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Attempted to develop a reliable measure of preferences among types of controlled drugs, and examined the correspondence between the most preferred drug and the drug most frequently used. 130 17–29 yr old active multiple drug abusers rated their preferences among 11 combinations of controlled drugs and common methods of administration (e.g., smoking marihuana, snorting cocaine, shooting cocaine, injesting amphetamines, shooting amphetamines) using the method of paired comparisons. Edwards' coefficient of consistency indicated that preferences were highly consistent (.92) and therefore internally reliable. Nearly half of the Ss most preferred drugs other than the type that they most frequently used, and their preferences were related to the method of administration. Results suggest that preference is one of several determinants of drug use. (8 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Drug use and psychosocial data were collected from 440 clients, average age 30.5 yrs, in 4 drug and alcohol treatment programs. Ss were administered the Buss-Durkee Hostility Inventory, the Guilt Inventory, the Social Readjustment Rating Scale, a self-concept measure and 34 other psychosocial scales. A cluster analysis was performed on chronicity/frequency indices that had been calculated for each of 15 drug classes. Four multiple drug clusters were identified: (a) cocaine/other opiates and synthetics/methaqualone/illegal methadone; (b) inhalants/codeine/nonnarcotic analgesics; (c) marihuana/amphetamines/hallucinogens; (d) minor tranquilizers/barbiturates. Heroin and alcohol did not cluster with any other substances but were frequently used by this sample, and consequently were retained in further analyses, yielding 6 basic drug clusters. Next, a typology of drug abusers was developed empirically by means of proximity cluster analysis. Eight quantitatively and qualitatively distinct types of multiple drug abusers were identified solely by analysis of their standing on the use of the 6 basic clusters of drugs. Finally, the set of psychosocial measures was found to be differentially related to use of the 6 types of drugs and to the 8 types of drug abusers. These differential findings are discussed in terms of the adequacy of the theory underlying the measures and in terms of alternative analytic strategies. (42 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Employment has been identified as an important element in the rehabilitation of drug abusers and, together with abstinence from illicit drugs and criminal involvement, is frequently used as a criterion of treatment outcome. The research literature for the last 20 years on variables affecting employment and the vocational rehabilitation of drug abusers is reviewed with an emphasis on (a) the identification of variables influencing the employment of drug abusers and (b) the evaluation results of interventions that have been developed for this purpose. It is concluded that a number of programs have been demonstrated to have had some success in the vocational rehabilitation of drug abusers. Specific recommendations are made concerning both the direction of further research in this area and the application of existing knowledge in current practice. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined the family ties of heroin addicts applying for drug treatment. Information was abstracted from the intake applications of 98 consecutive admissions to methadone maintenance program to determine the extent to which applicants were connected with family members. Results indicate that approximately 67% of Ss lived with a family member, including 26% who lived with a parent; 52% of Ss were born in the local area; 75% claimed to have close relationships with their mothers. Results imply that drug treatment programs might increase their effectiveness by using a family systems approach. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Principles of diagnostic interviewing with adult male drug abusers are discussed in the light of changing concepts of addiction/dependency, confidentiality, and countertransference, and basic research relevant to each major content section is highlighted. A case example illustrates these ideas, and the article concludes with some practical recommendations for interviewing substance abusers. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A review of the literature from the United Kingdom reveals a progressive reduction in recent decades in the age at first intercourse, an increase in the prevalence of premarital sex to the point of near universality, and a convergence of the sexual behavior of males and females. Over the past 30 years, the median age at first intercourse in the UK has dropped from 16 to 14 years for females and from 15 to 13 years for males. Fewer than 1% of women 16-24 years of age had their first sexual experience within marriage compared with 40% of women 45-59 years old. These trends reflect biologic factors, including earlier age at menarche, and social factors such as liberalization of norms governing sex behavior and peer pressure. Age at first intercourse increases with educational level and social class status. Curiosity is the factor most commonly cited by males as motivating first intercourse, while females identify romantic reasons. Nearly half of young women and over half of young men who have intercourse before the age of 16 years have unprotected sex. Contraceptive use is more likely with casual than steady sex partners. The condom is the most widely used contraceptive method in the early stages of sexual experience, and its use is increasing as a result of awareness of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. More than two-thirds of young people consider themselves inadequately prepared at first intercourse in terms of information on sexual matters. Although the majority gain their information about sexuality from friends, schools are cited as a preferred source. The importance of sex education is confirmed by the positive association of predominantly school-based information and contraceptive use at first intercourse. There is no evidence that sex education hastens the onset of sexual activity.  相似文献   

Prevalence of hepatitis B and C virus infection amongst intravenous drug users (IDU) in Nepal is not known. To estimate such prevalence 72 IDU individuals were tested for HBV and HCV markers. About 80% of the drug abusers are both anti-HBc (59/72) and anti-HCV (58/72) sero-positive. However persistent infection with hepatitis B, as indicated by positive HBsAg, was detected in only 5.5% (n = 4). Active hepatitis C infection, as indicated by HCV RNA positivity, was documented in 74% (42/58) of those who were anti-HCV positive. Importance of awareness of this observation among the healthcare workers in the prevention of hepatitis C in the community is stressed.  相似文献   

The case history and toxicological findings of a fatal suicidal valproic acid overdose are presented. Valproic acid concentrations were determined in body tissues and fluids by gas-liquid chromatography (GLC) following both direct extraction and the method of standards addition and quantitative fluorescence polarization immunoassay. The quantitative results obtained by the three procedures were in good agreement. Qualitative identification of valproic acid as its methylated derivative was by ion-trap gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Toxicological analysis by direct extraction GLC yielded the following valproate concentrations (mg/mL or mg/kg): blood, 1050; bile, 713; brain, 510; heart, 670; kidney, 1580; liver, 985; and vitreous, 516. A total of 15.1 g of valproate was recovered in the stomach contents. These findings far exceed those associated with valproate therapy and are similar to the limited valproate disposition data reported in prior fatal overdoses.  相似文献   

In order to produce mAbs directed specifically against HLA-DR10 molecule, transfected mouse L cells, expressing the DRB1*1001 allele, were used to immunize C3H mice over a period of 4 weeks. Two mAbs, 2C12 and 4B6, derived from this fusion were found to recognize, with different affinity, polymorphic epitopes of DR10 that are shared with DR1, 3, 7, and 9. These mAbs were screened on a large panel of homozygous B lymphoblastoid cell lines using microlymphocytotoxicity and the results were confirmed by flow cytometry. The reactive pattern of 2C12 and 4B6 was compared to that of MP10 human mAb also recognizing the DR10 specificity in addition to DR1, 2 and 9. Based on serologic specificity and cellular absorption experiments, we conclude that the epitopes the murine and human mAbs respectively recognize on the DR10 molecule, are probably different.  相似文献   

A cross-validation approach was used to explore potential differences in degree and type of psychopathology among sex and race subgroups of 428 drug abusers applying to two geographically distant tratment programs. Dimensions of psychopathology were measured by the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI), and analyses of covariance and chi-square procedures were used to compare subgroups on scale elevations and types of psychopathology. Personality characteristics were highly similar across treatment programs, and applicants were characterized by antisocial, passive-dependent, and psychotic symptomatology. Men and women differed little in extent or type of psychopathology, suggesting that women were no more psychologically aberrant than men. White drug abusers were more antisocial, behaviorally deviant, and neurotic than Blacks, but subgroups did not differ in type of psychopathology. Interpreted in the context of other research, results suggest that there are important differences in personality, motivational, drug use, and value system characteristics between Black and White drug abusers.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Sexual behaviour is often altered in chronic illness. AIM: To evaluate sexual behaviour in coeliac patients before and after treatment with a gluten-free diet. PATIENTS: Fifty-five adults with coeliac disease and 51 age- and sex-matched healthy controls. METHODS: Routine clinical and laboratory work-up was used for diagnosis of coeliac disease. Age of first sexual intercourse, prevalence of individuals who were sexually active, frequency of intercourse, reduction in sexual desire, difficulty in attaining orgasm, pain during intercourse, and prevalence of individuals defining themselves as satisfied with their sexual life were investigated by an anonymous, self-administered questionnaire administered before and after one year's treatment with a gluten-free diet in coeliac patients, and only once in controls. Analyses included clinical conditions, demographic and socio-economic data. RESULTS: Compared with controls, untreated coeliac patients had a significantly lower frequency of intercourse and a lower prevalence of individuals satisfied with their sexual life. Patients with overt and subclinical coeliac disease did not show significant differences for any indices of sexual behaviour. Compared with untreated conditions, coeliac patients after one year of treatment had improved values for all indices of sexual behaviour: differences were significant for frequency of intercourse and prevalence of individuals satisfied with their sexual life. CONCLUSION: Untreated coeliac disease, even in its subclinical presentation, is associated with disorders in sexual behaviour which are improved by the dietary treatment.  相似文献   

Adolescents attending 5 state schools for the deaf responded to a 35-item questionnaire designed to probe their knowledge of AIDS. The 129 students in grades 9-12 had extremely limited core knowledge of AIDS, with the correct answers to only 8 of the 35 questions known by most students in all 4 grades. A minority of males and females knew the answers to most questions, indicating that AIDS education programs for deaf adolescents are urgently needed.  相似文献   

The clinical pharmacology of fentanyl and alfentanil was examined in opioid-experienced volunteers with agonist and antagonist sensitivity measures. Two studies used within-subject, placebo-controlled, crossover designs. In study 1, fentanyl (0.125, 0.25 mg/70 kg i.v.) was followed at 0, 20, 60 and 180 min by naloxone (10 mg/70 kg i.m.). Agonist effects during 180-min and 0-min (control; simultaneous fentanyl-naloxone i.v. infusion) challenge sessions were compared. Fentanyl rapidly constricted pupils, depressed respiration and produced subjective "high" and opiate symptoms lasting 60 to 120 min, depending on the measure. Naloxone precipitated withdrawal symptoms of comparable intensity at each challenge point. In study 2, fentanyl (0.125, 0.25 mg/70 kg i.v.), alfentanil (1, 2 mg/70 kg i.v.) and saline were followed at 1 and 6 hr by naloxone (10 mg/70 kg i.m.). Agonist effects were examined during 6-hr challenge sessions. The two drugs produced a comparable range of effects with similar peak magnitude for 0.125 mg/70 kg fentanyl and 1 mg/70 kg alfentanil and for 0.25 mg/70 kg fentanyl and 2 mg/70 kg alfentanil. Alfentanil's duration of action was brief ( < 60 min). Withdrawal was precipitated at 6 hr only after 0.25 mg/70 kg fentanyl. These findings support typical mu opioid characteristics (pleasurable subjective effects, physical dependence) for both drugs, differential duration of action (fentanyl > alfentanil) and peak effects consistent with a 1:8 (fentanyl/alfentanil) potency ratio.  相似文献   

"Real-life" interpersonal and emotional problem solving was measured in 40 narcotics abusers in ambulatory treatment, 20 in "good" standing and 20 in "poor" standing. A modified means–ends problem-solving procedure was used that required narrative responses containing relevant means (RMs) for solving 7 problems. Good Ss had more total RMs, used more introspective and emotional RMs, were better at RM recognition, but did not have more sufficient narratives than the poor Ss. Results are consistent with those of previous studies of problem-solving thinking. (3 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between sex guilt and drug preferences. Seventy polydrug users completed a drug preference inventory and the Mosher Forced-Choice Sex Guilt Subscale. Results indicated that individuals who prefer sedatives are higher in sex guilt than either individuals who prefer stimulants or individuals with no definite preference.  相似文献   

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