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目的了解我县助产士心理健康问题及探讨维护方法。方法对我县多家医院100名助产士进行调查分析。结果部分助产士心理健康方面存在不容忽视问题,直接影响助产士队伍质量和母婴安全,制约了工作积极性和创造性的发挥。结论通过分析影响助产士心理健康因素,提出心理健康自我维护措施,以提高助产士综合素质。  相似文献   

在新形势下,大学生面对激烈竞争挑战,产生心理上的不适应现象必须引起高校教育工作者的足够重视.本文综述了当代大学生心理缺陷的状况,从家庭、社会、学校及学生自身等几个方面分析了形成心理缺陷的原因.  相似文献   

目的探讨心理护理对肺结核患者康复的影响。方法在治疗护理过程中通过对患者进行会谈、行为变化等观察,并根据肺结核住院患者不同时期的心理特点,制订出最佳的心理护理措施,激发他们消除恐惧、烦恼等不利因素。结果心理护理可增强战胜疾病的信心,调动患者的主观能动性,使患者振作精神,积极配合治疗,达到早日康复的目的。结论心理护理有利于结核患者的康复。  相似文献   

在全民健身的大视角下对社区公共健身设施提出了新的挑战与要求,为贴合城市青年快节奏生活的现实状况,本文尝试在位于交通节点的城市公园进行再设计,规划新的健身区域,并融合地域传统陶瓷材料,为社区青年提供优质的健身公共服务。  相似文献   

研究生心理健康调查及对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在团体心理测量、抽样问卷调查和个别访谈的基础上,对当今研究生的心理健康状况及相关影响因素进行了分析,并提出了切实可行的相应对策,以期维护、促进研究生的心理健康和健全人格的发展.  相似文献   

刘洋  付云凤 《江西化工》2010,(3):173-174
当代青少年的心理健康问题及青少年不健康心理的主要表现;产生不健康心理的因素;不健康心理的解决方法三个方面做出初步探索。  相似文献   

高等院校大学生心理健康问题成因分析及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大学生因心理健康问题引发的恶性事件逐渐增加,心理问题已严重影响大学生的正常发展,本文结合高校实际,分析了大学生心理健康问题的现状,产生原因,并就如何进一步加强大学生的心理健康提出了解决措施。  相似文献   

目的分析和评估青春期后痤疮患者的心理状态。方法采用了临床症状自评量表(SCL-90)对136例青春期后痤疮患者进行了随机抽样问卷调查,并与对照组进行对照分析,结合临床心理学理论进行心理评估分析。结果SCL-90各因子分值比较显示,青春期后痤疮组在人际关系敏感、抑郁、焦虑、恐怖等方面均高于对照组(P<0.05),差异有显著性。而重症痤疮患者在人际关系敏感和焦虑等方面均高于轻症患者(P<0.05)。结论青春期后痤疮是影响患者心理健康的重要因素之一。  相似文献   

目的 了解基层疾控工作者参加体育锻炼的基本状况及影响因素,为科学制定适合基层疾控工作者体育锻炼的工作方案及实施细则提供依据.方法 采用文献资料法、问卷调查法设计问卷调查表,并采用Epidata软件进行数据录入和整理,SPSS13.0软件进行统计学分析.结果 基层疾控工作者对于健身的认知态度积极,但锻炼行为相对滞后;活动场所以小区周边的花园绿地、广场为主;跑步、球类、跳健身舞等是主要的健身项目;参加体育锻炼的职工人均体育消费较低;23~40岁年龄组职工不参与体育锻炼的人高于41~60岁年龄组的职工,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);没有闲暇时间、工作忙、家务多是制约职工参与体育健身活动的主要因素.结论 基层疾控部门领导要提高认识,将增强职工身心健康纳入工作规划,制定适合职工体育锻炼的实施细则,并认真贯彻落实;加强职工体育健身活动公共场地设施建设,为职工提供良好的体育健身环境.  相似文献   

热轧浊环水质改善和提高的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘杰 《广东化工》2013,40(11):223-224,221
文章针对钢铁企业如何进一步优化热轧浊环水质,提出了一种好的解决方案。改变化学除油器原有的物化处理方式,即原有的在化学除油器进水口处加一种电介质的药剂与污水进入第一混合室,另一种特制的高分子油絮凝剂从化学除油器上面加进去进入第二混合室,污水在两种药剂的作用下,凝结成带粘性的絮状物质,并吸附水中的悬浮颗粒,加大自身的比重而下沉,达到固液分离的目的而净化水质。现将混凝剂加药点前移,两种药剂相隔较长一段距离,使之充分反应发挥其作用。部分大颗粒物投加絮凝剂后沉降到一次沉淀池,其它小悬浮颗粒物通过助凝剂在化学除油器内缓冲沉降,可以更好的去除水中悬浮物。  相似文献   

任泓 《当代化工》2009,38(1):72-74
对石油化工企业仪表供电系统电源进行了分类,分析了各类主要仪表用电设备的供电特点,详细介绍了推荐的仪表供电系统设计方案及实施情况,从用电类型和安全生产要求等几个方面考虑,提出有针对性的仪表供电电源系统解决方案,确保装置生产的安全。  相似文献   

采用团体沙盘游戏的方式,对五年制学生进行心理辅导和心理教育,矫正存在的偏颇,解决他们在成长过程中遇到的问题,创新了未成年人心理健康教育的途径和方法。  相似文献   

Aims: Adiponectin stimulates mitochondrial biogenesis through peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-coactivator1α (PGC-1α), a major regulator of mitochondrial biogenesis, and its effect on the genesis of insulin resistance is organ-specific. Expressed predominantly in fat and liver tissues, betatrophin is primarily involved in lipid metabolism, and could be a putative therapeutic target in metabolic syndrome and T2D. We hypothesized that the adiponectin pathway may regulate the production and/or secretion of betatrophin in liver. We aimed to determine whether exercise and adiponectin affect betatrophin to improve insulin resistance in mice. Methods: To investigate this hypothesis, we used wild-type C57BL/6 mice subjected to a high-fat diet, an exercise regimen, and i.p. injection of recombinant mouse adiponectin (Acrp30), and adiponectin knockout (Adipoq−/−) mice (C57BL/6 background) subjected to i.p. injection of Acrp30. Results: In Adipoq–/– mice, betatrophin levels in the plasma and liver were upregulated. In mice, plasma and liver betatrophin levels were significantly upregulated following a high-fat diet. Exercise and i.p. Acrp30 downregulated betatrophin levels and increased adiponectin mRNA and protein expression in the plasma and liver. The trend of change in PGC-1α and betatrophin levels in the liver was consistent. Conclusions/interpretation: Exercise reverses pathogenic changes in adiponectin and betatrophin levels in insulin-resistant mice. Exercise increased adiponectin levels and reduced betatrophin levels. Furthermore, exercise reduced betatrophin levels via adiponectin, which modulated the LKB1/AMPK/PGC-1α signaling axis but was not solely dependent on it for exerting its effects.  相似文献   

Multiple sclerosis (MS) patients, in general, show reduced physical function, physical activity, and quality of life. Positive associations between physical activity and quality of life have been reported. In particular, we were interested in the relation between physical activity and mental health in MS patients without limitation of physical function, since limitations of physical function may influence both physical activity and quality of life. Assessment comprised the Baecke questionnaire on physical activity, the Short Form 36 Health Survey (SF-36), and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). We ranked our sample according to physical activity into four groups and performed an ANOVA to analyze the relationship between levels of physical activity and health-related quality of life (HRQoL). Then we performed a subgroup analysis and included patients with unlimited walking distance and a score of less than 18 in the BDI. Most active vs. inactive patients were compared for the mental subscales of the SF-36 and depression scores. From 632 patients, 265 met inclusion criteria and hence quartiles were filled with 67 patients each. Active and inactive patients did not differ considerably in physical function. In contrast, mental subscales of the SF-36 were higher in active patients. Remarkable and significant differences were found regarding vitality, general health perception, social functioning and mental health, all in favor of physically active patients. Our study showed that higher physical activity is still associated with higher mental health scores even if limitations of physical function are accounted for. Therefore, we believe that physical activity and exercise have considerable health benefits for MS patients.  相似文献   

Emerging adulthood (ages 18–25) is a critical period for neurobiological development and the maturation of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis. Recent findings also suggest that a natural perturbation of the gut microbiota (GM), combined with other factors, may create a unique vulnerability during this period of life. The GM of emerging adults is thought to be simpler, less diverse, and more unstable than either younger or older people. We postulate that this plasticity in the GM suggests a role in the rising mental health issues seen in westernized societies today via the gut–brain–microbiota axis. Studies have paid particular attention to the diversity of the microbiota, the specific function and abundance of bacteria, and the production of metabolites. In this narrative review, we focus specifically on diet, physical activity/exercise, substance use, and sleep in the context of the emerging adult. We propose that this is a crucial period for establishing a stable and more resilient microbiome for optimal health into adulthood. Recommendations will be made about future research into possible behavioral adjustments that may be beneficial to endorse during this critical period to reduce the probability of a “dysbiotic” GM and the emergence and severity of mental health concerns.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress has been recognized as a contributing factor in aging and in the progression of multiple neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s dementia, ischemic stroke, and head and spinal cord injury. The increased production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) has been associated with mitochondrial dysfunction, altered metal homeostasis, and compromised brain antioxidant defence. All these changes have been reported to directly affect synaptic activity and neurotransmission in neurons, leading to cognitive dysfunction. In this context two non-invasive strategies could be employed in an attempt to improve the aforementioned stressful brain status. In this regard, it has been shown that exercise could increase the resistance against oxidative stress, thus providing enhanced neuroprotection. Indeed, there is evidence suggesting that regular physical exercise diminishes BBB permeability as it reinforces antioxidative capacity, reduces oxidative stress, and has anti-inflammatory effects. However, the differential effects of different types of exercise (aerobic exhausted exercise, anaerobic exercise, or the combination of both types) and the duration of physical activity will be also addressed in this review as likely determinants of therapeutic efficacy. The second proposed strategy is related to the use of probiotics, which can also reduce some biomarkers of oxidative stress and inflammatory cytokines, although their underlying mechanisms of action remain unclear. Moreover, various probiotics produce neuroactive molecules that directly or indirectly impact signalling in the brain. In this review, we will discuss how physical activity can be incorporated as a component of therapeutic strategies in oxidative stress-based neurological disorders along with the augmentation of probiotics intake.  相似文献   

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