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Evaluation of a milk test for detection of subclinical ketosis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This commentary extends the discussion of the applications of virtual reality to persons with disabilities by focusing on: (a) the use of virtual reality for stimulating residential features for persons being deinstitutionalized into four-person community residences; and (b) the involvement of consumers in key decisions regarding their residence and personal assistive technologies.  相似文献   

Multiple-trait BLUP evaluations of test day records require a large number of genetic parameters. This study estimated covariances with a reduced model that included covariance functions in two dimensions (stage of lactation and herd production level) and all three yield traits. Records came from all six states in Australia, were evenly distributed across the herd production levels, but decreased with increasing lactation stage from 9693 records for the 1st mo of lactation to 4199 records for the 10th mo. Using the variance component estimation package and a bivariate animal model, 1176 genetic (co)variances and 312 environmental (co)variances were estimated for 48 traits (1, 4, 7, and 10 mo of lactation; herd production levels of < 20, 20 to 22, 22 to 24, > 24 kg of milk/d; and milk, fat, and protein yields). The genetic (co)variances could be predicted by a multiplicative model that included 1) a term dependent on which yields (milk, fat, or protein) were involved in the covariance, 2) the covariance functions for month of lactation and herd production level, and 3) a covariance function for the interaction between these. This model required only 27 parameters instead of the 1176 (co)variances. For the environmental (co)variances, a model was fitted that contained several additional covariance functions. This model reduced the number of parameters from 312 to 71. For the same trait at the same production level, genetic correlations between test days ranged from 0.59 to 1, and environmental correlations ranged from 0.17 to 0.48. Genetic correlations between milk and fat, milk and protein, and fat and protein were 0.38, 0.83, 0.59, respectively, and correlations between the herd production levels ranged from 0.79 to 0.97. Failure to consider herd production level in a test day model evaluation might result, for instance, in overweighting of early lactation information from high production herds compared with information coming from bulls tested across all production levels.  相似文献   

A total of 3119 test day records for milk yield, somatic cell count (SCC), and contents of fat, protein, casein, serum protein, lactose, and total solids were obtained weekly from 155 lactations of Churra ewes during both the suckling and milking periods. All of the variables were significantly affected by stage of lactation, number of live lambs weaned, age at parity, and parity number within age. The lactation curves for SCC and for percentages of protein, casein, fat, and total solids were related inversely to the lactation curves for milk yield and lactose percentage. The SCC curve reached its lowest point at wk 5, which coincided with the maximum milk yield. At wk 3, lactose content reached its peak, and contents of fat, protein, casein, and total solids reached their lowest points. After weaning, monthly within-lactation correlations of the variables were simulated; values were 0.584 for yield, 0.468 for SCC, 0.371 for casein percentage, 0.360 for total solids percentage, 0.350 for protein percentage, 0.342 for fat percentage, 0.270 for lactose percentage, and 0.030 for serum protein percentage. Simplified procedures based on only one milking (a.m. or p.m.) could be effective in the testing programs for milk yield and SCC, thus, reducing the economic costs of milk recordings in mammary health and breeding programs.  相似文献   

Random regression models have been proposed for the genetic evaluation of dairy cattle using test day records. Random regression models contain linear functions of fixed and random coefficients and a set of covariates to describe the shapes of lactation curves for groups of cows and for individual cows. Previous work has used a linear function of five covariates to describe lactation shape. This study compared the function of five covariates with a function of only three covariates in three random regression models. Comparisons of estimates of components of variances and covariances, as well as comparisons of EBV and their prediction errors for milk yield, were made among models. Small practical differences existed between models in all respects. The model using regressions with five covariates had a slight advantage for comparison of prediction error variances of daily yields.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the association between intramammary infections caused by various bacteria and hepatic damage, as measured by serum sorbitol dehydrogenase (SDH) activity, WBC counts, and PCV and the association of clinical variables with milk production after a case of clinical mastitis. DESIGN: Prospective, cohort study. ANIMALS: 82 cows with clinical mastitis. PROCEDURE: Information on milk production, mastitis status, and selected physiologic variables was collected during a 1-year period. Milk samples for bacteriologic evaluation were collected on day 1 of an episode of clinical mastitis. Physical examination was performed and blood samples for laboratory evaluation were collected on days 1, 5, and 9. Primary outcome was mature equivalent 305-day (ME305) milk production. Correlations were assessed using a multiple regression model. RESULTS: Higher WBC counts were associated with higher ME305 values. For cows with coliform mastitis, increases in SDH values were associated with higher ME305 values. For cows with coliform and streptococci/staphylococci mastitis, PCV was associated with ME305 values. Higher PCV values were associated with lower ME305 values for streptococci/ staphylococci and coliform infections. CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS: The association between milk production and WBC count indicated that cows mobilizing WBC were better able to neutralize mammary gland infections, which may result in better milk production. The association between milk production and PCV suggested that maintaining hydration in cows with clinical mastitis may be a critical aspect of treating all cows with mastitis.  相似文献   

In the analysis of test day records for dairy cattle, covariance functions allow a continuous change of variances and covariances of test day yields on different lactation days. The equivalence between covariance functions as an infinite dimensional extension of multivariate models and random regression models is shown in this paper. A canonical transformation procedure is proposed for random regression models in large-scale genetic evaluations. Two methods were used to estimate covariance function coefficients for first parity test day yields of Holsteins: 1) a two-step procedure fitting covariance functions to matrices with estimated genetic and residual covariances between predetermined periods of lactation and 2) REML directly from data with a random regression model. The first method gave more reliable estimates, particularly for the periphery of the trajectory. The goodness of fit of a random regression model based on covariables describing the shape of the lactation curve was nearly the same as random regression on Legendre polynomials. In the latter model, two and three regression coefficients were sufficient to fit the covariance structure for additive genetic and permanent environment, respectively. The eigenfunction pattern revealed the possibility of selection for persistency. Covariance functions can be usefully implemented in large-scale test day models by means of random regressions.  相似文献   

Aspects of the metabolism and health of 63 cows which had been treated with different amounts of bovine somatotrophin (BST) daily in the preceding lactation and 25 control cows were studied. The aims of the study were first, to identify cows with ketotic conditions, either by measurements of blood metabolite concentrations or by clinical observations, secondly, to evaluate the risk of such conditions in cows treated with BST in the preceding lactation, and thirdly, to examine the metabolic and production consequences of the ketotic conditions in an environment in which the cows' health, body condition and nutrition were closely observed. The cows were categorised objectively by the use of cluster analysis into non-ketotic cows and ketonaemic cows, on the basis of their plasma metabolite concentrations. Twelve of the control cows and none of the cows previously treated with BST were classified as ketonaemic. Similarly, nine of the control cows but only two of the cows previously treated with BST had clinical ketosis. Some, but not all, of the decrease in the risk of clinical ketosis was attributable to the lower body condition score of the cows previously treated with BST. The clinically ketotic cows had a greater risk of other illness in the first 10 days post partum than their herdmates, but the ketonaemic cows had a significantly lower risk of other disease in the first 10 days post partum. The ketonaemic control cows were significantly heavier than the non-ketotic control cows, but they maintained a higher dry matter intake than the latter cows, probably a key factor in reducing the risk of clinical ketosis.  相似文献   

Lead and cadmium contents were determined in nationally representative samples of low-fat milk, cheese and eggs consumed in Finland. Nationally representative samples of milk and cheese were collected from dairies. Egg samples were collected from the major distributors. Samples of imported cheese and egg products collected in surveillance studies were analysed, together with domestic samples. Lead and cadmium were determined by GFAAS after wet digestion in conc. HNO3. In lead determinations of milk and cheese platinum was employed as the matrix modifier and NH4H2PO4 was employed for the lead determinations of eggs and in all cadmium determinations. Mean lead content was 1.7 micrograms/kg in milk, 17 micrograms/kg in Finnish cheese, 17-60 micrograms/kg in imported cheese, 1 microgram/kg in eggs and 6-72 micrograms/kg in imported dry egg products. Although Finnish consumption in milk, cheese and eggs is high the dietary intake of lead and cadmium from these sources is very low compared with the tolerance limits.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether vaccination of lactating cattle with an Escherichia coli J5 bacterin-toxoid would produce a significant short-term change in milk production. DESIGN: Randomized, controlled clinical trial. ANIMALS: 84 healthy, lactating cows (42 Holsteins and 42 Jerseys). PROCEDURE: Control and vaccinated cows were paired on the basis of breed, days in milk, daily milk production 1 week prior to vaccination, and parity. One cow in each pair was inoculated IM with a commercially available bacterin-toxoid according to label directions; the other cow was given saline solution. Cows were milked twice daily for 5 days before and 5 days after inoculation. Milk production was compared by ANCOVA. RESULTS: Vaccinated cows produced significantly less milk than did control cows at the second and third milkings after inoculation. At these milkings, milk production in vaccinated cows was approximately 7% less than that of controls. CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS: Vaccination of lactating cattle with an E coli J5 bacterin-toxoid may cause a significant short-term decrease in milk production.  相似文献   

The interferon (IFN)-induced protein kinase (PKR) functions as a gatekeeper of mRNA translation initiation and is, therefore, a key mediator of the host IFN-induced antiviral defense system. Many viruses have invested countermeasures against PKR. Some apparently use more than one mechanism. The influenza virus can repress PKR activity through the use of at least two factors, the cellular P58IPK protein and the viral NS1 protein. The exact mode of action of the latter has not been established. Here, using a coprecipitation assay, we found that PKR could form a complex with NS1 in crude cell extracts prepared from influenza virus-infected HeLa cells. The NS1-PKR interaction was verified by using the yeast two-hybrid system and an in vitro binding assay. Deletion analysis mapped the NS1 binding site to the N-terminal 98 residues of PKR regulatory region. Furthermore, an NS1 mutant, which lacks PKR inhibitory activity, did not bind PKR. Finally, the functional role of NS1 in PKR inhibition was substantiated using an in vivo assay for PKR activity. These results support the role of NS1 in PKR modulation during viral infection that is mediated through a complex formation between the two proteins.  相似文献   

Scores for clinical lameness from two separate studies were combined, and genetic parameters were estimated based on linear and threshold models. Cows were from 24 herds in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Virginia. To evaluate clinical lameness, cows were observed walking and were assigned a score between 0 and 4 (where 0 = no observable problems to 4 = inability to walk). Data included 1624 records on 1342 cows. The models included fixed effects of herd visit, parity, and stage of lactation. Random effects were additive genetics, permanent environment to account for repeated records, and residual. Estimates of heritability were 0.10 and 0.22 from the linear and threshold models, respectively. The correlation between ETA from linear and threshold models based on all animals was 0.974. Deregressed ETA of sires and REML were used to estimate genetic correlations between clinical lameness and conformation traits. Among the type traits, foot angle, rear legs (rear view), and rump width had strongest associations with clinical lameness; absolute values for genetic correlations between these traits and clinical lameness were approximately 0.65. Low foot angle, hocking in, and wide rumps were associated with increased clinical lameness. Correlations with strength and body depth ranged from 0.20 to 0.43, indicating that heavier cows were more prone to clinical lameness.  相似文献   

Thirty-three osteosarcomas (OS) were analyzed cytogenetically. Clonal chromosome changes were detected in 17 cases. Six tumors had chromosome numbers in the diploid range, 6 in the triploid range, 1 in the tetraploid range and 1 in the pentaploid range, while 3 tumors had multiple clones with different ploidy levels. Including the present 17 tumors, a total of 27 OS with clonal aberrations have been reported. The recognizable structural rearrangements in these 27 tumors clustered to chromosome arms 1p, 1q, 3p, 3q, 7q, 11p, 17p and 22q. Chromosome bands 1q11, 1q21, 1q42 and 7q11 were the most frequently rearranged, and the most common numerical rearrangements were -3, -10, -13 and -15. Supernumerary ring chromosomes, in 2 tumors as the sole change, were found in all 3 parosteal OS, which is in agreement with the findings in 1 previously reported parosteal OS. The association between ring formation and parosteal morphology represents the first cytogenetic-morphologic entity among OS.  相似文献   

To determine whether high-ketogenic very-low-energy diets (VLEDs) can reduce hepatic glucose output (HGO) and hyperglycemia more effectively than can low-ketogenic VLEDs in obese patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM), seven patients were treated with a high-ketogenic VLED for 3 wk and were compared with six patients treated with a low-ketogenic VLED. All patients were then crossed over and treated with the alternate diet for another 3 wk. Basal HGO, fasting ketone bodies, and glycemia, insulin, and C-peptide after fasting and an oral-glucose-tolerance test (OGTT) were measured. Before treatment, prediet weight and fasting, OGTT, and HGO measurements were not different between groups. After dieting, weight loss was not different between the groups. However, fasting and OGTT glycemia were lower during treatment with the high-ketogenic VLED than with the low-ketogenic VLED (treatment effect: P < 0.05, by analysis of variance). Moreover, there was a strong correlation between basal HGO and fasting plasma ketone bodies (r = -0.71 at 3 wk, r = -0.67 at 6 wk; both P < 0.05). In contrast, fasting and OGTT plasma insulin and C-peptide concentrations were not different between treatment groups. These data indicate that in obese patients with NIDDM, high-ketogenic VLEDs have a more clinically favorable effect on glycemia than do low-ketogenic VLEDs.  相似文献   

The author presents an account on different causes of ophthalmological torticollis and rotational nystagmus in paresis of the trochlear nerve and abducent nerve, in Duan's syndrome I or acute Brown's syndrome or in bilateral ptosis combined with paresis of the levators. He recommends different surgical techniques and prefers combined operations performed with a single anaesthesia in pareses of the levators, the abducent nerve and trochlear nerve. For release of the horizontal direct muscles within the framework of paretic affections of the eye he recommends adjustable elongations as described by Gonin-Hollwich. In ptosis he uses frontotarsal suspension as described by Fox, using lyophilized fasciae. The paper contains also a family history of congenital fibrous syndrome.  相似文献   

The effects of soy milk and fermented soy milk on lipid metabolism were studied in aged ovariectomized rats. Twenty 8-mo-old Wistar rats were randomly assigned to four treatment groups: sham-operated + control diet (sham-C); ovariectomized (OVX) + control diet (OVX-C); OVX + soy milk diet (OVX-SM); and OVX + fermented soy milk diet (OVX-FSM). The rats were fed on these diets for 6 weeks. Ovariectomy induced an increase in the plasma cholesterol level by 40%. The plasma total cholesterol level of the OVX-FSM rats was decreased by 20% compared to that of the OVX-C rats. The plasma total cholesterol level of the OVX-SM group was not significantly different from that of the OVX-C and sham-C rats. The plasma triglyceride level of the OVX-FSM rats was lower than that of the sham-C rats. The liver cholesterol content in OVX-SM and OVX-FSM rats was lower than that of the OVX-C rats. The liver triglyceride contents of the sham-C, OVX-SM, and OVX-FSM groups were lower than that of the OVX-C group. Fecal steroid excretion did not differ among the groups. Ovariectomy decreased the uterus weight. The OVX-SM and OVX-FSM groups had the same uterus weights as those of the OVX-C group. Thus, the diet including fermented soy milk prevented the cholesterol elevation induced in rats by ovarian hormone deficiency.  相似文献   

The effect of hydration and benzene adsorption on 23Na resonance and the quadrupolar interaction in NaY zeolites is studied by triple-quantum MAS 23Na NMR spectroscopy. In the case of a C6D6/NaY system, the results show that with an increase in benzene loading, there is an up-field trend in isotropic chemical shift (delta CS) and a decreasing second order quadrupolar effect (chi s) for the site II sodium ions. It was found that adsorbed benzene molecules have a slight effect on the environment of sodium ions on site I. All the sodium sites in NaY are influenced upon hydration. The up-field shift of the sodium delta CS reflects the effect of coordination of oxygen atoms on sodium cations due to hydration. The magnitude of chi s for hydrated sodium sites increases and then falls off with water loading. The increase in chi s is due to the initial hydration among SI-, SI'- and SII-sodium ions, while the decrease is the result of approaching the final stage of saturated hydration.  相似文献   

Ketones can reactivate the production of fetal hemoglobin (HbF) in vitro and in vivo. A reactivation of HbF by ketones, which are generated during starvation, remains largely speculative. Therefore, we investigated HbF in 31 women with anorexia nervosa or bulimia, using both of these as models of intermittent starvation ketosis. For comparison, we also studied 42 female control subjects matched for age. beta-Hydroxybutyrate levels were higher in patients than in controls (460 +/- 90 v 110 +/- 20 mumol/L; P < .0001). We correlated beta-hydroxybutyrate, metabolic, and hematologic parameters with HbF. HbF was measured with high pressure liquid chromatography. The data were analyzed with logistic regression analysis. An elevated HbF fraction (> 0.87%) was observed four times as often in patients than in controls (29% v 7%, P = .01). After adjustment for age, we found HbF elevations associated with beta-hydroxybutyrate levels (P = .005). No other correlations between the various metabolic/ hematologic parameters and HbF were significant. In conclusion, beta-hydroxybutyrate generated in starvation is associated with increased levels of HbF. Thus, unrestrained lipolysis can produce beta-hydroxybutyrate in sufficient quantities to induce a clinically measurable amount of HbF. These findings suggest that intermittent ketosis might also explain some increases of HbF in type 1 diabetes and pregnancy.  相似文献   

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