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边界润滑条件下表面微细织构减摩特性的研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
表面织构(Surface texture)已被证明是一种提高表面承载力和改善表面摩擦学特性的有效方法。然而在边界润滑条件下,织构对表面摩擦性能的影响机制仍未明确。利用纳米压痕仪在碳钢表面制作了具有不同密度和深度(125~500nm)的划痕的点阵,并通过改进的四球试验机对其在边界润滑下的摩擦性能进行了评价。试验载荷为100~300N,相对滑动速度为0.19~1.33m/s。研究发现:在边界润滑条件下,深度为125nm的低密度"划痕"点阵具有良好的减摩效果。  相似文献   

Greenberg  R.  Halperin  G.  Etsion  I.  Tenne  R. 《Tribology Letters》2004,17(2):179-186
A study of the tribological behavior of nested inorganic fullerene-like (IF) nanoparticles of WS2, as a potential additive to base oils is presented. Friction measurement results obtained from three different test rigs over a wide range of normal loads and sliding velocities are shown. Stribeck curves are used to reveal the lubrication regimes where the IF are most effective. It is found that the addition of IF-WS2 nanoparticles to the base oils results in up to 50% reduction in friction coefficient in the mixed lubrication regime. The mechanism of improved friction and wear behavior with the IF additive is discussed.  相似文献   

为准确研究斯特封高速摩擦与密封特性,基于混合润滑理论,综合流体空化效应、密封接触变形和微观粗糙峰接触等因素影响,建立了斯特封摩擦与密封的数值计算模型.研究了往复运动速度和密封压力对油膜厚度、摩擦力和泄漏量的影响,搭建了往复密封试验台来验证模型的准确性.结果表明:计算摩擦力与实验摩擦力相近.混合润滑模型能更好地模拟高速柱...  相似文献   

An oil-in-water emulsion in the inlet zone of a concentrated contact is modeled by treating the oil particles as flattened cylinders surrounded by water. In an independent flow model, the oil and water flows are coupled only through the pressure gradient. However, the model leads to anomalous behavior with regard to the flow of water. To overcome this problem, corrections to the pressure gradients due to interactions between the oil and water were derived. Both models showed that the emulsion became concentrated because the higher viscosity oil was preferentially drawn into the conjunction. The net effect was similar to an inlet starved of oil. The inlet film thickness predicted by the interactive theory was in good agreement with Dow's experimental measurements for an EHL contact.  相似文献   

We present here anomalous low friction obtained with highly polished steel on steel hard contact lubricated by glycerol under severe mixed and boundary regimes (λ ratio below 1). We investigated the effects of contact pressure, sliding speed, and temperature on friction coefficient and electrical contact resistance. The mechanism of low friction (typically below 0.02) is thought to have two origins: first a contribution of an ultrathin EHL film of glycerol providing easy shear under pressure, second the chemical degradation of glycerol inside the contact when more severe conditions are attained, generating a nanometer-thick film containing shear-induced water molecules. This new mechanism, called “H-bond Network model”, is completely different from the well-accepted “Monolayer” model working with polar molecules containing long aliphatic chains. Moreover, we show outstanding superlubricity (friction coefficient below 0.01) of steel surfaces directly lubricated by a solution of myo-inositol (also called vitamin Bh) in glycerol at ambient temperature (25 °C) and high contact pressure (0.8 GPa) in the absence of any long chain polar molecules. Mechanism is still unknown but could be associated with friction-induced dissociation of inositol and H-bond interactions network of water-like species with steel surface.  相似文献   

The different mechanisms of fretting wear in oil and grease lubrication and methods to reduce fretting wear were examined by means of thrust ball bearings in this study. Tests of fretting wear under oil lubrication were conducted. It was confirmed that high-viscosity oil can reduce fretting wear at high velocity (i.e., high frequency) through oil film formation. In the case of grease lubrication, the influence of velocity on fretting wear was significantly different for low- and high-viscosity greases. Grease with low-viscosity base oils could reduce fretting wear at high velocity. In contrast, grease with high-viscosity base oils could reduce fretting wear at low velocity. Grease thickeners were found to be effective in forming a layer that could prevent fretting wear. These results highlight the large differences in effective fretting wear reduction mechanisms between oil and grease lubrication.  相似文献   

齿轮传动齿面摩擦因数计算方法的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从理论和实验2个方面,对复杂润滑状态下齿面摩擦因数的计算方法作了深入的系统研究。基于弹流润滑理论,综合研究了啮合周期内交变出现的完全弹流、混合润滑和边界润滑状态下齿面摩擦因数计算方法及其应用条件等。从齿面摩擦特性试验角度,对基于啮合点曲率半径等效原理的模拟试件和基于功率损失同摩擦功耗等效原理的试验齿轮的摩擦因数计算方法从实验原理、实验条件及结论进行了比较分析。指出了齿面摩擦因数动测实验的优越性;并补充了线外啮合冲击摩擦模型及其摩擦因数的计算方法。含系统误差与综合变形齿轮副在复杂润滑状态下的齿面摩擦因数的计算方法体系的完整构建,对全面地认识齿面摩擦规律,对齿轮失效、减摩降噪等研究具有积极的意义。  相似文献   

为开发与CrCN涂层具有良好配伍润滑性能的绿色润滑剂,使用磁控溅射技术在304不锈钢表面沉积CrCN涂层,利用场发射扫描电子显微镜、原子力显微镜、纳米压痕仪、维氏硬度计、X射线衍射仪、X射线光电子能谱仪分别对其表面形貌、涂层厚度、力学性能、物相组成以及元素化学价态进行分析,并借助多功能摩擦磨损试验机评价在甘油润滑下CrCN涂层的摩擦学性能,并与PAO6润滑下结果进行比较。利用磁控溅射技术在不锈钢表面构筑的CrCN涂层表面光滑致密,粗糙度仅为1.01 nm,硬度可达14.39 GPa。对比钢-钢和钢-CrCN体系的摩擦学性能发现,钢-CrCN体系在甘油润滑下展现出优异的润滑性能;当负载为0.5 N时,钢-CrCN体系在甘油润滑下的摩擦因数可低至0.01,大大低于PAO6润滑下的摩擦因数。对磨痕的XPS分析表明,在摩擦过程中,甘油发生摩擦化学反应,在CrCN涂层的接触表面生成一层FeOOH层,甘油分子及其降解产物可能进一步吸附在FeOOH层,形成流体润滑层,有效降低了摩擦和磨损。  相似文献   

The in vivo friction of human skin has been measured in the dry, wet and damp states using smooth glass and polypropylene spherically tipped probes. They were selected to be representative of hydrophilic and hydrophobic countersurfaces. The data are interpreted using the adhesion model of friction, which provides an explanation for the influence of the normal load and the surface free energies of the probe materials on the frictional characteristics of the skin. In particular, explanations based on this model are given for the tendency of wet skin to exhibit stick-slip motion and of damp skin to exhibit a peak frictional force against a glass probe.  相似文献   

水润滑塑料轴承的摩擦性能研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
用MPV—200型摩擦磨损试验机测定了超高分子量聚乙烯(简称UHMW—PE)塑料合金轴承水润滑条件下的摩擦学性能,考察了载荷、速度、运行时间等因素对轴承摩擦系数和磨损率的影响,得出了摩擦学性能随各种因素的变化规律。并对作用机理进行了系统的分析,为水润滑超高分子量聚乙烯塑料合金轴承的实际应用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

有机无灰减摩剂能减低流体动压润滑摩擦因数,对提升流体动压润滑性能提供了新思路。采用单油酸甘油酯、油酸、季戊四醇四异硬脂酸酯、司盘80作为有机无灰减摩剂,以质量分数5%与PAO 5基础油进行调和,制备4种不同润滑油样,采用流体动压润滑试验机对比其摩擦学性能。试验结果表明,有机无灰减摩剂在边界润滑和混合润滑中均具有一定减摩效果,在流体动压润滑下减摩效果更明显。其中,含质量分数5%季戊四醇四异硬脂酸酯的油样具有最佳的减摩作用,其在流体动压润滑状态下可使基础油的摩擦因数降低19.6%。分子动力学模拟结果显示,有机无灰减摩剂在摩擦表面产生滑移现象,减少了分子间碳链的相互缠绕,进而降低流体动压润滑下的摩擦因数。  相似文献   

采用环块式摩擦磨损实验研究了一种新型摩擦材料在水润滑状态下不同载荷与转速对试样摩擦学性能的影响,并对比干摩擦条件下的摩擦学性能变化,借助磨损表面形貌观察分析其磨损机理。实验结果表明:水润滑条件下,摩擦系数随着载荷的增大而减小,随着转速的提高先增加后减小;磨损率随着载荷与转速的提高都减小。相同载荷与转速下,干摩擦时磨损机理以磨粒磨损和黏着磨损为主,而水润滑条件下水形成边界润滑,磨损机理以磨粒磨损和轻微的黏着磨损为主;水润滑条件下摩擦系数和磨损率均低于干摩擦,主要是由于水起到了润滑和冷却的作用,阻止了转移膜的形成,并在材料表面形成水膜起到了边界润滑的作用。  相似文献   

针对以往研究中滚珠丝杠副摩擦力矩计算方法中未考虑润滑作用对其影响,或未考虑接触弹性滞后效应以及滑移摩擦效应对其影响的情况。首先基于单个滚珠接触效应建立其热弹流润滑方程;然后在考虑润滑效应的基础上建立其黏性摩擦力、弹性滞后摩擦力及滑移摩擦力方程;最后提出一种基于全滚珠载荷分布与热弹流润滑耦合的滚珠丝杠副摩擦力矩计算模型,建立了预紧力、转速与摩擦力矩之间的耦合关系。试验结果表明,当预紧力从1 kN变化到6 kN,在滚珠丝杠低转速(100 r/min)时,摩擦因数变化范围为0.005 6~0.006 5。随转速的提髙摩擦因数升高且变化量逐渐增大,说明国际标准DIN ISO3408-3:2006中将滚珠丝杠副空载摩擦力矩测量速度定为100 r/min具有合理性,验证了所提出的摩擦力矩计算方法的准确性。  相似文献   

将线接触弹流润滑理论应用于发动机配气机构,计算了某N次谐波凸轮-挺柱副润滑的稳态最小膜厚、膜厚比等参数,分析了凸轮.挺柱副稳态润滑在设计转速下随凸轮转角的变化特征,比较和讨论了发动机转速变化对润滑性能的影响。结果表明,凸轮桃尖区多为部分弹流润滑状态和边界润滑,工作段其它部分多为部分弹流、完全弹流和动力润滑状态。曲轴转速提高一般情况下对增加稳态最小膜厚有利,但由此导致的载荷波动量增加对最小膜厚的稳定性不利,从而使表面摩擦和磨损的可能性增加。  相似文献   

基于Ree—Eyring流变模型,建立线接触热弹流润滑方程,通过数值计算得出了载荷参数、速度参数、材料参数和滑滚比对于二次压力峰、最小油膜厚度和最大油膜温度的重要影响。  相似文献   

Yan Lu  Zuomin Liu 《摩擦学汇刊》2013,56(4):581-591
The lubricant characteristics of porous self-lubricating composites with a realistic rough surface are incorporated into an improved elastohydrodynamic model. The evolved model demonstrates that the wear rate can be measured by examining the lubricant distribution at various fractal dimensions and porosities. The results show that the physical nature of the rough surface topography and the composite's physical properties must be understood, because the relative contact area is enlarged and friction forces are increased by the increase in the fractal dimension and the porosity. It is obvious that the method can significantly improve the lubricant properties to avoid wear by controlling these two coupled effects. The research also indicates that optimization of the design the microstructure of the porous self-lubricating composite should focus on the porosity based on the wear rather than the amount of lubricant.  相似文献   

为研究石墨润滑条件下各参数对人字闸门底枢摩擦副摩擦磨损性能的影响,采用UMT-2多功能摩擦磨损试验机进行销-盘摩擦副试验,模拟闸门底枢低速重载工况条件,研究不同摩擦速度、石墨粒径下不同表面粗糙度人字闸门底枢摩擦副的摩擦磨损性能。试验结果表明:在不同转速工况下,表面粗糙度为0.8 μm的摩擦副采用粒径10 μm石墨颗粒润滑时润滑性能最优,表面粗糙度为2.0 μm的摩擦副采用粒径21 μm石墨颗粒润滑时润滑性能最优;随着转速增加,摩擦副摩擦因数与磨损量均增加。研究表明,石墨粒径大小和摩擦副表面粗糙度共同影响摩擦副摩擦学性能,这为闸门底枢的固体润滑剂选择和摩擦参数设计提供理论依据。  相似文献   

In this paper, a method to determine elastohydrodynamic film thickness in helical gears is developed by combining the Dowson-Higginson elastohydrodynamic lubrication (EHL) formulation with helical gear geometry and kinematics. Comparisons are made with traditional gear film thickness models. This analysis is then used to characterise the film thickness and lambda ratio in an automotive planetary gearset. Methods to measure surface roughness in fine-pitch gears are described.  相似文献   

为研究织构阵列的形貌、排布方式对织构化滑动摩擦副摩擦学特性的影响,利用三维CFD仿真方法,基于Navier-Stokes(N-S)方程建立不同形貌、排布的织构阵列摩擦副的润滑模型,分析不同形貌及排布方式对压力分布和承载特性的影响;在此基础上,研究6种形貌、2种排布方式织构的润滑特性及摩擦性能。结果表明,流体流入收敛楔产生正的流体动压,流入发散楔产生负的流体动压,规则排布的织构单元摩擦性能优于错开排布的织构单元。在最优的雷诺数条件下,不同形貌的织构单元平均摩擦系数随面积率的增加而减少,菱形织构和球冠形织构面积率从4.5%增加到12.5%时,摩擦系数分别降低了81%和76%。因此,合理的选择织构形貌、尺寸有助于改善织构化滑动摩擦副的摩擦学特性。  相似文献   

The classical ElastoHydroDynamic (EHD) theory assumes a Newtonian lubricant and an isothermal operating regime. In reality, lubricating oils do not behave as perfect Newtonian fluids. Moreover, in most operating conditions of an engineering system, especially at high speeds, thermal effects are important and temperature can no longer be considered as constant throughout the system. This is one reason why there has always been a gap between numerical results and experimental data. This paper aims to show that this gap can be reduced by taking into consideration the heat generation that takes place in the contact and using appropriate rheological models. For this, a unique thermal ElastoHydrodynamic lubrication model is developed for both Newtonian and non-Newtonian lubricants. Pressure, film thickness and traction results are then compared to their equivalent isothermal results and experimental data. The agreement between thermal calculations and experiments reveals the necessity of considering thermal effects in EHD models.  相似文献   

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