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CAXA分别于今年3月28-31日和4月9~15日,借助“第八届深圳模具展”和“第十届中国国际机床展”,积极向国内外用户宣传企业产品,重点展示了CAXA A5 PLM软件及解决方案和最新的CAXA精品数控机床。并且首次针对台商,推出了“两岸轻松用正版找CANA”的服务和市场理念。同时还开展了系列产品讲座等活动。[第一段] 相似文献
正2014土耳其机床焊接及金属加工展时间:10月14—19日地点:伊斯坦布尔土耳其展览中心2014年埃及机床、工具及焊接展时间:11月1—3日地点:埃及开罗·Cairo Fair Ground展览中心美国金属成形及焊接展FABTECH 2014时间:11月11—13日地点:亚特兰大美国乔治会展中心2014年俄罗斯焊接展时间:10月7—10日地点:莫斯科展览路1号EcoCenter Sokolniki2014年德国冲压模具金属板材焊接切割机床展时间:10月21—25日地点:德国汉诺威展览中心 相似文献
2014土耳其机床焊接及金属加工展时间:10月14—19日地点:伊斯坦布尔土耳其展览中心2014年埃及机床、工具及焊接展时间:11月1—3日地点:埃及开罗·Cairo Fair Ground展览中心 相似文献
在北京CIMT2009展会上,德国吉特迈与旗下德马吉中国公司在其1000多平米的展台上,展示了车削、铣削和激光技术等技术创新和最新的自动化及服务解决方案。围绕“把握机遇展示实力”的主题,吉特迈集团向中国观众展示了21台机床,这些机床以最新的设计和现场加工方式第一次在中国展出。包括针对汽车、航天、医疗、能源等行业特殊解决方案。吉特迈作为最大的参展商之一,本次展会共与6175家企业进行了谈判和磋商,取得骄人业绩,共签署2250万欧元的订单,售出138台机床。 相似文献
Time:September 21-23, 2011Venue: Guangdong Modern International Exhibition Center Sponsor:Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society Organizer:Foundry Institution of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society (FICMES) Productivity Promotion Centre of Foundry Industry of China FICMES has regularly hosted the die casting conference and exhibition in China each year for the last ten years.It has formed its own style, especially with the die casting exhibition,which has been run in a professional way. 相似文献
A. W. Hothersall 《金属精饰学会汇刊》2013,91(1):195-202
This paper is intended for guidance to the practical plater for preventing and curing the most commonly encountered troubles in plating solutions. It is not intended to be exhaustive, nor is it written from an academic point of view. The remedies given are those which a practical man with the usual facilities of a plating shop at his disposal can reasonably be expected to employ. Laboratory methods are seldom applicable on a large scale. The following types of solutions are dealt with:Brass; Cadmium (Cyanide); Chromium; Copper (Acid and Cyanide); Lead (Fluoborate and Sulphamate); Nickel (Watts type and Bright Nickel); Silver; Tin (Sodium Stannate); and Zinc (Cyanide).In all cases symptoms of troubles and remedies are given on the assumption that the particular type of solution trouble has actually been confirmed and all other possible causes been eliminated. The value of routine analysis of plating solutions as a preventive to serious troubles and resulting loss of production cannot be overrated. Haphazard methods and “rule of thumb” should by now be extinct in the workshop. 相似文献
none 《腐蚀工程科学与技术》2013,48(3):174-176
AbstractAdvanced Polymer Sciences (APS) originally developed Siloxirane, a patented multifunctional polymer with a high density crosslinked structure, to meet the extremely demanding anticorrosion and surface protection requirements of the military and aerospace industries. The superior performance of the material has also made it attractive as a coating in a wide range of marine and industrial applications. Not the least of these is its use as the lining material for the cargo tanks of seagoing chemical tankers, an area in which there have been no real technological advances for more than 20 years. Researchers at APS have conducted more than 5000 tests on Siloxirane – as well as conventional coating systems such as epoxies, zinc silicates, vinyl esters, rubbers, and phenolics – to test physical properties and chemical resistance for an extensive range of products, including those commonly carried by sea. 相似文献