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WDM疏导网络中一种新的多播业务路由算法   总被引:2,自引:6,他引:2  
研究了波分复用(WDM)网状网中动态多播业务量疏导,提出一种新的辅助疏导模型,其可以描述当前网络资源状况和节点分光特点,并动态更新.进而提出一种有效的多播业务量疏导启发式算法(MGA),将业务的多播选路和波长分配同时完成.仿真表明,该算法在波长连续性限制、网络波长和节点收发器数目有限的情况下,具有较低网络阻塞率.  相似文献   

This paper studies the performance of various strategies for scheduling a combined load of unicast and multicast traffic in a broadcast WDM network. The performance measure of interest is schedule length, which directly affects both aggregate network throughput and average packet delay. Three different scheduling strategies are presented, namely: separate scheduling of unicast and multicast traffic, treating multicast traffic as a number of unicast messages, and treating unicast traffic as multicasts of size one. A lower bound on the schedule length for each strategy is first obtained. Subsequently, the strategies are compared against each other using extensive simulation experiments in order to establish the regions of operation, in terms of a number of relevant system parameters, for which each strategy performs best. Our main conclusions are as follows. Multicast traffic can be treated as unicast traffic, by replicating all multicast packets, under very limited circumstances. On the other hand, treating unicast traffic as a special case of multicast traffic with a group of size 1, produces short schedules in most cases. Alternatively, scheduling and transmitting each traffic component separately is also a good choice.  相似文献   

于青  葛宁  董在望 《电子学报》2007,35(1):73-77
针对WDM光网络中单链路失效的情况,提出了一种基于链路的保护动态组播业务的优化共享保护算法(Link-based optimized shared-protection algorithm for multicast sessions,LB-OSPM).该算法在对工作树任意光纤链路失效情况寻找保护路径时,允许组播内不同保护路径共享预留波长资源,同时通过引入预留波长使用情况矩阵和波长预留矩阵记录预留波长资源的使用情况,实现了不发生冲突的不同组播的保护链路间共享预留波长资源.研究采用欧洲光网络(European Optical Network,EON)的拓扑对不同波长资源配置和网络负载情况下LB-OSPM算法的网络连接阻塞率做了仿真.结果表明,通过引入共享机制,LB-OSPM算法在对单链路失效保证100%恢复率的同时可以获得更低的连接阻塞率,提高了波长资源利用效率.  相似文献   

波分复用技术的开发应用及网络业务信息的多样化促进了多播技术的应用和发展.由于网络中波长带宽与节点间业务信息需求之间的巨大反差,使流量疏导成为必要,以节约网络资源和成本.但多播的出现使流量疏导算法变得更复杂多样.本文提出了对多播格状网络中的静态流量进行有效疏导的一种启发性算法,并取得较为优化的结果.  相似文献   

程晓军  葛宁  冯重熙 《电子学报》2006,34(4):595-598
该文研究了WDM网络中动态组播业务的保护.为提高网络资源的利用率,降低连接请求阻塞率,和单播业务的共享保护方案类似,组播连接之间也可以共享保护波长.本文提出了一种动态组播业务共享保护算法,并对算法的性能进行了仿真,同时和组播业务专有保护算法进行了比较.仿真结果表明,共享保护算法比专有保护算法使用了更少的波长资源,具有更低的连接阻塞率.  相似文献   

网状WDM网中多播业务的共享保护设计   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
研究网状波分复用(WDM)光网络中动态多播业务的保护方案,提出一种共享保护和重配置(SPR)算法.该算法根据网络状态动态调整链路代价,为每个多播业务请求建立最小代价工作树,并为光树上互不重叠的工作段提供链路分离的保护段.当网络中发生链路失效时,进行业务段保护切换和局部资源重配置.仿真表明,该算法可以合理共享波长资源、平衡网络负载,有效保护WDM网中任意单链路失效,并在多链路失效情况下大大提高业务恢复能力.  相似文献   

Traffic grooming in optical networks has gained significant importance in recent years due to the prevailing sub-wavelength traffic requirement of end-users. In this paper, a methodology for dynamic routing of fractional-wavelength traffic in WDM grooming networks is developed. To evaluate the performance of routing algorithms, a new performance metric that reflects the network utilization is also proposed. The performances of shortest-widest path, widest-shortest path, and available shortest path routing algorithms are evaluated on a class of WDM grooming networks by considering traffic of different capacity requirements. The effect of dispersity routing, where higher capacity requests are broken into multiple unit capacity requests, is also investigated. The most interesting counter-intuitive result that is observed is that increasing the grooming capability in a network could result in degrading the performance of the widest-shortest path algorithm.  相似文献   

Wavelength division multiplexed (WDM) networks are matured to provide, scalable data centric infrastructure, capable of delivering flexible, value added, high speed and high bandwidth services directly from the optical domain. Optical virtual private networks (OVPNs) make use of the concept of highly reconfigurable nature of lightpaths offered by WDM, to create secure tunnels of high bandwidth across the intelligent WDM optical transport network. An OVPN is a private connection between two or more edge devices (access nodes), that allows a group of clients to fully exploit the flexibility of the switched intelligent optical network. However, OVPNs will not be a viable alternative unless they can guarantee a predictable bandwidth, availability, response time, and fault-tolerance to users. In this paper, we study the problem of dynamically establishing lightpaths for OVPNs over intelligent optical transport networks to provide varying classes of service based on the type of primary and backup lightpaths and the number of backup lightpaths, when each OVPN is specified by the desired logical connectivity and Class of Service. The type of primary and backup lightpaths determines the QoS parameters such as response time and bandwidth. Whereas, the number of backup lightpaths determines the level of fault-tolerance and availability of OVPN. Based on the service classes, any OVPN in the network falls into one of the six classes viz. single dedicated primary and single dedicated backup (SDPSDB), single dedicated primary and multiple dedicated backups (SDPMDB), single dedicated primary and single shared backup (SDPSSB), single shared primary and single shared backup (SSPSSB), single shared primary and multiple shared backups (SSPMSB), and best-effort (BE). In BE, we consider two variations—(1) OVPN as dedicated logical ring topology (DLRT) and (2) OVPN as shared logical ring topology (SLRT). We conduct extensive simulation experiments to compare and evaluate the effectiveness of different classes of OVPNs for varying network configurations–varying number of fibers, wavelengths on physical links, and number of nodes in OVPN.  相似文献   

A wavelength-routed optical network can suffer inefficiencies due to the wavelength-continuity constraint (under which a signal has to remain on the same wavelength from the source to the destination). In order to eliminate or reduce the effects of this constraint, a device called a wavelength converter may be utilized. Due to the high cost of these wavelength converters, many studies have attempted to determine the exact benefits of wavelength conversion. However, most of these studies have focused on optical networks that implement full wavelength conversion capabilities. An alternative to full wavelength conversion is to employ only a sparse number of wavelength converters throughout the network, thereby reducing network costs. This study will focus on different versions of sparse wavelength conversion--namely, sparse nodal conversion, sparse switch-output conversion, and sparse (or limited) range conversion--to determine if most of the benefits of full conversion can be obtained using only sparse conversion. Simulation and analytical results on these three different classes of sparse wavelength conversion will be presented. In addition, this study will present heuristic techniques for the placement of sparse conversion facilities within an optical network.  相似文献   

WDM智能光网络与IP业务   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
详细分析了 WDM光网络的结构以及联网技术的演进过程,对如何压扁网络层次,实现IP直接over WDM,发挥 WDM光传送网的巨大带宽优势进行了研究,提出 MPLS是当前解决 IP层与光层的融合以及跨层管理问题的关键技术。  相似文献   

Optical dense wavelength division multiplexed (DWDM) networks are an attractive candidate for the next generation Internet and beyond. In this paper, we consider routing and wavelength assignment in a wide area wavelength routed backbone network that employs circuit-switching. When a session request is received by the network, the routing and wavelength assignment (RWA) task is to establish a lightpath between the source and destination. That is, determine a suitable path and assign a set of wavelengths for the links on this path. We consider a link state protocol approach and use Dijkstras shortest path algorithm, suitably modified for DWDM networks, for computing the shortest paths. In [1] we proposed WDM aware weight functions that included factors such as available wavelengths per link, total wavelengths per link. In this paper, we present new weight functions that exploit the strong correlation between blocking probability and number of hops involved in connection setup to increase the performance of the network. We also consider alternate path routing that computes the alternate paths based on WDM aware weight functions. The impact of the weight functions on the blocking probability and delay is studied through discrete event simulation. The system parameters varied include number of network nodes, wavelengths, degree of wavelength conversion, and load. The results show that the weight function that incorporates both hop count and available wavelength provides the best performance in terms of blocking probability.  相似文献   

基于数字交叉开关的波分复用光互连网络设计   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
设计了一种双层波分复用(WDM)光互连网络。上层为采用WDM和硬件路由技术的光纤环网,下层为采用8通道10Gbit/s数字交叉开关设计的星型网络。根据互连带宽要求,分别设计了两种支持1.056Git/s和4.224Gbit/s PCI总线全带宽的光网络接口卡(ONIC)。利用现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)在光互连网络中实现了数据包的硬件路由以及数字交叉开关的动态配置。随着网络规模扩展,每增加1个子网,子网间最大通信延迟增量仅为1.5μs。  相似文献   

In this letter, we study the multicast protection problem in sparse‐splitting wavelength‐division multiplexing (WDM) optical network, and propose a novel multicast protection algorithm called the shared source‐leaf path‐based protection (SLPP) algorithm. Unlike the proposals in previous studies, the backup paths derived by SLPP can share wavelength with the primary tree in sparse‐splitting WDM networks. Simulations are used to evaluate the effectiveness of the SLPP algorithm.  相似文献   

In this letter, a new sharing mechanism, SRLG sharing, is proposed, which allows the links of the same shared risk link group (SRLG) in a primary light tree to share protections in WDM optical networks. In previous studies, how to share spare resources with SRLG constraints has not been studied in multicast optical networks. In this letter, considering SRLG sharing, we propose a novel algorithm –multicast with SRLG sharing (MSS)– to establish a protection light tree. Finally, the algorithm MSS and the algorithm multicast with no SRLG sharing (MNSS) are compared through a simulation to show that our new sharing scheme of SRLG sharing is more efficient than that of no SRLG sharing in terms of spare resource utilization and blocking probability.  相似文献   

An adaptive hybrid reservation protocol (AHRP) is proposed for the purpose of quickly and efficiently establishing a lightpath in dynamic wavelength routed networks. This protocol uses a special reservation-and-probe (RESV_PROB) packet and extends the signaling to integrate forward reservation and backward reservation into one monolithic process. To decrease the blocking probability that happens in cases where two end nodes associated with a specific link simultaneously reserve the same wavelength, an adaptive wavelength selection policy is specially employed in AHRP. A discrete-event simulation tool based on ns-2 is developed to investigate AHRP's performance, including its blocking probability, average lightpath setup delay, and signaling overhead. AHRP is also compared with existing protocols. Results show that during highly dynamic traffic conditions, AHRP possesses the lowest blocking probability, shorter setup delay, and less signaling overhead.  相似文献   

带宽密集型的多媒体应用对现有网络提出了新的要求,组播技术有助于解决其在网络带宽和服务质量方面的问题,而在光层实现组播具有更简单、高效的特点.然而,光层组播由于光缓存、光分束和光波长变换等光器件的限制,呈现出和IP层组播不同的特点.对IP层和光层组播进行了讨论,分析了光层组播模型,并对稀疏光分束和稀疏波长变换的光网络组播路由提出了重路由到源和重路由到相关节点两种重路由方式.  相似文献   

In this work, we study dynamic provisioning of multicast sessions in a wavelength-routed sparse splitting capable WDM network with an arbitrary mesh topology where the network consists of nodes with full, partial, or no wavelength conversion capabilities and a node can be a tap-and-continue (TaC) node or a splitting and delivery (SaD) node. The objectives are to minimize the network resources in terms of wavelength-links used by each session and to reduce the multicast session blocking probability. The problem is to route the multicast session from each source to the members of every multicast session, and to assign an appropriate wavelength to each link used by the session. We propose an efficient online algorithm for dynamic multicast session provisioning. To evaluate the proposed algorithm, we apply the integer linear programming (ILP) optimization tool on a per multicast session basis to solve off-line the optimal routing and wavelength assignment given a multicast session and the current network topology as well as its residual network resource information. We formulate the per session multicast routing and wavelength assignment problem as an ILP. With this ILP formulation, the multicast session blocking probability or success probability can then be estimated based on solving a series of ILPs off-line. We have evaluated the effectiveness of the proposed online algorithm via simulation in terms of session blocking probability and network resources used by a session. Simulation results indicate that our proposed computationally efficient online algorithm performs well even when a fraction of the nodes are SaD nodes.  相似文献   

WDM optical networking technology is expected to facilitate bandwidth-intensive multicast application by establishing a light-tree which regards the source node as the root and all the destination nodes as the leaves. However, the existing multicast routing algorithms are time-consuming and the generated light-trees are very sensitive to failures, e.g., a single fiber cut can disrupt the information from transmitting to several terminals. In this paper, we propose a novel fast multicast algorithm with enhanced survivability (FMES), which applies a two-stage multicast routing approach, and employs a path protection scheme for each segment of the first stage tree. Analysis and experimental results show that FMES has the significant advantage of a much shorter running time than that in existing schemes, and this advantage can be enlarged in the distributed routing and signaling system of the coming intelligent optical networks. We also compare FMES with non-protection and full-protection schemes. It shows that the FMES scheme achieves the best trade-off between network survivability and resource-utilization. We illustrate our study with numerical experiments based on the real-life ChinaNet topology.  相似文献   

Reconfiguration and Dynamic Load Balancing in Broadcast WDM Networks*   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In optical WDM networks, an assignment of transceivers to channels implies an allocation of the bandwidth to the various network nodes. Intuition suggests, and our recent study has confirmed, that if the traffic load is not well balanced across the available channels, the result is poor network performance. Hence, the time-varying conditions expected in this type of environment call for mechanisms that periodically adjust the bandwidth allocation to ensure that each channel carries an almost equal share of the corresponding offered load. In this paper we study the problem of dynamic load balancing in broadcast WDM networks by retuning a subset of transceivers in response to changes in the overall traffic pattern. Assuming an existing wavelength assignment and some information regarding the new traffic demands, we present two approaches to obtaining a new wavelength assignment such that (a) the new traffic load is balanced across the channels, and (b) the number of transceivers that need to be retuned is minimized. The latter objective is motivated by the fact that tunable transceivers take a non-negligible amount of time to switch between wavelengths during which parts of the network are unavailable for normal operation. Furthermore, this variation in traffic is expected to take place over larger time scales (i.e., retuning will be a relatively infrequent event), making slowly tunable devices a cost effective solution. Our main contribution is a new approximation algorithm for the load balancing problem that provides for tradeoff selection, using a single parameter, between two conflicting goals, namely, the degree of load balancing and the number of transceivers that need to be retuned. This algorithm leads to a scalable approach to reconfiguring the network since, in addition to providing guarantees in terms of load balancing, the expected number of retunings scales with the number of channels, not the number of nodes in the network.  相似文献   

The increased usage of large bandwidth in optical networks raises the problems of efficient routing to allow these networks to deliver fast data transmission with low blocking probabilities. Due to limited optical buffering in optical switches and constraints of high switching speeds, data transmitted over optical networks must be routed without waiting queues along a path from source to destination. Moreover, in optical networks deprived of wavelength converters, it is necessary for each established path to transfer data from source to destination by using only one wavelength. To solve this NP-hard problem, many algorithms have been proposed for dynamic optical routing like Fixed-Paths Least Congested (FPLC) routing or Least Loaded Path Routing (LLR). This paper proposes two heuristic algorithms based on former algorithms to improve network throughput and reduce blocking probabilities of data transmitted in all-optical networks with regard to connection costs. We also introduce new criteria to estimate network congestion and choose better routing paths. Experimental results in ring networks show that both new algorithms achieve promising performance.  相似文献   

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