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North Carolina rock phosphate (NCRP) (highly carbonate—substituted apatite) was ground to produce three samples with different particle size distributions. The effectiveness of these fertilizers was compared with the effectiveness of superphosphate in a field experiment and three glasshouse experiments using lateritic soils from south-western Australia. Non-reactive Queensland rock phosphate (low carbonate-substituted apatite from the Duchess deposit) was also used in the pot experiments. Bicarbonate-soluble phosphorus extracted from the soil is widely used in Western Australia to predict plant yields from previously-applied fertilizer dressings. For both field and pot experiments bicarbonate-extractable phosphorus (soil test value) was measured and related to subsequent plant yields.As calculated from the initial slope of the relationship between yield and the level of P applied, finely powdered NCRP was about 5–32% as effective as freshly-applied superphosphate in the year of application and also for two years after application in the field experiment, and for two successive crops in the three pot experiments. For both field and pot experiments, finely powdered NCRP, was at best, 1.5–2.0 times as effective as granular NCRP. Relative to freshly-applied superphosphate, the effectiveness of rock phosphates usually decreased with increasing level of application.For each of the crops in the field experiment, the relationships between yield and phosphorus content of plants (i.e. internal efficiency curves) were similar for all fertilizers. Thus the low effectiveness of the rock phosphates relative to superphosphate was solely due to much less phosphorus being taken up by plants. By contrast, in the pot experiments internal efficiency curves differed for different fertilizers. This is attributed to differences in the rate of phosphorus uptake by plant roots during the early stages of plant growth.For both field and pot experiments, soil test calibrations (the relationship between yield and soil test value) differed for rock phosphates and superphosphate. For superphosphate, soil test calibrations also differed for the three different years after the initial application of this fertilizer in the field experiment. For the second crop in the pot experiment, soil test calibrations differed for superphosphate applied at different times (before the first and the second crop). These results point out the difficulty of applying soil testing procedures to soils that have experienced different histories of fertilizer application.  相似文献   

Two long-term (11 and 12 y) field experiments in south-western Australia are described that measured the relative effectiveness of three rock phosphate fertilizers (C-grade ore, Calciphos and Queensland (Duchess) rock phosphate), single, double and triple superphosphate. The experiments were on established subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum) — based pasture that had received large, yearly, applications of single superphosphate for many years before the experiments began so that in the first year the nil phosphorus (P) treatment produced 80 to 90% of the maximum yield. The experiments were conducted using a rotation of one year cereal crop (oats,Avena sativa at one site, and barley,Hordeum vulgare, at the other): 2 y pasture, a typical rotation on farms in the region. Five levels of each P fertilizer were applied every third year with the crop. Grain yield of cereals, P content of grain, pasture yield, and bicarbonate-soluble P extracted from the soil (available P) were used to estimate fertilizer effectiveness values.The three superphosphate fertilizers had identical values of fertilizer effectiveness. Superphosphate was always the most effective fertilizer for producing grain. The rock phosphate fertilizers were one-seventh to one-half as effective per kg P as superphosphate when assessed on the yield or P content (P concentration × yield) of grain within each cropping year. Bicarbonate-extractable soil P values demonstrated that superphosphate was two to fifteen times as effective as the rock phosphate fertilizers. The relationship between grain yield and P content in grain (i.e. the internal efficiency of P use curve) was similar for the different P fertilizers. Thus for all P fertilizers yield was not limited by other factors as it varied solely in response to the P content, which in turn presumably depended on the P supply from the fertilizers.The relative agronomic effectiveness of rock phosphates is greater for marginally P deficient soils than for highly P deficient soils but rock phosphate remains less effective than superphosphate. We conclude that the rock phosphates studied should not be substituted for superphosphate as maintenance fertilizers for soils in Western Australia that are marginally deficient in P. This result is consistent with the results of many field experiments on highly P deficient soils in south-western Australia. These have shown that a wide variety of rock phosphate fertilizers are much less effective than superphosphate in both the short and long term.  相似文献   

A field trial was conducted for 3 years to evaluate phosphate rocks and phosphate rock/sulphur granules as fertilizers for permanent pastures. Two reactive phosphate rocks, North Carolina (USA) and Chatham Rise (New Zealand), and an unreactive Florida (USA) were used. The materials were applied to a highly phosphate retentive allophanic soil of medium to high phosphorus status. Single superphosphate was employed as the standard fertilizer. The fertilizers were applied at four rates including a control in the first year and again in the third year. The field design enabled measurement of residual effects as well. All the plots received blanket applications of sulphate. The rate of dissolution of phosphate rock was measured by determining soil inorganic phosphate fractions at the highest rate of fertilizer application.The reactive phosphate rocks applied with or without sulphur were as effective as superphosphate in the first and third year of the trial respectively under low and medium responsive conditions. The Florida rock was at the best only 55% as effective as superphosphate. When applied after granulating with sulphur the value increased to 72%. In the second year there was no greater residual effect from the phosphate rocks compared with superphosphate. However, in the third year reactive phosphate rocks gave a slightly greater residual effect; averaged over rates of application the yield increase was 23% over control compared with 18% for superphosphate.The reactive phosphate rocks, applied with or without sulphur, dissolved at the rate of 44% of that added in the first year and 62% of that remaining in the second year. The corresponding values for Florida rock were 27% and 30%, and for Florida with elemental sulphur 35% and 33%. Over 3 years about 96% of the reactive rocks dissolved compared with 56% and 78% in the case of Florida and Florida with sulphur respectively.  相似文献   

The agronomic effectiveness of superphosphate and two rock phosphates that had been applied once only to the soil surface 8 to 12 years previously was measured in a field experiment with oats on a lateritic soil in south-western Australia. The soil was either undisturbed or cultivated with a rotary hoe before sowing. The rock phosphates were Christmas Island C-grade ore (C-ore, a calcium ironaluminium rock phosphate), and C-ore calcined (heated) at about 500°C (Calciphos).Cultivation reduced the effectiveness for all three fertilizers by 20 to 50%. The effectiveness of phosphorus (P) applied as superphosphate decreased with increasing period from time of application whereas the effectiveness of the rock phosphates increased but they were always much less effective than superphosphate.The relationship between grain yield and P concentration of plant tissue (i.e. the internal efficiency of P use curve) was similar regardless of fertilizer type, year of application of fertilizer, and whether or not the soil was cultivated. Thus differences in fertilizer residual effectiveness were solely due to the amount of P taken up by the plants.Values of bicarbonate-soluble P (i.e. soil test for P values) for superphosphate treated soil were reduced by about 20 to 25% when the fertilizer was incorporated into the soil whereas for the rock phosphate treated soils the values were little affected by cultivation. The relationship between yield and soil test for P values varied depending on cultivation treatment and fertilizer.We conclude that cultivation decreases the effectiveness of residual fertilizer P and that cultivation and fertilizer type influence the accuracy of yield prediction from soil test values.  相似文献   

Testing for soil phosphate (P) using the Colwell procedure is widely used in south-western Australia to estimate fertilizer applications required for crops and pastures. The relationship between plant yield, expressed as a percentage of the maximum yield, and soil test values is assumed to be constant in different years for the same soil type and plant species. Data from 11 long-term field experiments in south-western Australia show that regardless of whether percentage of maximum or absolute yield is used, the relationship between yield and soil test values is different (1)in different years, for the same site and where the same P fertilizer type has been used. This occurred irrespective of whether the same or different plant species were grown in different years; (2)where different types of P fertilizer had been used, for the same site, same year and same plant species; (3)for different plant species, for the same site, same year, and same type of P fertilizer. We conclude that considerable errors in the recommendation of fertilizer rates may result from the assumption that there is a constant relationship between soil test and yield.  相似文献   

The residual value of superphosphate and several rock phosphates was measured in three field experiments in Western Australia. The rock phosphates were Christmas Island C-grade ore, calcined C-grade ore (Calciphos) and apatite rock phosphates. The predictive capacity of the Colwell, Olsen and Bray 1 soil tests for phosphate were also evaluated.As measured by yields of variously wheat, oats, barley or clover, the effectiveness of an initial application of superphosphate decreased to about 50% of that of newly applied superphosphate between years 1 and 2, and further decreased to about 20% over subsequent years. At low levels of application, all the rock phosphates were between 10–20% as effective as superphosphate in the year of application for all experiments. Relative to newly applied superphosphate their effectiveness remained approximately constant in subsequent years for two experiments and doubled for the other experiment.The Colwell soil test predicted that the effectiveness of superphosphate decreased to about 45% between years 2 and 3, followed by a more gradual decrease to approximately 15%. At low levels of application, the effectiveness of the rock phosphates as predicted by the Colwell soil test values was initially very low relative to superphosphate (2–30%), and remained low in subsequent years (2–20%). For superphosphate treated soil, the proportion of the added phosphorus extracted generally increased as the level of application increased. By contrast, for rock phosphate treated soil, the proportion of added phosphorus extracted decreased as the level of application increased.For all three experiments there were highly significant positive correlations between amounts of P extracted by the three soil tests. Consequently all soil tests were equally predictive of yield but usually for each soil test separate calibrations between yield and soil test values were required for the different fertilizers and for each combination of fertilizer and plant species and for each year.  相似文献   

The 1990s mark the centenary of the earliest work to identify the value of rock phosphate fertilizers for Western Australian agriculture. This review summarizes this and subsequent work. We arrive at a simple conclusion: rock phosphates are ineffective fertilizers because they do not dissolve rapidly in Western Australian soils.The effectiveness of different types of rock phosphate fertilizers has been compared with the effectiveness of superphosphate in several long-term field experiments on a variety of non-leaching soils in south-western Australia. These experiments have consistently shown that, all types of rock phosphate fertilizers are between one twentieth to one third as effective as freshly applied superphosphate both in the year of application and in subsequent years. Glasshouse experiments produce similar results. Laboratory studies of soils from these experiments have shown that the poor effectiveness of the rock phosphates is primarily due to the small extent of dissolution of these fertilizers in Western Australian soils. Several factors are responsible for the inability of adequate amounts of rock phosphate to dissolve in these soils. The soils are only moderately acid (pH in water > 5.5) and generally have low pH buffering capacities so can not rapidly contribute a large supply of protons to promote extensive dissolution of rock phosphate. The soils also have low capacities to adsorb the P and Ca released during dissolution of rock phosphate. They also have low water-holding capacities, and in the field under the Mediterranean climate the soil near the surface rapidly dries between rains thereby restricting dissolution of rock phosphates. In the laboratory it has been shown that rock phosphate dissolution is considerably enhanced in permanently-moist, acid soil with high pH buffering capacity, and high P and Ca buffer capacities.Thus the low extent of dissolution of rock phosphate fertilizers in Western Australian soils is responsible for the poor agronomic effectiveness of these fertilizers measured in the field experiments.  相似文献   

Soil phosphorus (P) tests have usually been calibrated using regression relationships between test values and crop yields for soils with a history of soluble P fertilizer use. However, the regression relationships have frequently been found to be different where phosphate rock (PR) based fertilizers have been used. Consequently, the traditional soil P tests often give incorrect estimates of soil P status of PR fertilized soils where calibrations were derived using soils treated with soluble P fertilizers. Alkaline soil tests (e.g., Olsen, Colwell) usually underestimate, while acid tests (e.g., Truog, Bray 2) usually overestimate, the soil P status of PR fertilized soils where normal calibrations are used. Several ways of overcoming this problem are discussed. Separate calibrations can be used for soluble and PR based fertilizers. In practice, this could involve mathematical modification of test values obtained with PR fertilized soils to enable use of the normal calibrations. Soil and fertilizer P models are available which use fertilizer history to derive current fertilizer recommendations and/or predict consequences of different fertilizer strategies. These could be extended to include functions describing the dissolution of PR in soil. This requires more detailed information on PR dissolution rates in different soils. Two soil tests for use with both soluble P and PR fertilized soils have recently been developed. They are the iron-oxide impregnated paper and the mixed anion exchange membrane/cation exchange membrane tests. While more evaluation is required in field situations, evidence to date indicates that both tests show promise.  相似文献   

测土配方施肥与复混肥料   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
阐述20年来我国土壤养分变化的特点,提出用肥应坚持稳氮、磷,增钾肥、微肥、有机肥。测土配方施肥中,还应注意:土壤障碍因子、某种元素临界法与供应强度,肥料利用率等问题。对专用肥配方、复混肥的浓度、复混肥标准的一些规定从农艺角度提出一些意见。最后介绍几种常见作物的复混肥配方及施肥量、施肥方法。  相似文献   

Pot experiments, and field trials with temperate pastures, were used to compare pelleted Citraphos (ground calcined Christmas Island C rock phosphate) with soluble phosphates. The relative effectiveness of Citraphos increased markedly with time during a growing season. This increase occurred with residual Citraphos, topdressed twelve months previously and more, as well as with freshly applied Citraphos. It was not observed when Citraphos was compared with residual superphosphate.The apparent improvement of Citraphos thus derived very largely from the seasonal pattern of phosphorus uptake associated with soluble phosphate sources. As the availability of the latter decreased progressively after the early part of the season, the effectiveness of the more constant Citraphos improved by comparison. There is considerable arbitrariness in values of relative effectiveness assigned to slow acting phosphate fertilizers on the basis of single measurements. Direct assessments of the residual values of phosphatic fertilizers, by comparison with freshly applied soluble phosphates, appear to suffer similar limitations.The sharply decreasing availability of soluble phosphates has implications for the production of improved, long lasting phosphatic fertilizers.  相似文献   

Responses of yellow serradella, slender serradella and subterranean clover to applications of superphosphate and Queensland apatite rock phosphate were compared in a field experiment in Western Australia. The rock phosphate was applied as a fine powder to a very sandy soil with a low buffering capacity for phosphate and for pH. At low levels of application, rock phosphate was about a tenth as effective as superphosphate — that is, ten times as much was required to give the same yield. With increasing levels of application, the relative effectiveness of rock phosphate declined to well below one per cent and hence more than 100 times as much was required to give the same yield. The decreasing relative effectiveness was incorporated into response equations. These were used to demonstrate that the decreasing relative effectiveness can be statistically tested and shown to be highly significant.A simulation study using the model of Kirk and Nye showed that a decrease in relative effectiveness with increasing level of application is especially likely when the particles of rock phosphate are very small, when the levels of application are high, and when the soil's buffering capacity for phosphate and for pH is low.  相似文献   

The agronomic effectiveness (yield and P uptake) of twelve granular, partially acidulated phosphate rock fertilizers (PAPR) and two finely ground, unacidulated phosphate rocks (PR) were compared to that of a single superphosphate in a long-term greenhouse experiment with lucerne (Medicago sativa L., cv. CUF101), grown in a low P sorbing, moderately acid, sandy loam soil of moderate P status (Paleustaf). The PAPRs were prepared from two unreactive PRs (Christmas Is. A grade and Duchess rock from Queensland) and acidulated at two rates (25% and 50% on a H2SO4 to single superphosphate basis) with either H2SO4 or H3PO4. Additional products included H2SO4 PAPRs cogranulated with elemental S (10% w/w).Superphosphate was consistently superior to all PRs and PAPRs in agronomic effectiveness throughout this two-year study. The most effective of the PAPRs were those that were 50% acidulated with H2SO4 and cogranulated with elemental S; this type of fertilizer from both rocks was approximately 2/3 as effective as superphosphate when relative agronomic effectiveness indices (RAE) were calculated from cumulative yields. The increase in agronomic effectiveness relative to superphosphate (RAE value) by the partial acidulation of the PR could be attributed to its effect of increasing the P solubility in the PAPR. A curvilinear relationship existed between the RAE values of PRs and PAPRs, measured from cumulative yield or P uptake data, and the percentage of the total P in each fertilizer that was in a soluble (water + citrate soluble) form. Cogranulation with elemental S (10% w/w) significantly displaced this relationship upwards by increasing the RAE of H2SO4 PAPRs by more than 50%. The maximum cumulative recovery of applied P by lucerne tops after five bulked harvests (fifteen consecutive harvests) was 61.5%, which occurred at the low application rate of superphosphate. The decline in the substitution value of PRs for superphosphate, that occurred with increasing P rates tended to be offset both by increasing the level of acidulation and by cogranulating the PAPR with elemental S.  相似文献   

The solubility of superphosphate and rock phosphate was studied in six soils differing widely in pH, clay content, and type of clay minerals. Soils were incubated with increasing amounts of phosphate fertilizer for 1, 4, 12, and 24 weeks at 60% maximum water capacity and then extracted by means of electroultrafiltration (EUF). In the acid soils (pH-H2 O: 4.3 to 5.6) the phosphate quantities extracted did not differ much between fertilizer types. In the neutral soils (pH-H2 O: 6.6 to 6.9) 2 to 10 times as much was extracted from the superphosphate treatments as from the rock phosphate treatments. A fractionated EUF extraction (change of extraction time and voltage) showed that in the acid soils, rock phosphate was more soluble than superphosphate, but in neutral soils the opposite was true. In five of the six soils investigated the solubility of superphosphate declined during an incubation period of 24 weeks, whereas the solubility of rock phosphate showed no clear trend in relation to the time of incubation.
Zusammenfassung Die Lölichkeit von Superphosphat und Rohphosphat wurde in 6 Böden untersucht, die sich beachtlich in ihrem pH-Wert, in ihrem Tongehalt und in ihren Tonmineraltypen unterschieden. Die Böden wurden mit steigenden Phosphatmengen für die Dauer von 1, 4, 12, und 24 Wochen bei 60% der maximalen Wasserkapazität inkubiert und dann mittels Elektroultrafiltration (EUF) extrahiert. In den sauren Böden (pH-H2O): 4.3 bis 5.6) unterschieden sich die Phosphatmengen nicht wesentlich, die von den beiden Phosphatdüngemitteln extrahiert wurden. In den neutralen Böden (pH-H2 O: 6.6 bis 6.9) wurde von den Superphosphatvarianten 2 bis 10 fach mehr Phosphat extrahiert als von den Rohphosphatvarianten. Eine fractionierte EUF-Extraktion (Änderung der Desorptionszeit und der Spannung) zeigte, daß in den sauren Böden das Rohphosphat besser löslich war als das Superphosphat; in den neutralen Böden wurde die umgekehrte Beziehung gefunden. In 5 von den 6 untersuchten Böden nahm die Löslichkeit des Superphosphates im Verlaufe der 24 wöchigen Inkubationsdauer ab. Die Löslichkeit des Rohphosphates zeigte keinen klaren Trend in Abhängigkeit von der Inkubationsdauer.

Most of the phosphate fertilizes currently used worldwide (16 million tonnes of P) are water soluble. Direct application of phosphate rock accounts for just 3.5%. Since most phosphate rock is used to produce water-soluble phosphate fertilizer, about 150 million tonnes of byproduct phosphogypsum are produced annually on a worldwide basis. This has given rise to concerns about its management and disposal in an environmentally acceptable manner. Despite the small amount of phosphate rock presently used for direct application, its use is becoming increasingly common in the developing countries, especially Latin America, due to the high cost of water-soluble phosphate fertilizers and to the variety of soils, crops and climatic conditions of the region. Agronomic effectiveness of phosphate rocks has been measured by the concept of Relative Agronomic Effectiveness where the yields are compared to those obtained with Triple Superphosphate (TSP) or Diammonium Phosphate (DAP). Phosphorus uptake as a response of the phosphate rock applied is measure by tissue analysis. This methodology is already standard for the member countries of the Latin America Phosphate Rock Network.  相似文献   

对钙镁磷肥(FMP)、过磷酸钙(SSP)和部分酸化磷肥(PAPR)在河南郑州西岗沙土和河南西华县潮土中的退化情况进行了研究。  相似文献   

Organic farming practice prohibits the use of triple superphosphate (TSP) as a source of phosphorus. As basic slag is not now generally available, interest is focused on the relative value of ground rock phosphate (GRP). A comparison of TSP and Gafsa GRP was made during 1988–92 as to their ability to increase DM production under cutting from newly sown grass/white clover swards established in 1987 on an acid clay soil in SW England. Averaged over the different P fertiliser inputs and years, the DM yield was 8.0 t ha-1 y-1 (range 6.93–9.81) compared to 6.3t ha-1y-1 (range 6.00–7.71) without added P. Lime was added at either 3 or 6t ha-1 in 1987, and at half these rates in 1990. Whereas the yield improved by 45% with P at the lower rate of lime, it improved only by 12% at the higher rate. When P fertiliser was applied annually at 30 kg ha-1, TSP was superior to GRP, but when applied in one initial dose of 120 kg ha-1, GRP was superior over the subsequent 4 year period. There was no consistent effect of the addition of either P or lime on the clover content of the sward. The alkaline bicarbonate soil test (Olsen P) was a good predictor of available P within a given year; there was a general reduction of P availability over the course of the experiment. Mechanisms to explain the longer term effectiveness of GRP are postulated and discussed. It is concluded that farmers who are limited to using GRP rather than TSP would suffer a yield penalty over the longer term of 11.5%, and that P fertilizer for the ley phase in a rotation should be incorporated in one dose at the outset.  相似文献   

The role of soil pH in the dissolution of phosphate rock fertilizers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The influence of soil pH on the dissolution of phosphate rock fertilizers was investigated in laboratory experiments with reactive North Carolina phosphate rock (PR) in a lateritic soil adjusted to several pH values. Increased soil pH resulted in decreased dissolution as estimated by the increase in exchangeable calcium (Ca) method. The extent of PR dissolution was related to soil pH by an equation of the form Log Ca = a–b pH, and it increased with contact period and rate of PR application. Increased plant available P, as estimated by NaHCO3 soluble-P (BicP) was about one third of the P dissolved from PR. BicP was related to soil pH by an equation of the form Log Bic P = c–d pH. Dissolution of PR in soil can be considered as a simple chemical reaction between apatite and hydrogen ions supplied by soil constituents.  相似文献   

The solubility and mobility of three phosphate fertilizers [superphosphate (SP), Ca-Mg phosphate (Ca-Mg-P) and diammonium phosphate (DAP)] with or without combination of farmyard manure (FYM) and/or farmyard manure juice (FYMJ) in two paddy soils (Ultisol and Entisol) from the Zhejiang Province of China were determined. Incubation experiments were conducted under controlled greenhouse conditions in the Institute of Agricultural Chemistry, Bonn University, Germany. The results showed that water soluble P and Olsen P in both the application band and the adjacent zones (10 and 20 mm from the application band) was highest with DAP, and lowest with Ca-Mg-P. Both FYM and FYMJ increased water soluble P (100–300%) and Olsen P (80–300%) for the application band in both soils. Moreover, the combination of FYM significantly increased water soluble P and Olsen P for the adjacent zones (20 mm for the Ultisol and 10 mm for the Entisol), but such effects were not significant in combination with FYMJ. Consequently, the main effect of FYM is due to organic substances from decomposition rather than organic compounds in the FYMJ. Also, the combination of FYMJ with SP and DAP significantly increased the pH value in the application band. The pH in the adjacent zone (10 mm) was slightly increased by the combination of FYM with each of three P fertilizers. The solubility and mobility of phosphate in soils differed greatly among phosphate fertilizers. The combinations of organic manure with mineral phosphate fertilizers increased solubility and mobility of phosphate in both paddy soils, especially in the Ultisol.This paper is dedicated to Professor Xi Sun.  相似文献   

进行了声场对过磷酸钙生产中磷矿硫酸系统的热效应、力学效应及反应过程影响的实验研究。结果表明 :使用超声波可以明显加快过程速度 ,鲜肥转化率提高 6% ,系统温度提高 8℃。适宜的声强为 2W·cm- 2 左右 ,作用时间为 5~ 10min。  相似文献   

The effect of incubation on the fate of phosphorus in four phosphatic fertilizers (diammonium phosphate and three rock phosphates) applied to four weakly acid to acid soils was studied. Percent utilisation of fertilizer P by the crop was measured by isotopic labelling and the level and quality of available soil P following addition of fertilizer was measured by the isotopic dilution kinetics method. Percent utilisation of fertilizer P decreased as time of contact between fertilizer and soil increased. The quantity of available soil P increased immediately after applying fertilizer but then decreased. The efficiency of P from rock phosphate was not increased by application long before sowing the crop. From practical viewpoint it is important to apply P fertilizer as near as possible to the time of planting in order to reduce the negative effects of P fixation by the soil.  相似文献   

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