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李锋 《红外与毫米波学报》1994,13(5):340-346
研究了用分子束外延方法生长在GaAs(100)衬底上的In_xGa_(1-x)As/GaAs(x=0.1)应变多量子阱样品,观察了其光荧光谱和光调制反射谱的光谱结构,讨论了有关基态光跃迁和激发态光跃迁性质.根据实验结果给出了能带偏移比值为Q_c=0.69(Q_v=1-Q_c=0.31),并提出有关轻空穴束缚于GaAs层而形成Ⅱ类超晶格的重要佐证. 相似文献
报道了用光致发光光谱,吸收光谱和光电流谱研究具有相同组伊阱宽,不同覆盖层厚度的应变In0.20Ga0.80As/GaAs单量子阱结构的实验结果,结果理论计算,观察到GaAs覆盖层厚度对单量子阱结构的材料质量,应力驰豫和发光淬灭机制的影响,确定了各样品应变值和导带不连续因子Qc,并讨论了这种结构发光机制。 相似文献
采用低温荧光激发光谱研究了GaAs/AlGaAs多量子阱结构中热电子的驰豫过程,在PLE谱中首次观察到GaAs/AlGaAs多量子阱中LO声子的发射,用四能带Kane模型计算了由轻、重空穴杂化效应引起的价带结构的畸变及其对声子发射谱的影响,实验和理论计算结果均表明、光激发热电子可以通过发射LO声子直接弛豫到激子态上,实现热电子的冷却。 相似文献
利用导纳谱研究了GaAs/GaAlAs单量子阱光调制器的电学行为,观察到了量子阱中电子或空穴子能带的“场致去局域化”的物理现象。 相似文献
在静压和液氮温度下观察到(CdSe)m/(ZnSe)n短周期超晶格中重空穴激子的复合发光和多达4阶的类ZnSeLO多声子喇曼散射,并观察到厚ZnSe势垒层的带边发光和限制在厚势垒层中的类ZnSeLO声子散射.结果表明,加压后(CdSe)m/(ZnSe)n短周期超晶格中的类ZnSe的1LO和2LO声子模频率分别以3.76和7.11cm-1/GPa的速率向高频方向移动,超晶格阱层光致发光峰的压力系数为59.8meV/GPa.与(CdSe)m/(ZnSe)n短周期超晶格共振时的类ZnSe1LO声子模频率比与ZnSe势垒层共振时的类ZnSe1LO声子模频率低2.0cm-1,反映了(CdSe)m/(ZnSe)n短周期超晶格中LO声子的限制效应 相似文献
利用变分法理论研究了ZnCdSeZnSe量子阱(QWs)中基态重空穴激子光跃迁能量随静压的变化关系。计入了有限高势垒效应。考虑了晶格常数、有效质量、介电常数及体弹性模量等参量的压力效应特别是体弹性模量的压力导数对跃迁能量随压力变化的函数关系的影响。结果表明,体弹性模量的压力导数对跃迁能量随压力变化的函数关系影响很大。根据计算结果.估算出ZnCdSe/ZnSe QWs中Zn0.82Cd0.1:Se的体积弹性模量之压力导数近似为1.0。 相似文献
S. J. Lycett A. J. Dewdney M. Ghisoni C. E. Norman R. Murray D. Sansom J. S. Roberts 《Journal of Electronic Materials》1995,24(3):197-202
We present the results of an investigation of impurity free vacancy diffusion (IFVD) post-growth treatments of p-i-n modulator structures. The investigation is in two parts. We first establish that gallium vacancies (VGa) are produced during IFVD (by measuring the intensity of the low temperature 1.2 eV signal from Si-VGa complexes) in a thick Si-doped GaAs sample. The second part of this work investigates the degree of intermixing of three 80Å GaAs quantum wells embedded in the intrinsic region of a p-i-n modulator at depths between 1–2 μm from the surface. Photoluminescence studies on etched samples and cathodoluminescence showed that no significant depth dependence occurs as a result of IFVD. 相似文献
P. O. Holtz B. Monemar M. Sundaram J. L. Merz A. C. Gossard 《Journal of Electronic Materials》1994,23(6):513-518
The exciton bound to the shallow Si-donor confined in a 100A wide GaAs quantum well has been studied in selective photoluminescence
(SPL) and photoluminescence excitation (PLE) spectroscopy. The transition from the ground state, ls(Γ6), to the first excited state, 2s(Γ6), of the confined Si donor has been observed via two-electron transitions (TETs) of the donor bound exciton observed in SPL
for the first time to the best of our knowledge. The interpretation of the TET peaks is confirmed by PLE measurements. Further,
from Zeeman measurements, the magnetic field dependence of the donor ls(Γ6)-2s(Γ6) transition energy has been determined. 相似文献
评述了半导体量子阱内子带间光跃迁的主要特性以及量子阱红外探测器的物理问题和器件结构特点,介绍了国外在此领域研究的最新进展,讨论了有关子带间跃迁和量子阱红外探测器研究的若干发展趋势. 相似文献
用光荧光(PL)和时间分辨光谱(TRPL)技术研究了GaAS/AIGaAS量子阱结构中荧光上升时间τf和激子谱线半宽(FWHM)随阱宽的变化关系,发现在窄阱中,τf,随阱宽的变化关系与宽阱时的情况恰恰相反,在窄阱中τf随着阱宽的减小而增加,归结为激子二维特性的退化导致声学声子对激子的散射作用减弱造成的.同时观测到窄阱中谱线半宽随着阱宽减小而增加,这也是因为激子特性由维二维向三维转化造成的. 相似文献
Daniel C. Bertolet Jung-Kuei Hsu Farid Agahi Kei May Lau 《Journal of Electronic Materials》1990,19(9):967-974
In this paper we describe a study of strained quantum wells (QWs) as a means to experimentally observe the critical thickness
c) for the formation of interfacial misfit dislocations. Two material systems were investigated: GaAs/In0.11Ga0.89As, in which the QW layers are under biaxialcompression, and Al0.35Ga0.65As/GaAs0.82P0.18, in which the QW layers are under biaxialtension. Samples were grown by atmospheric pressure organometallic chemical vapor deposition, and characterized by low-temperature
photoluminescence (PL), x-ray diffraction, optical microscopy, and Hall measurements. For both material systems, the observed
onset of dislocation formation agrees well with the force-balance model assuming a double-kink mechanism. However, overall
results indicate that the relaxation is inhomogeneous. Annealing at 800–850° C had no significant effect on the PL spectra,
signifying that even layers that have exceededh
c and have undergone partial relaxation are thermodynamically stable against further dislocation propagation. 相似文献
E. M. Goldys H. Y. Zuo M. R. Phillips CM. Contessa M. R. Vaughan T. L. Tansley 《Journal of Electronic Materials》1997,26(8):922-927
We present results of photoluminescence and cathodoluminescence measurements of strained undoped In0.15Ga0.85As/GaAs and In0.15Ga0.85As/Al0.15Ga0.85As quantum well structures, designed to throw light on the current controversy over light-hole band alignment at low In content.
We compare these data with theoretical calculations of the confined state energies within the eight band effective mass approximation.
Our analysis shows that for In0.15Ga0.85As/GaAs, the observed two transitions are consistent with either type I or type II alignment of the light hole band for band
offset ratios within the accepted range. In the case of In0.15Ga0.85As/Al0.15Ga0.85As, however, our results clearly indicate type II alignment for the light hole band. We derive the band offset ratio Q, defined
here as Q = δEc/δEg where δEc is the conduction band offset and δEg is the bandgap difference between the quantum well and the barrier in the presence of strain, for the In0.15Ga0.85As/Al0.15Ga0.85As system to be Q = 0.83 and discuss it in the context of the common anion rule. 相似文献