interfacial damage under plane stress conditions. Good agreements are obtained between the VCFEM and the general finite element method. It appears that this method is a more efficient way to deal with the interfacial damage of composite materials. The financial support by the Special Funds for the National Major Fundamental Research Projects G19990650 and the National Natural Science Foundation of China No. 59871022 are gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Boundary element formulations for modelling the nonlinear behaviour of concrete are reviewed. The analysis based on the dual boundary element method (BEM) to represent the cracks in concrete is presented. The fictitious crack is adopted to represent the fracture process zone in concrete. The influence of reinforcements on the concrete is considered as a distribution of forces over the region of attachment. The yielding of reinforcement is considered when the total force at any section of the reinforcement is greater than the yielding force and is assumed to be broken when the strain reaches the maximum strain. In using the BEM to simulate cracks, the crack path need not be known in advance since it can be calculated during the iteration process and as such remeshing becomes obsolete. The numerical results obtained are compared to the FEM analysis.  相似文献   

The center of flexure of a beam of an arbitrary cross-section can be shown to be given in terms of two harmonic functions which satisfy Neumann type boundary conditions. The problem is thus suitable for solution by the boundary element method. It is shown that the determination of the center of flexure can be carried out without resorting to area integrals once the values of the two harmonic functions on the boundary are known. Numerical examples are given for: semi-circular ring sections; an equilateral triangular section; and a right triangular section.  相似文献   

The method of symplectic series discretized by finite element is introduced for the stress analysis of structures having cracks at the interface of dissimilar materials. The crack is modeled by the conventional finite elements dividing into two regions: near and far fields. The unknowns in the far field are as usual. In the near field, a Hamiltonian system is established for applying the method of separable variables and the solutions are expanded in exact symplectic eigenfunctions. By performing a transformation from the large amount of finite element unknowns to a small set of coefficients of the symplectic expansion, the stress intensity factors, the displacements and stresses in the singular region are obtained simultaneously without any post-processing. The numerical results are obtained for various cracks lying at the bi-material interface, and are found to be in good agreement with the reference solutions for the interface crack problems. Some practical examples are also given.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new method for determining the natural frequencies and mode shapes for the free vibration of thin elastic plates using the boundary element and dual reciprocity methods. The solution to the plate's equation of motion is assumed to be of separable form. The problem is further simplified by using the fundamental solution of an infinite plate in the reciprocity theorem. Except for the inertia term, all domain integrals are transformed into boundary integrals using the reciprocity theorem. However, the inertia domain integral is evaluated in terms of the boundary nodes by using the dual reciprocity method. In this method, a set of interior points is selected and the deflection at these points is assumed to be a series of approximating functions. The reciprocity theorem is applied to reduce the domain integrals to a boundary integral. To evaluate the boundary integrals, the displacements and rotations are assumed to vary linearly along the boundary. The boundary integrals are discretized and evaluated numerically. The resulting matrix equations are significantly smaller than the finite element formulation for an equivalent problem. Mode shapes for the free vibration of circular and rectangular plates are obtained and compared with analytical and finite element results.  相似文献   

Wave propagation in the presence of empty cracks in an elastic medium   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper proposes the use of a traction boundary element method (TBEM) to evaluate 3D wave propagation in unbounded elastic media containing cracks whose geometry does not change along one direction. The proposed formulation is developed in the frequency domain and handles the thin-body difficulty presented by the classical boundary element method (BEM). The empty crack may have any geometry and orientation and may even exhibit null thickness. Implementing this model yields hypersingular integrals, which are evaluated here analytically, thereby surmounting one of the drawbacks of this formulation. The TBEM formulation enables the crack to be modelled as a single line, allowing the computation of displacement jumps in the opposing sides of the crack. Furthermore, if this formulation is combined with the classical BEM formulation the displacements in the opposing sides of the crack can be computed by modelling the crack as a closed empty thin body.  相似文献   

In this paper, the degenerate scale for plate problem is studied. For the continuous model, we use the null-field integral equation, Fourier series and the series expansion in terms of degenerate kernel for fundamental solutions to examine the solvability of BIEM for circular thin plates. Any two of the four boundary integral equations in the plate formulation may be chosen. For the discrete model, the circulant is employed to determine the rank deficiency of the influence matrix. Both approaches, continuous and discrete models, lead to the same result of degenerate scale. We study the nonunique solution analytically for the circular plate and find degenerate scales. The similar properties of solvability condition between the membrane (Laplace) and plate (biharmonic) problems are also examined. The number of degenerate scales for the six boundary integral formulations is also determined. Tel.: 886-2-2462-2192-ext. 6140 or 6177  相似文献   

In the present paper, an offshore platform model dealing with sacrificial anode protection was simulated using boundary element method. The potential and current density were calculated, and the distribution trend of the data was analyzed. To evaluate the computation results, proper physical model was built in a given dimension. The physical platform model was placed in a marine environment modeling tank that was designed to simulate the real marine environment with seawater, and the calculation data were compared with those from laboratory experimental work. This study showed that the boundary element method is a powerful tool for the sacrificial anode protection of marine structures.  相似文献   

 The paper is devoted to application of evolutionary algorithms and the boundary element method to shape optimization of structures for various thermomechanical criteria, inverse problems of finding an optimal distribution of temperature on the boundary and identification of unknown boundary. Design variables are specified by Bezier curves. Several numerical examples of evolutionary computation are presented. Received 6 November 2000  相似文献   

Unidirectional fiber-reinforced composite laminates are widely used in aerospace industry for a great variety of structural parts. In order to enhance the exploitation of material reserves, there is a need for the integration of progressive damage scenarios in the design phase. Due to their hazardous effects on the load-carrying capacity of composite structures, this work focusses on the simulation of delaminations. A finite element based on a cohesive zone approach is developed. Two constitutive laws are proposed. One is characterized by linear degradation after delamination onset, the other is governed by exponential softening response. The damage process is history-dependent leading to an irreversible stiffness degradation in damaged zones. The practicability of the proposed model and the assets and drawbacks of the two material laws are shown by some numerical examples.  相似文献   

This paper presents a formulation for the analysis of free vibration in anisotropic structures using the boundary element method. The fundamental solution for elastostatic is used and the inertial terms are treated as body forces providing domain integrals. The dual reciprocity boundary element method is used to reduce domain integrals to boundary integrals. Mode shapes and natural frequencies for free vibration of orthotropic structures are obtained and compared with finite element results showing good agreement.  相似文献   

Delamination along an interface between dissimilar materials is the primary cause of failure in microstructures like electronic packages, micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS), and so on. Fracture mechanics is a powerful tool for the evaluation of delamination. However, many materials used in microstructures such as composite materials and single crystals are anisotropic materials. Stress intensity factors of an interface crack between dissimilar anisotropic materials, which were proposed by Hwu, are useful for evaluating the reliability of microstructures. However, numerical methods that can analyze the stress intensity factors of an interface crack between anisotropic materials have not been developed. We propose herein a new numerical method for the analysis of an interface crack between dissimilar anisotropic materials. The stress intensity factors of an interface crack are based on the generalized plane strain condition. The energy release rate is obtained by the virtual crack extension method in conjunction with the finite element method for the generalized plane strain condition. The energy release rate is separated into individual modes of the stress intensity factors KI, KII, and KIII, using the principal of superposition. The target problem to be solved is superposed on the asymptotic solution of displacement in the vicinity of an interface crack tip, which is described using the Stroh formalism. Analyses of the stress intensity factors of center interface cracks between semi-infinite dissimilar anisotropic media subjected to concentrated self-balanced loads on the center of crack surfaces and to uniform loads are demonstrated. The present method accurately provides mode-separated stress intensity factors using relatively coarse meshes for the finite element method.  相似文献   

A boundary element method for the solution of Stokes equations governing creeping flow or Stokes flow in the interior of an arbitrary two-dimensional domain is presented. A procedure for introducing pressure data on the boundary of the domain is also included and the integral coefficients of the resulting linear algebraic equations are evaluated analytically. Calculations are performed in a circular domain using a variety of different boundary conditions, including a combination of the fluid velocity and the pressure. Results are presented both on the boundary and inside the solution domain in order to illustrate that the boundary element method developed here provides an efficient technique, in terms of accuracy and convergence, to investigate Stokes flow numerically.  相似文献   

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