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磨辊轴向窜动的探讨山东省淄博粮食机械厂(255067)王宪杰大型气压磨粉机的磨辊轴定位是靠紧定套与磨辊轴间的抱紧力,即靠锁紧螺母的作用使紧定套发生局部弹性变形来实现的。磨辊轴、紧定套和轴承内圈形成一体,工作过程中不产生相对运动(见图1)。下面笔者从构...  相似文献   

立式端铣平刨床机理探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从机床的结构及工作原理分析入手,探讨了立式端铣平刨床噪声低、加工精度高的机理:特殊的工作原理、机床结构、切削刀具及其切削方式。  相似文献   

等距不等深型塑化螺杆的端铣加工梁兴边(佛山市塑料六厂)1前言在塑料机械和橡胶机械中,常用到等距不等深型塑化螺杆。这种螺杆的机械加工普遍为人们所重视。其加工方法有车削法、成型铣削法、端铣法等几种。本文仅对端铣法进行一些粗浅的研究并导出一些有关的计算公式...  相似文献   

滚筒类设备在制丝生产线上广泛应用,滚筒出现轴向窜动会造成设备的故障停机。通过对滚筒轴向窜动的原因分析,设计一种滚筒窜动定位预警装置,能够快速、准确地监测滚筒轴向窜动,窜动的位移到达设定值及时预警提醒维修,提升设备的工艺保障能力。该装置结构紧凑、费用低、运行平稳,有一定推广应用价值。  相似文献   

为防止因烟支紧头位置发生窜动造成的烟支空头率增大,分析了紧头位置发生窜动的原因。认为是由烟丝的类型或物理性质发生变化,平准器旷量过大,吸丝带相对吸丝带轮发生打滑等因素引起的,其中风室导轨和烟舌对烟丝阻力过大是关键因素。并采用超声波振动减小阻力等技术,较好地解决了烟支紧头位置窜动的问题。  相似文献   

1292型细纱机是我国50年代生产、日东式牵伸。1992年我厂对该机进行改造(改造为LXG型和V型牵伸装置),V型牵伸装置由四川平江仪表厂负责设计,在实际使用过程中,由于设计上的缺陷,造成罗拉窜动,影响生产效率和成纱质量。现分析和改进如下。1 罗拉窜动原因分析对1292型细纱机改为摇架牵伸装置LXG型的结构分析认为:该装置的罗拉传动同样采用斜齿轮传动,LXG型装置罗拉从未发生罗拉窜动,而V型牵伸装置出现。为摸清罗拉窜动原因,我们将两种牵伸装置车头罗拉防窜装置作如下对比。这两种牵伸装置有以下相同之外:(1)均未使用推力轴承;(2)轴与轴…  相似文献   

用几何法证明了动系作平面运动时点的加速度合成定理,使各项加速度,特别是科氏加速度的物理意义更加直观明确。  相似文献   

玉米湿法研磨膜技术的应用前景   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
主要介绍国外玉米湿法研磨中膜技术的应用,着重讨论了膜的类型和使用特性,以及在玉米湿法研磨中使用的效果和生产工艺过程等。  相似文献   

A method has been developed using a laboratory 2 roll mill for reproducibly milling malt produced from European Barley (two-row). The procedure can be readily adapted to give grists of similar particle size distribution to those produced by either commercial four or six roll mills. Factors which were considered likely to affect the milling of malt were studied with particular attention to moisture level, the degree of modification, extent of kilning, influence of storage, differences in grain size and extent of steam conditioning. Most of these factors did exert an effect on milling. However, in the majority of cases the values needed to be outside normal commercial limits before substantial changes in milling performance were observed. Studies employing a laboratory mashing system have shown that by using malts containing c.a. 6% moisture it is possible to reduce wort separation times without affecting extract recovery. Steam conditioning can have a marked beneficial effect on the milling performance of malt providing the extent of moisture pick-up is carefully controlled.  相似文献   

Addition of gibberellic acid at 2 ppm during steeping of six spring barley cultivars was found to enhance both hot water extract and loss of grain hardness, as measured by malt milling energy. The rate of water uptake and percentage germination after 24 hrs were unaffected, greatly limiting their usefulness in predicting extract. Milling energy after 24 hrs germination correlated extremely well with extract after both 4 and 5 days germination, in five of the cultivars, so constitutes a very useful screening system in most instances. Extending the germination period may be necessary, however, to select progeny of parents with very hard endosperms but with the potential to modify extensviely during malting.  相似文献   

小麦碾皮制粉面粉品质的测定与分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用布勒实验磨对同一种小麦获取的碾皮麦和未碾皮麦分别制粉,并对两种面粉进行品质测定.实验表明:小麦碾皮制粉工艺制取的面粉品质优于传统制粉工艺制取的面粉.  相似文献   

Milling energy values of both spring and winter cultivars of barley are shown to be highly influenced by moisture content of samples. Within the range 10 to 18% moisture, the relationship between milling energy and moisture content was linear. For spring barley, milling energy values could be adjusted to a common moisture content of 12% using a correction factor of 25 Joules for each percent moisture. Nitrogen content of malting samples correlated poorly, although still at a significant level, with milling energy and considerable variation in grain hardness could be observed at any nitrogen level considered suitable for malting.  相似文献   

文章给出了汉字印刷字体的评价指标体系,并根据此指标体系进行了初步的评价实验。实验结果表明,所建立的指标体系和所给出的权重是合理的,同时表明,目前各种排版软件的字体在视觉效果等方面确实存在着不小的差异。  相似文献   

The mutant barley genotype TR49 and its parental cultivar Troubadour were grown at 5 sites throughout Spain in 1990. Large differences between sites were observed for a range of grain and malt quality characters. TR49 had very slightly higher milling energy in the grain than Troubadour, but, during the early stages of malting, showed a more rapid loss in milling energy. From the relationship between milling energy and other quality parameters, this was deduced to result from a more efficient and extensive modification of the endosperm cell walls in the mutant genotype.  相似文献   

外平面图的结构性质与边面全染色   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过改进外平面图的结构性质,证明了2-通外平面图的最大度不小于6时,其边面全色数等于其最大度.  相似文献   

Five spring cultivars and one winter barley cultivar have been assessed for aspects of malting quality following four different steeping regimes. There were significant effects of cultivar and steeping regime for all characters and cultivar X steeping regime interaction for germination rate and hot water extract. Moisture content after steep was the best guide to the optimum steeping regime. Malting quality was best predicted, in genotypes which germinated rapidly, by determining grain hardness following steeping and 24 hrs germination.  相似文献   

本文用投入产出表建立了价格方程,研究了一个部门或多个部门产品价格的变动对其他部门的影响,并运用河南省28×28投入产出表提供的数据,计算了价格影响系数。  相似文献   

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