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A neutronics analysis using the Monte Carlo method is carried out for the end-plug penetration and magnet system of a tandem mirror fusion reactor. Detailed penetration and the magnets' three-dimensional configurations are modeled. A method of position dependent angular source biasing is developed to adequately sample the DT fusion source in the central cell region and obtain flux contributions at the penetration components.To assure cryogenic stability, the barrier cylindrical solenoid is identified as needing substantial shielding of about 1 m of a steel-lead-boron-carbide-water mixture. Heating rates there would require a thermal-hydraulic design similar to that in the central cell blanket region. The transition coils, however, need a minimal 0.2 m thickness shield. The leakage neutron flux at the direct converters is estimated at 1.3×1015 n/(m2·s), two orders of magnitude lower than that reported at the neutral beam injectors for tokamaks around 1017 n/(m2·s) for a 1 MW/m2 14 MeV neutron wall loading. This result is obtained through a coupling between the nuclear and plasma physics designs in which hydrogen ions rather than deuterium atoms are used for energy injection at the end plug, to avoid creating a neutron source there. This lower and controllable radiation leakage problem is perceived as a potential major advantage of tandem mirrors compared to tokamaks and laser reactor systems.  相似文献   

Position-dependent optimization calculations have been carried out on a D-D fusion reactor blanket/shield to maximize the energy gain in the blanket and to minimize the atomic displacement rate of the copper stabilizer in the superconducting magnet. The results obtained by using the optimization code SWAN indicate (1) the advantage of D2O coolant over H2O coolant with respect to increasing the energy gain, and (2) the difference in the optimal shield distributions between D-T and D-D neutron sources. The possibility of improving both the energy gain and radiation shielding characteristics is also discussed.  相似文献   


Neutronics analysis was conducted for a proposed megawatt-class gas cooled space nuclear reactor design. The reactor design has a high operating temperature of up to 1500 K. Annular UO2 fuel rods were used to reduce the central temperature of the fuel. The thermal power is 2.3 MWt and is converted into electric power by a direct Brayton cycle. The control rods were arranged in different configurations and were analyzed in order to evaluate the influence on the reactor design in different scenarios. The calculation results reveal that the control rods arrangements have influences on the begin-of-life (BOL) excess reactivity and the shutdown reactivity. The distribution of control rods affects the neutron economy and leakage in the fuel region, consequently affecting the reactivity. It is also known that the reactivity in flooding scenarios are not sensitive to different control rod arrangements. Meanwhile, according to calculation results, the proposed reactor design has enough shutdown reactivity margin which will allow for flexible control strategy. Further analysis is still needed for more detailed and accurate parameters of the reactor design.  相似文献   

The Atominstitute (ATI) of Vienna University of Technology (VUT) operates a TRIGA Mark II research reactor since March 1962. Its initial criticality was achieved on 7th March 1962 when 57th Fuel Element (FE) was loaded to the core. This paper describes the development of the MCNP model of the TRIGA reactor and its validation through three different experiments i.e. initial criticality, reactivity distribution and a thermal flux mapping experiment in the reactor core. All these experiments were performed on the initial core configuration. The MCNP model includes all necessary core components i.e. FE, Graphite Element GE, neutron Source Element (SE), Central IRradiation channel (CIR) etc. Outside the core, this model simulates the annular grooved graphite reflector, the thermal and thermalizing column, four beam tubes and the reactor water tank up to 100 cm in radial and +60 and −60 cm in axial direction. Each grid position at its exact location is modeled. This model employs the ENDF/B-VI data library except for the Sm-isotopes which are taken from JEFF 3.1 because ENDF/B-VI lacks samarium (Sm) cross sections.For the first experiment, the model predicts an effective multiplication factor (κeff) of 1.00183 with an estimated standard deviation 0.00031 which is very close to the experimental value 1.00114. The second experiment measures the reactivity values of four FE and one GE. In comparison to the MCNP results, the percent difference ranges from 4 to 22. The third experiment verifies the model at a local level with the radial and axial thermal flux density distribution in the core. Though the trends are similar, the MCNP model overestimates the radial thermal flux density in the core and underestimates these results at the core periphery.  相似文献   

全陶瓷微封装(Fully Ceramic Microencapsulated,FCM)燃料是一种将三结构同向性型(Tri-structural isotropic,TRISO)燃料颗粒弥散于SiC基质的先进燃料,具有良好的包容裂变产物的能力,能有效地改善核燃料在严重事故下保持结构完整性的能力,有利于降低核电站发生大量放射性物质泄漏的风险,是耐事故燃料(Accident Tolerant Fuel,ATF)的主要研究方向之一。与传统UO_2陶瓷芯块燃料相比,FCM燃料的U装量较少,且燃料基体采用SiC,慢化能力较好,可能导致FCM燃料应用于商业压水堆时寿期初慢化剂温度系数为正,不能满足堆芯的固有安全性。本文以标准AFA3G 17×17栅格形式的UO_2-Zr合金燃料组件为参照对象,采用中核集团自主研发的NESTOR软件,分析了17×17和13×13两种栅格形式的FCM燃料(UN核芯)组件的中子学特性,评价了由13×13栅格形式的FCM燃料(UN核芯)组成反应堆堆芯的总体物理特性。研究表明:含钆可燃毒物的13×13栅格形式的FCM燃料(UN核芯)组件可满足欠慢化要求,13×13栅格形式的FCM燃料(UN核芯)用于大型商业压水堆堆芯的慢化剂温度系数可以为负,首循环堆芯可达到与参照堆芯接近的燃耗深度与循环长度,能初步满足商业压水堆堆芯的固有安全性和经济性的要求。  相似文献   

主要针对聚变裂变混合发电堆FDS-EM水冷包层的能量倍增因子M和氚增殖率TBR等中子学参数进行优化计算。FDS-EM包层主要设计目标是在氚自持的基础上获得约1 GW的电功率,并且尽可能长时间连续运行不换料。通过初步设计分析给出一个使用核废料(压水堆卸出的废料钚、锕系加上贫铀)作为裂变燃料,能够实现氚自持、能量倍增因子约为90等设计目标,且连续运行至少10年不换料的中子学方案。  相似文献   

A conceptual design study for a steady-state Korean fusion DEMO reactor (K-DEMO) has been initiated. Two peculiar features need to be noted. First, the major radius is designed to be just below 6.5 m, considering practical engineering feasibilities. But still, high magnetic field at the plasma center around 8 T is expected to be achieved by using current state-of-the-art high performance Nb3Sn strand technology. Second, a two-stage development plan is being considered. In the first stage, K-DEMO will demonstrate a net electricity generation but will also act as a component test facility. Then, after a major upgrade, K-DEMO is expected to show a net electric generation on the order of 300 MWe and the competitiveness in cost of electricity (COE). Feasibility of such a practical, near-future demonstration reactor is studied in this paper, based on a zero dimensional system analysis code study. It was shown that a net electric generation on the order of 300 MWe can be achieved below the optimistic βN limit of 5. The elongation of K-DEMO is around 1.8 with single null configuration. Detailed optimization process and the resultant various plasma parameters are described.  相似文献   

A neutronic analysis of the laser-driven inertial-confinement fusion reactor SENRI-I is presented. Three-dimensional Monte Carlo calculations were performed to examine the effects of laser beam ports on the flux distribution, tritium breeding ratio, thermal energy deposition in the blanket, and radiation streaming. A Monte Carlo code was also used for the time-dependent radiation-damage analysis accounting for the time of the flight spread of neutrons and the results are compared to the analysis for the HIBALL design. Induced radioactivity was estimated, based on the one-dimensional transport calculation and depletion analysis. The calculated results reveal the advantages of the SENRI-I design with a thick Li layer compared to other reactor systems employing a dry-wall scheme.  相似文献   

Fast reactors based on thorium fuel have enhanced inherent safety. Fluoride salt performs well as a coolant in high-temperature nuclear systems. In this paper,we present a reference core for a large fluoride-salt-cooled solid-fuel fast reactor(LSFR) using thorium–uranium fuel cycle. Neutronics physics of the LSFR reference core is investigated with 2D and 3D in-core fuel management strategy. The design parameters analyzed include the fuel volume fraction, power density level and continuous removal of fission products with 3D fuel shuffling that obtains better equilibrium core performance than 2D shuffling. A self-sustained core is achieved for all cases,and the core of 60% fuel volume fraction at 50 MW/m~3 power density is of the best breeding performance(average breeding ratio 1.134). The LSFR core based on thorium fuel is advantageous in its high discharge burn-up of 20–30% fissions per initial heavy metal atom, small reactivity swing over the whole lifetime(to simplify the reactivity control system), the negative reactivity temperature coefficient(intrinsically safe for all cases) and accepted cladding peak radiation damage. The LSFR reactor is a good alternative option for the deployment of a self-sustained thorium-based nuclear system.  相似文献   

Peng  Yu  Zhu  Gui-Feng  Zou  Yang  Liu  Si-Jia  Xu  Hong-Jie 《核技术(英文版)》2017,28(11):1-7
A synchrotron radiation source called TURKAY is proposed as a sub-project of the Turkish Accelerator Center Project. The storage ring of TURKAY is a low emittance synchrotron and the radiation ranges between 0.01 and 60 keV can be generated from the insertion devices and bending magnets placed on it. The injector system of the facility will mainly consist of a 150 MeV linac and full energy booster. In this study, we present design considerations and beam dynamics studies of the pre-injector linac and booster ring for TURKAY.  相似文献   

ITER上窗口屏蔽中子学分析研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
利用CAD/MCNP自动建模程序MCAM建立ITER新上窗口中子学计算模型,使用中子/光子耦合输运程序MCNP/4CI、AEA聚变核数据库FENDL1.0和集成上窗口模型的ITER基本中子学模型计算并分析上窗口新的工程设计的屏蔽能力以检验设计的合理性。结果表明,与以前的上窗口设计相比,新设计的上窗口的周围剂量控制点的快中子注量率、停堆剂量率以及线圈核热等都增大了好几倍,建议进一步改进上窗口设计。  相似文献   

The authors aim to develop a fusion-biomass combined plant concept with a small power fusion reactor. A concern for the small power reactor is the coolant pumping power which may significantly decreases the apparent energy outcome. Thus pressure loss and corresponding pumping power were studied for a designed Tokamak reactor: GNOME. First, 3-D Monte-Carlo Neutron transport analysis for the reactor model with dual-coolant blankets was taken in order to simulate the tritium breeding ability and the distribution of nuclear heat. Considering calculated concentration of nuclear heat on the in-board blankets, pressure loss of the liquid LiPb at coolant pipes due to MHD and friction forces was analyzed as a function of fusion power. It was found that as the fusion power increases, the pressure loss and corresponding pumping power exponentially increase. Consequently, the proportion of the pumping power to the fusion power increases as the fusion power increases. In case of ~360 MW fusion power operation, pumping power required for in-board cooling pipes was estimated as ~1% of the fusion power.  相似文献   

The basic fusion driver requirements of a toroidal materials production reactor are considered. The tokamak, stellarator, bumpy torus, and reversed-field pinch are compared with regard to their demonstrated performance, probable near-term development, and potential advantages and disadvantages if used as reactors for materials production. Of the candidate fusion drivers, the tokamak is determined to be the most viable for a near-term production reactor. Four tokamak reactor concepts (TORFA/FED-R, AFTR/ZEPHYR, Riggatron, and Superconducting Coil) of approximately 500-MW fusion power are compared with regard to their demands on plasma performance, required fusion technology development, and blanket configuration characteristics. Because of its relatively moderate requirements on fusion plasma physics and technology development, as well as its superior configuration of production blankets, the TORFA/FED-R type of reactor operating with a fusion power gain of about 3 is found to be the most suitable tokamak candidate for implementation as a near-term production reactor.This paper represents work carried out from 1980 to 1982 and was in draft form in 1982. It was received for publication with only minor editing from its 1982 version (except for Tables II and III and Fig. 1), explaining the fact that some of the material is dated.  相似文献   

The magnetic fusion reactor for the production of nuclear weapon materials, based on a tandem mirror design, is estimated to have a capital cost of $1.5 billion and to produce 10 kg of tritium/year for $22,000/g or 940 kg/year of plutonium in the plutonium mode for $250/g plus heavy metal processing. A tokamak-based design is estimated to cost $1.5 billion and to produce 10 kg of tritium/year for $29 thousand/g. For comparison, a commercially sized tandern mirror fusion breeder selling excess electricity and fissile material to commercial markets is estimated to cost $3.6 billion and to produce tritium for $2.6 thousand/g and plutonium for $34/g plus heavy metal processing.This paper represents work carried out from 1980 to 1982 and was in draft form in 1982. It was received for publication with only minor editing of its 1982 version, explaining the fact that some of the material is dated.  相似文献   

超临界水堆堆芯轴向一维物理热工耦合稳态分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究超临界水冷堆堆芯可能存在的流动和核热耦合不稳定性问题,本文建立了简化的堆芯轴向一维单通道物理-热工耦合稳态分析模型,并针对文献给出的美国超临界水堆参考设计方案进行了稳态堆芯参数的计算,得出了和文献相一致的结论,为下一步开展超临界水堆核热耦合稳定性研究打下了基础.  相似文献   

In this paper the system of the generalized Yule-Walker equations is derived from the equation of an ARMA model, then a method for its solution is given. Numerical results show the applications of the method proposed.  相似文献   

A nuclear analysis was carried out for a heavy ion-beam fusion reactor, HIBLIC. The analysis includes the target and chamber neutronics, time-dependent radiation damage in the first wall, and radiation streaming through beam ports. It is found that the reactor chamber is characterized by its high tritium breeding ratio, low radiation damage in the second wall, and low induced activity. To reduce the radiation damage in the superconducting, focusing magnets, tapering the beam ports along the direct line-of-sight component of the source neutron is necessary in the magnet regions and also in the collimator region.  相似文献   

Neutronic calculations were performed to optimize the SENRI blanket in terms of energy multiplication as well as tritium breeding ratio. The blanket employs a thick ( 64-cm) Li layer as breeder/coolant. Three approaches were taken here to achieve the goal: (1) reduction of6Li in the lithium, (ii) replacement of the Li layer by a molten-salt (flibe) layer, and (iii) shipment of excess tritium to a nonbreeding blanket. It was found that the excess tritium produced in the SENRI blanket could be used effectively to obtain additional power by fueling a nonbreeding D-T reactor.  相似文献   

聚变堆氚增殖层中子学分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
D-T聚变堆包层的主要功能包括氚增殖、能量转换射层蔽等,包层中子学设计的主要原则是满足聚变堆的氚自持,一般要求包层氚增殖比TBR>1.1.使用与时间有关的扩散理论和本征函数展开方法,研究不同几何线度、6Li丰度的LI2O、LiPb包层材料14MeV源下的系统通量、氚增殖比影响,及在不同6Li丰度下6Li、7Li造氚随时间变化的规律.计算中使用了30群截面数据,微观数据来自ENDF/B-VI及JEF-2.2.  相似文献   

A proposal is made to replace the neutron multiplier in fusion reactor blankets by an efficient moderator (7LiH or 7LiD). The advantageous effect of the intensified neutron-energy degradation is due to the 1v character of the main tritium-producing reaction. The slowing-down medium is designed to be the source of moderated neutrons for the surrounding Li region where the most of the tritium is to be produced. The surplus tritium produced remains stored in the moderator zone. Some preliminary calculations illustrating the above concept were carried out, and the neutron flux and tritium production distributions are presented. Indications regarding further studies are also suggested.  相似文献   

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